New Year Revelation (Kismet Bay Book 2)

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New Year Revelation (Kismet Bay Book 2) Page 1

by Dawn Brower

  New Year Revelation

  Kismet Bay 2

  Dawn Brower

  Monarchal Glenn Press



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  EXCERPT: Better as a Memory


  About The Author

  Also by Dawn Brower

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  New Year Revelation Copyright © 2019 Dawn Brower

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Created with Vellum

  For everyone making New Year’s Resolutions. May all of you achieve your goal—even if it turns out differently than you expected it to. Sometimes you need a revelation more than a change, and sometimes the change is a revelation. Just do your best to enjoy life. We only get one.


  Elizabeth Evans, thank you for being my rock and always reading my roughest of rough drafts. I appreciate you more than I can ever express.

  Chapter 1

  The cold wind blew over Nash King and slid through his leather jacket as if it didn’t exist. He rubbed his hands together in an effort to spread some warmth through the nearly frozen limbs. His destination wasn’t much farther. A few more feet and he’d be at Grape Flavors Winery and he could spend a few precious moments with the love of his life—Leilia Strange.

  They had been best friends since grade school. Nash had always loved her, but unfortunately, she had always seen him as a friend and nothing more. Some days it bothered him more than he’d ever admit. Other times he was just grateful he could be a part of her life. Today he hoped to be brave enough to finally admit to her that he loved her.

  He pushed open the door to the winery and stepped inside. Nash loved what Leilia, and her sister, Caprecia had done with the winery. Each type of wine was sorted by type and set on shelves scattered around the store. They even had a section filled with various cheeses, crackers, and breads. It was both comfortable and inviting. They owned a vineyard on the outskirts of town with their other sister, Ophelia. Each one played a role in the vineyard, but Ophelia had nothing to do with the winery. She preferred working with their cousin Amadea at Blooms of Destiny. The Strange family had a lot to do with many of the towns businesses and activities. Their ancestors had been the ones to found the town over two hundred years ago.

  Nash moved farther into the winery and toward the back counter where he hoped to find Leilia. He didn’t have a good excuse for visiting, but he came into the winery often enough neither Caprecia or Leilia would question his presence. As he rounded the corner he caught sight of her. Her long midnight locks spilled over her shoulder in glorious waves. From where he stood he couldn’t see her eyes, but he didn’t need to. The cobalt blue shade was burned in his memory. Everything about Leilia was there inside his head. He couldn’t forget her if he tried, and he certainly didn’t want to. He should close the distance between them and talk to her. Nash was about to do that when Caprecia came out of the backroom and bumped shoulders with Leilia

  “What are you still doing here?” Caprecia asked. “Go home and get ready for your date.”

  Nash froze in place. What date? Leilia hadn’t mentioned anything to him about having plans for New Years. He thought they told each other everything… There was an easy enough way to find out. All he had to do was walk over to her and strike a conversation. The rest would come out easy enough. But he couldn’t make his feet move and the pain spreading through his heart proved almost unbearable.

  “There’s plenty of time,” Leilia answered nonchalantly. She kept her attention on whatever she’d been staring at when Nash wandered in her direction. “I have to finish the inventory before I can leave. We’ve sold out of the moscato and the pink champagne.” She glanced down at the watch on her wrist and sighed. “This is one of our busiest days of the year. What was I thinking agreeing to a date with Percival?”

  “Because you’re still looking for your Mr. Wright?” Caprecia winked. “You see what I did there…”

  Leilia glance up and glared at her. “Ha. Ha. I did.” She didn’t seem too happy with whatever Caprecia implied, but that didn’t matter to Nash. He wanted to be Leilia’s one and only love. “You can stop right there. The next thing you’ll say is I want my own knight in shining armor to go with it.” Leilia rolled her eyes. “I hear the gossip too. The three knights as that trio are dubbed. What were their mothers thinking?”

  “I don’t know,” Caprecia said with a shrug. “Maybe they hoped they’d be as gallant as the real Knights of the Round Table. Though they’re missing Lancelot and Galahad—they must not have found two other suckers to name their sons after them.” She paused and tapped her chin. “Tristan is still mooning over Sage. That leaves Percival and Gawain…if you can lure him away from the temptations of Hollywood—which now that I think about it really only leaves Percival. So are you going to snatch Percival for yourself?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “What do you think your chances are? He is gorgeous.”

  Nash couldn’t stand to listen to their banter anymore. He absentmindedly shoved his hands into his pockets. The three men they were discussing had teased him mercilessly in high school. It had only been four years since they’d graduated and those memories hadn’t been easy to shake. They had an easier relationship now, but Nash wouldn’t ever forget the way they’d treated him.

  He turned to leave, but he moved too late. “Nash,” Leilia called. Her tone had a happy upbeatness to it that was music to his ears. “Come here. I have a new wine for you to try.”

  Nash pulled his hands out of his pocket and walked over to her. He couldn’t ever deny Leilia anything. “Oh yeah?” He leaned on the counter. “Am I going to regret drinking it?”

  “Of course not.” She smacked his shoulder lightly. “Have I ever steered you wrong?”

  “Not so far, but we’re still young.” He lifted his lips up into a bright smile. It wasn’t completely fake. Nash was happy to see her, but he hated the conversation he’d overheard. People did say eavesdroppers rarely heard anything they liked...

  “Always a joker.” She reached under the counter and handed him a dark bottle. “This is a new merlot that we’ve been cultivating at the vineyard. Let me know what you think of it. We’re probably going to introduce it to the public after the New Year.”

  “It’s going to be a year of revelations isn’t it.” He hadn’t really meant to stay that aloud.

  “How so?” Leilia asked.

  Nash had hoped it would be one filled with love for him and Leilia, but he guessed Kismet Bay didn’t believe they belonged together. Everyone in town knew how much fate played a part in bringing lovers together. “It’s nothing.” He lifted a bottle. “Thanks for this. Call me later and maybe we can share it together.”

  She smiled. “All right. I’ll keep that in mind. Do you have plans tonight?”

  That should have been his cue to say something about spending it with her. Too bad that wasn’t going to happen. “Nothing much. Staying in tonight.”

  “Watching the ball drop on television?” She asked as she tilted her head to the side.

  “Maybe. I’m not sure if I’ll stay up that late.” He glanced over to Caprecia who did her best to pretend h
e wasn’t there. Maybe she was trying to give them some privacy. Nash couldn’t be certain. “I have to go.” He didn’t say another word just left as fast as his feet could take him. His heart beating heavily inside his chest every step he took.

  Chapter 2

  Nash had practically run out of the winery. Leilia should go after him… He’d been acting—off. Something must have been bothering him, but he’d decided not to tell her about it. She didn’t have any idea what it could be. If only she hadn’t promised Percival Wright she’d spend New Year’s Eve with him. She still didn’t know what brain cells she must have lost to agree to that. Percival was all right, but she didn’t see him as her long term guy.

  “I’m going home,” she said to Caprecia. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the vineyard.” The winery was closed for New Year’s Day, but it was still a workday for them. Prosperity Vineyard was a home away from home. It was located about thirty miles outside of town and had a small farm house on the property. She shared it with her sisters and they all had a bedroom there for when they stayed overnight, but with their business in town that didn’t happen too often.

  Leilia walked to her car and got inside. She started it and let it run for a few minutes to warm up, then she put it in drive and headed to her studio apartment. Once there she took a quick shower and prepared for her date. She hoped she didn’t end up regretting it. Percival was taking her to a party of some kind being held at Witch’s Brew. Her cousin Esmeralda was a part owner of the coffee shop. They’d ordered a few cases of pink champagne from Grape Flavors for the event. They’d use it to ring in the New Year.

  She blew dried her hair and brushed it until it shined. Then she dressed in a long blue skirt with a slit almost to her hip and a black top with long lacy sleeves. After that she slipped on a pair of sandals with three inch heels. Leilia liked to dress up when given the chance. Too bad she didn’t find many opportunities to wear pretty things.

  A knock on her door brought her out of her thoughts. She went and opened it. Percival was on the other side looking dapper in a dark suit and green tie that matched his eyes. He handed her a single rose. “I wasn’t sure what you liked. I hope this is all right.”

  Leilia took the rose and smelled it. She loved all flowers really, but roses weren’t her favorite. He couldn’t know that though. “Thank you,” she said. “It’s lovely.”

  “So are you,” he replied as smooth as silk. She shouldn’t hold that against him, but for some reason it rubbed her wrong. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she said and set the flower on her counter. Leilia probably should put it in water, but she didn’t care enough to bother. Why she was doing this? What was the point of it all? Percival wasn’t the one for her, and yet, she was willing going out on a date with him. She sighed and resigned herself to an evening in his company. She’d said yes and it was far too late to back out now. After she grabbed her coat and slipped it on she followed him out the door.

  It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Witch’s Brew. Once inside she hung her coat on a hook and took in the decorations. Esmeralda and Tristan had outdone themselves. They had tiny white lights strung around the coffee shop and balloons everywhere.

  “You’re here,” Esmeralda nearly squealed as she pulled Leilia into a quick hug. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No,” Leilia told her. “I’m good.”

  Esmeralda turned to Percival. “Tristan was looking for you. I think he’s behind the counter. Go say hi.”

  “I will in a little bit.” Percival glanced toward the direction where Tristan was supposed to be. “

  “Suit yourself,” Esmeralda told him. “I have to make my rounds.” She turned to Leilia and said, “If you leave don’t forget to say goodbye.”

  With that Esmeralda flitted off to talk to the next person who entered her sphere. That was her cousin. Always the life of the party…

  “Do you want a drink?” Leilia almost rolled her eyes. Didn’t he hear Esmeralda just ask her that?

  “No.” She didn’t chastise him for his lack of attention. It wouldn’t do any good. She was at such a loss as to what to say. “I’ll get one later.”

  “Well if you don’t mind I’d like one.” He left her alone and went to the nearby bay. Tristan was there speaking to someone else. As Percival approached he turned toward him and his smile widened. They greeted each other as if they hadn’t seen each other in days. For all Leilia knew they hadn’t, but for some reason it irritated her.

  They hadn’t been in Witch’s Brew more than fifteen minutes and Percival had already abandoned her for one of his best friends—not that she could blame him, Leilia may have done the same if Nash was there. Percival was supposed to be a gentleman though. At least she hadn’t expected him to cater to her.

  So much for him being her knight in shining armor... It was a good thing she hadn’t wanted him to be. Percival didn’t seem to be coming back anytime soon. She could go find a friend to talk with, but somehow that bothered her even more. Besides there was only one person she wanted to talk to and he wasn’t there. Maybe she should call off the date before it really disappointed her. Who was she kidding? It had disappointed her before it had even begun…

  Leilia grabbed her coat and exited the coffee shop. She’d have a much better time at home with a bowl of popcorn and a glass of wine. Maybe she’d even call Nash to see if he’d like to share both of them with her. That sounded like a much better idea the more she thought about it…

  She glanced toward Percival and debated telling him she was leaving and nixed the idea. Instead she pulled her phone out of her pocket and shot him a quick text filled with an apology and telling him she had to leave. Leilia shoved the phone back in her coat pocket, and instead of heading home she walked in the direction of Nash’s apartment. She needed to see her best friend.

  Chapter 3

  Nash entered his apartment and set the wine Leilia had given him on the counter. He shrugged off his jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair or at least attempted to... Somehow he missed his target and it landed on the floor. He stared at it for several seconds debating if he cared enough to pick it up and actually hang it on a hook in the closet. With a sigh he retrieved his coat and put it where he should have all along. It wasn’t the garment’s fault that his plans to tell Leilia how he felt about her had gone sideways. He stared at the bottle of wine she’d given him and considered drinking the entire bottle on his own, but no, he needed something much stronger than merlot to drown his sorrows in.

  He went to a nearby cupboard and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, then grabbed a tumbler and poured a healthy serving. Nash brought the glass up to his mouth and downed the contents. He shook his head to help handle the burn as it traveled down his throat, then poured more. After three full glasses the room was starting to spin and his brain had numbed a little to what had been bothering him. Nash set the glass down on the counter grabbed the bottle of whiskey and stumbled over to the couch. He didn’t see the point of bothering with niceties. He could just drink straight from the bottle.

  Nash fell more than sat on the couch hugging the bottle of whiskey against him. He reached for the remote and flipped on the television. Two people filled the screen—one man, and one woman. Nash snarled as one of them started to speak. “Hello, I’m Gawain Daly and my lovely co-host is Jocelyn Stacy.”

  “Rat bastard,” Nash muttered under his breath. Gawain brushed a stray lock of his dark hair off of his forehead and turned to Jocelyn. “It’s pretty cold here in New York. Look at the crowd! So many have come to join us as we bring in the New Year.” He flashed his famous smile to the camera and asked his co-host, “Have you made your resolutions yet.”

  “You need to make a few yourself, Gawain,” Nash growled the words out. He had to hold back the urge to throw his whiskey at the television. Instead he took a healthy swig of it. He had thought he’d made peace with his high school days, but apparently some grudges never really went away.

  “I can’t
say that there’s anything of myself I’d like to change,” Jocelyn answered. “What about you?”

  “Why mess with perfection.” Gawain winked. “What about a kiss at midnight? Do you have someone special in mind?”

  He didn’t wiggle his eyebrows but his words held the suggestion that action would have purveyed. Nash snorted. Gawain clearly wanted Jocelyn to do a little lip locking with him. He hoped the beautiful celebrity shot him down cold. Nash drank some more whiskey. Half the bottle was gone now. At the rate he was going he’d finish the entire bottle and pass out before midnight arrived.

  “There might be a few possibilities,” Jocelyn said audaciously. The blonde licked her lips suggestively leaving little room for misinterpretation.

  “That bastard always had all the luck.” Why the hell hadn’t he turned the television off already? The last thing he needed was to watch Gawain score even the tiniest bit with the actress he co-starred with in his last feature film. He was the leader of the trio of knights. Percival and Tristan were much nicer when he wasn’t around. Nash had been thankful when he’d left to find his fame and fortune in California. It hadn’t taken him long to achieve that goal either. Fate had always shined on him.

  The camera view went to the ball of lights that was set to drop at midnight ringing in the New Year. Gawain’s voice still filled the speakers of his television. “As you can see the ball is ready to drop. All we need is to get to midnight and then we can all toast to the happiest of New Years. For now let’s check in with the sister station in Los Angeles and Corbin Vale.”


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