Academy of Beasts XXX

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Academy of Beasts XXX Page 6

by Becca Fanning

  “No, wait. Don’t go. There’s so much I want to ask you.” I wished one of the guys was here to witness this. They probably wouldn’t believe me otherwise. But, maybe Leia wouldn’t have shown up if I had company.

  “Can’t stay…” Her voice was barely audible.

  “Okay. Will you come back. You talk to me all the time but I’d like to see you more.”


  The room went quiet and the feeling of calm she came with vanished. “Damn. She’s gone again.”


  The single word bounced around my mind. It was Leia. Scratching my head, I looked around. Why was it that sometimes I only heard her in my mind? She said witches. What did that mean? I laid down and sighed. At least, I knew for sure I wasn’t losing my mind. Leia really was talking to me… her ghost anyway.

  Seeing her, talking to her left me with a craving for answers. Information about calms was limited. If I could get to have a conversation with Leia without her disappearing, I could get the answers I wanted.

  Chapter 9

  I barreled towards Priscilla, who was perched on a bench with her head in a book.


  She squealed, and her book fell from her hands. Clutching her chest, she glowered. “Fiona, you scared me.”

  “I thought you would have heard me coming or smelled me...or whatever.”

  She rolled her eyes. “My mind was miles away. I was catching up on a little reading. We have a quiz today.”

  “What quiz?” I dropped beside her.

  “Shifter Mechanics. The professor mentioned a pop quiz today. Although since we know about it there’s nothing popping about it. Anyways, I was glad he gave us a heads up.”

  I stared ahead, on the verge of panic. I heard nothing about a quiz yesterday. Well, I hadn’t heard much of anything. My body had been present in class, but my mind had been elsewhere. “Crap! I’m going to fail.”

  Priscilla adjusted her glasses. “Nonsense. I gave you my notes.” She sniffed. “They’re impeccable. If you read over them last night you should be fine.” My sheepish grin made her sigh. “You didn’t read them, did you?”

  “I tried but I couldn’t focus.”

  Dropping my head into my hands, I groaned. My academic career would crash and burn if I didn’t get it together and learn how to balance my time better. “I’ll just do the best I can. Maybe I won’t fail miserably. I’ll hold out hope.”

  That got me a disapproving frown, and I shrugged. “What? There’s nothing I can do now but pray. Now, on to other matters. What do you know about ghosts?”

  Priscilla blinked slowly then she lifted a brow. ‘You want to talk about ghosts rather than getting in some last-minute reading before your quiz?”

  “Yes, it’s important.”

  “You’ve already asked this. Remember? I told you I’d believe in them when I saw one for myself.”

  “I know we talked about this but there’s been a new development.”


  “I saw Leia this morning. It wasn’t in a vision. She was right there in front of me.”

  Priscilla snapped her book shut and gave me her full attention. “You don’t say?”

  I tried to keep back my smug grin. I knew she’d be intrigued. “Yup. She kept appearing and disappearing. You know… like a ghost.” I shrugged. “It was so freaky yet intriguing. It was like she was trying to communicate with me but there was a disturbance or something. She kept getting pulled away.” That was the only way I could describe it. Tapping my chin, I added, “She kept saying she couldn’t stay…”

  I stopped rambling to look at Priscilla. She was gazing at me with raised brows. “Are you absolutely sure it wasn’t a vision? You’ve said your visions can seem real sometimes.”

  “I’m positive. It was real, and I’m not crazy. I really thought I was for a while.” Looking around, I scooted closer to Priscilla and lowered my voice. “She said she’s been dead for a while.”

  “Well, if you’re seeing her what does that mean? And why is she showing herself?”

  “All questions that I haven’t yet gotten the answers to. You believe me then?”

  Priscilla shrugged. “Why would you make up something like that? And you’re not insane so...sure, I believe you.”

  I looked skyward and released my relief with a long sigh. “I’m so relieved to have someone to share this with. I haven’t yet shared it with the guys. I was afraid they’d think I was nuts. Plus, there’s so much else to worry about, I didn’t want to mention it yet.”

  “What else is going?”

  Sitting back, I sank my teeth into my lower lip to keep myself from blurting out what was happening in the surrounding villages. It was so nice to have someone to talk to about all the madness; it was tempting. But, I refrained. We had no idea who was killing shifters. I’d never want Priscilla to have the weight of that secret before we even knew all the details. There was no way I’d mention Demetrius to her either.

  “Just council stuff. Nothing all that interesting yet. What’s interesting is what Leia said to me.”

  Throwing her hands up, Priscilla huffed. “Well, don’t pause for dramatic effect. Spit it out. I’m dying to know.”

  Chuckling, I told her, “Witches.”

  Silence passed between us. She lifted one eyebrow. “You lost me.”

  “I was lost too. I had no idea why she’d mention witches. Then it occurred to me. She wants me to go to the witches.” I was awake long after Leia disappeared, pondering that one word. When the sun came up, I was hit with the epiphany. The witches had answers. Dante was a warlock. Of course, the witches would be able to tell me if he was capable of the power to control his own brother. But I couldn’t just go to any witches. I had to go to the elders we’d gone to for help with the war against the slayers.

  “Um...are you sure that’s what she wants? Because venturing off campus into the woods to consult with a group of mysterious magical entities sounds rather dangerous.”

  “How else am I supposed to get answers?”

  “The library. Wait until Leia comes to you again.” Priscilla shrugged. “I don’t know, Fiona, but I don’t like the idea of you going to...them.”

  “They helped me before. My interactions with them were just fine.”

  “That was when we were all fighting a war―the entire shifter word, witches included. Of course, they didn’t have a problem banding together then. Now, you can’t be sure what they’ll be like if you go to them.”

  I gazed at her with a small smile. “I hate it when you're all smart and logical when I want to run off and do something insane.”

  She laughed. “That’s what I’m here for.”

  Staring ahead for so long that the images of students passing by blurred, I finally said, “I know you’re right, P, but I have to do it. I need answers. Putting myself in potential danger is for a good cause.”

  “What? Finding out more about your powers? About Leia?”

  I shook my head sadly. “It’s beyond that now.” It was about saving someone who I thought was worth saving.

  “What’s going on?”

  Turning to her, I frowned. “I can’t tell you...yet.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Fiona, I don’t like this.”

  “Neither do I. Tell you what, I promise, I’ll let you know what’s going on after I pay the witches a visit.”

  “Fiona,” she hissed, “are you really going to sneak off campus alone?”

  “I don’t have a choice. I can’t ask any of the guys to go with me.”

  “Then, I’ll go with you.”

  I gasped. “No way. I don’t even know what I’ll be walking into.”

  “That’s the point. At least, I’ll be there to back you up. I’m a dragon shifter, I may not be well trained, and badass like the core council but I have a few tricks up my sleeves.”

  I was touched that she’d walk into danger with me. I’d never had such a loyal friend like her. “You’
re the best friend a girl could ask for but… no, you’re not coming with.”


  “Priscilla.” She growled and I smirked. “Look at you losing your temper, you’re so cute.” I reached out to tap her nose, and she batted it away. Giggling, I studied her furious expression. “Look, P, I appreciate your offer but I can’t allow you to put yourself in danger for my needs. Just as you want to protect me; I want to protect you. Besides, I need you to help me from here.”


  “If I don’t come back, I need you to tell the council where I went.” I let out a nervous laugh that resonated with a note of fear. “See? You’ll still be helping.”

  Priscilla scoffed. “I take back what I said about you not being crazy. You’re insane.”

  I couldn’t deny that I might be.

  The hours ticked by so slowly. It was torture. My cells buzzed with anticipation and apprehension for the entire day. I was sure that I failed that quiz and that Amara thought I was a little loopy. She commented on me being out of it lately. Too bad I couldn’t explain things to her like I could to Priscilla. I had dinner with the guys and tried my best to act normal. I didn’t want to alert any of them to my plans. They were all so damn intuitive. I’d have to make extra effort to sneak out without Ren catching on. It was like he had eyes everywhere.

  He’d be patrolling the ground tonight. Alone. The others were going off-campus. I’d somehow managed to convince Dracus that I was too ill to patrol tonight. I even faked throwing up after dinner and everything. He bought it, and of course, I felt terrible for lying. My lies sure were piling up.

  Now, I just had to wait for the right moment to slip away. I figured, I rest a little to see if a nap would settle my nerves. It didn’t because as I dozed, visions of chaos appeared. It was like I was reliving the war with the slayers, but everything was different. We were losing. My heart rate sped up as I looked around the strange place. It wasn’t the academy where the actual fight had taken place. It was somewhere I’d never seen before. A massive open space with bodies scattered everywhere. There was so much blood it was like the ground itself was bleeding.

  There were strange faces and familiar ones among the bodies. I didn’t see any of the guys but as I peered closer, I saw the witches. The same ones that helped during the war. They ran past me, screaming and gazing behind them as if the devil himself was on their heels. What would have the witches so spooked? They were so powerful, I imagined they wouldn’t be afraid of anything.

  I couldn't see what they were running from. I watched them run until they disappeared, leaving me alone in the midst of the dead bodies. When I turned back around, I came face to face with Dante’s sinister grin.

  “Fiona, we meet again.”

  Sitting upright with a gasp, I looked around wildly, relieved that I wasn’t in the middle of a bunch of dead bodies. Shoving my hair out of my face, I glanced at the clock. It was about time for me to get going. Gingerly getting out of bed, I wondered what my insane dream was all about. It made no sense. Maybe it was my tumultuous emotions being projected into a dream. I mean, I wouldn’t face Dante again. He was in the custody of the witches.

  Slipping on my sneakers and a black hoodie, I squared my shoulders and headed for the door.

  Chapter 10

  The tree branches cast sinister-looking shadows everywhere. But, I was sure they only appeared sinister because I was alone and scared out of my mind. I almost wished I hadn’t managed to slip past Ren unnoticed. If he’d caught me sneaking over the wall, I wouldn’t be here standing in the dark surrounded by woods and feeling awfully like prey. Who knew what was lurking in the woods? I actually shivered at the thought.

  Looking around, I realized that I didn’t think everything through. I had no idea exactly where to find the witches. Shoulders sagging, I sighed. I put myself in danger for nothing. I couldn’t search the entire woods on foot. There was no using any magical resources from the manor either because Dracus would know. Hence my inability to teleport here.

  “Now, I wish Priscilla had come long,” I grumbled. No doubt she knew some witch-finding spell. The girl was full of so many surprises.

  Spinning in circles, contemplating heading out of the woods before I got lost, I was hit with something. Some sort of compulsion that had my feet moving of their own accord. Panicked, I tried to stop moving, but my feet refused to take orders from my brain.

  “Crap,” I hissed. Maybe I’d been caught up in some magical snare, and I was walking to my own death. “Gods, Priscilla was right. I am insane,” I groaned. I should never have ventured here on my own.

  Note to self, if I make it out of here alive, invest in learning a few spells.

  Heart pounding, I stopped fighting the pull of the invisible force. The further I got into the woods, the less fear beat at me. Briefly, I wondered if I was using my calm powers on myself because I felt a sense of peace. As if deep down, I knew that whatever was pulling me in its direction meant no harm. I felt it.

  “Welcome, Fiona.” The greeting was an echoed whisper, composed of more than one voice.

  I gulped and looked around, feeling more creeped out by the second because there was no one in sight. “Who’s there?”

  One by one, bodies covered in white robes appeared until I stood in the circle they created. It was the least I think they were. I hoped. They called my name. Who else would know who I am? The hoods were removed, revealing familiar faces. I blew out a relieved breath. It was the same group that had helped with the slayer war. Still, I didn’t let my guard completely down. For all I knew, they didn’t take kindly to outsiders stepping onto their territory. I took another glance around. There was nothing but towering trees and foliage. It wasn’t much of a territory to want to defend. But who knew how witches felt about their space?

  “It’s good to see you again, Fiona,” one of them said. As I recall, it was the leader or head witch...I had no idea what to call her.

  I lifted a brow. “It is?”

  “We hoped you’d come,” another announced.

  My head whipped to her. “You did?” They all smiled and I felt myself blush. I felt stupid standing in the middle of a circle of witches asking dumb questions. “Er...why would you hope for me to come? Wait, is that why I was led to this exact spot? I had no idea where to go and then something led me here…”

  “To us.” The leader nodded and smiled. “We knew you were here the second you entered the forest.”

  “What, did you pick up my scent like a shifter?” My nervous giggle made me wince. Throwing out a lame joke in the presence of powerful witches was so uncool.

  “No, we felt your power.”


  “We’re connected.”

  Lips pursed, I studied each face. There was no evidence that I was in danger. I was sure that if there was even a hint of threat, my powers would surfaced, and I’d lose control as I did with the Officials. I also felt comfortable with the witches because, unlike the Officials, they didn’t hide under their robes. “Connected how?”

  The leader smiled again. I really needed to learn their names. “You’ll find out soon.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  “We’re not a threat to you, Fiona. You’re closer to us than you think. You could even say that you’re one of us.”

  My brows drew together. Before I could ask what she meant, she said, “There must be a reason why you sought us out after so long. How can we help you?”

  Heat infused my cheeks. I didn’t want them to feel like I only used them for information. “I didn’t reach out before. I didn’t know I could…”

  “We’re always happy to help one of our own.”

  There it was again. Why did she keep implying that I was like them? “One of your own? But I’m not a witch.” I wasn’t a shifter. I wasn’t a witch. I was Apparently, the only calm in this magical world. Talk about feeling alone in a crowd.

  “We’ll get to that in due time.
First, what is it that you need?”

  Eying all of the smiling faces suspiciously, I started, “I have a problem. A big one. Demetrius, Dante’s brother has been found guilty of murder. He’s been sentenced to death.”

  “We heard.”

  “The thing is, I think he’s innocent. I’m pretty sure he is.”

  The witches exchanged confused glances. The leader stepped forward, breaking the circle. “Fiona, how can that be? Isn’t it a fact that multiple students saw Demetrius commit the crime?”

  “Yes, but I spoke to him and he showed me something. My powers have been growing. I can see things that have happened before. Demetrius showed me what really happened that day. Dante was in full control of his body. It sounds crazy and sometimes even I doubt his story but I saw it. Then again, he could have manipulated my vision.” I sighed. “I just need to be sure that Dante can actually possess another person before I go any further with trying to save Demetrius.”

  I stopped my nervous rant to study the witches. None of them laughed or called me crazy, so maybe Demetrius wasn’t manipulating me after all. “Look, I know there’s a possibility that he’s messing with me to save his hide but I have a gut feeling that he isn’t. Please, tell me, can witches actually wield that kind of power?”

  The silence that followed almost had me pulling my hair out. If the witches didn’t have answers, I’d go crazy for sure. I scowled. I really wished they’d stop exchanging looks like that as if they were having a conversation among themselves. Maybe they were. They were magical, after all.

  “Yes,” came the simple answer.

  “Gods.” I shoved my fingers through my hair. “Okay, that’s something I can work with. Can you give me anything more?”

  The leader took a deep breath. She looked just as worried as I felt. Maybe because she, too, knew that Demetrius might really be innocent? “The most powerful of witches and warlocks can achieve such a feat. Considering that Demetrius and Dante share a strong blood tie, that would make it significantly easier for Dante.”


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