Love at Blind Date Complete Series: Books 1-4

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Love at Blind Date Complete Series: Books 1-4 Page 8

by Lorelei M. Hart

  “Which is?” I gasped.

  “Giving you a mind-boggling blow job.”

  Fuck! I pressed my naked ass against the wet tiles and pushed my hips forward. “Do it.”

  He lapped the water droplets from the shaft while fondling my balls. I bucked my hips, hoping he’d put me in his mouth, but Dean was taking things slow.

  His tongue lapped at the tip and it made me tingly. My legs were jelly, and if it weren’t for my ass pressed against the wall, I would have fallen to the floor in a wet soggy heap.

  Dean mumbled my name as he kissed along one side of my dick and then the other. He sucked the tip and then ever so slowly took me in his mouth. I twisted my hips, hoping I wasn’t choking him. With one hand on the back of his head, I cried out as his mouth swallowed me.

  I arched my back to give him better access and then placed a hand under my cock. As he sucked, I tilted my hips, and cradling my dick in my palm, I pumped. With Dean’s mouth sucking, his fingers cupping and caressing my balls, and my hand tugging, my head spun as a gripping sensation in my belly expanded inside me. Each suck and lick drew me closer to the edge.

  Dean released me, and I glanced down. “You are so gorgeous and your cock is huge. I want you to come in my mouth,” he growled.

  “It’s not gonna happen if you’re talking to me,” I huffed.

  He put his lips over my cock and sucked as familiar hot longing burned in my belly. Heated blood surged through my veins, and I gulped mouthfuls of oxygen. The strength of Dean’s passion matched my own, and my head fell back as I whimpered his name. My body trembled and burned as his mouth and hands nudged me closer to the end.

  And then it happened. I was no lower in control of my body as wave after wave of delicious sensations battered me and I sagged against the wet wall. I panted and blinked away sweat as Dean staggered to his feet. He leaned against me and captured my lips with his own.

  “Richard strolled into the room, still wearing his scrubs. He yawned and without glancing at us, lifted the toilet seat. Way to ruin a perfect blow job. “Richard!”

  With one eye open, he stared at us. “Oops, sorry. You should put an ‘Occupied’ sign on the door next time.” He squinted at Dean. “Is this who I think it is? Awww, Jesse, looks like things worked out.”

  Please shut up! “Yeah,” I muttered. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around my hips while Dean dragged me out of the shower and into my room, his pants clinging to his body like a second skin. We fell on the bed giggling, and I threw away the towel. “Get your gear off.”

  His saturated pants and briefs hit the floor, and I straddled him. He raised a brow and grinned as I rubbed my ass over his engorged cock. But his smile turned into a moan as I hoisted myself up. He made to grab his dick, but I shook my head.

  With weight on my knees, I lined his length up with my hole as slick slid down my legs. I gripped him so tightly, he whimpered. And I sank onto him. No, I fucking slammed onto him, taking him in.

  “Holy fucking shit!” Dean shouted.

  Damn right!



  Tonight was the night I was going to give him the present, the one in the ugly pink bag I dropped on the porch as I kissed Jesse. Marty had apparently popped some corn and sat down with Monty to watch the entire thing, sneaking over when the coast was clear, snatching it, and having Monty text me that I would thank him later for it.

  When I called bullshit on the popcorn, Monty whipped out his phone to show me evidence.

  They had actually popped corn like weirdos, and I couldn’t even be mad.

  Reservations were made, I left work early, and I even managed to get a haircut in plenty of time to change and arrive at Jesse’s on time for our date.

  In the past few weeks we had stayed in—a lot. We chatted about the past and our future, we got take-away, cooked for each other, though Jesse wasn’t much of a chef, and even watched bits of movies before pheromones took over. This was going to be our first fancy date since we got together, and I planned to make it a great one.

  Everything changed when I opened the door to see Jesse, his eyes sagging even as a smile lit his face.

  “You got a haircut. Sexy.” He grabbed my shirt and pulled me in. Even in his exhaustion he was insatiable. Gods I was a lucky alpha.

  “I did.” I kissed him until I stole his breath then scooped him in my arms, leading him over to the couch where I sat down, bringing him with me so he could snuggle into me on my lap. “You work too hard.”

  “Midterms.” He shrugged. How different school was from when we had full-year courses and midterms and finals once a year. “Unlike literature, my students all know what they don’t know so they are in panic mode. Before and after school help is jam-packed.”

  “I bet some of them are like you and just need some confidence.” I leaned back, already deciding to cancel our reservations.

  “You aren’t wrong. I try to help them see that the way my teachers never did.” He nuzzled into my chest. “I need a vacation, though.”

  “How about a nice night in.” My lips pressed to the top of his head. “I can order us some Indian, grab a brainless movie, and we can just be slugs.”

  “But you are all dressed up.” He sat up straighter. “I’ll just splash some water on my face. I’ll be fine.”

  “Or...I can go to your bedroom, grab a pair of your sweats and a t-shirt, and come back here and be not dressed up.” He mentioned to me a few times how he loved to wear my shirts, and from the glint in his eye, he felt the same about me being in his.

  “Are you sure?” A tiny yawn escaped. “We can go out tomorrow night maybe?”

  “Don’t you see that as long as I am spending time with you, the location doesn’t matter?” I helped him slide off my lap, and I rose. “Let me get dressed and you can think about what you’d like for dinner. It doesn’t have to be Indian, I just know you mentioned it earlier this week.” It wasn’t the steakhouse I’d planned, but this would be better because Jesse wouldn’t be struggling to stay awake.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  I walked into his bedroom and grabbed the first t-shirt I saw and a pair of joggers, hanging my suit up after grabbing the present from my pocket, sliding it into the pocket of the joggers.

  “Did you decide?” I called into the room ahead of me as I turned the corner to see him still in the same spot on the couch. He needed more than a night in. He needed a vacation.

  “Whatever you want?” It came out as more of a question than an answer. I walked over and sat down beside him. “You look good in my clothes.”

  “You look better out of them,” I winked reaching on the table where I left my phone earlier. “How about I order a family meal. Then we get a little bit of a lot of things and don’t need to think.”

  ‘We’ll be eating Indian for a week,” he countered.

  “With your roommate?” I sassed back, and he smiled. His roommate could eat anyone under the table, not that you could tell by looking at him.

  “Family meal it is.” I ordered and then picked up the remote, turning on a movie we had started before but got a bit too preoccupied to finish. I had a feeling we would see the entire thing or at least I would. Jesse might be asleep before the food got here from the look of him.

  “I brought you something, babe.” That perked him up and he sat up fully. “I brought it to you that day you almost knighted me with a toilet brush.” The image of it still gave me a smile anytime I thought of it.

  “So you did have a hideous pink bag. I thought I imagined it.”

  “Long story short—Marty and Monty.” I pulled it from my pocket, the box now wrapped in paper, the gift bag well on its way to being recycled.

  “One day I would like to hear that story, but now—gimme.” I handed it to him, and he opened it slowly as if memorizing the entire thing. I could only hope he wouldn’t be disappointed. It wasn’t even a real gift. It was a regift. Or was it a return. In either case, I was having second thoughts as h
e gave it so much care.

  He set the paper on the couch beside him and opened the little box, his eyes opening wide, his jaw dropping open.

  Was that a good sign?

  “You...I thought...I…” He held up the the little medal that he had given me after he won the state championships in football and I won them in mathletics. He got a medal and I got a piece of paper. At the time he said it was unfair and I should keep his for a week so I could feel as special as the ‘stupid thing’ was supposed to make him.

  And it did make me feel special. Just not in the way he intended. I pretended he gave it to me to woo me or something. And then when he didn’t ask for it back I kept it. I hadn’t thought about it in years, but after he sent that picture, I dug through the boxes of my childhood to find it.

  “I was supposed to borrow it…”

  “But you kept it.” I nodded. “They really should treat mathletes better. My school doesn’t even have a program.” Which was wrong on so many levels, none of which I was in the mood to discuss. No, I wanted to discuss us—our past and our present, and if he were less exhausted, our future.

  “I kept it because it was yours, not because of the stupid competition. I only did those meets to try and get scholarships, not the glory of it all. And now I am giving it back to its rightful owner.”

  “What if the rightful owner wants you to have it?” he asked so sweetly I almost melted.

  “Shared custody?” I quirked my eyebrow.

  “Works for me.” He examined the medal more carefully, then placed it on the table, snuggling into my side as we watched the movie and waited for our food.

  As I suspected, he was sound asleep, his head on my lap well before the movie credits were to roll, not even waking as Richard came home.

  “Staying over?” he asked, not because he cared what his roommate did, but because of walking in on us the day I met him and wanting to avoid it in the future. I appreciated that. In fact, I pretty much adored Richard for standing me up, which was weird to think of in those terms, but there it was.

  “That’s the plan. The cat sitter is taking care of Stu.”

  “How long has he been asleep?” Richard pointed to Jesse.

  “Most of the movie. He’s been so tired.”

  “My coworker, Kevin, has been like that lately too. I thought it was because he was pregnant, but now I’m wondering if maybe there is something going around.” He said good night and some other things. I couldn’t focus on any of them.

  The last thing I remembered him saying was the word pregnant.

  Jesse couldn’t be—or could he?

  And why did the mere thought of that make me so giddy?



  I’m exhausted.

  As I hauled my ass to school and prepared for my first class, I was tempted to call in sick. Except I wasn’t. Tired was what I was.

  And there was a bad flu going around so no substitute teachers were available. But it was almost school vacation, and I couldn’t wait to sleep in and enjoy spending more time with Dean. I was dragging myself toward the weekend and determined to haul myself over the finish line in one piece.

  Accepting extra responsibilities at work at the same time as a relationship was taking its toll. Not emotionally. I’d never been happier. But physically I was a wreck.

  We spent most nights at Dean’s house for many reasons. Firstly, there was Stu to consider. He needed his meds, and besides, it wasn’t fair to leave the cat alone during the day and in the evenings. And my place wasn’t suitable for a cat. No toys or kitty litter, and the place was a mess most days.

  Also, Dean lived alone. There was no Richard bringing alphas home or haranguing Dean about single alpha friends. And Dean’s house was huge so we weren’t constantly bumping into one another, though admittedly, that was a plus as it meant feeling one another up, which ended with us having a lot of sex. That was a plus plus plus.

  Dean, I’d discovered, was a neat freak. Everything had its place so his home was always tidy. He’d groused at me a few times when I’d left the toothpaste uncapped and dirty dishes in the sink. My standards had slipped after living with Richard, but that was me making excuses for my slovenly habits.

  But though I loved Dean’s house and spending each night in his bed, I had to get up earlier as it was farther away from school, and I rarely had enough clean clothes so had to dash home before work. We’d reached the stage where I kept a few things in one of his closets, but we hadn’t discussed the future and whether we’d move in together. Too soon for that.

  The bell rang, bringing me back to the present. Students streamed into the classroom, and I sighed as I checked the clock on the wall. It’s going to be a long day.

  At break, I checked the phone as I made my way to the staff room for coffee. I needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open but was hoping caffeine pumped into my veins would keep me awake until lunch time.

  But on seeing ten messages from Dean, I froze. What in the hell? I phoned him, and he answered on the first ring and said, “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I figured there was something more behind that question but had no idea what. “What’s with all the messages?” As I spoke, I scrolled through them and they were all asking about my health. “Are you worried I’ve caught the flu that’s going around? You can get a flu shot after work if you are. But I’m fine. No coughing, sneezing, headache, or sniffles.”

  “Not really.” Dean had never been a Nervous Nellie in high school but perhaps he’d changed. “But I am worried about you,” he told me.

  “Don’t. There are so many germs circulating amongst the students at any one time, and I usually manage to avoid whatever nasty bug is circulating.” Taking a sip of coffee, I wished I was in Dean’s bed and he was bringing me homemade chicken soup. “And I’ll be fine for the coming long weekend.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor before we leave?”

  “There’s no need.” I sniggered and continued, “Though perhaps we could role play doctor and patient and spend the whole weekend in bed.” I giggled and pictured him checking my cock with a stethoscope before wrapping his lips around it.

  But he didn’t get the joke. “My doctor has never joined me in bed.”

  “If I’m the patient and you’re the physician, I give you permission to check out every part of me, including the nooks and crannies.” I shivered, wishing Dean was on his knees with my dick in his mouth.

  A fellow teacher behind me cleared his throat. I’d forgotten there were other people in the staff room. I mouthed, “Sorry,” and headed for the door. “I have to go. See you tonight.”

  “I’ll order Chinese.”

  I adored Chinese food, but the image in my head of dumplings and Kung Pao chicken had bile rising in my throat. “Maybe just egg-fried rice for me. My stomach’s not great.”

  There was a pause. “Dean? Are you there?”

  “Yeah.” But his voice was laced with uncertainty.

  “Is there a problem?”


  I wasn’t convinced. I’ll discuss it with him tonight if I can stay awake long enough. “Don’t forget I finish at six.” In order to earn extra money, I’d taken on the tutoring of kids in a test preparation class. It also got me out of having to do a duty rotation on Saturdays. So, though the days were longer, I had most weekends free.

  “You work too hard.”

  “And you don’t, Mr. I-stay-up-late-every-night?”

  Dean scoffed at my suggestion. “That’s different.”


  “I don’t have to teach numerous classes during the day, prepare exams, grade papers, plus mentor kids as well all the other responsibilities teachers have.”

  “I love it,” I assured him, though I didn’t this week. “But I am looking forward to the school vacation. And especially three days alone with you.” With a friend who was moving into Dean’s house to take care of Stu, we’d have no responsibilities.

sp; “Do you think it’s a good idea to go away when you’re not well?”

  “I’m tired, Dean. That’s exactly when I should have a break. You know that thing called rest and relaxation? That’s why people go on vacation. It’s not as though we’re traveling halfway around the world. The inn is a two-hour drive.”


  I asked, “Is there something I don’t know about?”

  “No,” he replied.

  He’s lying. “Okay. See you when I’m done.” While walking back to the classroom, I puzzled over Dean’s reluctance to go away. Being a worry wart, I wondered if he regretted booking our mini-vacation. Let’s hope not.



  “I can’t believe you were able to book this during vacation week.” He stared at the inn I’d snagged for us. It was stunning and quaint and adorable with a wrap around porch.

  “It’s not really the kind of thing kids like to go to.” Which was true, but equally true was the existence of a water park less than a mile away that would most likely have overflow staying here. I’d originally wanted to book an entire week. Sadly, the rooms were not available, so one crazy, amazing, relaxing long weekend it would need to be.

  “I got us the room with a Greek soaking tub.” I handed him a folder of information about the inn and local attractions. “Monty.” I shrugged when he gave me a quizzical look over said folder. That must've been enough by explanation, because he just shook his head with a smile.

  “I like the sound of a bath with you.” My cock did too, but that wasn’t what this weekend was about. Well, maybe it sort of was, but only after I spoiled the heck outta my omega, gave him our present, then decided where to go from there.

  I already knew.

  I just needed him to catch up.

  Poor clueless Jesse. I didn’t think he had a clue he was carrying a baby. Or at least I hoped he was. It would explain so much about his recent health. Not to mention the fact that the thought of him growing round with our child filled me with such joy.


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