Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4)

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Triple Sext: A Reverse Harem Bully Romance (Accidental Stepbrother Book 4) Page 8

by Stephanie Brother

  I pulled her down to me, to swallow her scream, to drive her higher by sucking her dark red nipple into my mouth to give her more. I loved their color, the fact that they were so blatantly aroused and wanted to use them to arouse her even more.

  The swirling of my tongue around the tight bud made her keen loudly, a sob of pleasure as she went even higher, her pussy squeezing ever tighter.

  I heard her moan my name - my brother’s name - and couldn’t hold back any longer. I let myself go as her heat swallowed me into a world she’d created with her sensual body. I rode through the explosions, certain my cock would blast off my body the orgasm was so strong, but it held on. I lasted longer than normal, too, the quick shot pleasure that normally came with orgasm was prolonged as her walls swallowed around me, time after time.

  I sighed her name, softly, imperceptibly, but I knew I’d done it. Fuck, I was in trouble. Only something happened, something that had never happened to me before. Celia fell onto my chest, and kissed me deeply, her walls still rippled around me. I couldn’t help it. I cried out as I felt hot jets shoot from my cock all over again, making me gasp her name over and over as I emptied into her. I’d wanted to make her mine, but I think she’d just made me hers.

  I stayed silent as she broke away from me and panted on my chest. I stroked her back gently as I tried to figure out what had just happened. She was mine and I was hers.

  I’d give her the world if that’s what she wanted.

  “Thank you for inviting me over.” She murmured against my neck, her lips a sigh against my neck as she finally came back to life.

  “I wanted you so much, Celia. I needed to see you.” I pushed her up from my chest and gazed up at her, wild hair and all.

  “I wanted to meet you too, you know?” She said as she let me have my fill of looking.

  Her finger stroked my lips and awareness shot through me. I was still inside of her, still hard as a rock for her. Even after I came twice.

  “Well, you have me all, baby. Take what you want.” I pulled her back down to me and kissed her with whatever wild, crazy shit had taken hold of my brain. I was a goner, and I had a feeling this would last for more than one night. Which meant I was in a fuckload of trouble.

  Chapter Sixteen


  How could you go from being on the high of your life to down in the dumps in the span of a week, I wondered as I sat on a park bench by myself. I’d left my phone and my laptop in my bag, buried at the bottom, so I wouldn’t have to hear them if someone sent me a message. My hand went up to my hair and touched the frazzled ends that were left.

  It was too ugly, too horrible to look at. Tears streaked down my face, but it was early morning, nobody cared. What was I supposed to do about this shit?

  Keith’s face popped into my head, and I sobbed. He loved my hair, he’d twirl it around his fingers, let it fall over his face, he’d even jerked himself off with it wrapped around his cock once. I’d watched, lost in lust and fascination as he did it.

  Now, what would he do? He’d look at me, cringe, and probably walk away.

  I’d had a week of bliss, of being so high that even Rachel’s increasingly snarky attitude hadn’t bothered me. I’d just smiled, flipped her off a few times, and gone about my day. Or evening as it had been a few times. She’d told me I was fat, ugly, unworthy of being her friend in response, but I’d just walked over to Keith’s place and let him fuck her nasty words away.

  He made me feel beautiful, loved, and desired. She hadn’t mattered.

  Until I woke up this morning. I had to get up early, for an exam, and I’d seen her standing over me, a pair of scissors in one hand, most of my hair in the other. “Let’s see how long you smirk now, you fucking fat whore.”

  I’d stared at her, horrified, and even a little afraid. How had the sweet girl that I’d thought would be my friend suddenly turned into such a nightmare?

  The air was cold, and a breeze started up that all but froze the tears on my face. I couldn’t sit out here anymore. I swiped at the tears and picked up my school bag. It had my notes in it. I’d try to study, I decided.

  Rachel had run out of our room after she’d spoken and had taken the evidence with her. I’d dressed in a hurry, determined to report her. To have her arrested for assault, to have my dorm changed. But she’d taken the only evidence there was. Who would believe me?

  She was a beauty with the face of an angel, on the verge of joining one of the most popular sororities on campus. I’d be labeled as a jealous bitch that only wanted to get Rachel in trouble. Her new ‘sisters’ would rally behind her, support her. They’d probably put her up to it as some initiation ritual, the mean fucking bitches.

  I’d talked myself down from righteous anger, but now, shame seethed through me, and that made something else come alive in me. A new kind of anger. A need for revenge09 even.

  I didn’t know how, but I’d pay her back for this shit.

  As soon as I could stop crying, I might even be able to think of a way how.

  “Celia,” a voice called out that made me freeze as I stepped into the building where I had to take my exam. “What the fuck have you done to your hair?”

  I looked into Keith’s face; my eyes miserable. His face went from shock to sympathy. “What happened?”

  “Rachel happened,” I whispered and sobbed as I fell into his arms.

  “What does that mean?” he asked a note of cold anger in his voice. I knew it wasn’t directed at me, but even then, it was a little scary.

  “She did this while I was asleep this morning,” I said through the hiccups that came with my tears. “I woke up and she’d cut all of my hair off.”

  “Did she, indeed?” I could feel anger now, coming off him in waves. I snuggled closer, in need of his warmth and the comfort he offered to me. I’d been made fun of before in my life, I’d been stared at by the boys when I grew breasts, called a whore and a skank by the girls, and had learned to stay to myself, to study. I hadn’t let it bother me back then.

  This had become physical. She’d touched me. Cut my hair off! My fucking hair!

  And rather than turning away, Keith had embraced me and tried to comfort me. I’d been so afraid he’d shut the door on me when he saw me, or that he’d walk away if he saw me on campus but he hadn’t.

  He’d supported me instead and I felt loved in a way I hadn’t felt since my first day here when I got the boxes from home. Even if we’d only been seeing each other for a week and neither of us had dared to say a word about love. I clung to the safety and comfort he offered like a woman that was on the verge of drowning.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to take my exam, or even go back there tonight. The look on her face when I woke up, Keith. It was so scary.”

  “Being away from home for the first time does some strange things to people, I’ve noticed.” He leaned back, and I smiled at the knit cap on his head. It was black with a little ball on top. I liked it.

  He was a couple of years older than me, a senior here, in fact, so he’d had more experience of the places and the people than I had. He stroked my cheek and looked at me as if it was the first time he’d ever really seen me.

  “What’s up?” I asked, confused. I’d only seen him the night before.

  “Nothing. I’m sad about your hair, but don’t doubt that you’re beautiful, Celia. With or without it, you really take my breath away.”

  “I’m glad.” I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. “I guess I better get to class and get this exam over with, even though I know I’m going to bomb on it.”

  “Do that and don’t let this bother you too much, alright? I’ll figure something out for you. You won’t have to worry about her again today.”

  “I fucking hope not. This is the limit of what I’m prepared to take from her.”

  “Let me help you, and you won’t have to go back to that room again. Alright?”

  “Alright.” I sighed, leaned into him to kiss him, and prepared to walk
away. “Thanks, Keith. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem.” He looked a little sad for a moment, but then he smiled and walked away. I had to wonder exactly what he had up his sleeve, but for now, I had an exam to focus on. He’d made my day brighter, but I still had no hair and a life to get on with. With a deep breath, I headed for the class I had to get to.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “That bitch did what now?” Keith blasted from the other end of the phone line. I held the phone away from my face and stepped further away from the café I’d stopped at to grab some coffee. I was the only one of us with a class this morning, and I’d blown it off to call my brothers. I’d headed out from Celia’s not sure of what to do first, but as I’d waited in line for the coffee, an idea had started to form.

  Keith had been the first one that answered, so he heard the news first. It wasn’t that I preferred him over the other brother, it was just that Colin hadn’t answered the phone yet. Of course, he’d had a long night with Celia the night before.

  “She cut off all of Celia’s hair. It’s as short as yours now.” Mine was still growing in, but the cap had covered that up from Celia as I held her only a few minutes ago. It was the first time I’d held her in my arms, and I felt as if I was in fucking heaven!

  I’d wanted to kiss away her tears, pull her into a closet, and fuck her up against the door the minute she fell into my arms, but I’d been a gentleman.

  “And what do we do, now, Grant?” Keith asked carefully. I knew what he didn’t want to hear. He wanted to keep playing the game. He didn’t think she was ready to know that she’d been fucking two brothers all week and that one was still waiting his turn.

  It was insane that she still didn’t know there was three of us. We were well known on campus, but she didn’t socialize a lot, so that was probably why. I got the feeling there weren’t a lot of people in her life that she could talk to either, so there’d been nobody that could reveal the plot to her so far.

  “Grant?” Keith asked in a warning voice. He knew what I wanted to do. “She can’t stay with us; she’ll figure it out.”

  “No, she won’t, not if we’re careful!” I interjected quickly and looked around in frustration. “What else can we do? The school will want to investigate it, and they’ll make her go back to living with that psycho.”

  “Can’t we find her somewhere else to stay? A hotel or something?” Keith asked as soon as I’d finished.

  “How is that going to make sense to her? We have that big old house but don’t invite her to stay there until other arrangements can be made? There are three fucking floors, Keith!” I spoke loudly into the phone, so loudly some other early morning students turned to glance at me.

  “You’re right, but I don’t think Colin will like it.” Keith wasn’t really caving to my idea, he just thought Colin would back him up and that he could lay the blame off on Colin then.

  “I don’t give a fuck what Colin will like or won’t. She needs a place to stay. Clear a room for her since you don’t have class this morning.”

  “I’ll do that. But I still don’t think Colin will like it.” Keith said and took a deep breath. “But I’ll get on it.”

  “Good. I’m going to get her an appointment at that hair salon on campus, and then I’ll bring her back later. Or you can, or Colin. Whatever. I can’t wear this knit cap all day. Maybe you guys need to think about cutting your hair if we aren’t going to tell her?”

  “Fuck man, I like the way she pulls my hair. Fine!” He growled an angry sound and I knew he’d just pulled his own hair. “Fuck. Why do there have to be so many psycho bitches in the world?”

  “I don’t know, Keith, but you guys need to sort that out too before you see her. I got to go, I’m almost to that salon. I’ll call you later. Let you know what’s up.”

  “Great. Have fun.” Keith hung up the phone, and I knew he was in a bad mood. I was too, so for once, I didn’t take his shit.

  That crazy girl had upset our woman, had laid hands her, and somehow, she would pay. My phone rang and I saw it was Keith.

  “Hey, the psycho bitch, is she that Rachel girl that came on to us the first night of the semester?”

  “Yeah, that’s her.”

  “Good, I wanted to make sure I knew which bitch it was. Later, bro.” He hung up and I wondered if he was up to something. He knew the sorority sisters and he knew that Rachel was trying to weasel her way into their sorority.

  For now, I would let him and Colin deal with things the way they wanted to, but I’d make sure to get my own in too. One way or another this woman would pay for what she’d done to Celia.

  I hadn’t even fucked her yet, but already, I wanted to protect her. Of course, I’d heard her with Colin and Keith. I’d even watched once, when Colin fucked her in the hallway, too eager to get her to his bedroom on the first floor. He’d had her right against the wall. He had her with her front to the wall, her face turned the other way, so she hadn’t seen me looking out of the door of my study. She’d been beautiful and was magical to watch. If the brothers got their hair cut today, then maybe I’d get to have her to myself tonight.

  I liked that idea, although we had shared women at the same time before. We hadn’t exactly been angels since our parents died and left us with nannies and caretakers to fend for us. I wanted her to myself, only for a little while and later we could get back to our normal game. Later, after we’d all had a good taste of her, I knew we’d reveal what was going on and if she didn’t hate us for it, we’d have our own perfect mate that we could share.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I managed to get through my class without breaking down again. I got a couple of curious looks from classmates I’d shared notes with a time or two before, but nobody really seemed to be too interested in my hair, at all. And most importantly, Keith hadn’t freaked out and dodged me.

  I still hadn’t seen exactly how bad it was. I’d glanced at it a little when I got dressed, but I’d been in tears and the reflection was blurry. All my lovely hair -- my veil, my sanctuary, was gone. It wasn’t that I was vain about it, not at all. It was that I’d really felt like my hair hid me from the world when I needed it most. I hadn’t even thought about it much over the last couple of years.

  Mom used to nag me to cut it, so I’d stop hiding behind it, but she’d stopped and I hadn’t thought about it since. It was a part of me and I’d left it to grow. Now, Rachel had cut it all off with malicious glee.

  I checked my phone as I left the building and saw that Keith has sent me a message. I smiled because his name was there now, on the top of the contact page. Where there’d only been question marks before, I’d put in his name.

  The last week had left me sore, but oh, so happy. Stupidly happy. And sore. But so ready for more of what Keith had to give me. We’d had a lot of sex, a lot of it, but I still wanted more. Even now, I wanted his touch to reassure me that he still found me as gorgeous as he used to. Before that bitch cut my hair off.

  I headed over to the building he’d told me to meet him at and looked around until I found him. He’d changed hats, he now had on a gray hat with no ball, but I didn’t pay it much attention. “Hey, baby.”

  He took me in his arms and kissed me as soon as I got close enough to him. I wrapped my arms around him. He was a little bulky with his black winter coat on but let myself sink into him all over again. I listened to his heartbeat for a second and then he pulled away. “Let’s see this hair of yours again.”

  He touched the shredded ends and looked for evenness. I guess he didn’t find it, because he shook his head. “Nope, you definitely need that salon. Come on, baby. I’ve got it all set up for you.”

  “What? I can’t afford a haircut, Keith!” I dug my feet in, but he pulled harder.

  “I didn’t say you had to pay for it. Come on, somebody has to make this up to you, and I’d be happy if you let that person be me, Celia. Please?” The imploring look he se
nt me made me change my mind.

  I was going to refuse his offer but decided not to. Not with those gray puppy dog eyes he gave me. I just couldn’t turn him down. Besides, something needed to be done with this mess.

  We walked in and I knew Keith had already explained what had happened. The fluffy blond woman who led me to a chair and sat me down had sad eyes when she looked at me. Then she tutted and murmured about why did women have to be so mean to each other.

  “Let’s see what we can do with this shall we, my dear?” She smiled at me in the mirror and I nodded my head. “Alright, what I suggest is this…”

  She went on to describe a style that would leave most of what was left but would mean my hair would be short in the back. There was about four inches left at the sides, and she’d cut those to angle along my jawline, and the hairstyle would be a little severe but would grow out. Eventually. I nodded, still too shocked by it all to fully take it in.

  I watched her through the process, and answered her questions, but didn’t feel like any of it was really happening. It just wasn’t real. It was some kind of nightmare and I’d wake up to find that Rachel wouldn’t be that fucking insane and my hair would be where it was supposed to be.

  The woman, Natalie, soon had everything done and she styled it with a blow dryer before she let me leave. Keith paid for it all and looked at me with a smile. “Well, I wanted to try that one thing we did with your hair one more time, but this looks good. I like it.”

  “I’m glad you do.” I looked at my reflection in the glass outside of the salon and frowned. “I’m not sure I do, but there isn’t anything I can do about it is there?”

  “There is. Kind of. Why don’t we go and get your things packed up and we can talk about it?”

  “Packed up? Did you talk to the school about having me moved?” I walked quickly to catch up with him, and he looked at me with an awkward smile.

  “Not exactly. I have an extra room which means you won’t be stuck in that dorm with her. If you want it.”


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