The Mechanic: Brotherhood Protectors World

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The Mechanic: Brotherhood Protectors World Page 17

by Reina Torres

  And he was finally seeing that he was going to be on the way out too. Being the head of security for a man who abused his authority the way Seth did, only had perks when the other man was in charge.

  Realizing how close they were to losing it all had to be uncomfortable.


  And for men used to being in charge, that had to be even more frightening.

  That made this even more dangerous for her.

  She was the one who could bring them down.

  “I’m not trying to hurt anyone, Robert.” Her voice sounded tight even to her own ears. “I’m going to give Seth the disc. You won’t have to worry about me after that.”

  “You’ll always be there,” he nodded, his gaze distant, “somewhere. Waiting to bring us down.”

  Chills. They raced through her body. “No, Robert. That’s not the kind of person I am.”

  “But you want to get back at Seth for Zoe.”

  He had her there. “Zoe deserves justice, Robert, but I want to live.” That galled her to admit the feelings she was having, but it was true. “I want to have a life beyond all of the crazy of Hollywood. I’m not going to ruin that.”

  He searched her eyes and she wondered if he would see the fear she was fighting. “How do I know you can be trusted?”

  She wanted to argue back. Trust her? She was the one who was being held against her will. “What can I do to convince you? I don’t know what to say besides the truth. I want to walk away from this, Robert. I want to go home.”

  He reached out his other hand and pulled her in close. Shocked to lose the railing at her back, Blake floundered a bit, her feet struggling to find purchase on the stairs. “Just remember one thing, Blake. Whatever you think of me, I’ve killed before and I’ll kill again. If I think for a minute that you’re going to turn against me, I’ll bury you and I’ll never have a single regret about it.”

  His breath was hot against her cheek and the stench of his cologne turned her stomach into a roiling mess.

  “I won’t even bother to leave a pretty corpse, Blake. I’ll make your body a warning to anyone else who thinks they can screw me over.”

  “Robert, please-”

  The door blew open and bounced off the inner wall with a bang, and before Blake could see who was coming in, Robert was pushing her up the stairs.

  She knew that every step up the stairs only heightened the danger so she fought.

  Adam saw her the instant he moved through the doorway and made a beeline for her across the room. He didn’t have time to worry about the other men in the room. Adam had every reason to believe that the other Protectors would handle the pitiful group of security men, and honestly, he would have walked through a hail of gunfire to get to Blake.

  Instead, he had to get through one man, and he was spoiling for a fight.

  “Let her go!”

  The man who turned to look at him was instantly recognizable. They’d all seen pictures of the man at the Bozeman airport and later at the Burbank Airport with his hands on Blake.

  They weren’t high up on the stairway, but the metal steps had wicked points on them to help people keep traction on the runners. Those metal points would eat up skin like a cheese grater ripped into Parmesan.

  “Back off.”

  The larger man was an easy target, but he had Blake’s forearm in his grip. The hold was tight enough to keep her close, but in the darkness, Adam couldn’t tell if her fingers looked darker because of the shadows or lack of circulation.

  “Adam!” Blake’s voice soothed a tiny part of his fear. “He’s armed.”

  As the man shoved her up another step, Adam saw exactly what Blake was taking about. The dark muzzle of a handgun kissed the pale skin of her temple.

  He knew then that she wasn’t struggling so much as she was just trying to stay upright and alive.

  “Give Blake to us,” Adam’s tone was a hard bark of command. “Surrender her and you’ll walk away from this.”

  “Walk away?”

  They moved up another step and try as Adam could to keep his focus, he snuck a glance at Blake and saw her tear-filled eyes looking down at him with open trust.

  “That’s right,” he answered, “I don’t want to see you in jail. I don’t care about that. I just want Blake back.”

  “She has to give me the disc. I need the footage on the disc.”

  “Look around you.” Hank’s voice came from behind him, but Adam didn’t turn. He didn’t need to. He could tell by the minute scuffling sounds that the security men were down and bound with zip ties, waiting for whatever fate they were due.

  But he also knew that behind him, ready to act, were the other men of the Brotherhood. They were backing his play.

  It felt good to have the support.

  “You’re alone,” Hank continued on, “and facing us. That is not a good combination.”

  “Let. Blake. Go.” Adam put his side arm back in its holster and held out his hand. “Let her come to me.”

  A moment of indecision swam in his eyes. Or was that temptation. Could this man see a possible light at the end of the situation?

  Damn, he sure hoped so.

  “Let her go and you walk out of here.” And right into the police officer covering the door, but he was managing to tell the truth. “Come on.”

  “Please, Robert.” Blake’s knuckles were white where she gripped the railing. “Let me go.”

  Adam latched onto hope when he saw the man’s hand ease up on her arm, and Hank offered one more inducement.

  “They’ll take it into consideration when they bring everyone up on charges.”

  Blake’s eyes widened as her skin lost its healthy color. Adam felt fear knot his insides into a tangled mess of knots as he started for the stairs.

  He wasn’t sure he was going to be fast enough, but he had to try.

  Robert moved with a speed that a big man like him shouldn’t possess. Reaching down, he grabbed for Blake’s legs and Adam swore he could see the intent on the man’s face.

  Even from the middle of the staircase, if he tipped Blake over the railing, she’d hit the floor headfirst. Concrete beat bone every time.

  Adam had to stop her from going over.

  He got his booted foot on the second runner as a start and went from there, his eyes focused on Robert as if staring the man down would help in some way.

  By the second step he was done with the stairs entirely. He launched himself into the air, his hands reaching for Robert, determined to pull him away from Blake.

  As soon as he made contact with the larger man, he pulled him to the opposite side of the stairs.

  They ended up with Robert on his back, Adam with a knee in the other man’s stomach and a leg stretched out on the stairs for purchase. The fight went out of the larger man as he stared up into the rafters high above their heads.

  “It’s over,” he mumbled, “over for me.”

  Adam held the man down on the stairs until someone else came to help him get him onto his feet. He wasn’t going to take any chances.

  A few moments later, someone stepped over the prone man and took control of his arms, letting Adam get up.

  Without another look, he moved over to Blake and found her sitting on the landing, her back against the railing. Her jeans were torn at the knees and her skin had suffered scrapes deep enough that they were weeping blood.

  Crouching down beside her, he spoke, but she didn’t seem to hear him.

  Touching her cheek with his fingers he felt her twitch and start to pull away, but once her gaze found his she reached out for him. He carefully took her by the hands because he could see blood on her forearms as well. He helped her to her feet.

  He pressed a tender kiss to her lips, but she didn’t let him stop there. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him close and tasted his lips against hers, showing him how much she needed him close.

  Adam wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He gave into her kiss for anot
her moment before he pulled back gently from her body. “We need to get you out of here. I’m going to carry you-”

  “No, no...” she put a little more distance between them. “I can walk, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  She saw the look in his eyes and shrugged. “Old habits,” she sighed, “but really, Adam. I can walk and I want to.” Looking at the room, at the area surrounding the bottom of the stairs, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She didn’t have to be afraid of these men. They were the captives now.

  Lifting her worried gaze to Adam’s, she felt her breath seize in her chest. “Seth. He’s not here.”

  Adam set his hand on her hip and looked over at Hank. “Do they have him?”

  Hank spoke into his com and listened to an answer that Blake couldn’t hear. A moment later, he nodded at them. “They’re bringing him back here.”

  Blake felt Adam’s hand smooth over the base of her spine, easing the tight grip of irrational fear she felt at seeing Seth again.

  “You don’t have to see him, baby. Not now, not ever again.”

  Smiling, she touched her hand to the side of his face. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  She started down the stairs and Adam followed after her, catching up when she reached the bottom.

  Adam gently touched her back again and she knew he was avoiding her elbows. The fabric of her blouse had been torn on the stair runners as well as her skin. To know that he’d noticed and was trying to avoid causing her pain made her love him even more.

  “You don’t have to see him now,” his tone was full of worry, “there will be time later for that. You don’t have to be anywhere near him until you’re ready.”

  Stopping just short of the door, she looked up at him and nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “I know, Adam. I know. But I also know that I want to. I want him to know that I can face him. I want him to know that he lost. And I want him to know that he’s going to pay for what he did to Zoe.”

  She could see him working through the words in his head. Finally, he nodded and gestured to the door.

  “And I’ll be right here beside you, Blake.”

  Lifting her hand, she dashed away a tear that slid down onto her cheek. “That means the world to me,” she let out a shaking breath, “now, let’s get this over with because I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to.” She sighed. “I know, really brave, huh?”

  He brushed his knuckles across her other cheek, the barest glance of skin. “You’re so damn brave you humble me, Blake. You kept my sister safe. You don’t have to prove a damn thing to me or anyone here.”

  She heard the others as they agreed with Adam, but her focus was on him. Together they walked to the doors, a little slower than normal because of the damage to her knees. Blake wasn’t comfortable leaning on him, but it felt good to have his support.

  Outside the old soundstage it was still dark but Blake didn’t mind. She felt as if she was stepping into the light for the first time in years. Taking in a deep breath, she didn’t have the heavy feeling of Los Angeles smog in her lungs… instead it felt like she was already back in Montana.

  When she heard the unmistakable hum of a studio shuttle cart, she looked at Adam. He didn’t look concerned so she stood beside him and watched as one of the security guards drove up and stopped just a few feet shy of where she was standing. Two men dressed like Adam got out and ‘assisted’ Seth out of the back seat. The studio head had his hands bound before him, and a rather lengthy strip of duct tape sealing his mouth closed.

  The security officer driving the little vehicle gave her a big smile. “Nice to see you again, Blake.”

  Confused, but willing to play along, Blake gave the older man a real smile. “Hey, Charlie. What’s up?”

  “It’s been a pretty wild shift. First, I bump into these guys method acting and then they flag me down again for a ride back here.” The security guard looked at Adam and the others. “She always remembers me, you know?”

  Beside her, Adam smiled. “I bet she does.” He tilted his head at the other men who brought Seth closer as he stepped over to the security guard and shook his hand. “Thanks for your help, Charlie. You’re a good man.”

  The security guard chuckled. “Y’all have a safe night, okay?”

  As Charlie’s cart puttered off, Adam introduced her to the other two men and she was relieved that one of them was from the LAPD. And she was the one who pulled off the duct tape in one quick rip that made Seth howl in pain.


  Blake couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips. “Coming from you, I’ll take that compliment.”

  The color under his skin was a livid red. “Don’t think you can bring me down! You’re not strong enough!”

  Adam was about to reply when she stepped forward, her back ramrod straight. “I’m not going to bring you down, Seth.” She saw the flare of triumph in his eyes. “You did that all by yourself. I want you to remember that.” She reached out and Adam took her hand without hesitation. “Anything that happens to you now, is because of what you did. The pain you caused. It’s all on you.” Turning to look at Adam she nodded. “Can we go?”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “Whatever you want, baby.”

  Chapter 17

  When they arrived at the Autry Western Heritage Museum, Paxton Fullerton and Sergeant Thurston remained at the car, leaving Adam to walk Blake to the front door. They hadn’t even made it to the towering glass doors at the entrance when a side door opened and a man gave them a hearty wave and beckoned them forward.

  Tugging on Adam’s hand, Blake called out to the older man. “Hey, Uncle Joe.”

  Dressed in his dark denims and a plaid, yoked shirt, complete with pearly buttons, Joe pushed back the cowboy hat on his head and pulled Blake into his embrace. “It’s so good to see you, sweetheart!”

  “You have no idea how happy I am to see you.” She gave him a kiss on each cheek and then stepped inside when he held the door. “I’m not sure if you heard all of the rumors, but-”

  “When I heard you’d gone on the run, I have to say I was worried, but I knew you’d be okay in the end.”

  “You did?” Blake smiled at him. “That was one of us.”

  He wrapped an arm around her back and gave her a big squeeze. “Sure did! I knew my girl would figure things out. There ain’t no one as sharp as my Sharpshooter Sally!”

  Adam laughed as she rolled her eyes. He could tell how much the two cared about each other and they were obviously like family, but he was starting to feel a little left out of the situation.

  Joe leaned closer and stage-whispered into Blake’s ear. “You gonna introduce me to the young man or am I gonna have to do the honors myself?”

  With a playful sigh, Blake held her hand out to him. And Adam took it without a moment’s hesitation.

  He’d never been a man for public displays of affection, but he took any opportunity to touch Blake in public and most definitely when they were alone.

  “Uncle Joe, this is Adam Masterson. He saved my bacon from the pan a few times and he also won my heart, so you two better play nice.”

  The older man seemed to consider her words.

  “Masterson, eh?”

  Adam nodded.

  “I’m quite the fan of Bat Masterson. Any chance you’re related to the great man himself?”

  Looking at Blake for help, he was shocked when even she looked at him with confusion. “Bat Masterson was an army scout, gambler and a law man in the old west. A contemporary of Buffalo and Wild Bill, he’s one of the enduring legends. And you have no idea.”

  Shrugging, Adam nodded. “While others were playing Cowboys and Indians, I was playing G.I. Joe.” He saw her smile and nodded, conceding, “You did both, didn’t you?”

  Joe gave Blake an affectionate kiss on her cheek. “My girl is one of them renaissance women!”

  “There I agree with you, wholeheartedly.” Adam gave her a w

  While Blake was playfully glaring at him, Joe gave him a straight-forward look. “Well, son. If you’ve been watching out for my girl like she said, I thank you.” He gave a long shoulder lifting sigh. “But I’m not sure about this heart thing. I’ll have you know that I’m the firearms expert at this museum and it’s not just textbook stuff either.

  “I can make a single action pistol sing and I can make a man dance a jig while I pepper the floor under his feet. You understand what I’m getting at?”

  He lifted his hand from her shoulder to hold it out to Adam who gave him a good, strong shake.

  “I’d lay down my life for her, sir. No questions asked. Anytime, night or day. The fact that she loves me makes me weak in the knees and feel like I’m ten feet tall. I’ll take care of her whether she likes it or not.”

  The older man let out a big guffaw that turned a couple of heads in the gallery.

  “You know, I’ve never understood the idea of being ten feet tall,” Joe wondered aloud. “Can’t see as how that would be a boon to anyone. Smackin’ your head on doorways and trying to find a car, or heck, even a horse to ride would be all kinds of impossible. Woo wee! What a sight that would be!”

  The three of them laughed as quietly as they could manage.

  “But seriously, girl. I’m so glad to see that you’re alive and well. I’ve been out of the loop as far as the studios go, but after you disappeared, it seemed like everyone had a story.

  “What a shame that folks didn’t speak up sooner. We might have been able to stop him from hurting all of those women and chasing you all the way to Montana! You’ll have to tell me more of that story someday, but I’m sorry you didn’t come to me and tell me when he hurt you.”

  “I am sorry about that, but I was trying to protect you.” Blake’s features set into a solemn expression. “The way he got away with it was making everyone feel like they were alone. That’s the way his secret stayed that way, but I’ve got proof beyond stories, Uncle Joe. I just need you to let me visit with ‘Betsy.’”


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