To Love Her Cowboys

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To Love Her Cowboys Page 6

by Laura Sutton

  Jason felt his cock spring to life. It had been half hard since he kissed her, but now, knowing he and Dean would be her first. The first men to make her cum on their cocks. The first men to cum inside her. He couldn’t help the thoughts, thoughts of her splayed out on his bed, her beautiful mouth wrapped around his cock while Dean fucked her from behind. How big her eyes would get the first time he pushed his hard cock into her tight, virginal cunt.

  He leaned over and kissed her—hard, deep, and wet. His tongue invaded her mouth, not allowing for retreat, but he felt she didn’t want to retreat. She wanted his kiss. He heard Dean move his chair closer and felt him move her hair from her neck, and he felt Gwynn moan into in the kiss when Dean began feasting on her neck.

  Jason broke the kiss panting, and he leaned his forehead against hers.

  “Are you going to give it to us, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice low and dark, full of want and lust.

  “Are you going to let us take your virginity, baby? Can we be the first ones to bring you pleasure?” He had to know she wanted this, wanted them as much as they wanted her.

  “Yes,” Gwynn responded, her voice barely a whisper, but he knew she was sure of herself and her answer. Even from just their few days together, Jason could tell when she had made her mind up about something. He knew Gwynn wanted them.

  “Thank god,” Dean said, and he turned her face to kiss her, and Jason knew that Gwynn’s time on the ranch would be the best time of his life.


  Gwynn’s head was spinning as Dean kissed her. His lips felt like fire pressed against her own, and his tongue was sliding and caressing against hers in a way that made her think of his hard cock moving inside her. Just the thought of Dean’s cock inside her while she held Jason’s cock in her hand made her moan, her panties flooding with desire.

  Gwynn knew she was naughty for wanting both Jason and Dean at the same time, but she couldn’t help it. They were so sexy, so hot, and miraculously they seemed to want her just as much. Gwynn knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth, and she would enjoy this interlude within her otherwise boring life as long as these two incredible men wanted her.

  Dean slowly brought their kiss to a close, peppering her lips, cheeks, and eyelids with soft, light kisses. Jason was still nibbling on her ears and neck, and she could’ve sat there for hours just basking in their attention, feeling sexy and wanted, but Dean’s stomach let out a markedly unsexy growl that made Gwynn giggle.

  “Are you laughing at me, beautiful?” he asked, his voice mockingly angry, and she couldn’t keep her laughter in.

  She never realized being with a man—or men, in her case—could be fun and sexy, light and heavy at the same time, but it was. They wanted her, and she wanted them desperately, but there was also laughter and fun. Surely this was a dream, a dream she would wake up from, hot and sweaty and still sexually frustrated.

  “I would never laugh at you, such a handsome, strong cowboy.” Her stomach interrupted her words, and she couldn’t contain her loud bark of laughter.

  Both Dean and Jason pulled away from her then. “Okay, back to dinner,” Dean said with a full smile lighting up his face, but his eyes were dark and stormy and full of lust, seeming to make a promise for later.

  “So, a virgin, huh?” Jason asked nonchalantly, just as she took a sip of her wine, and Gwynn instantly began to choke on it.

  She could feel her face and neck heat, her face a self-conscious blush. Were they really going to talk about it? They seemed like they were okay with it a minute ago when they were kissing, but maybe that was just wishful thinking in a lust-induced haze.

  “Don’t get me wrong, beautiful. I think it’s hot. Just thinking about Dean and I being your first makes my cock ache.” His words were so dirty, and he was saying them as plainly as one would say, “Would you pass the butter?” His words and the utterly composed way he delivered them made her pussy throb even more.

  “But I’m curious,” Jason continued, taking another bite of mashed potatoes as if this was a perfectly normal dinner conversation. Gwynn supposed it was, for a virgin and two smoking hot cowboys who seemed to really want said virgin.

  Jason swallowed. “I’m curious how someone as smart and radiant and sexy as you are is still a virgin.” He finished his thought, and his emerald eyes sought hers. They were full of lust, yes, but also something more. Something like reverence, and if she let herself dream, maybe love.

  It was silly and way too soon, and there was no way a man like Jason or Dean could have the same depth of feelings for her as she was beginning to feel for them. She knew there was no way for her to come out of whatever this was and not fall head over heels for both of them, but for once in her life, she would not play it safe. She would follow this path with these two men wherever it may lead her.

  She took a fortifying drink of her cold, sweet wine and then a deep breath. It was never easy to pinpoint why she was still a virgin. She wasn’t the prettiest girl. She knew this harsh reality at an early age from her beauty queen of a mother. But she wasn’t exactly ugly, either. She was curvy, but not in that bombshell way men seemed to enjoy. The best way she could describe herself was pleasant—an okay body, probably a tad too soft to be considered truly sexy. A nice face but not remarkable in any way. A soft, safe smile—not the kind of smile that lit up a room or anything. More like the type of smile that said I have a soft sofa and will listen to your problems.

  She looked like the girl next door in the worst kind of way, because no matter what the stories said, men befriended the girl next door. They didn’t lust after them.

  “I don’t really know. Men don’t seem interested in me, I suppose.” She laughed lightly, trying to cover years of rejection and hurt with calm words, but she had a feeling the boys saw right through her facade.

  “I’ve had one boyfriend, a nice guy in college, but we weren’t very passionate. More like study partners who kissed occasionally, very occasionally.” Gwynn couldn’t bring herself to look at either Jason or Dean, afraid to see the pity in their eyes for the fat, ugly girl she had been, and now for the adult woman who had accepted her lot in life—to be undesirable and unloved. She focused on the beautiful lacework of the tablecloth, focusing not on her emotions but on the intricate knot work of the lace. She went away inside a little, away from her pain until she could wrangle a smile to her face and show these two men that she could be a sexy woman, not some wounded bird.

  “Well, the men in your life until now were fucking stupid. You’re gorgeous and sexy. I can’t look into your beautiful eyes for more than a second and not think about kissing you and touching your body. Hell, I got halfway hard when you shook my hand the first day you showed up on the ranch,” Dean said, his voice deep, gravely, and full of an emotion Gwynn couldn’t place.

  She brought her eyes to his, his dark eyes clouded with emotion, and she almost cried. Not from sadness or pain this time, but from something else. He seemed like he wanted to protect her, love her, and make love to her, and it was almost too much, but she would not hide from this. She would enjoy this with these two men—whatever it was—for however long it lasted.

  “Thank you,” Gwynn whispered, a small smile on her face, and then she kissed his cheek, enjoying the blush she brought to his face. She made this sexy, tough man blush! Her. Dour, steadfast, not-remotely-sexy Gwynn.

  “I agree with Dean,” Jason said, his fingers running through her hair and tucking some hair behind her ear. “They were fucking idiots, and their loss is our gain, because we think you are the sexiest of women, and I cannot wait to bury my face between your creamy thighs.” He grinned at her wickedly and winked, then he took another bite of his dinner while she blushed from head to toe. Somehow his dirty remark broke the emotional tension between the three of them.

  Gwynn took a breath, determined to not be shy, then she smiled and said, “And when exactly will you be doing that, you think?” She took a bite of food and enjoyed how Jason slightly choked on his, unp
repared for her naughty flirting.

  “Finish your dinner, sweetheart, and then you can have some cake while I have dessert.” Jason winked and Dean chuckled, and Gwynn knew that the after-dinner portion of the evening would be like nothing in her dirtiest, wildest dreams.


  They all finished their dinner with pleasant, non-sexy conversation. Dean loved talking to Gwynn and Jason. It was as if he found a puzzle piece he didn’t know he had been missing in his life. They all laughed at Jason’s stupid jokes, and he loved hearing about Gwynn’s trip to England in college, where she took a Shakespeare intensive course.

  “I’m not a huge Shakespearian academic or even a huge fan, but it was a way to get out of the country for the summer, and it was really inspiring to see a different country and imagine the streets and back alleys where Shakespeare sold his works for pennies. It fed the starving artist soul I have deep inside,” she said with a smile that wasn’t just expressed on her mouth, but in her eyes, too. She was radiant when she smiled like that, Dean thought, and he would give her the world to keep that smile on her face.

  Her story and her smile reaffirmed his thoughts, that she was just too special and too important for this little bit of land in Nowhere, Texas. He met Jason’s eyes, and he knew his friend thought the same. They would enjoy her and—for Dean, at least—love her while she was here, but they would not hold her back. All he hoped was that in a few years, she would look back on her time here at Mariposa Ranch and smile with the same smile she did when she remembered England.

  Suddenly their plates were empty, and a tension filled the room. Dean could tell the minute Gwynn got nervous about what they planned to do after dinner, and he wouldn’t have that. He wanted her relaxed and enjoying herself. Sex was fun, and while his body ached to feel her naked against him again, he wanted her to feel at ease first.

  “Hey Jason, why don’t we have the cake in the living room. We could eat dessert and play a few hands of gin rummy or something. I don’t know about the two of you, but I’m not quite ready for bed yet,” he said, and he took Gwynn’s hand in his own. Her hand was a little sweaty, and he felt her skin jump under his. He bit back a smile. She was nervous but excited, and god, he wanted to make her cum so badly.

  “Sounds like a plan!” Jason replied, and he then leaned over and kissed Gwynn’s cheek.

  “You two head in there, and don’t worry about the plates. Dean is on dish duty tonight, and I’ll grab the cake and meet you in there,” he said, but Gwynn quickly protested.

  “No, I can do the dishes, you guys cooked—”

  “No, beautiful… Jason cooked,” Dean interrupted. “If I had cooked, we would have had pizza from town. And no, I got the dishes. We aren’t completely pioneer status out here. We have a dishwasher, and I can load it like a pro.”

  Dean tugged on her hand, prompting her to stand with him. “Let’s go settle in the living room and set up the cards. You ever play gin rummy?” he asked, interlocking her fingers with his, her hand small and delicate in his much larger one.

  “Oh, yes!” she replied, her smile huge. “My favorite stepdad taught me. We used to play a lot—me, him, and my mother.”

  Dean could hear the wistfulness in her voice. None of them had the best life growing up. Jason with his dead mother and rich but cold father, and Dean with his father abandoning him and his mom before he could walk, not to mention his mother’s resentment for having to move back to the ranch. But he knew love. His grandparents did their best to make up for it.

  “Well, good. We don’t need a tutorial then,” he said, and he sat on the sofa in front of the coffee table. Gwynn settled down on the floor, close enough to him so he could still feel her warmth. Plus, from this angle he could see down her dress, and the view was very distracting. He shifted a little, pulling his jeans away from his stiffening cock, and then shuffled the cards just as Jason came in with a tray holding three slices of cake and a French press full of coffee.

  “I come bearing dessert!” Jason said cheerfully as he set the tray down and sat next to Gwynn on the floor.

  Plates of chocolate cake were soon served, cups of strong chicory coffee were poured, and the three of them were laughing and teasing. Dean had never felt this lighthearted with a woman, or even during his friendship with Jason. There was something about her presence that made everything work.

  He looked down at her from his seat on the couch, her blue eyes glittering in the soft light of the lamp. He needed her. He needed her naked and moaning, those lovely blue eyes full of want and desire.

  He leaned down and took a card from the pile and finally got the seven of clubs he had been waiting for, and it was time to make this interesting.

  “Gwynn?” he murmured, not looking up from his cards.

  “Yes?” she asked, her melodic voice full of mirth.

  “If I go gin with this hand, will you give me a kiss?” he asked, trying to keep his voice innocent, even if his thoughts were anything but.

  She instantly blushed, her lovely pale skin turning the prettiest shade of pink, and her eyes met his shyly.

  “Ummm, sure, I suppose. If you win, you get a kiss,” she told him, biting her lip and blushing even deeper. Her innocence was such a turn-on. He could feel his cock growing stiff in his jeans.

  “Oh, good! 'Cause gin!” he announced triumphantly and laid down all of his cards, leaving no deadwood for the pile.

  “Dammit!” Jason growled, always competitive even in a fun game of cards, and Dean laughed.

  He reached down and clasped Gwynn’s hand in his and drew her up and onto his lap.

  “Time for my kiss,” he whispered, then he tucked a piece of her dark blonde hair behind her ear, his voice sounding rough even to his own ears.

  He knew she could feel his cock hard underneath her ass as she sat on his lap, and he could tell she was nervous. He didn’t want her to be nervous or scared; he wanted her hot and panting with want. He knew he had to put her at ease, to show her how sexy and passionate she really was.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to kiss me if you don’t want to. We won’t do anything you don’t want.” He felt the couch dip next to him as Jason sat down behind Gwynn.

  “No—no, I want to kiss you,” she responded breathlessly, her small warm hands playing absent-mindedly with the open collar of his denim shirt.

  “I want to kiss both of you—again,” she told them, her voice barely audible. Dean squeezed her closer, feeling her lush curves press into his harder, bigger body.

  “Then kiss me, Gwynn,” he demanded and waited. Her eyes flashed, the brilliant blue of them glinting with desire. Oh, she liked that, he thought. She enjoyed being told what to do. That was perfect. She was perfect, he thought.

  She slowly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, barely a kiss, but still so sweet.

  “Oh, beautiful, you can do better than that,” Jason rasped next to them.

  “Give him the kind of kiss you thought about after what we did at the pond. You did think about it, right? I know I did. It was all I could think about this afternoon,” Jason continued, his voice making Gwynn squirm on Dean’s lap, and he bit back a groan as her ass—her perfect, round ass—grinded into his cock.

  Dean knew by the look of surprise on her face that she didn’t do it on purpose; she just wanted some relief to what she was feeling. He knew she was getting wet. He could smell her arousal, something he didn’t get to enjoy in the pond.

  She smelled sweet, like a butterscotch candy or spring wildflowers in bloom. Under that was a warm, heady musk that was all Gwynn. He wanted to bury his head between her thighs and not come up for hours. He wanted to taste her essence on his tongue and have it fill his senses until all he could smell and taste was her.

  “Kiss me,” he demanded, his hand going into her hair, but not pulling or guiding her mouth to his, just holding her head. His words were demanding, but he wanted her to decide.

  She leaned back in, and this time she
kissed him. Her lips pressed against his, her sweet little tongue demanding entrance, which he gladly granted.


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