Dungeon of the Old Gods: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG

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Dungeon of the Old Gods: A Dark Dungeon Realm LitRPG Page 13

by Wolfe Locke

  His distractedness cost him as one of the creatures on the ceiling opened its grinning mouth wide and spewed a steaming green substance toward him.

  John rolled to the side, earning more stabs from the creatures that were still around him. He did not avoid the green substance completely, and as some of it splashed onto his arm, the limb exploded in pain.

  John watched as a small part of his arm literally dissolved. The skin sloughing off of it.

  Around him, the creatures laughed. However, their mirth was cut short as black blood began to flow from the wound. It flowed over John’s arm, covering it completely. The pain was still there, but the wound had been closed off and over time it would heal completely. Albeit a bit…differently.

  Never mind. The ring definitely couldn’t have done that.

  At the show of near regeneration, the smiles on the creatures around John slipped away. Instead, they were replaced by vicious snarls and a piercing screech that stabbed at his ears. Then they charged once more.

  This time, John used the powers that the God of the Deep had bestowed upon him to his advantage.

  He did not dodge the barbs from the creatures. Instead, he took them into his body, allowing the pain to fuel his anger. Black blood filled the small holes. Then, with the creatures unable to get away, he lay waste to them with his axes.

  Blood and limbs flew as he went about his grisly work, hacking and slashing.

  Yet it seemed that no matter how many he killed, there were always more to take their place.

  Still, John fought on against the seemingly unending tide of enemies. At this point, he was not even thinking. He was simply letting the reflexes of his body take over. The years of training with his axes coming to the forefront. He parried and blocked and slashed and chopped almost without realizing what he was doing.

  John made a mistake.

  The powers granted him by the God of the Deep helped to get his body intact, and the aura of regeneration granted to him by Seonna would help heal him from almost any injury. John had taken more stabs than he could count, and now all that he felt in place of the wounds was a slight itch. He had even started to recover from being sprayed by the creature’s acid attack. His skin already regrowing. John knew he should be more careful, but another part of him told him to use the gifts that he had been bestowed with.

  He was coming to rely on the healing factor that his powers gave him. He would take the barbs and accept the pain, knowing that he would heal because it would give him an advantage on his attackers. But then one of them drove a barb straight into the side of his knee.

  Immediately, the limb went numb and John fell to the ground.

  This was the exact type of opportunity that the creatures had been looking for. They swarmed over him like rats, pinning his arm to his side with barbs through his wrists. John screamed and thrashed. He sent one of the creatures flying into a wall with a kick of his booted foot, where it impacted with a sickening crunch.

  But there were just too many. The creatures overwhelmed John, stabbing over and over. There was no way his healing could take this kind of abuse for long.


  I’m sorry this happened to you, John. But it can’t be helped now. Forgive yourself for what you do when you need to survive. Do what you must.

  John tried to resist. He really did. But the pain was immense. There was a sudden explosion of agony as one of the wickedly sharp barbs stabbed him directly in the eye.

  He could not control it any longer. The beast inside him clawed and raked its way to the surface.

  John was gone. All that was left was the monster within and its primal hatred and fury.

  Chapter 27: What Lay Within

  * * *

  John’s mouth elongated and saliva dripped from his maw. The grey film that covered his eyes spread to the rest of his face as his body shifted and morphed. In his powerful jaws, John grabbed one of the creatures above him by the head and snapped its neck in a vicious bite that tore through flesh and sinew.

  His arm grew long and thick as the differing bonds and essences within John transformed him into a monster. Talon like daggers sprouting from their ends once more, and then the limbs split down the middle once more. Revealing gaping wide openings with savage teeth. The monsters hesitated for only a moment before collapsing in on him in unified attack.

  The creature that was once John Younger erupted from the writhing masses that had pinned him down. He slashed at them with his sharp limbs, and he bit them in half with any set of teeth that he could get a hold of them with.

  The taste of their flesh in his jaws was like ambrosia. John reveled in it and sought out more as the hunger within him awakened. Always more. The monster he had become relished the sound of tearing flesh and breaking bone.

  The monsters were being killed off in large numbers, yet somehow, some way, their numbers seemed never-ending. John never stopped fighting, never stopped enjoying the fight he had found himself in, but the creatures wouldn’t stop coming. Are they spawning here?

  Eventually, John began to grow tired. His monstrous form was not permanent and holding on to it was taxing on his energy. His movements slowed while the creatures that attacked him stayed full of energy, darting and attacking him as they could.

  After a time, John’s body began the process of reverting to his normal self. The gaping maw of his arms closed and then shrank back to normal size. He managed to sever the head of one more creature before the dagger like appendages at the ends of his arms flowed back into his normal arms, and transformed back into his thrice blessed axes.

  Finally, his snout like mouth, which had been in the middle of crushing one of the creature’s heads, shrunk back down to normal. John could still taste the blood and brain matter coating his tastebuds. The monstrous part of him roared for more but the human part of him that had now reasserted itself shrank back in fear and revulsion.

  What have I become?? How have I fallen so far? The words spoken by Lachesis comforted him. Forgive yourself for what you have to do to survive. Still, the thought lingered. What kind of monster am I?

  He pushed the thought away. Now was not the time to ask these questions. Bodies littered the floor, but more and more of these creatures flowed from the shadows. It was as if deep in the dark where he could not see, the monsters were being produced as fast as he could kill them. Yes. It had to be a spawn.

  Onward they came. He raised his thrice blessed axes and prepared himself. He was exhausted. Even with the increase in his stats from the bonds bestowed upon him were not enough. But he had come too far to die now. I’ve been through too much. I won’t die here.

  John mustered his strength and went on a desperate offensive.

  Luckily, his transformation from earlier had made the creatures cautious. They did not relent, but their attacks were more measured and restrained. They think I maintain the same power from before. That’s the only thing saving me.

  Eventually, though, the creatures began to grow bolder. They knew that they had the advantage of numbers on their side and so they regrouped and came in once more. John clashed with the creatures, hacking with his axes and kicking away any that got close. But after a time, his fatigue began to show. He moved slower and did not react as fast.

  The creatures, seeing this, prepared to pounce once more. They swarmed over the walls and ceilings, getting ready to drive him to the ground again. This time, John was not sure if he would be able to get out of it. The first time, he had lost an eye. It was now covered in a layer of black blood beneath the grey film and he could not see out of it.

  The next time, I’ll likely lose my life, not just an eye.

  However, John was saved by a voice from across the prison.

  “Over here! Come this way if you want to live.” shouted a voice that was familiar but hard for him to place.

  John scanned the area for the source of the voice, finally falling on a section of the wall that he was sure had been solid before. Now, he saw that it
had swung outward, and a man was standing in the open doorway. But not just any man. The Witch Hunter himself. Johannes Eckert, the very man responsible for the quest that had set John on this path.

  John did not question what was happening. With the hope of salvation, he redoubled his efforts and pushed through the tide and toward the man and the open door. He killed several of the creatures on his way and took more wounds, but finally he made it.

  Once on the other side, the man began to try closing the door, but the creatures were relentless. Once one of them wormed their way through and John had to dispatch it with his axes.

  A tide of bodies pushed against the door. The stingers of the creatures lashed out, trying to clear away the man that was straining to close it.

  Then, John was there, slashing with his thrice blessed axes and sending barbs and limbs flying and tumbling to the ground.

  After what felt like forever, the door closed with an audible thump, and the man that had saved John put his back to it and fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

  John had a seat and joined him and for a time, the only sounds were the clamoring of the creatures at the door and the heavy breathing of the two men. Eventually, the banging stopped and the men’s breath came easier.

  “Thank you.” John said, once he had had a chance to catch his breath.

  “Don’t mention it.” Johannes replied. “I’ve been trapped here long enough by myself. I heard a commotion and knew another had finally made it to this floor. I had no intention of letting you die. I figured that you might need some help. Turns out that I was right, eh?”

  “You could definitely say that.” John said with a wry chuckle.

  “An introduction is in order. You may have heard of me; my name is Johannes Eckert. Witch Hunter, and right hand of the Regent. I came to this place, this supposed Dungeon of Old Gods while searching for signs of the Regent’s nephew. I’ve been stuck here ever since.”

  “I’m John, an adventurer, its good to meet you. A pleasure.” he replied, and though John wasn’t sure, he thought Johannes’ face twitched in displeasure.

  “Oh, I doubt that it’s much of a pleasure under the circumstances. My mistake. I had thought maybe you were a Paladin to have made it this far.” Johannes murmured.

  “Where does this passage lead?” John asked, thinking that he needed to change the subject. The rumors are likely true. The Witch Hunter has no love for adventurers.

  “It doesn’t lead anywhere. As far as I can tell, it was some sort of storeroom. I’ve been holed up here for a while between excursions into the prison. I could not get past those creatures outside.”

  “So what are we going to do?” John asked.

  “Well.” Johannes replied. “I just came up with a plan a while back. All I needed was another person to come along and help me with it. Lucky me that you showed up, eh?”

  “Oh, yeah. We’re both just overflowing with luck.” John replied, sarcastically.

  Chapter 28: Humanity Lost

  * * *

  “You said that you’ve been here for a while. How long exactly?” John asked curiously.

  The Witch Hunter frowned. “I’ve lost track of time. A few months at least.”

  “That long?” John responded. “How have you not starved to death or died of dehydration?”

  Johannes looked at him in annoyance. “The same way you have, I imagine. By minding my own business and not asking stupid questions, that we both know the answer to.”


  Lachesis – Do not pry. Another man’s burdens are not your own. He is god blessed just as you are.

  Seonna – You cannot see it, but this Johannes has suffered great injury over and over again on this floor.

  Nemesis – He reeks of death. How many of your countrymen has he killed to survive?

  An awkward and tense silence fell between them until Johannes spoke up, completely changing the subject. “The walls sweat. Use that if you need to. I’ve found that portions of it to be covered in a flammable ichor. I only found out after a freak accident with a torch while running from Greys.”

  “So. I’m assuming that’s part of the plan you have?” John replied.

  “Ah.” Johannes said. “That’s where you come in. Here’s what we’re going to do.”

  A few minutes later, the two men burst out of the secret passage with weapons in hand. John, of course, had his axes. Johannes bore a long sword with edges that gleamed in the dim firelight of the torches.

  Together, they pushed back the horde of creatures that waited for them. Any time one would approach from the ceiling or walls, one of the pair would break off and take care of it while the other kept the remaining creatures at bay.

  John and Johannes pushed them all the way back to the back of the prison. There, on the far wall, was a wooden door. That’s where we will find our way down.

  Now that John could see the breadth of the prison, he saw that while the creatures were many; they had stopped spawning. They worked together, but from what John could tell, he was hardly needed. Johannes was relentless. His trademark sword lashed out with brutal efficiency keeping the creatures at bay. The monsters fought relentlessly, but they could not penetrate the wall that was the two seasoned adventurers.

  Finally, as John blocked the door to the cell, Johannes retrieved a torch from the wall, threw it into the cell, and set the monsters ablaze. The monsters died screaming.

  “Perfection, isn’t it?” Johannes commented as the fire reflected in his eyes. John did not reply.


  Have you heard the lie yet, John? *Laughs* This one is a monster. If only I had taken him instead.

  Once they were sure that there were no more surprises waiting, the two men proceeded through the wooden door at the back of the prison and continued downward.

  For the first time since he had come to this cursed place, John was not alone in the stairway that led to another floor. It was both comforting and disconcerting. He was happy for the company, but at this point he had been alone so long that he wasn’t sure how to react. He felt tense, like something was wrong. The things that he had been through in the dungeon so far did not help his concern in that regard.

  After a time, the next floor began to come into view and the two men readied themselves.

  Waiting for them was a single wide, square room with an extremely high ceiling. On the other side was another wooden door. A door which the two men could just barely see between the legs of the giant that was guarding it.

  The ceiling was at least fifteen feet high, and the giant that stood in front of them was almost touching the top. Its head sealed within a caged helmet. The monster wore dark bladed armor over its massive body. It has to be made of either iron or steel and weighs a ton. How are we going to get past that? At his side, the giant held a massive curved sword.

  John had seen smaller armor like it before, but always on Paladins. But their armor was always shiny and silver and gleaming. This giant’s armor was dark like obsidian, and it had several cracks and dents running through it. Another cursed thing in the dungeon.

  It was not difficult to assume what had happened to him. After all, Paladins who had lost their path and succumbed to darkness were not unheard of.

  The giant stood stoically in front of the door, and then he spoke, his voice sounding deep and far away.

  “A sacrifice is demanded in order to proceed to the next floor, as has always been custom.”

  “What manner of sacrifice do you think he means?” Johannes asked suspiciously.

  “I don’t know.” John replied. “But if it’s blood, he will have none from me.”

  “Aye, and none from me as well. I’ve given up enough of myself already.” Johannes replied and John nodded, knowing the feeling.

  “He’s big. Powerful, too. But there’s two of us.” John reasoned. “If we work together, we might be able to take him.”

  “We would need to be cautious.” Johannes replied,
assessing the situation that lay before them. “I do not know if you recognize the armor. It belongs to one of the Prince’s Paladins. Even though he has fallen, this monster will be more than a capable warrior. It will not be an easy fight.”

  “You have a point, but we don’t really have much of a choice here. I’ve nothing to give to him in sacrifice.” John said, “I’ve already bonded myself.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Johannes muttered as he stabbed John in the back.

  Chapter 29: Betrayal Most Foul


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