Prometheus' First Steps

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Prometheus' First Steps Page 4

by Silas DeBoer


  The third week of the 64th Legion (Expeditionary Corps) pirate hunting campaign succeeded in capturing three dozen Catiin and Dogmen pirates, the destruction of three pirate camps, the burning of a half dozen pirate vessels, and the revelation of a secret base of operations for Pirate Lord Ancimas. Scout Ovidius participated in a few of the smaller skirmishes and helped sink The Cat's Paw off the Southern Coast near Blood Harbor and Hangman near Stark's Point; both places were found from a cache of maps from a larger pirate base populated by Catiin and Dogmen. The fleet had regrouped, leaving behind their coastal camps with skeleton garrisons while the Navy hunted for Ancimas' flagship, Storm's Fury. Ovidius spent much of this time stationed in Dawnchaser's hold with half of his company including Paolo and Sirius. The strange grey eyed Officer was also on board, frequently on the deck in conversation with the First Mate or Captain Reynolds.

  Most of the other Dog Soldiers below decks idled their time by polishing armor, sharpening blades, engaging in tactical twenty questions with their peers, or a myriad of other hyperbolic tales of personal exploits. The Dog Soldiers of the 64th Legion (Expeditionary Corps) were frontiersmen, used to constructing makeshift camps and preparing the way for the Engineering Corps to get to work on a long term fortress of stone and mortar. These were Dog Soldiers primarily from Redstone Keep, Lyrmach Tower, and Graycastle Training Yards. They were brothers in arms as surely as some were brothers of the same litter, having trained together their entire lives and forging pack bonds deeper than any Man's ken. Scout Ovidius was the only graduate of Blackrock Keep in the entire company, which set him apart as much as his lanky form, his angular head with its black tipped ears and cool Northern eyes.

  "How's the leg Scout?" Paolo leaned against the bulkhead, his broad form temporarily towering over the younger Dog Soldier.

  "I've avoided infection thanks to your apple brandy." Ovidius looked up once and put the small book down, giving his full attention to his superior.

  "Better than seawater for a wound. Tastes better too. Feel up to combat in a few days?"

  Several of the other Dog Soldiers sported bandages, burns, and slings from sorties against the Pirates, but his comrades suffered only a handful of casualties. The Legion's superior armory, tactics, and discipline proved far more effective than cutthroats and thieves more used to cowing merchants and missionaries along the jungle coastline of the Shining South.

  Ovidius looked up from his injured left leg wrapped in bloodied bandages. "Sergeant Paolo, it is on the mend, I am most likely at eighty percent combat readiness grade."

  Paolo laughed. "I am just glad Doctor Tee is aboard Wavecrest rather than Dawnchaser. That Man is a lunatic."

  Ovidius laughed in turn. "The rumors about Caledonians seems to be made flesh in Doctor Tereschenko. Still, some of his ideas have merit around the edges."

  "Ah yes, the combat readiness grade. Used to be a time when a soldier only had to say yea or nay to the drillmaster's call." Paolo put a heavy paw on Ovidius' leather shoulder pauldron.

  "How old is the readiness rating system? It's all I've ever known." Ovidius looked up from his wrapped thigh. Imperial Scout Armor included a frayed leather skirt for mobility that offered little protection against piercing weapons, and the spear from a Dogwoman pirate found its mark in Ovidius' upper thigh, a finger's width from severing the femoral artery. Ovidius had cleaved her head from her shoulders.

  "It was implemented when I was about your age." Paolo stated cryptically.

  "So what, twenty annums ago?"

  Paolo's gray muzzle curled back a moment in the ghost of a snarl, but the old Sergeant grinned evilly. "Mark me pup, I will be working a wheat farm in the Illyrian countryside long after you lay in an unmarked grave in the wilderness."

  After a moment Ovidius replied thoughtfully. "So that's the retirement plan for us Dogs of War?"

  "Choose a goal, work to it, then enjoy it. It's the only way to get through all this." Paolo patted Ovidius one last time before making his way to the ladder, disappearing into golden sunlight.

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