Bears in Blue Shifter Romance Box Set

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Bears in Blue Shifter Romance Box Set Page 35

by Mia Taylor

  “No,” she replied too quickly. “I told the police everything I know.”

  “That you don’t remember anything that happened?” he offered and she nodded, refusing to meet his eyes.

  “That’s right. I-I don’t remember anything. I don’t even remember walking into the bank. I know nothing.”

  Except you know everything.

  “You don’t remember that I covered you to keep you from being shot?” he pressed. “You don’t remember holding my hand almost the entire time?”

  She visibly swallowed and shook her head, still without meeting his gaze.

  “You don’t remember meeting me.”

  Her chin quivered slightly and through her peripheral vision, she met his eyes.

  “No,” she breathed.

  He smiled sadly at her. “All right,” he said. “I’m sorry I bothered you.”

  He half-pivoted to leave, his heart beginning to pound. He knew she was lying to him but there was nothing he could do to make her talk. She was smart to keep quiet about what she knew, even if that meant he needed to leave her alone.

  “Y-you didn’t come sooner,” Lily muttered, the words escaping in a rush of breath. Slowly, he turned back around and looked at her.

  “I was just released from the hospital a couple hours ago. I went home to change and shower before coming straight here. I would have come sooner. Trust me, I wanted to.”

  Her expression was still wary but it seemed to soften as she finally met his eyes.

  “I tried to find out what hospital you were in but I couldn’t get an answer,” she mumbled. Luke’s brow raised with interest.

  “You tried to find me?” he asked, his pulse quickening. She looked away, her cheeks stained red as she realized the implication of what she’d said.

  “I-I heard what you did for me and for the guard and the others,” she rushed on in a slew of words. “I-I just w-wanted to make sure you were okay. I didn’t realize you’d been so hurt.”

  Lily clamped her mouth together suddenly as if she had said too much but Luke couldn’t take it any more. In half a stride, his hand was at the small of her back, pulling her toward him, his mouth falling onto hers with all the urgency he’d held onto since the first minute he’d laid eyes on her.

  Lily gasped at in shock and Luke was ready to release her, but as he had half-expected, her arms reached up to twine around his neck.

  Slowly, he drew back, his dark eyes clashing with her amber-green orbs.

  “I’m okay now,” he assured her and he read the naked plaintiveness in her face.

  “Me, too,” she breathed.

  “Does that mean I can come in?” Luke teased and Lily laughed.

  “Yeah,” she chuckled, closing her hand around his neck and guiding him inside her apartment.

  Chapter Eight

  Truth or Dare?

  Any of the doubts that had plagued her were gone the second she felt his lips against hers.

  How could I have ever thought I could just pretend like I never met him? He saved me. This connection can’t be faked.

  She closed the door, her fears cast aside as she relished the feeling of being in his arms.

  His mouth was on hers again, the strength of his arms drawing her in and causing her body to weld against him.

  I belong here. This is what I’ve been missing in my life.

  It seemed incredible that she could respond so completely to a near-stranger, someone who she wasn’t even sure was safe, but everything inside her wanted to trust this man who had given her every reason to do so.

  Luke’s strong hands pulled her closer, taking Lily’s breath away, but the heat of his kiss stopped the gasp from escaping her lips fully. Her lips parted, permitting him to explore her more completely as they danced back toward the wall. Lily’s back hit the barrier, Luke’s mouth falling along her cheek as his hands roamed beneath the material of her thin t-shirt.

  In seconds, her shirt was on the floor, almost without Luke losing touch of her body, but Lily didn’t consider the magic of how he worked. She didn’t want to question him, not when everything felt so right.

  There would be time enough for questions and hopefully answers. But that moment wasn’t now.

  Shivers exploded over her body, Luke’s head dropping lower over her slender frame, his fingers unbuttoning the front of her pants to make way for his increasingly hot breath.

  Her head fell back along the wall, a leg raised to allow him full access to her most intimate places.

  A low groan reverberated through her body, increasing as Luke’s laps grew more intense.

  Her fingers found their way into his thick head of dark hair, twirling and pulling him closer as a sweat broke out along her underarms.

  “God…” she muttered, her single word seeming to encourage him more. She shuddered with pleasure, closing her hazel eyes.

  When Luke inched his way back up her body, pausing to kiss at every crevice along the way, she was ready for him, her hands fumbling their way to his pants. She had never needed anyone more and Lily doubted she ever would again.

  She didn’t claim to understand what was happening, but with each lap of Luke’s tongue, she cared less and less about what she’d witnessed on the roof of that bank.

  Whatever their attraction, their connection, it overrode the insecurities she had been plagued with her entire life and Lily knew it wasn’t something to be ignored.

  Their lips met again, Lily’s thigh in Luke’s large, strong hand as he filled her.

  Lily cried out, her voice echoing through the entranceway. Anyone outside would certainly give pause if they were walking by, but it didn’t matter to Lily. Nothing mattered but the feeling of being completely protected, enveloped by Luke.

  His breath was hot in her ear, the pounding of his heart rising against her chest as they fell into a rhythm like they had danced this dance before.

  Lily clung to him, willing him to never stop, but even as she thought it, she felt the swell of her climax building inside her and a loud moan fell from her lips.

  “Good,” Luke whispered, knowing she was at her peak, and as she let herself go, she felt him tense against her simultaneously.

  They were entwined in heights of passion, rising higher on the other’s desire until Luke could hold off no longer and met Lily at her level with a quivering sigh.

  His body held up her trembling form as he caught his breath, their pulses matching evenly.

  Slowly, reluctantly, Luke pulled his face back from where it was buried in Lily’s shoulder to study her.

  She met his gaze with nervousness, waiting for the feeling of regret to overtake her but it didn’t. She had no regrets, even knowing what she knew about him.

  But what do I know about him really? I know what I think I saw.

  “We need to talk,” he told her and she laughed shortly as he lowered her raised leg to the ground.

  “I guess we do,” she agreed, lowering her gaze. She wasn’t sure how that conversation would go but it needed to start somewhere and reluctantly, she led him into the living room, her heart beginning to pound again.

  “Do you want something to drink?” she asked weakly, wondering if there was anything to drink in the house. She could use something stronger than water.

  “No, Lily. Just sit with me,” he replied, pulling up his pants, and she became aware that she was still nude. She slid onto the sofa at his side, reaching for a throw to cover her nakedness, but even as she did it, she realized it didn’t bother her the way he was staring at her.

  I want him to look at me.

  Luke leaned forward to tuck a stray blonde strand of hair behind her ear and offered her a soft smile.

  “You look good,” he offered and Lily found herself blushing at the compliment.

  “Do I?”

  He nodded.

  “For someone who was hospitalized with amnesia.” There was a lilt to his voice and Lily was embarrassed, shifting her eyes away.

  She stil
l wasn’t sure how much she should tell him.

  “I may have exaggerated some of what I forgot,” she muttered, her mind whirling as she spoke. “I-I find bits and pieces are coming back but nothing important.”

  She was speaking much too fast to be convincing.

  “I remember how much you helped us in the bank.”

  “Just doing my job,” Luke said lightly.

  “Is that what it was?”

  His smile faded slightly and he held her gaze.

  “I think we both know it was more than that.”

  Lily swallowed and looked at her hands, unsure of how to proceed.

  “Lily, you’re safe with me,” he murmured, his fingers trailing along the lines of her cheek. “I thought you understood that by now. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Her head jerked up and she stared at him, wrestling with the question that was burning at her.

  Who are you? What are you?

  But she gulped back the words and nodded instead. She did believe he would keep her safe. If he meant her any harm, he would have never protected her as much as he had.

  “You can talk to me,” he insisted, but Lily wasn’t so sure that was an option.

  She shook her head and shrugged.

  “I don’t know what to say except thank you,” she breathed. “I really don’t remember.”

  Luke grunted and she could tell he didn’t believe her, but to her relief, he didn’t push the issue.

  “You shouldn’t stay here alone,” he said, looking around the small apartment. “It’s not safe.”

  Lily’s shoulders raised tersely and she pulled the throw more tightly around her body.

  “Why?” she demanded. “The thieves were caught. They’re no danger to me while they’re in jail.”

  Luke’s mouth firmed slightly and she could see he was debating whether to tell her what was on his mind.

  “Luke, if you want me to talk to you, you need to talk to me, too,” she reminded him. “What’s going on?”

  He sighed and dropped his hand from her face to squeeze her fingers comfortingly.

  “I have reason to believe that that crew was part of something bigger. If that’s true, you’re not safe. The mastermind might come for you.”

  She gaped at him, fear slamming through her body. She hadn’t considered that the robbers would be a problem now that they were caught. Her mind had only been on what she’d seen.

  “I…” she paused to inhale. “Where can I go? This is my house. I have to teach.”

  His face relaxed slightly.

  “You’re a teacher?” he asked and she nodded quickly.

  “I teach English online,” she explained. “I need to work from home.”

  He studied her face and Lily could plainly see the wheels turning in his head.

  “You’ll work from my place,” he decided and she laughed nervously.

  “I can’t move in with you!” she protested before she could stop herself. “I don’t even know you!”

  “It’s the safest place for you,” he replied. “I’m asking you to trust me—again.”

  She returned his stare and saw nothing but a plaintive need to keep her protected. Unexpectedly, she felt a pang of guilt.

  I’m burdening him.

  “Who is this mastermind?” she asked and Luke’s face twisted in an expression she didn’t quite understand.

  “I’m not sure yet,” he confessed. “But I can’t risk you being unprotected.”

  “What about the others at the bank? George and the tellers?”

  “I’ll make sure everyone is safe,” Luke assured her but she could see that he hadn’t considered them before she’d mentioned it.

  He’s not worried about the robbery—he’s worried about what I saw.

  “Please,” Luke said when he sensed her hesitation. “I’m not trying to scare you, Lily but until this is sorted…”

  He trailed off and waited expectantly for her to respond.

  What do I have here that I can’t leave behind? she thought, pulling her eyes around the apartment. Luke was right—she could easily work at his place as long as he had Wi-Fi.

  “How long would I stay with you?” she asked, knowing she was going to agree, no matter how long he dictated.

  “Long enough to ensure the threat is eliminated.”

  The words sent a chill down her spine.

  Eliminated. That sounds so final.

  She eyed him, gnawing on her lower lip again.

  “Who else knows about this mastermind?” she asked and Luke shook his head.

  “I’m not even sure it’s a real thing,” he confessed and the information made her feel slightly better. “But if it’s remotely possible, you are in a very real danger. I can’t sit back and wait for something to happen.”

  A wry smile touched her lips.

  “I’m not sure if you’re an under-appreciated cop or just hitting on me,” she joked. Luke returned her grin.

  “Maybe a little bit of both,” he replied, rising from the couch. “But can we discuss this more at my place?”

  Slowly, Lily rose to join him.

  “Give me a minute to get a bag together,” she agreed and relief colored Luke’s face.

  “Okay,” he said, exhaling.

  Lily hurried into the bedroom and found a duffle bag in her closet. Haphazardly, she threw whatever clean clothes she could find into the tote, wondering if she was making a huge mistake.

  If I stay at his place, I can get a better handle on who he is, what I saw, she reasoned, but in her heart, she knew that wasn’t why she had agreed to go.

  Luke had a hold on her and Lily didn’t want to lose it, not when she’d already been through the pain of thinking she’d been forgotten.

  If she hadn’t believed in soulmates before, she certainly did now, and no matter what Luke was underneath his handsome exterior, she was bound to him.

  And for some reason, that didn’t scare her at all even if a sane, logical part of her warned her that it should.

  “How’s it going in here?” Luke asked, appearing in the doorway. “Almost ready?”

  She nodded and zipped up the bag, grabbing it from the bed and moving toward him, but he didn’t move out of the doorway.

  Instead, his arm encircled her waist and he stared into her eyes. She could read nothing but earnestness when his dark eyes bored into her.

  “You can ask me anything,” he told her gruffly and Lily felt her cheeks stain pink under his scrutiny.

  “Okay,” she muttered but the answer wasn’t good enough for Luke and he used his thumb and forefinger to prop her chin upward.

  “I mean it. I don’t have any secrets.”

  “Me neither,” Lily muttered and looked away. She felt Luke sigh in disappointment.

  “All right,” he said, releasing her, and Lily cast him a sidelong look.

  “Maybe when we get to your place, we can get into a game of Truth or Dare,” she joked, but Luke didn’t smile.

  “No,” he said quietly. “I don’t like games.”

  Me neither, Lily thought silently. But this is definitely not a game.

  Chapter Nine

  Hearing Him Out

  Luke looked around his place like he was seeing it for the first time as he led Lily inside.

  “It’s not much,” he said apologetically. “But I promise you’re safe here.”

  “If I’m in danger at all,” Lily said and Luke’s mouth tucked in at the corners.

  How much of bringing her to his apartment had to do with what Stephan had told him and how much with pure selfishness?

  And what if Dad pops up here out of nowhere?

  “You seem really unsure about having me here suddenly,” Lily commented and he shook his head vehemently.

  “No,” Luke replied firmly. “I’m not in the least. No one will look for you here.”

  She stared at him pensively.

  “Shouldn’t other cops be handling this entire affair? Isn’t ther
e some rule about investigating a crime you’re witness to?”

  Luke gave her a lazy grin.

  “How do you know so much about the law?” he asked and she shrugged.

  “I don’t,” Lily said. “It just makes sense that there might be bias if you were to look into it.”

  His brows rose, impressed.

  “You’re right,” he replied. “Which is why I’m technically not overseeing any part of the investigation. I got a tip about this criminal gang and I haven’t looked into it really, so technically, I’m not hands-on in the case.”

  Lily’s mouth twisted in a smirk.

  “It sounds like you’re splitting hairs.”

  “Maybe,” he agreed. “But I’m still within my legal right.”

  “You speak more like a lawyer than a cop,” Lily observed and again, Luke was stunned by her astuteness.

  “I can tell you’re a teacher,” he replied evenly. “You pick up on everything.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I’m in law school,” he explained. “I’ll be writing the bar exam in two days.”

  At first, he was shocked he had told her that. He hadn’t said the words aloud to anyone since he’d made the commitment.

  She’s my mate. We’re not hiding anything from one another.

  “Whoa,” she muttered. “You’re a cop and a lawyer!”

  “No,” Luke corrected. “I’m a lawyer, working as a cop… for now.”

  Lily didn’t answer as she padded further into the apartment and sat gingerly at his dining room table.

  “What kind of law?” she asked.

  “I have a job lined up with the DA as soon as I pass the bar,” he replied.

  “Wow. I… I don’t think I can envision you in a suit and tie, working out of a courthouse.”


  “No…” She paused. “You’re so good at what you do.”

  A peculiar sense of warmth touched him.

  “You say that to all the cops who are in bank robberies with you,” he joked, trying to cover his embarrassment.

  “You’re fearless,” she insisted. “You handled them with such… courage.”

  “They weren’t going to hurt you,” he growled, emotion filling his voice.


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