Nowhere to Hide (Tundra Wolves Book 4)

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Nowhere to Hide (Tundra Wolves Book 4) Page 14

by Maggie Walsh

  Being afraid of some kind of offense to his mate, Marlo tapped Fane’s head, trying to warn him of his impending orgasm, but all Fane did was moved his hands to Marlo’s ass and pulled him closer as he sucked harder. Marlo couldn’t have stopped coming in that moment if he tried. The feel of Fane’s mouth around him, his tongue teasing the underside, and his hands gripping his ass, were all too much and Marlo screamed out to the heavens as his seed burst from him and filled Fane’s mouth. His whole body lit on fire and he felt like he was floating. He knew blowjobs were pleasurable, but he had no damn idea they were this... this... everything.

  Fane licked his cock a few times, then kissed the tip and Marlo’s heart clenched at how tender Fane was being with him, then Fane stood and took his face between his big hands and kissed him. Fane slid his tongue between his lips and Marlo immediately parted for him, submitting to his mate. He could taste himself on Fane’s tongue but he could also still taste the wild, spiciness of Fane, and Marlo loved the combination of the two. Knowing that Fane had his seed in his mouth and then had swallowed it all, made Marlo feel ten feet tall.

  After a few moments, Fane broke the kiss and placed another on the tip of Marlo’s nose before he gently rubbed their noses together. “We should get moving now, little love, before Dell comes hunting us down.

  Marlo was too overcome with all the love he felt inside him and how Fane made him feel, that he couldn’t speak. All he could do was nod as emotion clogged his throat and tears of happiness came to his eyes. He couldn’t believe how wonderful Fane was, how loving and giving his mate was, or how amazing he made Marlo feel, and he sent a silent prayer of thanks to the gods for blessing him with Fane as his mate.

  As Fane continued to wash Marlo and himself, Marlo thought how much he loved how tender and gentle his mate was with him, but he was also looking forward to Fane showing him his other, more dominant side. Marlo shivered again from the thought and wished they could go to his bed and do that now.

  Suddenly, another thought hit him and Marlo felt like such a loser. He was such a bad mate, a bad submissive. Fane had given him pleasure, but he hadn’t returned the favor to his mate.

  “I’m sorry, Fane,” he whispered, as a tear ran down his cheek.

  Fane cupped his face, then used his thumb to wipe the tears away, making Marlo feel even more guilt. “What are you sorry for, little one?”

  “You... and I didn’t... and I should have,” Marlo stammered woefully.

  Fane gave him a warm smile, then kissed him again. “No worries, mate, that was all for you. I wanted to make you feel good and I’m happy that I could give you that.”

  “But... you didn’t get to... you know?”

  Fane chuckled as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Who said I didn’t?”

  Marlo’s eyes widened. “You mean you…?”

  Fane kissed him again, then said, “How could I not with you being all sexy and tasting so good? We’re good, mate, don’t worry. So, let’s finish this shower so that we can get to Dell, then we’re going to get to our claiming.”

  A lightning strike ran through him and Marlo quivered. He couldn’t wait to be taken by his mate and claimed, and his damn wolf couldn’t agree more. The damn beast had been a real pain in the ass all day since they first scented Fane. If he hadn't read the histories and didn’t know that his wolf acting like a total slut and wanting to offer us his ass to Fane at all times was normal, then Marlo would have thought there was something wrong with him.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  Taking a shower with Marlo and not claiming him was harder than Fane had suspected it would be, but having to get out of that shower to go see the alpha was ten times worse. Having Marlo all naked and wet in his arms was one of his new favorite things in life, and Fane wanted to do it again and again. Marlo was so damn sexy that it almost physically hurt to look at him, but in a good way, like when you saw or heard something that was so good that you made that ugly face. Gods, he loved his mate’s body, almost as much as he loved his personality and his big heart. But, they really did need to go deal with the real world, so that when he took his mate away from everyone so he could claim Marlo, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about and could just relax and let themselves go.

  When they arrived at Dell’s, Fane was shocked to find Dell, Jude, and Julius all sitting in Dell’s living room, laughing and telling stories. What the hell had happened overnight?

  “Hey, you two, come in,” Dell greeted them happily, as he got up from his seat and hugged Marlo, then shook Fane’s hand. As much as he and his wolf wanted to growl at Dell for touching their unclaimed mate, Fane bit his tongue and held it in. It was nice seeing how much Dell loved and respected his mate and it was wonderful feeling like he was accepted. Being with Julius had been a big and happy part of his life, but actually being part of a pack for the first time in his life was overwhelming, and unexpectedly extremely satisfying to him and his wolf. They both finally felt like they could breathe.

  After Marlo hugged Dell and they shook hands, Marlo leaned into his side and Fane immediately wrapped his arm around Marlo and got a bit concerned when he felt the nervous energy rolling off his mate.

  “What’s going on here, Alpha?” Marlo asked cautiously.

  “I’m glad you’re both here. We have a lot to discuss. Come and join me and Julius in my office,” Dell said, then without waiting, he turned and headed down the hall.

  Fane looked to Julius and kept his stoic expression on his face. As much as he liked Julius, owed Julius, and considered him a friend, he no longer had any respect for the man. Not with the fact the Julius had been okay with all those men being killed, and had even tried to kill him and Oberon because Silvan had fucked up.

  Julius gave him a knowing look, then without saying a word, he turned and followed Dell. Fane looked to Marlo and shrugged, then the two of them went to join their alpha.

  Once they were all locked inside, Dell sat behind his desk and spoke. “I know you’re both worried about what’s going on and that Fane is stressed about bringing this trouble to our lands, but I want you both to know everything is okay and will continue to be.”

  Julius sat forward in his chair and looked at Fane. “I told Dell everything, Fane. He knows about what we truly do and will be speaking with the council today, along with Alpha Heart. Let me start by thanking you for not saying anything. Dell and Ridge have both told me that you and Oberon didn’t say a word and for that, I and the council are eternally grateful.”

  Fane looked at Julius, then to Dell, then back to Julius. “You told them everything?”

  Julius smiled. “Yes.”

  “Including how you want to kill my mate for something he didn’t do?” Marlo said angrily and a wave of pride washed over Fane. Here Marlo stood in the presence of a very old and powerful vampire and he didn’t give a shit. He just said it like it was and made no apologies for it. Gods, he loved his man.

  Julius smiled softly at Marlo, showing no anger at Marlo’s disrespect. “Yes, but I was never going to kill Oberon or Fane. I was trying to find them to stop that idiot Silvan from killing them like he did with the others. I figured if we both went looking for the two of you together that I could demand he put you both in my dungeon instead of finding you on his own and killing you. From there we could figure out what best to do.”

  “But I heard you. You and Silvan outside my place the night I ran. Oberon showed up and told me about the others and I was on my way to you to see if I could help, but then I overheard you two talking in the courtyard,” Fane said.

  Julius sighed heavily as he sat back in his seat. “But did you hear me say I wanted to kill you, or that I personally wanted you dead?” He asked.

  Fane thought about it for a moment, then realize he hadn’t. Julius had never said he wanted them killed or to kill them. Shit, maybe he ran for nothing. Fane thought, then looked at his beautiful mate and realized that if he hadn’t run, he would have never come here and would have never met his Marlo.r />
  Fane pulled Marlo from his chair where he had sat beside him and drew Marlo onto his lap. Marlo said nothing and just allowed the move and settled on him. “No, you’re right, I never heard you say those words, but you have to agree that in my position it did sound as if O and I were both screwed.”

  Julius chuckled. “I do agree and I know I would have run too. I don’t blame you. But, I do want you to know that I’m sorry about that, and about us even being here, and for what happened last night. I’m so happy for you that you have found your mate and even happier that you’re okay, little omega,” Julius said, with a bright, friendly smile.

  “So, what happened? Why are you here?” Fane asked.

  Again, he and Marlo sat quietly as Julius explained how they came to be at the York pack, and everything that that happened prior, including Silvan harming his fathers. Fane was furious and wanted to go kill the man.

  “I understand how angry you are and that you want revenge, Fane. I also understand and approve of you stating you want your retribution for what Silvan did to your mate, but you know as well as I do that there is much more going on here that we need to take into consideration,” Julius said.

  “Like what?” He asked through clenched teeth.

  “Like the fact that the witch Cyrian is related to Abigail Salle,” Dell said, and Marlo gasped, his body stiffening.

  Dell looked at Marlo and nodded as he replied, “Exactly.”

  “So, you’re both asking me not to kill that piece of crap for attacking me and my mate,” Fane sneered, his anger building.

  “Yes,” Julius replied remorsefully. “It may work to our advantage to hold off on that... for now. Your new alpha and his pack, along with your cousin’s pack may be able to use this as a bargaining chip to make a deal with Abigail.”

  Fane sat silently, trying to control himself when Marlo turned toward him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders. Immediately, Fane felt the anger bleeding out of him. He looked to Marlo and met his beautiful eyes. “I know this sucks and you and I both have every right to want to see the ass monkey be punished for what he did, but I think from what you told me earlier and what Dell and the vampire―”

  “Julius,” Julius interrupted, giving Marlo a friendly smile.

  Marlo looked to Julius and nodded, then turned back to face Fane. “From what I know with what you told me, and what Dell and Julius have said, I think we need to do as they ask, Fane. Our packs, both the York and Heart packs are in real danger of being discovered, and if this Cyrian can help us in any way, either by getting his mother’s help or not, then I think we need to do that. As much as I want that asshole to hurt for what he did, I believe it is more important to help both packs and keep all these people safe. What do they say? The many over the one.”

  Fane smiled at Marlo, loving how wonderful his mate was and what a big heart he had. How could he say no to Marlo, or to what was being asked of them? Dell and Julius were right, they needed to think clearly about what was happening and come up with a plan first before they could potentially lose a great opportunity. “Okay, I’ll agree to this on one condition.”

  “And what would that be, Fane?” Dell asked.

  “I won’t demand for Silvan’s head right now, but he needs to be punished in some way.”

  Dell nodded. “Done. We’ll discuss the best punishment for now as we get more information from the council, and I want Ridge and Caleb to come here so they can meet Julius as well. We all need to put our heads together, and seeing as this affects Ridge and his pack too, he deserves a say in how we proceed.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Julius added as he nodded. “This may be a turning point for all of us, not only for what is going on in our world right now, but also for after the Purge comes.”

  Marlo nodded enthusiastically as he smiled and replied, “Oh, yes, I completely agree. It’s almost as if the gods themselves have done all of this. Like they have been playing a chess game and moving all the men around the board, setting up each move very meticulously so all the right pawns meet all the other right players. Then bam, the Queen comes into play and watch out. It’s very intriguing and exciting.”

  He, Dell, and Julius all stared at Marlo, stunned. It was as if a light bulb came on over their heads or a bright light had suddenly beamed down on them and made everything clear. Maybe this was exactly what the gods had planned and they were all being brought together for what would come to their world after the Purge.


  They had spent over two hours with Dell and Julius while they discussed Marlo’s theory along with what should be done about Silvan, then spent some time on the phone with Ridge and Caleb to see when they could come visit. Marlo had been stunned that everyone took what he said seriously, and were now all considering what he said as the work of the gods. He couldn’t be more shocked, or happy.

  He was also ecstatic about seeing Caleb again, but was sad that Bo wouldn’t be coming along. With Ridge and Caleb coming for the meeting that meant Jag needed to hold down the fort back at the Heart pack, and Bo would be staying with his mate.

  Once they were done, Dell pulled them aside and told Fane not to worry about reporting to Jude for a few days for his evaluation. Dell also said that he had invited Oberon to stay with him in the alpha house, so that they could have some privacy at Bo’s place, and he told Marlo he had those days off too, so that they could get to know each other more and to claim one another.

  Marlo was so excited about the whole thing that his body felt like it was literally buzzing with electricity and he couldn’t keep still. He wanted so badly for Fane to claim him and to finally know what it was like to make love to the man of his dreams. When he had privately spoken to Dell about how he had already fallen in love with Fane and was worried about what others would say, Dell had put his anxiety to rest and told Marlo that only he and Fane mattered in their mating and relationship. They had no obligations to anyone over any part of their lives, most importantly, their mating and how they felt for one another.

  He had hugged Dell tight and thanked him for always being there for him and for helping ease his worries, but Marlo had so much more to thank Dell for, as well as Jude, Caleb, Alex, and Bo. Because of them as well as his omega father and how they all insisted he be independent and not worry or care about what others thought, and all the training they gave him, Marlo loved who he was, and so did Fane.

  The wind picked up and ran over his body causing Marlo to shiver. He lifted his head and took a deep breath through his nose as he looked at the sky. Clouds were moving in and blocking out the Northern Lights as well as the sky and it smelled like snow was coming.

  The sky was darkening sooner than it should, because of the impending storm, and Marlo wondered how much longer it would take. He was freezing his ass off and really wanted to get inside and warm up in Fane’s arms, preferably with his mate’s cock buried deep inside him as Fane fucked him so hard it would be like he was breeding him.

  Damn, that thought made his need increase and his cock hard and Marlo whimpered and started wondering if he should just go out in the open and make it easier for Fane to find him. Suddenly, he heard a deep growl of warning behind him and Marlo’s wolf immediately dropped down, then rolled over and exposed his belly as he let out little whines of submission, acceptance, and longing.

  A large brown, gray, and white wolf came to him, then stood right over Marlo, blocking out everything but the large wolf’s eyes. Marlo could see the need in the gorgeous jade green and knew it was his mate. The wolf leaned down as he opened his jaws and wrapped them around Marlo’s wolf’s throat. He instantly lifted his chin, giving his dominant more room and all of his submission.

  Fane’s wolf gently bit down, but didn’t break any skin, then pulled back and licked a path up Marlo’s throat to his face, and Marlo whimpered. Gods, he wanted his mate right now, but they needed to do the claiming right for it to bind them together, and the first step was his wolf’s submission to Fane’s
wolf, then Fane’s wolf would fuck his wolf, claiming him, then bite his wolf as Fane’s wolf knotted inside him and locked them together for gods only knew how long. After that they could separate, then Fane could claim Marlo in their human forms and Marlo could claim Fane. He couldn’t be happier or more excited about what was about to happen. Knowing that their wolves needed to claim one another first was so erotic and seemed so taboo, but just thinking about it made Marlo hot.

  The large wolf stepped back and growled, then gave a small bark, an order. Marlo was confused and looked to his mate. Why was Fane not claiming him? Fane must have seen the confusion in his eyes, because suddenly Fane shifted back to his human form and smiled softly at him.

  “Make no mistake, little love, my wolf will be dominating your wolf, and he will be claiming what belongs to him, but it’s too cold out here for us to be locked together for I don’t know how long. So, into the house with you, little wolf. I have a surprise for you,” Fane ordered that last part and there was a growl in his words, which showed Marlo that Fane’s wolf was right there at the surface and was fighting against Fane to get out and take what was his.

  Marlo didn’t fight him or waste another moment. He quickly flipped over and ran for Bo’s house where Fane and Oberon would be staying. He found the front door already open and walked inside the large studio room to find the fireplace already glowing and making the room warm. There was also a soft, thick blanket spread out on the floor in front of the fireplace and a lot of big, fluffy pillows around, as well as a nearby table that held two glasses, a bottle of something in an ice bucket, a platter of little snacks, like cheese and crackers, different kinds of fruits, and a tube of lube. Marlo chuckled from the sight. Someone was very busy and well-prepared, but damned if he would complain. Fane had worked hard setting everything up for them, for him, and it was the sweetest gesture ever.


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