The Way of Two Paths: M/M Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Moonstone Legacy Book 2)

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The Way of Two Paths: M/M Wolf Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Moonstone Legacy Book 2) Page 4

by Apollo Surge

  The waitress came over with their drinks and served them. Tyler tucked into his meal with gusto, sampling waffles and pancakes with lashings of syrup and cream. He took one bite and he was in heaven. This expression was repeated when he took a sip of his chocolate milkshake.

  “I think we've lost him for a little while,” Mel said, chuckling to herself.

  “How's the play going?” Johnny asked, trying to get Todd involved in the conversation. Mel had made it seem so easy with Tyler that Johnny felt he should make the same effort, but sadly he wasn't as talented as Mel at making people feel at ease.

  “It's fine,” Todd said, sipping his milk. Mel placed her hand on Todd's and leaned forward excitedly.

  “He's just being modest. It's so good. We've been practicing it a lot and I think it has a really good chance of being made into an actual play, or maybe even a film! I keep telling Todd that he should send it around to agents, but he says that it's not ready yet. Personally, I don't know what he's thinking. If I had half as much talent as he had I would be out there shouting about it, sharing it with the world,” Mel said.

  “Creating is its own reward,” Todd said.

  Mel shook her head. “I think everyone with a talent has a duty to share it with the world, otherwise how are other people going to benefit?”

  “I don't agree that they need to,” Todd said dryly. Mel shrugged. Johnny wasn't sure what to say.

  “Either way, I think I'm might just submit it for him,” Mel said.

  There was a loud sound as Todd brought his glass of milk down on the table firmly, shaking everything that was on it.

  “You shall do no such thing,” he said sharply, glaring at Mel. There was an awkward silence hanging around the table. Even Tyler paused his eating. Johnny didn't know what to think. It seemed out of line.

  “Hey, there's no need to talk to her like that,” Johnny said. Todd looked at him dismissively. Mel bowed her head. It was in that moment Johnny decided he didn't like Todd. This double date wasn't going as well as planned. Johnny tried to catch Mel's gaze, but she wasn't looking at him. Todd didn't even seem remorseful about it. He just sipped on his milk like nothing had happened.

  “You were right in your recommendations. This is amazing,” Tyler said, trying to alleviate the tension. “I can't believe there are so many things I've missed out on.”

  “I guess uncle Christopher did many things for you, but this was one area he was sorely lacking in,” Johnny said. Tyler nodded in agreement, his mouth filled with pancakes.

  “That's an interesting necklace,” Todd said, referring to the crescent moon that hung around Tyler's neck. Tyler stopped chewing and looked down, his hand moving defensively around his most prized possession. “I'm not sure I've ever seen anything quite like it before. Where did you get it?”

  “It was my mother's,” Tyler said in a small voice. Johnny put a hand on Tyler's back. He knew how difficult Tyler found it talking about his parents. He glared at Todd, trying to tell him to change the topic. Todd either didn't notice, or didn't care.

  “So it's a family heirloom. I've always been interested in the meaning behind heirlooms, do you know what it signifies? What special meaning did it hold for her?”

  “I...I'm not sure. She died before I got a chance to know her properly. It was the only thing left of them that I own,” Tyler said. He leaned back and pushed his plate into the middle of the table. “I've suddenly lost my appetite,” he said. “Do you mind if we go?”

  “Yeah, I think there's a couple of other places I can show you,” Johnny said. Mel still hadn't said anything after Todd's small outburst. “Mel, do you mind if we head off?”

  Mel finally looked up at him and he gave her a look to inquire if she felt safe being left alone with Todd. The two of them had been friends for long enough that they had an almost telepathic understanding. Mel smiled wanly and nodded her head, although there was a deep sadness in her eyes.

  “Well Todd, it was nice meeting you,” Johnny said, rising. He pulled some money out of his pocket and left it on the table. Todd took another sip of milk and nodded curtly at the two of them, but his eyes kept drifting toward Tyler. Johnny and Tyler made their exit out of the diner. Johnny continued to look over his shoulder, hoping that his best friend wasn't getting herself into a dangerous situation.

  Chapter Five

  Mel felt utterly awful. Never had she been spoken to like that, and ordinarily she would never have stood for it. But Todd was different. He was a passionate man, an artist, and he was prone to this sharp, edgy emotional outbursts. She knew he didn't mean it, not really, he was probably just overwhelmed by the situation. Still, she was embarrassed by the whole thing. She'd wanted to show Todd off to Johnny, and she dreaded to think of the impression Johnny had.

  Todd didn't even seem to care. Mel sat there in silence, waiting for him to offer up an apology. When it didn't come, she decided to force the issue.

  “Aren't you going to say anything?” she asked.

  “They seem nice, although I found the conversation a little lacking. This is why I tend to gravitate to older people, the conversation tends to shift between more important matters. I suppose I can't blame them. That Tyler seems to have been severely deprived. I find it difficult to believe that he was allowed to stay with Johnny's eccentric uncle.”

  “They didn't tell anyone,” Mel said. Todd arched an eyebrow.

  “How interesting. Well, I'm sure he'll enjoy learning about the world. Such a shame about his parents. Do you know how they died?”

  Mel shrugged. “Johnny hasn't told me if he does know. Probably a car crash or something, but then again the woods are dangerous. Maybe there was a wild animal out there.”

  “Maybe...” Todd said. He seemed lost in thought, but Mel didn't know why he was so interested in Tyler. Mel looked around at the diner. There were a few other people in there, some families, friends, lovers. She didn't want to make a scene, but she had always stood up for herself.

  “Why did you speak to me like that?” she asked.

  “Like what?” Todd said. Mel glared at him open-mouthed.

  “Are you serious? Don't you understand what you did wrong?”

  “Enlighten me,” he said.

  “I can't believe I actually have to point this out. I don't appreciate you speaking to me like you're scolding a child. One, we're the same age, and two, you just don't go around treating someone you care about like that. If you didn't like something I said then I'd much rather you take me aside later on and tell me. If I made you feel uncomfortable I'm sorry, but there's no need to snipe at me. You just embarrassed me in front of my best friend. You made things every uncomfortable, and this date did not go as well as I thought it would,” she said.

  Todd waved a hand idly in front of him. “I'm sure they'll get over it, as will you. I apologize if my tone was sharp. I didn't mean to cause offense. Sometimes I say things without thinking, and I shall try not to do this next time. But if you're talking about being made to feel uncomfortable then I must admit that I found this whole idea uncomfortable.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don't exactly like mixing with other people.”

  “It was only Johnny and Tyler.”

  “Yes, well, frankly I don't think we're as compatible a group as you like. I enjoy your company Mel. You are smart, beautiful, and have a wisdom beyond your years, but spending time together is enough for me. I do not care to share my time with those who are only going to waste it. Let us go and rehearse more. If we slip into other lives, perhaps we can forget about the troubles that plague us.”

  There was more for Mel to say, it was just a matter of figuring out in what order she wanted to say it. But then Todd put his hand to her cheek and caressed it gently. The metal band of the ring that rested on his index finger brushed against her skin, a cold contrast to the warmth of his flesh. His touch had the effect of causing her heart to flutter, and her heart to melt. All of a sudden she felt silly for even raisin
g her concerns. Of course he didn't really mean it, it was just an unkind moment, and these things could always be forgiven.

  “Let's return to my place. I am sorry for what I said, but we should not waste our time on recrimination. Life is too short, and I do have a new project that is going to take up much of my time.”

  “A new project?” Mel murmured. Her eyes were closed at the behest of his caress. Her heart was inflamed with concern at those words, but the concern faded as a whisper, overpowered by the sense of well-being that flowed through her body like the sweet ambrosia of the gods.

  “Indeed, I have mentioned it to you before. My time shall be taken up by this new endeavor, so we shall have less time to spend together. I do regret this, but it is of the utmost importance. I shall of course ensure that we spend ample time together. You are important to me Mel,” he said.

  If her mind had been clear she would have heard the tone of his words. He was not speaking to her as an equal. But her mind and heart were playing tricks on her, and she was utterly devoted to him, so she found herself nodding along. He took his hand away from her cheek and it was as though a fire had been taken away from her on a cold night. She leaned forward, yearning for his touch again. He slipped his hand into hers and led her away from the diner. She remembered being angry, but she couldn't quite remember why. It didn't seem that important now anyway...

  Chapter Six

  “I don't want to cast aspersions on your friend, but Todd didn't strike me as very nice,” Tyler said as they walked back through the mall. Johnny twisted his neck to look back at the diner again, wondering if he should return. The sea of faces he saw before him didn't contain Todd or Mel, so he stopped looking.

  “No, he didn't,” Johnny said tersely.

  “Mel did though. I can see why you like her. She's so...vibrant.”

  “She is, which is why I don't understand what she sees in Todd. I'm going to have to have a word with her.”

  “Are you sure that's wise?”

  “She's my best friend Tyler. It's not going to be easy, but I have to ask her if she really knows what she's doing. I guess at least I won't have to worry for that much longer. She'll be going to college soon and I doubt they'll be together.”

  Johnny spoke the words idly, and hadn't realized how they would be taken until he noticed how Tyler looked subdued. The color drained from Johnny's face and his heart lurched.

  “I didn't mean...”

  “Is that what's going to happen to us?” Tyler asked. The two of them were still holding hands, but the grip was no longer tight.

  “No...I don't know. I don't want it to,” Johnny said. The two of them hadn't really started to think about the future. The present had held enough wonders, but the future was always there, looming before them, promising heartache and trouble.

  “I don't want it to either.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Johnny offered. Tyler looked around at the undulating crowd around him.

  “Not here,” he said.

  The two of them walked off in an awkward silence, continuing Tyler's tour of the town. They went in a few of Johnny's favorite stores, and he pointed out some of the more famous memorials that were dotted through the city. His heart wasn't in it though. He felt nauseous when the future drifted through his mind. It had been scary enough when he hadn't had Tyler in his life, now it was terrifying.

  Soon after this, Johnny called his dad to come and pick them up. Frank noticed that there was an air of tension between the two boys. Johnny told him about what happened with Todd, and this satisfied Frank as an explanation. They went back home and only stayed there for a short while before Tyler expressed a desire to return to his house. Johnny insisted that he go with him. At first, Tyler seemed reluctant to let him go, but Johnny squeezed his hand and smiled. This seemed to win Tyler over.

  Rita told Johnny to be home before it was dark, and she said it with the kind of expression that warned Johnny if he didn't do as she said, then he would be in trouble with a capital T. Johnny threw his bike in the trunk of the car, and then rested it against the side of the manor house when they arrived. Frank, the weary driver, joked that they should give him a fare, then turned the car around. Gravel crunched under the weight of the vehicle, then the car disappeared between the trees, leaving the boys alone.

  Johnny sighed with relief as he turned to Tyler and went to put his arm around Tyler's shoulders, but Tyler stepped away.

  “What's wrong?” Johnny asked, a lump forming in his throat. He didn't want this to be over. It had only just begun.

  “I don't know. I think I just want to be alone,” Tyler said, and turned to walk into the manor house. Tears formed in Johnny's eyes as he watched Tyler turn away. His heart sank, and Johnny looked forlornly at his bike. Then, strength surged within him.

  “No Tyler, we have to talk about this,” Johnny said. Tyler turned to look at him, and Johnny saw that raw emotion was etched on his face too.

  “I don't know what to say?”

  “I think we both do, but we're too afraid to talk about it. I know it's months away yet. Hell, I still have to graduate high school, but we can't ignore the future. It's real, as real as you and me, and if we don't talk about it now it's only going to fester, and it's going to make things awkward and tense between us. I don't want that. I want to enjoy my time with you. We've only just begun, I don't want it to end before we've had a chance to really explore this.”

  “Isn't it going to end? You're going to go off to college and I'll be here,” Tyler turned to look at the manor house. “I'll always be here,” he said bitterly.

  “It doesn't have to be like that. There are loads of people who have long distance relationships. It's not easy, but it can work. And I'm only going a few states over. I'll be able to come back every weekend, and you can come visit me. It'll be all right as long as we make the effort.”

  “And then what? What about the future? You deserve more than to stay here. This is my destiny. My legacy. This is my life. I don't think I can live it anywhere else. I don't think I can be myself anywhere else,” Tyler said, this time his gaze moved to the forest.

  “I don't know what I deserve Tyler, but I know what I want.” Johnny took the risk of moving toward Tyler, hoping that he wouldn't back away. He reached out and took Tyler's hand. Tyler didn't flinch. “For most of my life I've been confused, but not with you. This feels right. It feels real. This is something that matters to me. You matter to me.”

  Those last words caught Tyler's attention. He looked directly at Johnny, and Johnny was struck by the surge of emotion that came with looking into Tyler's eyes. Johnny pulled Tyler toward him and kissed him. It was as though the two of them were not in control of their own bodies, but were being pulled together by destiny. They pressed their lips together firmly and slowly their breathing became one.

  They each let out a soft grunt, and then saw the desire that resided in each other’s eyes. Tyler grinned, then dragged Johnny into the house, slamming the door behind them. They ran upstairs to Tyler's bedroom, which was far more sparse than Johnny's, and flung themselves on the bed. They groped at each other frantically, tearing off each other’s clothes, trying to get to the warm flesh underneath.

  Johnny was overwhelmed by the passion that Tyler was showing. Tyler clawed at him and wrapped his arms around Johnny, as though he was claiming him as his own. Johnny was all too happy to surrender to him. Their hands moved around each other’s bodies, dragging their clothes away, eagerly revealing every inch of their young, lustful bodies. When their clothes had been thrown all over the room the men looked at each other, their eyes moving up and down each other’s flesh. Daylight streamed through the window as they took in all of each other. The smooth flesh, the occasional flecks of hair, a rogue freckle, and then melted into each other’s arms in a long, luxurious kiss.

  Johnny pulled the bed sheet over them as they drifted away into another world. When he and Tyler kissed it was as though they slipped into another di
mension, and he lost himself fully into Tyler. Johnny pressed his hands into the small of Tyler's back, bringing Tyler into him. Tyler was gasping as he kissed Johnny, and running his hands through Johnny's hair. Their groins pushed together, and their hot erections felt like two red-hot swords being forged together.

  Johnny groaned as Tyler slid his hand down the middle of Johnny's torso and started to slide his fingers up and down Johnny's thigh, getting ever closer to the heart of his masculinity, but always stopping short, teasing him, until Johnny's heart felt like it was going to beat itself out of his chest.

  “You're such a tease,” he said, his words being caught in a moan.

  “But you love it,” Tyler replied.

  “I do...” Johnny said, as his entire body arched and his eyes clamped shut. Tyler's fingers curled around his shaft and began stroking softly, pulling the tight skin up and down, running his finger over the smooth mushroom tip. Even though they had been intimate before Johnny was still getting used to these new sensations. Fireworks exploded in his mind and tingles swam all over his body.

  It felt so good he thought he might die.

  Tyler bowed his head and kissed him on the neck as he murmured sweet nothings into Johnny's ear. His hand moved in a steady tempo, lulling Johnny into a state of bliss. Johnny lost himself in the pleasure and the heat of Tyler's breath, letting the pleasure rise within him. He was sure that Tyler could feel his body tense.

  For a brief moment he suddenly felt vulnerable and embarrassed. He thought about all the times he had quietly pleasured himself at home, ashamed of what he was doing, hiding it from the world. But then, he opened his eyes and saw Tyler grinning at him, he felt Tyler's erection pressing against him, and knew that there was nothing to be ashamed about. Johnny pressed his forehead against Tyler and kissed him softly as he reached down and found Tyler's manhood. A slow breath was released as he took the thick girth in his hand and began to move as well. The two of them shared their rhythm, shared pleasure, shared themselves.


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