Heartfelt Lies

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Heartfelt Lies Page 2

by Alexandra Christopher

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and lift my face to the warm sun peeking through the clouds. Remembering what Gram tells me often, I whisper, “one day at a time,” into the warm breeze and let it carry my worries away.

  If only for today, I want to be carefree and eighteen. Today, I’ll put my worries and questions aside and just be a normal girl trying to enjoy life.

  An hour later, I exit the restaurant, a smile gracing my lips. I’m officially Just Wing It’s, newest employee. I have to say it feels good. New changes are coming fast but I'm thankful to be getting a fresh start on life.

  Glancing around at all the quaint shops surrounding me, I spot a sign for an ice cream shop a couple blocks ahead. Some chocolate sounds like the perfect way to celebrate my new job.

  The wind's blowing harder now, sending a shiver through me as I cross the street. A gaze at the sky shows ominous gray clouds blowing in. Increasing my pace, I make my way down the sidewalk, hoping the rain holds off a while longer.

  Coming upon Frozen Spoons Ice Cream Parlor, I breathe in the rich smell of chocolate permeating the air. I step inside and look around. I think this may be the coolest place I’ve ever seen. Stainless steel stools topped with red vinyl line the black granite bar that runs the length of the shop. Large menus hang on the wall opposite the bar. They’re handwritten on large chalkboards framed in red. Checkered tiles cover the floor and lead to a back wall filled with black and white framed photos.

  I take my time perusing the menu and decide on the Bottoms Up Sundae. After placing my order, I settle on an empty stool close to the large picture windows near the front of the parlor. This is nice, just sitting here, gazing out the window at passersby, no worries or pressures about what awaits me at home. The sound of a glass bowl being set before me draws my attention. The yummy goodness inside has my mouth watering.

  Vanilla ice cream sits atop a bed of homemade hot fudge. Peanut butter sauce is generously drizzled across the top. Whipped cream lines the edges of the bowl, and two fried Oreos stand in the center. There’s no way I can eat it all, but I’ll sure enjoy trying.

  Stuffed with chocolatey goodness, I’m halfway back to Gram’s when the sounds of laughter catch my attention. To my right, I can see a group of guys and girls in an open field playing flag football. I’m captivated by their seemingly carefree fun and make my way over to the small pavilion to watch.

  There's a group of about twenty people spread across the grass but only a few are playing. I think they’re in it more for fun than anything. No one seems to be taking it too seriously. Laughs ring out amongst them, and I find myself smiling, enjoying the easy companionship they share. A couple girls are playfully cheering on the side, and the guys rib each other good naturedly. I admire the friendships from my perch upon the picnic table. I’ve always been somewhat of a loner due to my unpredictable home life, but one day I hope to have a group of friends like this to share my time with.

  I don't want to be noticed, so as I'm about to make my exit quietly, the skies open up and the rain pours. Squeals of shock and more laughter pierce the air, the grass clearing as everyone runs toward the pavilion.

  I quickly decide I’d rather be drenched with rain than face this group alone. I jump from the table, but before I can make my escape, I’m bumped repeatedly as they all crowd under the small structure.

  “Kohl! Stop it! Put me down!” I hear, followed by feminine giggles.

  Looking up I see a leggy platinum blonde clinging to the back of a tall, dark haired guy. Her arms are secured around his neck, her legs tightly wound around his waist as he holds her out under the rain.

  His head is turned to the side so I can’t see his face, but I note his strong chiseled jawline is covered with dark scruff. His deep masculine chuckle has my stomach fluttering and my eyes returning for a closer inspection. I start at his feet and take my time.

  Well defined calves show me he’s fit. I study his hands next. They’re strong and large, gripping her thighs in a tight hold. I slowly make my way up his arms. I watch with fascination as drops of rain run down his large, tan biceps. They flex and bulge with effort to keep her in place. My eyes drift across his broad chest. I swallow hard, admiring the way his wet, gray shirt sticks to his ripped abs like a second skin.

  I can’t stop staring at his magnificent body with appreciation. He is seriously the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. My eyes follow the beads of water running down his neck… snap out of it, Ella! I scold myself.

  Shaking my head, I’m just about to turn and make my way through the boisterous group when he turns my way.

  My breath catches, as the lightest green eyes I’ve ever seen meet my own, and my world falls silent.



  Walking into the laundry room, I kick off my steel-toed boots, pull my shirt off overhead, and toss it in the washing machine followed by my jeans. I dig through the dryer, finding some sweats to throw on before walking to the sink and washing the grime from my face and hands. Damn, I’m tired. It’s been one hell of a long day. I think everything that could go wrong did, from permit screw ups to Jerry digging up a water line. I’ve had my ass handed to me more times than I can count today.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Long day?” Mom greets as I walk into the kitchen.

  “You could say that. Every muscle in my body hurts," I groan. "At least tomorrow’s Saturday though, and I have the next couple days off. Perks of being the owner’s son—weekends off.” I wink.

  “Oh, Kohl, what am I going to do with you?” She grins.

  “I don’t know but if you haven’t figured it out in the last twenty years, chances are I’m a lost cause.”

  Mom walks over to me and I bend, so she can kiss my cheek. Hitting six-foot-two inches tall before I turned sixteen, I’m used to this routine.

  “Dinner’s in the warming tray. Dad grilled your favorite, steak and baked potato. I’m heading to bed. See you in the morning.”

  “Night, Mom. But I hope to see you closer to noon. I plan to sleep as much of the day away as I can tomorrow.”

  After stuffing my face with the dinner left for me, I go up to my room and hop in the shower. The hot water loosens and relaxes my aching muscles. Stepping out, I throw on some boxer briefs and fall into bed. I’m asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  What the hell?

  Slowly opening my eyes, I reach for my phone and see it’s barely after ten in the morning.

  The annoying sound of the doorbell rings over and over. There’s only one person I know that rings the bell repeatedly like that and I’m ready to kick his ass.

  Climbing out of bed, I groan as I stretch out my overused muscles. Cursing Zach under my breath, I put on a clean pair of shorts and make my way down the stairs.

  “What the hell, dude? Why are you such a pain in the ass?” I ask as I yank open the front door.

  “Well hello to you too. What’s your problem? On your period?” Zach smirks.

  “No dickhead, I’m tired. Got in late last night after busting my ass for fourteen hours. Some of us have hard jobs you know.”

  “Yeah, yeah don’t act like your privileged ass is overworked. Living in this big house. Driving a brand new truck must be really tough.”

  I shake my head without responding. There’s no sense in arguing with him. My parents do have a nice house, and yeah, I drive a brand-new Ford Raptor, but I also work hard to make the payments.

  I started officially working for my dads’ company, Jones’ Construction, two years ago. I grew up working with him, but once I turned eighteen, my responsibilities increased considerably. I started at the bottom, working right alongside the rest of his employees. The past year, I've been learning the management side of the company as well. I spend some days on the job site, and some in the office. Dad says it’s important to learn all aspects of the company I’ll be taking over one day.

  People think I have it easy because I work for my dad, and in a lot of ways I do, but I also wor
k hard for what I have. That’s the way it is in this family. I don’t just ride around in my truck from site to site. I’m out there with my hands in the dirt doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Shoveling dirt, tearing out walls, laying flooring, hanging drywall, pouring concrete, there’s nothing we don’t do, and I’ve learned it all. I work just as hard as anyone else, if not harder.

  “So, what do I have to thank for your presence anyway?” I ask Zach while walking into the kitchen.

  “The guys and I were thinking about a little game of flag football at Tanner Field. Jax told me to stop by and wake your ass up.”

  Reaching inside the fridge, I grab the orange juice and take a large gulp before replying. “Count me out. I plan to hold down the couch today.”

  “Come on man, it’s summer break. We haven’t played since last fall. It won’t be long before classes start back up and everyone will be on different schedules again. Hell, you act like your eighty years old.”

  Damn, he’s right. I am acting old. “Alright. Point made," I sigh. "Tell me what time, then get out of here and let me enjoy a little peace and quiet before I have to listen to you all day.”

  “What? No breakfast invite?” he questions with a shit-eating grin.

  “Forget the time. Just get out,” I huff.

  “Oh, come on. I was kidding. First game starts at noon. And play nice pretty boy.” Zach waggles his brows. “Kennedy and the girls will be there.”

  “Not helping your case here.”

  Zach throws his hands up. “Don’t act like you’re not still tapping that.”

  “Dude, don’t go there. Seriously,” I warn him.

  “Don’t try to deny it. Everyone saw you two at the party, Kohl.”

  Her graduation night was the only time since we broke up months ago. I knew I shouldn’t have let Lily guilt me into going to their stupid party.

  "Shit, man! She was all over me the whole damn night. She caught me drunk and horny and I couldn’t find the strength to keep turning her down.”

  Zach rolls his eyes. “Oh, you poor baby. Getting laid by your hot as hell ex-girlfriend is a real hardship. I’m sure you didn’t enjoy yourself at all.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It was good. Hell, it’s always good with her. It’s what comes after that’s exhausting. Every time I turn around, there she is. Acting like we’re still together. I can’t shake her no matter what I do.”

  “You two will be back together before summer is over. You were together for four years, might as well accept it.”

  “Yeah. Then she broke up with me to screw half the baseball team,” I say defensively.

  “Kohl, you two started dating when she was thirteen, you were the only boyfriend she'd ever had. What did you expect? She was a senior in high school, and you were all she knew—she wanted to get out there and live a little—you can’t blame her for that. She knows she made a mistake, she knows what she wants now." He shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal.

  “Yeah, well I was a senior last year and I didn’t need to fuck a bunch of randoms to know I wanted her.”

  “Whatever, I’m out.” Rapping his knuckles on the counter, Zach throws a wave goodbye over his shoulder as he heads for the door.

  I guess I better get some breakfast and gather up enough motivation to leave the house today. Grabbing my phone, I text Lily. If I’ve got to deal with this shit show she better be going too.

  Me: Wyd

  Lily: Shaving my hooha ;)

  Me: TMI Lily

  Lily: Kidding, kidding. Sheesh! Surfing Netflix. What’s up?

  Me: You going to Tanner field?

  Lily: Yes, I promised Sophie. I owe her for saving me from my blind date disaster last month.

  Me: Good. Be here at fifteen til’ and you can ride with me.

  Lily: Awe, does someone need protection from the big bad she wolf?

  Me: Real funny. Just bring your ass!

  Pulling up to the field just before noon, I find an empty spot and pull in to park.

  “What?” I ask Lily when she starts laughing her ass off.

  She just nods to my window and throws a “good luck with that” over her shoulder as she shuts the door behind her.

  Looking to my left, I see that Kennedy is at my door before I can even switch my truck into park. “Way to have my back Lily,” I mumble to myself.

  I don’t know why Kennedy can’t take a hint. I’ve been extra careful not to lead her on. Even drunk on her graduation night I made it clear our hook-up was just that and nothing more. It wasn’t us getting back together.

  Since then she’s been calling and texting constantly. I’ve been short and to the point with her. I don’t want to be rude or hurt her feelings but enough is enough. She keeps taking things further trying to weasel her way back into my life. She was in my kitchen baking cookies with my mom when I got home from work a couple days ago.

  I was not happy and after I showed her little ass to the door, I let Mom know it. She said Kennedy had showed up saying she needed to talk to me and sounded too upset to turn away, so she invited her in to help with the cookies she was making for the Humane Society bake sale.

  Kennedy was my girlfriend and a great friend for the better part of four years. We did a lot of growing up together during that time. But toward the end we did a lot of growing apart, too. She broke up with me shortly after starting her senior year of high school.

  I bang my head on the steering wheel and give myself a little pep talk. It’s time I man up and tell her straight out we are over and there’s no chance in hell we are ever getting back together.

  I open my truck door and she’s between my legs with her arms thrown over my shoulders before I can even step out.

  “Hey, baby. I’ve missed you,” she coos, nuzzling her face into my neck. “Gosh you smell good. You always smell so good, Kohl.”

  Gently pushing her away, I place my hands on her shoulders and she lifts her puzzled face to mine. “Kennedy, we need to talk babe.”

  She gives me a sassy smile. “What about?”

  “I think you may have gotten the wrong idea about what happened between us a couple weeks ago. You said you understood at the time, but I think when all was said and done it may have meant more to you than it should have.”

  “Kohl don’t sit there and act like you don’t still care about me. I know you do. I can tell. I could feel it that night. I know what a meaningless hookup is and that wasn’t one.”

  “Of course, I care about you. We were together for a long time. I’ll always care about you as a friend but I’m not in love with you anymore and you need to come to terms with that,” I tell her calmly. She gazes up at me with watery eyes, making me feel like shit.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you, Kennedy. That was never my intention, but the constant calls and texts, you showing up at my house, has to stop. We aren’t together and you’ve got to stop acting like we are.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t realize I made you so miserable,” she snaps.

  “You don’t make me miserable. Don’t put words in my mouth.”

  “Don’t you think you can change your mind if we just give it another try? I love you, Kohl. I have since I was a little girl. Don’t just give up on us!” she pleads.

  “I didn’t give up on us. You did. You gave up on us months ago when you broke up with me. Remember? It was you that felt held back, like you were missing out on life by being with me.” I remind her.

  “I’m sorry, Kohl. I was wrong. Please just give me one more chance. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “Kennedy, you can’t just break up with me after years of being together, go sleep with a bunch of other guys, and then expect me to just take you back as if it never happened.”

  “Like you were a saint during our time apart. I know you’ve slept with your fair share of girls since we’ve been broken up. If I can forget about that, why won’t you do the same for me?” she begs.

  Placing my hands on h
er shoulders, I look into her dark blue eyes. “Kennedy, listen carefully. We are done. It’s time to move on. I would love for us to be friends but if you continue this behavior even that will be impossible. Please tell me you understand.”

  Placing her hands on mine she gives me that pouty face that used to get her anything she wanted from me. When I don’t react, she huffs out a “Fine! Friends it is!” before lifting onto her toes and briefly running her lips across mine. As she turns to walk away, I hear a mumbled “for now” I don’t think was intended for my ears. Yeah, so much for that talk.

  We’ve been playing flag football for the past couple hours. We’ve stopped in between games to switch up the teams and hydrate from the cooler of drinks the girls were thoughtful enough to bring.

  Our usual gang is all here, Jax, Will, Zach, Kennedy, Lily, Sophie, and Jessa. A lot of other people I haven’t seen in months are here too. It’s been good catching up. And, I have to admit it’s been a fun day. Even Kennedy’s been on her best behavior. She’s been flirting of course but not as bad as usual, and she hasn’t been hanging all over me like she has been of late.

  Jax is giving me shit once again when the rain hits. The girls’ screams have us laughing our asses off. Before I know it, I’m knocked from behind as someone runs and jumps on my back. I take off jogging for cover.

  Without a backward glance I know it’s Kennedy. I’ve had those tits pressed against me more times than I can count. I know what she’s doing. She's been good all day and now she’s trying to lure me into her clutches. Doesn’t seem like our talk did much good after all.

  It’s been a little over two weeks since we spent the night fucking on every surface of my hotel room—using every condom I had. Damn, what a mistake that was. Before that night the soft slide of her tits rubbing my back and her long smooth legs gripping my waist might have been tempting. But not now, I’m still paying for my last fuck up.

  I’m happy to say my cock doesn’t even twitch with interest. I think I’ve got this strictly friendship gig in the bag, at least on my end. Wanting to mess with her a little, I stand out in the rain and let it soak us both.


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