Bite Me Harder (a paranormal shifter novel) (Guardians of the Deep Book 2)

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Bite Me Harder (a paranormal shifter novel) (Guardians of the Deep Book 2) Page 30

by Chris Genovese

  “I love you too,” she said, trying to catch her breath. “I really do. I love you, Rafe.”

  “Marry me then,” he said.

  Her heart galloped and swung closed fists inside her chest. She couldn’t catch her breath…again. It was so soon. They barely knew each other, but who gave a damn? She loved him too and would have thrown everything away if she’d had to. As she was dying in the ocean, Rafe had been the last thought on her mind. She’d only wanted him to be safe. She would be the one to keep him safe and he would do the same for her.

  Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Is this real?

  He kissed her again and cradled her body, looking down into her face, waiting for her answer.

  “I would marry you today, tomorrow, and every day for the whole year,” she said.

  She realized her words were coming out childish, but she didn’t care. That was how he made her feel, like a young girl having her first kiss, like a virgin teenager making love for the first time, and like a naïve girl with only the hope of happiness in front of her, being asked for her hand in marriage.

  “You would marry me?” he asked, letting the silence linger after until she caught on to what she’d said and quickly responded to fix it.

  “I will!” she squealed. “I will marry you!”

  This time, when he kissed her, she let herself sink into it, ignoring her eye and all the world around her because nothing mattered except for the man in front of her and the promise he’d be there each time she woke. That brought a smile to her lips that could never be wiped clean.

  Chapter 34 – Sylvia

  “I’m afraid there is nothing I can do,” Horace said.

  Sylvia had stayed behind at his camp with Penny and Thane. Cobalt was in the final stages of his recovery after suffering the most damage. Like a path of mountainous terrain, he now had a scar that ran from his groin all the way up to his neck. She’d run her fingers gently over the scar tissue a number of times, always thinking that it might open up again too easily. She would have to remain by his side at all times to keep him safe. Stubborn men were too easily angered, and Coby was more dogged than most. This wasn’t about Coby though. Penny had begged Horace to look at her and see if there was any way he could help the baby.

  “There has to be something,” Penny said.

  Thane remained quiet. It was clear he already knew the answer and was only there to support her. Sylvia had heard the stories. This had happened before, and it was known that once a pregnant woman shifts into shark form, the baby is destroyed. It’s said to be painless as the magical quality of their transformation makes it all happen so quickly that the baby simply ceases to exist. As horrible as it sounds, the baby basically explodes.

  Horace shook his head and pursed his lips, clearly feeling sorry for her situation and the fact that he could do nothing to help. Penny breathed heavily, and Thane wrapped her up in his arms. She cried into his shoulder.

  “I could feel it moving,” she said. “My baby was alive. Our baby.”

  “You can hate the world,” Horace told her. “Or you can simply choose to understand it.”

  “Fuck the world,” Penny spat. “Fuck the whole world. My baby was innocent and…”

  “Exactly,” Horace said with a smile as he clapped his hands together.

  The old man was so Zen, so calm it was almost comical. Nothing seemed to faze him. Sylvia wondered if he’d ever suffered in his entire life. Then again, he was single, and he was ancient, and that had to mean something. Sylvia imagined he’d lost somebody… at least once.

  “Child,” he said. “Each spirit chooses a path. It chooses the life that will fulfill its mission, for lack of a better word. It knows before ever landing in our world that it has things to accomplish. They are here either to learn from this life and return to the heavens with more knowledge, compassion, or inner-strength, or they come here to help some other soul on its journey. Perhaps that child entered you to teach you something. What lesson you learn from this depends entirely on you. But if you let that lesson slip away as you wallow in pity, then that child’s death, that spirit’s short stay on this earth, will have been for nothing.”

  Penny pulled away from Thane and stared at the old man. Sylvia knew her oldest friend very well and could tell she was processing his words. What he was saying made sense, in his own mind, and it might have made sense to Penny, but Sylvia didn’t buy it. She only knew that she still wanted to get her hands on Evelyn and get rid of her forever. There had been talk about the possibility that she hadn’t survived. So many sharks had been circling beneath that boat and Sylvia had taken a gigantic bite out of the woman’s neck. Surely when she’d hit the water, blood must have gone everywhere. And Evelyn had been alone. But Sylvia doubted they were right. The woman was pure evil. She couldn’t die at the hands of some nameless sharks. She was out there somewhere, probably already planning her next attack.

  At least they didn’t need to worry about Keelan Kane anymore. Kane had come to visit Coby during his recovery and had apologized for killing Poet. He claimed he hadn’t known who the shark was and hadn’t thought about who he might be leaving behind. He was only trying to find redemption for what had happened to his family and for what he thought was the loss of his sister. Coby hadn’t shaken the man’s hand, but he’d nodded, and that was as good as anyone would get from Sylvia’s stoic boyfriend. Peace had been made.

  Penny and Thane returned to their side of the island shortly after, and Sylvia remained behind to wait for Cobalt. Even in recovery, his sexual appetite was insatiable. He’d commanded her to remove her clothes and sit on him in the tent and she couldn’t deny that she was happy to oblige. Fucking him amidst the blue mist had been so erotic she’d almost passed out in sensory overload. The next day, he’d climbed to his feet and told Horace he was ready to leave.

  Horace had tried to stop him, but Coby wasn’t the kind of guy even an ancient sea turtle shifter would argue with. When a great white says he’s ready to go, you let him. Sylvia had known all along that Coby wouldn’t want to settle down on the other side of the island with all their new friends. It wasn’t his style. She’d warned Penny who had been angry about it at first, but then seemed to give up, not finding the strength to argue after all she’d been through.

  Now, with her man by her side, she wondered where they would go.

  “Do we have a home then?” Sylvia asked him as he removed the shorts he’d been given and dropped them onto the beach.

  Sylvia too removed her clothes. She could have shifted with them still on her body, but why waste perfectly good clothes if it wasn’t necessary.

  “That’s our home,” he said, pointing toward the ocean.

  “Where do we sleep? Eat?” she asked.

  “We eat in the ocean,” he said. “We sleep wherever we want to.”

  She bit her bottom lip. There was no going back now. She’d given up her life back home without even saying goodbye. Her dad had left when she was a small child and she had no siblings. Her mom was so into the church and lived so far from her that they rarely spoke like they used to. As long as she made a phone call every now and then, not much would be different on that front. No more credit cards. No more boss breathing down her neck and making sure she came up with new, juicy content to share with her audience. No more demands to be Sylvia Foxx. From now on, she was Coby’s woman.

  “You know,” she said. “Rafe and Kalina are getting married.”

  “We can go to the wedding if you want,” he said.

  He was missing the point. Her silence must have keyed him in because he suddenly nodded and smiled.

  “My kind,” he said. “We mate for life. We don’t need vows or a person or even a god to tell us our fates are tied together. We fuck, and we remain devoted. I will never ever choose any one or anything over you. And I expect the same from you.”

  She smiled. He wasn’t putting a ring on her finger, but this seemed so much more promising.

  “You ready to be
a savage?” he asked.

  She laughed.

  “That sounded kind of gangsta,” she joked.

  “Huh?” he asked.

  “Never mind.”

  “Let me show you my world,” he said as he took her hand and walked toward the water, “and then I’ll find a good place to fuck you and help you understand a little better.”

  Every time he talked about sex, she yearned for him, and she couldn’t hit the water fast enough.

  Epilogue – Penny

  It wasn’t long ago that Penny had stood in this exact same spot, looking out at the gigantic ocean and worrying about Thane out there somewhere patrolling the water the way he always did. She’d caressed her belly and had wondered what she’d name the baby. That was all over now. Sure, she could try again. She would try again. Thane had already convinced her to make love to him twice since then, but each time had been a struggle. Each time they fell into bed, she felt as if she were trying to make it her mission to conceive.

  It’s that way for a lot of women, I suppose. Why would it be any different for me?

  It was different because she absolutely adored Thane and wanted nothing more than to give him a baby. She swallowed hard and fought back the tears welling up in her eyes. She would give him a child, that much she was sure of, but she feared every time she looked at it she’d think of the one she’d lost.

  No, I didn’t lose it. Evelyn fucking stole my baby from me. Never forget that. Losing a child means not holding his or her hand in the mall and the child wanders off. I didn’t lose my baby.

  Her tears sizzled in her eyes as her head filled with instant heat at the thought of Evelyn and how she’d slipped through her fingers again. It was like some non-comical cartoon where the evil villain always got away in the end, only so she could return and add drama to the next episode. What would be their next episode?

  Penny’s best friend, Sylvia had skipped town with Cobalt. She’d returned once to tell her what was going on, but then she’d slipped back into the ocean with her man, claiming he would take her all the places she needed to go. That her life had to mean more than hanging out at a half-circle of cabins, waiting on the next campfire party. She’d said those words but not with the sting Penny felt now as she relived them. It hadn’t been meant as a jab but more of an explanation that Sylvia needed a wilder life. She always had. While Penny had been content with ordering Chinese takeout and watching reruns of Sex and the City back before their trip to Queensland, Sylvia had been out on the town creating her own supercharged sexual memories. It would have been selfish of her to hold her friend back, especially when she’d found a man who seemed to truly care about her. Sylvia had tried to hold Penny back and it hadn’t worked. Sylvia was even more of a free spirit. Penny would have to be happy with random visits from her great white shifter friend.

  Kalina was the happiest person on the island. She always had been. Now, she had someone to share it with. The woman was simply amazing and any man lucky enough to land her better be strong enough to keep her. Rafe seemed like a good enough guy. Penny had spoken to him quite a few times but still didn’t feel like she knew him very well. That didn’t matter. Kalina was in love with him, and she was ecstatic for her friend. They would be getting married soon, and then Kalina would get pregnant. It was bound to happen with as often as those two were alone in their cabin.

  If only Faith would find someone and do the same. She’d found several men, all three of Rafe’s friends, but Penny knew none of them were fit to tame the wildest tiger shark she knew. If anyone on the island was bound to remain single, it was Faith. If anyone had no desire to settle down it was Faith. Yet, of all the people Penny liked and wished to see with a happily ever after, it was Faith. Maybe Penny could set her up with Keelan Kane, the asshole turned wonderful big brother. Stranger things had happened. Even he probably couldn’t handle her.

  Lightning cracked in the sky over the ocean and Penny felt the nearby storm moving away toward mainland. The sky was clearing, and the sun shone down on her face, bathing her in its warmth. She closed her eyes and put her hands on her belly like she had so many times in the past. For a moment, she forgot that her baby was gone, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. Then she was crushed when the truth came rushing back to her.

  Penny was sullen and sad as she started walking away from the water with her right hand still resting against her belly button. Then, the strangest thing happened. The baby kicked. It bucked inside her body so hard her hand moved.

  “Whoa,” she said out loud and then looked around to see if anyone was near.

  Nobody was. She stood alone on the beach.

  Her stomach bumped again from the inside. Something was definitely in there. Her baby was alive! It kicked again, and she rubbed at the spot, gasping in disbelief. An electric jolt ran through her entire body and she couldn’t stop the laughter from flowing out. She giggled and rubbed her belly more firmly.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “This is impossible.”

  It was impossible. History had taught Thane’s people, her people, that shifting while pregnant resulted in sudden death for the baby. Yet, she could feel it moving around inside her, and she knew without a doubt that it was her baby.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, tears now streaming down her face. “I’ll never let you go again. Do you hear me? I’ll never let you go.”

  Not only did she know her baby was alive, she knew it was a son. She could feel it. It was a boy. Penny hurried back to the cabins, so she could tell everyone that Thane’s heir was still on his way.

  About the Author

  Chris Genovese is a romance author. Okay... naughty and wild romance but still romance… why am I writing this in third person? I’m talking about me! How egotistical am I? Geez.

  I’m just an average guy. I’m a father of four, a devoted husband, and I absolutely love and cherish my readers, fans, and friends. When I’m not busy having writers’ ADD, meaning I can’t stay focused on one story idea without bouncing around to ten others, you’ll usually find me either hanging out with my family or doing online events and takeovers, where I hang out with my fans, talk dirty, and play wild games.

  I write comedy, horror, dystopian, poetry, and the naughty versions of just about every other genre. I like to say that I take all the genres you love, and I set them on fire.

  Who doesn’t love a little bit of fire every now and then? Especially with some music blaring and a cold beer…see? There I go again. Writers’ ADD.

  Come join me on this wild ride. It’ll be a freakin’ blast!

  Author Links

  Amazon author page US:

  Amazon author page UK:

  Chris Genovese Website:

  Carver Pike Website:

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  Facebook author page for Carver Pike:




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  Other works by Chris Genovese

  Maybe Mandy Series

  Kinky Carnival Games

  Margaritas by Moonlight

  Slippery When Wet

  Maybe Mandy Collection (Books 1-3)

  Daughters of Venus Series

  The Trouble with Three Husbands

  The Trouble with Virgins

  The Trouble with Twins

  Daughters of Venus the Full Story (Books 1-3)

  The Second Person Romantic Shorts

  2nd Person Romantic Shorts Volume 1 (Books 1-4)

  2nd Person Romantic Shorts Volume 2 (B
ooks 5-8)

  Guardians of the Deep

  Oh, Bite Me

  Bite Me Harder

  Wolves Love Red

  Online Romance Group

  Checking Him Out: A Single Mothers' Workplace Romance

  A Climax for Christmas

  Welcome to E. Mayberry (also available in audiobook)

  The Collective Series (a 10-episode multi-author series)

  Quills and Daggers (Episode 5)

  Quills and Daggers and We All Fall Down (A Collective Special Edition)

  Erotic Poetry

  Just the Tip

  Going Deeper

  Balls Deep

  That’s Pretty Freakin’ Deep (Erotic Poetry Books 1-3)

  Anthologies Containing Chris’s Work

  The Frat Chronicles

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Author’s Note and Dedication

  Prologue – Penny

  Chapter 1 - Sylvia

  Chapter 2 - Rafe

  Chapter 3 - Kalina

  Chapter 4 – Sylvia

  Chapter 5 – Rafe

  Chapter 6 - Kalina

  Chapter 7 - Sylvia

  Chapter 8 - Rafe

  Chapter 9 - Kalina

  Chapter 10 - Sylvia

  Chapter 11 - Rafe

  Chapter 12 - Kalina

  Chapter 13 - Sylvia

  Chapter 14 - Rafe

  Chapter 15 – Kalina

  Chapter 16 – Sylvia

  Chapter 17 – Rafe

  Chapter 18 – Kalina

  Chapter 19 – Sylvia

  Chapter 20 – Rafe

  Chapter 21 – Kalina

  Chapter 22 – Sylvia

  Chapter 23 – Rafe

  Chapter 24 – Kalina

  Chapter 25 – Sylvia

  Chapter 26 – Rafe

  Chapter 27 – Kalina


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