The Defenseman: Book 4 in the Bad Boys of the NHL Series

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The Defenseman: Book 4 in the Bad Boys of the NHL Series Page 5

by Heather C. Myers

  She felt childish for even admitting that she couldn’t figure out her own body. Her face burned and she wasn’t able to look Eric in the eyes. He took her chin with his fingers and slowly turned her head until she was looking him in the eye. They were so close, they were sharing a breath, united as one. Alexa felt his eyes on her mouth and without thinking, her tongue slid out and darted across her bottom lip. Eric’s eyes widened, but Alexa wasn’t sure if it was because he was surprised by this turn of events or if it was because of something else. There was a darkness in his gaze, though it wasn’t bad. It was something that caused the hairs on her arms to stand straight up and her pelvis to pulse. Her insides turned to goo and melted so her core between her thighs began to drip.

  She swallowed. Her throat was scratchy and she could not moisten it the way she wanted it to.

  “Let me help you,” he said, his voice cracking. It almost sounded as though he was surprised by her response and wasn’t quite sure how to handle it.

  She nodded her head, not trusting her voice. Eric gently turned her so she was lying on the couch and slowly began to peel off her pants. Goosebumps prickled the exposed skin. Eric did the same to her underwear before spreading her legs. He kissed the inside of her thigh and Alexa felt her gasp get caught in her throat, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

  When Eric’s tongue slid across her core, her eyes snapped open. She wasn’t expecting that. It both terrified her that someone could be so close to her center, and yet, there was part of her that was thrilled.

  Eric continued to lick her, placing his hands close to her core, pulling the lips apart gently so he had better access to her clit. She was hit with so many feelings it was difficult to process them all. It was an odd sensation building up in her, but not entirely unwanted. Eric continued to maintain a steady pace, slurping her juices like she was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted. She began to relax, staring at the ceiling, not quite sure what to expect but anticipating it all the same.

  The minute she relaxed, a bubbling feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach.

  From there, what happened next was quick and earth-shattering. The bubbles got bigger and bigger, lighter and lighter, until the bubbles popped and a tidal wave of pleasure washed over her. Her body spasmed uncontrollably—she might have been embarrassed if she wasn’t cognizant of how amazing she felt—and Eric slowly pulled away.

  This, Alexa realized. This was pleasure. This was what she had been missing out on all these years.




  Eric looked up Alexa, still shuddering after the orgasm ripped into her core, shocking her senses and clinging to her form. At least, that was how she appeared to be, judging from the breathless gasping and the look on her face. He had never felt this sort of pleasure going down on a woman before. The truth of the matter was, he had never really gone down on anyone before. He didn't particularly like the thought of such an intimate gesture with no one he wanted to be particularly intimate with. Sex was something superficial in his eyes. Anything more than sex was crossing the line into unknown and unwanted territory—at least for Eric.

  And yet, he hadn't even hesitated. More than that, he wanted to go down on Alexa. He wanted to taste the juices flowing out of her tight pussy and rub his face with them so he could smell her on his skin even hours after they finished. It was such an overwhelming need he scared himself just a little because he had never felt anything like it before and he wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

  He feasted on her like a starving man feasted on scraps of food found in the dumpster, and he was sure to enjoy every last drop of her she had to offer.

  When her breathing finally steadied, when her flush was beginning to disappear, she tilted her head up and locked eyes with Eric. They were still dark, still filled with desire, and Eric felt his cock throb with want. He knew he should wait until a different time to have sex with her. She was a virgin after all, and had just experienced her first-ever orgasm.

  But he couldn't control himself when he was around her. He couldn't stop himself unless she made him stop. If she seemed troubled, hesitant, anything that might indicate this wasn't a pleasurable experience for her, then he would pull away. But the way her bottom lip jutted out, the way her eyes dropped to his mouth, and the way she kept her legs hanging open despite being a virgin, despite being so shy before, must indicate that she wanted more.

  He pushed himself up and moved over her. She stilled, her eyes careful, watching him. It was almost as though she wasn't quite sure what he was going to do, but she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. In fact, the more he looked into her dark orbs, the more he realized she wanted more. She wanted to see what he was going to do.

  Leaning closer to her, he brushed some of her bangs away from her forehead. The sweat that had accumulated there tried to keep them there but he brushed them away so he had better access to her face. His lips rested on her skin, and for a moment, he allowed himself to breathe her in and settle into the moment.

  She curled her arms around him, pulling her closer to him, and buried her face against his shoulder. He could feel her heart beating rapidly against his chest. The vibrations caused tingles to shoot straight to his spine. His cock was already filled to the brim; he needed relief before it turned into something too painful.

  However, he could not help but want to wait, to enjoy the moment and ensure he remembered every second of it. His fingers danced around the hem of her shirt and she sucked in a breath. He had yet to see her completely naked. Strange. They had been intimate in such a unique way that it felt strange that he was only now peeling off her clothes with the intent to see what was beneath. He was nervous, biting his bottom lip with anticipation.

  "I could stop." He wasn't sure why he said it. It was almost as though it was important that she knew he could stop if he really wanted to.

  "Please," she said. His eyes widened in surprise. Did she—but then, she continued. "Don't stop."

  He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. A soft smile slid onto his face—something he didn't typically do during sex—and it felt odd.

  "Good. I didn't want to."

  She pressed her lips together. "I don't know what I'm doing," she told him, her eyes darting to his nervously.

  "Of course you do," he assured her, kissing the tip of her nose.

  "I don't," she insisted. "I've never done this before. I don't want it—I don't want it to be bad for you. You just gave me…" She blew out a breath, her nostrils flaring. "I don't even know how to put it into words, to be honest. But it made me see stars. It was like I was rooted to the ground and flying at the same time. It was…it was perfect."

  He chuckled, a hollow sound even to his own ears. But genuine.

  "Orgasms are probably the only perfect thing in this world," he said.

  "That's not true." Her voice was soft, almost shy, as her eyes sculpted his face. "You're perfect."

  Eric felt his cheeks heat up. He had never been complimented like that before. Sure, there were women who said he had pretty eyes or nice skin or a boyish smile, but no one had ever called him perfect before. More than that, they never sounded like they meant it, the way Alexa did. He wasn't quite sure how to handle it. He wasn't sure how to respond. It caused him to forget what he was doing. It caused him to get tripped up over words that typically came naturally to him.

  What was going on here? Why did he suddenly feel like he was the one who needed the help, who had no experience? What was Alexa doing to him?

  "You could never ruin it for me," he forced himself to say. "We talked about this, remember?"

  Alexa bit her bottom lip and Eric leaned in to kiss her, to tease her own lips so her teeth couldn't get to them first.

  "Should we…," Alexa said once Eric pulled away. She was still breathless, still trying to speak quickly, but it just came out like she was winded after a hard run. "Should we, I mean, I don't have any diseases o
r anything. And I'm, I'm on the pill. It sucks, but at least I'm pretty much guaranteed to be pregnancy free."

  She was babbling. Eric thought he would be annoyed with that sort of behavior. It was childish and he typically preferred women who were more experienced, more confident in their own skin. And yet, for some reason, he found her endearing. He had the sudden urge to kiss her face everywhere until her words turned to gasps and she begged him for more.

  "I have condoms we can use," he said, trying to keep his own voice controlled so it was steady and soothing. Right now, his job was to make her feel safe. He didn't want to make her nervous, because then she would tense up and forget to enjoy herself, and that was the last thing he wanted for her. "And I don't have anything either."

  For a moment, he thought she was going to push. It wasn't a secret that he had been with his fair share of women. It would be within her rights to be concerned about that.

  Instead, she nodded her head once.

  "Is there anything else you want to know before you carry on?" Eric asked her, trying to search her eyes for the truth. She had a knack for putting on a brave face, but Eric wanted to be able to read between those lines and see Alexa for who she really was.

  "No, I don't think so," she admitted.

  "Hey." Eric tilted her chin up with the crook of his index finger so she was forced to look him in the eyes. There, he could see everything: her desire, her fear. "If you don't want to do this, we don't have to do this. This is for you, not for me."

  "I want to," she said.

  "Alexa," Eric said. "I swear, you won't hurt my feelings if you decide to change your mind. Don't be afraid to tell me how you feel. That's the real lesson, you know? Honesty—with yourself and with me. And whoever your partner will be."

  Eric nearly choked on the last sentence. He didn't like thinking of her with anyone but him. He cleared his throat and pushed on.

  "Trust me, I want this," he said. "I want you. And not just to teach you things, but for my own selfish desires. But I want you to want it too. It's not just about me."

  “I want to,” she repeated.

  Eric felt a swell of emotion unknot the web that made up his heart. He wasn’t quite sure why this was such a big deal to him, why winning over her trust meant a lot to him. It certainly wasn’t because he was going to get some—though that was definitely exciting unto itself. If anything, he was pleased that Alexa—once shy to the point where she would blush at the mere mention of sex or anything like it—was now propositioning him for it.

  It wasn’t just that she wanted to have sex, it was that she wanted to have sex with him.

  There was a huge difference.

  Eric nodded. He wasn’t going to continue to try and talk her out of it. He needed to respect her mind and her desires. He had been teaching her about figuring out what she wanted, and now that she knew, he needed to respect that.

  He leaned forward and kissed her head—a lingering kiss that was sweeter than expected.

  He began to undress himself. He caught sight of the flush on her face that scattered down her neck and across her chest. She shifted but her eyes lingered on his body, and he felt his lips curl up at the sight of it. She was more curious than she was shy.

  By the time he was completely naked, Alexa had turned red. However, her eyes were on his body, tracing the hard edges that made up his person. She didn’t seem to be as reserved as he'd expected her to be. If anything, there was awe in those blue irises, as though she had never seen anything like him before.

  From that point, he went through the motions. He slid on a condom, he positioned himself at her entrance, and he began to trail butterfly kisses up and down her face, her neck, across her shoulders, in order to ensure entering her wouldn’t be as painful as it could have been. She sank her nails into his back as he pushed through, but he didn’t force himself to go any further until she was used to his girth. From there, he moved back and forth, testing the waters, until the nails receded and she was still tense but not in pain.

  He slid his hand between their bodies and found her nub. He began to move it back and forth just as he rocked himself back and forth.

  It wasn’t long before Alexa was gripping his shoulders, hooking her ankles behind his waist, panting in his ear.

  He should have been prepared for this, but he wasn’t. His orgasm took him by surprise.

  Thank God she was on the brink of her own and they could shatter together. Eric had lost himself in the moment, and if Alexa hadn’t released herself at that very moment, he would have been embarrassed.

  When they finished, he tucked her under his chin, holding on to her. For some inexplicable reason, he wasn’t quite ready to let go of her just yet.

  But he wouldn’t think about that now.

  “Can I ask you a favor?” she asked in a low voice.

  “Hmm?” He didn’t even open his eyes.

  “Can we go back to your place?” she asked. “I’m supposed to meet with my brother tomorrow but I would rather spend time with you. I’ll shoot him a text to cancel but he might show up and I’d rather not deal with him.”

  Eric popped one eye open. “Sure,” he said. “Anything for you.”

  He was surprised that he actually meant it.



  It was easy for Alexa to fall asleep with Eric’s arms coiled tightly around her body, his face pressed into her shoulder blade. She felt content. There was a soreness that was stirring between her thighs, but it was numb more than painful and it was a good reminder what had occurred between them.

  So that was sex. That was pleasure.

  Tim had been right along—why wait to experience something as amazing as that?

  Then again, Alexa didn’t actually know if it would have been the same. Sex was entirely subjective, depending on the partner. And Eric had been the perfect partner.

  Deep down, Alexa knew she wasn’t going to go to her grave a virgin. She was lucky Eric had been there to help her with that part of her, to show her what she deserved, what she could have.

  A few hours later, she stirred. Her body was flushed with heat. She wanted more. She kissed Eric’s neck, his jaw, his collarbone, until she saw the effect her caresses were having on his body. Without warning, she climbed on top of him. Only then did his eyes snap open. Part of Alexa worried Eric wouldn’t want anything to do with her. They had had sex. That was the whole point of this education she had asked for.

  But Eric’s crystal blue eyes were a midnight blue, and his hands gripped Alexa’s waist as though she belonged to him.

  It was a different position, but one Alexa wanted to try. She had better access to herself, which meant that while she gyrated against Eric, she could reach between her legs and please herself. All the while, Eric could fondle her nipples and continue to hold on to her as though his life depended on it.

  And so it went.

  They would fuck, fall asleep, and then wake up to do it all over again—usually, with something different.

  When Eric took her from behind, Alexa had never felt more vulnerable and unsure in her whole life. There was a mirror in the bedroom—a way for her to watch him fuck her—and she was transfixed. He was in awe of her, filled with desire and something else. His hands—always rough on her skin—held her firmly in place. Bruises started to form—proof that her body, at least for this night, belonged to him and only him.

  It was probably one of her favorite positions—that vulnerability helped her orgasm more powerfully than she had before—and that was saying something.

  After their fourth time, Alexa fell deeply asleep. Eric wasn’t too far behind her.

  - -

  Knocking on the door caused Alexa to wake up. She felt Eric pull away from her to get off the bed, and she was suddenly hit with a cool breeze. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted him to crawl back into bed and hold her. Who was knocking at her door this early—or was it late?—anyway?

  Alexa groaned, not able to even open her
eyes. She rolled on her back, basking in the sunlight filtering through the window, in a hazy transition between slumber and awakeness. Her body was still buzzing from the night before and her pelvis tingled with a healthy mixture of both pleasure and pain. There was part of her that wanted to pull away, retreat, and let everything sink in. Review what happened and analyze what it meant—if it meant anything at all. The other part wanted to stay in bed, soak up the moment, and do it again.

  Sex was amazing. Sex was more than she expected. Sex was…bliss. She couldn’t accurately put it into words but she had missed out. And yet, as she looked back at her decisions, she really hadn’t. Eric was the best partner to introduce her to all of this. Eric showered her with pleasure before showing her how to give it. Eric put her needs before his, and liked it.

  The best thing that ever happened to her was Eric. The second-best thing was Tim breaking up with her.

  “…been calling her cell and it goes straight to voicemail,” Dan said. “I haven’t been able to reach her in a day. So, I tracked her car, and it’s here. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?”

  Alexa sat straight up in bed. She knew that voice.


  What in the hell was Dan doing here? Why was he checking up on her? What the hell did he need from her?

  She immediately hopped out of bed and started to look for her clothes. She completely forgot where they ended up. In fact, she barely remembered anything until they starting having sex.

  “I never said you could come in here,” Eric said, his voice tight and angry.

  Alexa paused. She had never heard Eric get angry before, and was glad she wasn’t at the tail-end of it. She could hear firm footsteps all but stomping to the door, and she did her best to try and make herself decent because she knew Dan was going to rip open that door and see her, and the last thing she wanted was her brother to see her naked.


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