by L. S. Pullen
Mum, I love you beyond measure, thank you for being someone I continue to aspire to. I love you and our newest adopted pooch Luna-pup.
My family, Carlie, thank you for being my sister and best friend, love you to the moon and back.
Dad, thank you for always showing us your kind of crazy, love you. Hannah, thank you for always inking me, love you.
To my famalam, Dave, Grace, Tam, Alex and Niki, we’ve lost one of the good ones, and we lost a part of us, but we have to make sure his memory is never forgotten, love you guys.
Friends who are my family, Victoria, William, Laura, Andy, Evie, Zach and of course Ethel, I love you all, thank you for your unwavering friendship love and support. To making new memories.
Samantha and Mel, now I live closer, I hope to see you both soon and talk about all the things, keep writing, you’ve got this.
To my colleagues who I’m honoured to call friends, Donna, Andrea, Beverlina and Michelle, I love you ladies. Simon and Arek, thank you both for taking a chance and reading my debut, love you guys.
TiC’s, my flamingos, you are my people. Thank you, Cassie for your editing critique, for always loving me no matter what, you are my Yoda and my lobster. Crystal, thank you for proofreading, your friendship and always making me smile, your heart knows no bounds. Julie, thank you for formatting, and always sharing your insight, your constant love and support is priceless. Dusti, thank you for being so beautifully you and for Beta Reading when this was still rough. I love you all beyond measure, regardless of distance, you are my soul sisters, my red threads.
Kirsten, Beta Bitch, thank you for putting up with my long arse sentences, it’s my goal to reduce these and one day impress you!
To all the other authors I have met along the way, especially the PLN Authors, I love you girls, Amber, Ruth, Kinsey, Kayleigh, Lindsey and Holly Hall. I wish I could name you all. But know you are a tribe I am proud to be part of. The support we have for one another is what makes this journey less terrifying.
Tarryn Fisher, you won’t read this and that’s okay. Thank you, The Opportunist changed my life, because of you I took the leap. I’m writing my dreams into reality. And I have friends I’ve met along the way who I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for you. I can’t imagine a life without knowing them. #pln4life #riseofthewomen
To my most loyal companion, Harley, gone but never forgotten.
About the Author
Leila, aka L.S. Pullen is a daughter, sister, aunt and debut author of Where the Heart Is. Recently relocated from North London to Peterborough, she’s not quite ready to go cold turkey just yet and still spends her week commuting into London for her day job.
When she’s not working, her passion is reading and writing, in between decorating and settling into her new home. She also enjoys art, photography, film, and theatre. In true English fashion, loves Afternoon Tea. Leila is a proud Ravenclaw.
To keep up to date with her upcoming projects, you can find her on the following links: