Heartfelt Lies

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Heartfelt Lies Page 4

by Alexandra Christopher

  We’re stopped time and again as we make our way through the group. So far everyone is very welcoming, and I’m pulled into hug after hug. We make our way to the backside of the fire, and there he sits.

  “Hey!” Jessa yells, making everyone turn our way.

  Kohl’s eyes lock with mine and I can’t control the smile that takes over my face. Until, I see lilac colored nails run across his chest and reach for his chiseled jaw. I follow that hand and find none other than miss blonde spider monkey from the field last Saturday. He turns to face her, and I quickly advert my gaze as her mouth nears his. Disappointment settles in my stomach as I stare at the ground.

  “Hey, you good?” Jessa asks, placing her hand on my arm.

  “Yeah, of course.” I give her a reassuring smile, that I in no way mean.

  “Well, come on then. Let me introduce you to my circle," she says, grabbing my hand and tugging me along behind her.

  I recognize a few faces from the field last weekend. We come to a stop, just as we approach Kohl's truck where a tall blond Adonis stands before me. I remember seeing him under the pavilion last weekend. “Ella, this is Jax. Jax, meet my new BFF Ella.”

  I hold my hand out in greeting but am quickly lifted off my feet and spun around in a big bear hug. “Ella, girl! Good to see you again, gorgeous,” Jax says, placing a kiss to my cheek.

  “Want to stop mauling the girl?” Someone growls behind me. I don’t have to turn around to know who said it. That voice sends shivers running through me, just as it did last weekend.

  Jax lowers me to my feet with a fake pout and the introductions continue with Will, Zach, Amber and Sophie. This brings us to the tailgate. Only Kohl, and two females remain. One is currently shooting death glares my way. Great.

  Jessa, totally oblivious to the hostility, tugs me over with a bounce in her step. “Ella, this is Lily, and Kennedy, and I believe you’ve already met Kohl,” she says, pointing to each one.

  “We’ve met.” Is Lily’s reply.

  Turning my focus to Kennedy next, I’m greeted with narrowed eyes and a tight-lipped sneer. At this point I’m ready to retreat back to the other side of the fire.

  Kohl hops down from the truck, his eyes never leaving mine as he makes his way to me. My eyes close of their own accord when he wraps me in a warm hug. “It’s good to see you again, beautiful,” he whispers into my ear.

  God, he feels good. I could stand here wrapped up in him all night. Not caring that his possible girlfriend is staring us down, I wind my arms around his back, and bury my face in his chest. Damn, he smells as good as he looks.

  I hear an exaggerated huff, followed by a “fuck this” and realize I’m standing here wrapped up in a potentially taken guy. What am I thinking? I pull back but Kohl is quick to reach for my hand.

  “Come sit with me?”

  “Um… I don’t know. Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I chew my bottom lip with worry. I just got here, the last thing I need to do is start making enemies.

  Kohl studies me, confusion marring his brow. “I’m sure. Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Well, your—” I glance at the tailgate, seeing only Lily remains. “Your girlfriend sounded a little upset. I don’t want to cause trouble.”

  He gives me a tight smile. “Ex. Kennedy is my ex-girlfriend. And you’re not causing trouble.” He surveys the group surrounding us before continuing, “if anyone has a problem with you sitting next to me on my truck, they can find another place to hang.”

  I glance over his shoulder, no one seems offended by the warning.

  Kohl places two fingers under my chin, lifting my face to his. “Please come sit with me. I’ve thought about you all week. I just want to spend some time with you. I’d like to get to know you.”

  I’m lost in his eyes, deep under his spell and all I can manage is a small nod. He squeezes my hand, giving me a satisfied smile in return.



  Damn, Kennedy is on my last fucking nerve. “Kennedy just stop. Shit! Did you not hear a word I said last weekend?” I growl, pushing her hand off me once again. I swear it's a never-ending battle.

  “Come on, baby. Don’t be that way. I just want to make you feel good. I know your stressed, I can always tell when you're stressed, Kohl,” she whines. “Let’s get in the truck. I’ll help you relax.”

  I swear this girl is her own brand of crazy. How does she not realize it's her clingy ass that's stressing me out? Surely no one in their right mind can be this clueless. As the days go by, I ask myself more and more what the hell I ever saw in her.

  “I don’t need, nor want your help relaxing, Kennedy. You’re the cause of my stress. Don’t you see that? Have a little self-respect for a change. When someone repeatedly tells you they don’t want you—back off," I bark.

  I shake my head, peeling her hands off me for the hundredth time since arriving at the bonfire. She’s half wasted already and it’s barely past nine p.m. I don’t know how she got here but I hope whoever brought her comes to collect her soon. My patience is all but gone.

  I’ve worked my ass off all week and all I wanted to do was come out here and relax. Drink a beer or two and catch up with my friends. She’s been glued to my side from the minute I let my tailgate down. I’ve not had a chance to drink the first beer, much less have a conversation with anyone other than her.

  I’m getting ready to leave my own truck when I look up and lock eyes with the girl who’s occupied my thoughts every day this week. Jessa is tugging Ella along by the hand and seems to be introducing her to everyone.

  Hell yes! My eyes are glued to her every move and I can’t turn away. She’s even more beautiful than I remember. All that long golden-brown hair, and tight as hell body has my cock stirring. Thoughts of her plagued my mind every waking moment I wasn’t at work. All I want to do is jump from my truck and haul her off over my shoulder, go somewhere private, just the two of us.

  Before I can move, Kennedy runs her hand up my chest. The scrape of her nails against my jaw has me turning her way. Fury marring my face, I push away from her, just before she touches her lips to mine.

  “This is your last warning. Keep your hands…the fuck. Off. Me. I’m tired of your games Kennedy.”

  “Whatever. I see you have a new piece of ass to chase,” she snarls while glaring at Ella.

  Done with the conversation, I turn my back to her. My eyes go back to searching out the only girl I'm interested in talking to. Jessa stops in front of Jax, he picks Ella up, pressing her body to his. My blood boils instantly when his lips touch her cheek.

  “Want to stop mauling the girl?” I warn.

  He sits her down with his pretty boy pout before turning to me with a shit eating grin. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I’ve never shown such immediate interest in a girl like I did last weekend.

  He loves getting a rise out of me and I just played right into his hands. I don’t give a shit though. I just met this girl and she already has me hooked and wanting to claim her as mine. Jessa introduces her to the rest of our group before they come to stand in front of us.

  Kennedy is rude as usual, but I didn’t expect anything less. Since our hook up she's been trying to sink her claws back into me every chance she gets. I don’t know what it's going to take to convince her it's not happening.

  All patience gone, I can't wait another second to have Ella in my arms. I jump down off my tailgate, take two steps and pull her flush against my chest. “It’s good to see you again, beautiful,” I breathe into her ear. I pull her even tighter against me, when her arms slowly circle my back in return. Her tits press against my abs, her head snuggles into my chest and I bury my nose in her hair, breathing in her fresh citrus scent.

  Everything about this beauty is appealing. The way she looks, the way she smells, the way her body presses against mine. She feels good, natural, she feels like mine.

  I reluctantly pull back, not ready to let her go. I entwine her hand with mine and ask her to sit w
ith me. After answering her questions and confirming my single status she agrees. I turn around and notice Kennedy has fled, I couldn't be happier. I caught her bitchy remark while I was hugging Ella and didn't want to deal with her anymore tonight.

  Pulling Ella in front of me, I wrap my hands around her waist and boost her onto the tailgate. I follow quickly behind and reach for her hand again. I rest it on my thigh, lightly stroking her palm with my thumb. I don't want to come on too strong and scare her off, but she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she looks quite pleased.

  “You don’t know how happy I am to see you here tonight.” I know I’m smiling so big I look like an idiot, but I just can’t stop. “I’ve been thinking about you all week.”

  “You have?” Ella questions with a blinding white smile.

  “I have" I nod. "Did you come here with Jessa? I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”

  “Yeah, she invited me earlier this week. We work together actually. I started at Just Wing It Monday and we sort of just hit it off. Instant besties.” She giggles.

  “I can see that happening. Jessa’s really easy to get along with. Everyone loves that girl.”

  “She really is an absolute sweetheart, too. She invited me out here within five minutes of us meeting.”

  "That sounds like her. I'm gonna grab a beer. You want one? I’m sure I can find you something girly if you don’t like beer.”

  "I'll pass, but thanks."

  "You sure?"

  She hesitates before answering. "Confession? I've never had any type of alcohol before."

  "Really? Never?" I ask, slightly shocked.

  "Nope, never."

  "Hold that thought." I jump down, walk over to Will's truck and grab a beer from his cooler, before making my way back to Ella.

  "Ok, so how is it a girl your age has never had a drink? Wait, how old are you anyway?"

  "I’m eighteen. I'll be nineteen August twenty-fourth. And it’s simple, I've never been to a party,” she shrugs. “I've always been a bit of a loner."

  "Really? I would've never guessed that about you. You seem so cool and easygoing. Fun to talk to."

  "It's just something I never really had the freedom to do."

  "Strict mom? In my experience single moms are always overprotective."

  "No. It's not really something I can explain." Ella frowns. "Wait, how did you know my mom was a single mother?"

  Shit. Why did I say that? "Um, I don't know.” I shrug, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. “You living with your Gram, I just assumed."

  "Oh." She frowns at me skeptically and slightly confused. My answer didn't make much sense. "Well, mine was the total opposite actually."


  "Yeah," she murmurs, looking to the ground. “She died back in May. That’s how I came to live with Gram.”

  Damn, I'm such a dick. I'm screwing this all up. "I'm so sorry, Ella. I didn’t mean to upset you." I give her small hand a squeeze.

  She offers a small smile in return. “It’s alright, you didn’t. She’s always in the back of my mind. It’s still fresh, you know?”

  "Yeah," I agree with a nod. Enough of the heavy. I want to show this girl a good time. I decide to change the subject and tease her a bit. See if I can pull another one of those bright smiles from her. "I can’t believe you've never had a boy drag you off to a party as gorgeous as you are."

  "Oh, Reed tried. Believe me. He was relentless but... I don't know. It just wasn't something I was tempted to do really."

  Well that backfired and now I'm feeling a little put off and possibly jealous. Who the hell is Reed? "Boyfriend?" I question.

  Ella laughs as if the thought's ridiculous. "No. Best friend." Then adds a mumbled, "only friend really," under her breath.

  "So, just a friend? You two never dated?"

  "Just a friend. We met in kindergarten, not long after my mom and I moved to Texas. Reed and I have always been close. He was always there for me when I needed him. He's dependable, supportive, and… protective. I don't know what I would've done without him most days honestly," she says, a thoughtful smile on her plush lips.

  "Everyone needs a friend like that. I’m glad you have him."

  "Yeah, me too. I really miss him. It’s been hard no longer seeing the two people I spent all my time with every day. When Mom passed, I sort of lost them both.”

  I catch a glimpse of Kennedy making her way back in our direction. There’s no way I’m subjecting Ella to her possessive attitude. We need to get out of here. "Feel like going for a walk?"

  She agrees with a sweet smile. "I'd like that."

  I hop off the truck and lift Ella down effortlessly. I turn to tell Lily—huh, I guess she left. I take Ella’s hand, guiding her past my truck and down the narrow gravel road that leads to the pond. Neither of us speak until we reach the dock.

  “Come here often?” Ella sasses.

  “I do actually.”

  “Oh,” she returns with an uncomfortable frown.

  "I grew up fishing out here,” I say, bumping her shoulder with mine. “My dad and I used to come almost every weekend when I was growing up," I smirk.

  "Is it fun?"

  "Fishing? Yeah, I love it. I come out here and it's just me and the water, you know? No sounds, no worries, no stress. So, yeah, it's fun. Hold on," I bring us to a stop. "Are you saying you've never been fishing?"

  "Never," she replies sheepishly, with a shake of her head.

  "Well, now, I can’t have that. What are you doing tomorrow?"

  "No plans. You asking to take me fishing?"

  "Sure am. You accepting?"

  "I sure am." She laughs.

  When we reach the end of the dock, I take a seat, then pull her down beside me. It sits high above the water, so our feet are safe from getting wet. It's completely natural when I put my arm around her and pull her into my side. She comes easily and I relax into the feel of her against me. This feels right, and I never want it to end. I've got to figure out a way to not hurt this girl. I know it’s going to happen, and the thought alone almost destroys me.

  Pulling away from those depressing thoughts, I breathe her in as we sit out under the stars. The sky is clear, and we can see for miles. A low thump of bass can be heard from the bonfire. The party and everyone else completely forgotten, as we sit here under the open skies, enjoying the comfortable silence and company of each other.

  Ella and I talk the night away, before walking hand in hand back toward the fire. We discussed anything and everything tonight. I’ve never enjoyed just being with someone like I do her. I’ve never felt as connected to someone else either.

  “I think I’ve stayed up past my bedtime,” she says, yawning as we reach my truck.

  “I have, too. It’s been a long week.” I hesitate a moment. “Can I give you a ride home? I know you rode with Jessa, but I don’t think she’ll mind.” I reassure her with a smile.

  “Sure, just let me find her and let her know I’m leaving.”

  “I need to find Lily and see if she’s ready to go, too. She rode out here with me, but she doesn’t always ride back. Meet back here at my truck?”

  “Yeah, see you in a few.” She gives my hand a small squeeze before letting go to search for her friend.

  I spot Lily standing with the rest of our crew. She and Kennedy are head to head in deep conversation, which is odd because those two have never been fans of each other. I watch them talk heatedly as I make my way over.

  “Lily,” I call, bringing her attention to me.

  “I’m about to give Ella a ride home. Are you ready to head out?”

  “Oh, she’s ready so it’s time for me to leave, too. Is that it?” she huffs.

  “No. I’m tired. It’s been a long week and I’m ready to go.”

  “Well, no thanks. I’ll catch a ride from someone else.” She turns her back without another word.

  I place my hand on her shoulder, turning her back toward me. “Want to make sure? You rode here w
ith me and I’m not leaving until I know you have someone sober to drive you back home—you know that.”

  “I’ll take her,” Amber says, just as Ella and Jessa join us. “I haven’t had anything to drink tonight.”

  “There you go. I’m safe, so you can run along." Lily rolls her eyes before turning her back to me once again.

  Damn, she's bitchy tonight. I hate it when she gets this way. It's hard having a girl best friend sometimes. With the guys we just tell it like it is or knock the hell out of each other. I can't do that with her though. I'm kind of glad she decided to stay if this is the way she's going to act. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying more and turn to Ella.

  "Looks like it's just the two of us." I place my hand on the small of her back and lead her to my truck. Opening the passenger door, I tuck her safely inside. I’m rounding the front of the truck when I notice Kennedy glaring daggers our way, her eyes filled with hate. The hair on the back of my neck stands and my stomach twists with worry. I've got to keep a watch on that one.

  I hop in, start my truck and drive toward town. I can’t help myself, when I reach over and cover Ella’s hand that’s resting on the console. I'm discovering, when she’s around, I need to be touching her.

  “Fishing is usually best mid-morning. Is nine too early for you?” I glance over at Ella.

  “No that works. I’m usually an early riser anyway.”

  “Great, I’ll pack a lunch and we can have a picnic after. I know the perfect little grove of trees to sit under.”

  “Sounds perfect!" she says excitedly. "You seem to be getting all my firsts.”

  “I am? Tell me more. I’ll happily take any firsts you’re willing to give me.” I give her a playful grin.

  Ella blushes immediately. “Now wait a minute. I didn’t mean… not that. Not that you won’t… or couldn’t… or that I wouldn’t want… oh never mind.” She lowers her head down toward her lap, her long hair shielding her face as she shakes her head.


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