Heartfelt Lies

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Heartfelt Lies Page 12

by Alexandra Christopher

  A couple minutes later Kohl slowly approaches me as I end the call. I reach over for his towel, handing it up to him. He unfolds it next to mine before sitting down beside me.

  "Ella," he says, regret clear in his voice. "I just wanted to show you how cool it was behind the waterfall, maybe steal a kiss or two. What Kennedy said… that wasn't my intention. I promise," he says, never raising his eyes from the ground.

  "I believe you, Kohl. That's not even why I'm upset. It just seems like every time I turn around, she's throwing the two of you in my face. Can you imagine how you would feel if I had an ex constantly around and talking about everything we used to do together? The entire drive up here all she talked about was, we this and we that and remember when we. I just sat there like an idiot while she reminisced about your entire relationship."


  Frustrated, I shake my head. "No! Not one time did you try to shut her down. Did you not think I was uncomfortable?"

  "Yes, I did. I'm so sorry Ella. I was just trying to ignore her, hoping she would get the hint and stop. It's why I kept giving her one-word replies. When Kennedy feels threatened, she takes things to a whole other level. I just didn't want to make matters worse. That's why I just try to ignore her."

  "Yeah? Well, how's that working out for you?"

  "I'd say not too well today," he grumbles.

  Kohl reaches over and flips me onto his lap, so that I'm straddling him. He reaches up, taking my face between his hands, his thumbs rub circles along my cheeks and across my jaw. Slowly leaning forward, he covers my mouth with soft lips. Mine part for him instantly and he takes advantage, sliding his tongue along the edges of my lips before thrusting it inside. Our kiss feels endless and I lose all reference of time, almost forgetting how annoyed I am. My lips are swollen, and my breathing ragged by the time he pulls back.

  "I promise you're the only girl I see, Ella. You've come to mean so much to me in so little time. Believe me when I tell you it wasn't my intention to let Kennedy hurt you. From now on we'll avoid her at all costs. It may be hard because we share all the same friends, but if we do find ourselves sharing the same space as her, I'll shut her down quick if she starts talking shit."

  "No! We're not avoiding all your other friends because she's a petty bitch." I throw my hand over my mouth. "Oops, I didn't mean to say that out loud," I mumble through parted fingers.

  "Well, you're not wrong," Kohl agrees, prying my hand away. "Seriously, don't worry about it. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. She is a petty bitch."

  "She is… but I refuse to let her drive us away. She's the one with the issue, so she can get over it. I'm just now getting out and making new friends for the first time in my life and there's no way I'm letting her push me back into the house. Besides, I'm sure everyone sees her for what she is. It would be hard not to."

  "Whatever you want, beautiful. The choice is yours. I just don't want to keep putting you in difficult situations."

  "It's not exactly your fault but you are the one who needs to fix it. I'm just getting to know your friends and being accepted into your group. I don’t feel like I have a right to say much just yet and I don't want to come off as a bitch. You on the other hand, can put a stop to it. They're your friends so they wouldn't take offense to you saying something."

  "You're absolutely right and from now on I promise to step up if it happens again."

  "Thank you." I place a quick peck on his lips. I can't stop the big yawn that follows.

  Kohl pulls my head down onto his shoulder and wraps his arms tightly around my back, pulling my chest flush against him. "Are you tired?" He asks.

  "A little bit. I was too wound up to fall asleep after getting home last night. Last time I checked the time, it was almost three a.m." I yawn again.

  Kohl laughs before placing a kiss to the top of my head. "Hey!" he yells out, drawing everyone's attention. "I'm leaving in thirty minutes so whoever's riding back with me, start wrapping it up."

  He turns his attention back to me. "I know the perfect place for a nap when we get back," he says, pulling me tightly against his chest.

  I'm so comfortable and he feels so good I barely get out a whispered, "sounds perfect," just before dozing off.



  "And then there were two," I say, just after Zach shuts the back door.

  He was the last of our group to be dropped off. We had just dropped Jessa back at Ella's house so she could get her car. Before that, it was Lily and Kennedy. They were the first to be taken home. I couldn’t get Kennedy out of my truck fast enough.

  I had pulled her to the side at the falls and warned her if she so much as said one word about the two of us, she would find her ass hitchhiking the rest of the way home. I guess she took me seriously because I never heard a peep out of her during the almost two-hour drive.

  "Do you mind if we make a quick stop by my house? I just need to run inside and grab some pillows and blankets."

  "I don't mind. You're really going all out for this nap, huh?"

  "Only the best for you," I promise as we pull down my drive. "I'll be right back, just give me like five minutes."

  I jump out and hurry inside, grabbing two large blankets and a couple pillows from the linen closet just outside the guest bathroom downstairs.

  "Woah, what's got you in such a hurry?" Mom asks as I pass by the living room.

  "Ella's waiting outside in the truck. I just ran in to grab some covers." I nod toward the blankets and pillows in my arms.

  "Don't you want to invite her inside? I'd love to meet her."

  "Not tonight, we're kind of in a hurry. I'm taking her down to our place on the river. I'd like to get things set up before it gets too dark."

  "How about dinner tomorrow then? Your dad and I will both be home."

  "Sure. I'll ask if she's free. See ya later!" I yell, before closing the front door.

  I make my way back outside and toss everything in the backseat. An idea strikes just as I'm about to close the door.

  "I just thought of one more thing. Give me two more minutes." I hold up two fingers. I hurry into the garage and scan the shelves. When I find what I'm searching for, I pluck the large box from the shelf and return to my truck.

  Ella turns, eyeing my haul. "Is that an air bed?" she asks.

  "Sure is! There's a full-size bed and motorized inflator in that box. It plugs into the USB outlet right there," I say proudly, pointing to where my phone charger is currently plugged. "It'll only takes a few minutes to air it up, and we'll be napping under the stars in comfort." I waggle my brows at her.

  "Look at you, spoiling me already." She giggles.

  "Damn right! Only the best for my girl."

  We drive in comfortable silence, each just enjoying the presence of the other and neither of us finding the need for small talk.

  "Now don't get nervous," I say as we approach our turn off. "This road is sort of off the beaten path, so it's a little rough. It's my favorite place to hide out though. I like to drive out here and sit out under the open skies when I need to relax and get away from everything."

  "I have a place like that at the river. It's where I saw you and Lily that day actually."

  "Really? Well you're in for a treat because that's where we're headed," I tell her as we bump along the dirt road. "Only you won't have to worry about anyone coming up on us. My family owns this land and I'm the only one that ever comes down here. Of course, I see people coming down the river on occasion, I can't stop that. But our land is marked so no one ever stops and gets out. We don't have to worry about seeing anyone out this late in the day though. It's very seldom you'll find someone out on the river after dark."

  "Wow, it's really pretty," Ella compliments, watching out the window.

  "It's really secluded, too. Let me turn the truck around and I'll back us up closer to the water." I make a circle, then pull forward and straighten my truck up before backing it down close to the river's edge. "You stay
put and I'll come get you when I have things set up."

  "I can do that," Ella agrees easily.

  I grab the box from the back seat and plug the inflator in before taking it outside with me and closing the door. I quickly fill the air mattress up and place it in the bed of my truck before opening the back door to grab the blankets and pillows. Hopping in the back, I cover the mattress with the thickest blanket, taking extra care to tuck the sides under the bed. After I place the pillows at the top of the mattress, I spread the other blanket out and fold the top half back.

  I jump down and walk around to open the passenger door. After I unplug the inflator, I lift Ella out and carry her to the back, placing her on the tailgate. The last bit of sun has just dipped below the horizon and darkness surrounds us.

  "Your bed awaits, beautiful."

  "Wow, this is cozy! Thank you, Kohl." She falls back onto the bed with a contented sigh.

  I'm quick to follow her, and soon we're snuggled close under a blanket of bright stars. Her head rests on my chest as my fingers sift through her silky hair. Her hand is tucked under my shirt, soft fingers tracing each dip and line of my well-toned abs.

  "Go to sleep, sweetheart, I'll wake you up in an hour or two."

  "Are you sure?" Ella asks while releasing a big yawn. "Aren't you tired?"

  "Not even a little bit, and I'm positive. I just want to lay here and hold you if that's alright."

  "You'll hear no complaints from me. My ten-minute nap at the falls didn't do much good." She rubs her face back and forth across my chest as she settles deeper under the covers.

  When she finally settles, I pull her even closer and place a kiss to the top of her head. She's asleep and breathing deep within minutes.

  A few months ago, I would have called you crazy if you said I'd have another girl in my life that I'm beginning to care deeply for. After my break up with Kennedy I was happily living the single life, hooking up with whoever, and whenever I wanted. I had decided I was too young to be tied down in a serious, committed relationship, and was going to live the good life for the next few years.

  Then, out of nowhere comes this amazing girl. Ella captured a part of me the minute I looked into her eyes. I can see the pain she keeps hidden deep within their depths and I want nothing more than to grasp her demons and remove them from her memory.

  I need to know the secrets she keeps buried, but I can't really drag them out of her when I'm not willing to reveal my own, not when they'll only add to her pain. I pray every day that she finds it within that pure heart of hers to forgive me when secrets are brought to light.

  I sigh with frustration and regret. Mostly, the regret I hold onto for not coming clean as soon as I realized who she was. I was honestly so shocked by her existence that I didn't know what to say or do. And after twenty minutes in her presence, I already knew all I wanted to do was protect her, even though I'll be the one to hurt her in the end.

  I stroke her back softly as I study the serene face, resting against me. I can feel the rise and fall of every breath she takes. Having her next to me, the warmth of her hand resting against my stomach, settles my worries instantly. I don't think I've ever felt as content with someone as I do right now. Laying out under the stars with this beautiful girl curled against my side.

  The moon gives a soft glow to the golden strands of her hair. Its light combined with the shining stars are bright enough for my eyes to trace the feminine features of her face. It means so much that she's given me her complete trust to watch over her and keep her safe while she sleeps. This girl's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Her kindness and selfless nature shine through more and more each day. My heart continues to fall deeper for her each second I'm in her presence, and I'm helpless against the battle.

  Ella begins to stir, rolling onto her back, stretching her arms above her head before she snuggles back against my chest, tilting her head to find my eyes. The sweetest smile stretches across her face, and I can't resist leaning over to place a peck on her lips.

  "Feel better, sleepy head?"

  "Much," she says through a yawn. She laughs, positioning her head on my shoulder just right, to gaze up at the stars. "It's really beautiful out here. The sky's so clear and endless, I don't think I've ever seen so many stars."

  "That's one of the things I love about this place. My troubles, they seem so much smaller out under the big open sky. I come out here to think when life gets the best of me and I need to be alone. One night while admiring the stars, I realized that one star itself can't illuminate a path, but several together can light up the whole sky and drive the darkness away. I needed that realization at a difficult time in my life. It reminded me I had a family and a whole group of friends I was trying to push away by isolating myself at home in my room. With their love and support, my world wasn't so dark after all. All I had to do was open my eyes and let them in, and my world was a lot brighter and my path a lot clearer."

  "That's pretty deep. I never really thought of things that way. It makes sense though. You're lucky to have a ‘group of stars’ to help you shine your brightest."

  "I want you to have that, too, Ella. I hope you know I'm already a part of your group. I want nothing but the best for you, sweetheart. If you'll let me in, I promise to help you get whatever you need out of this life to make you happy."

  "Thank you, Kohl. That really means a lot. I'm getting there." She gives me a reserved smile. "Gram, Jessa, and now you, you've all made your way underneath my protective outer shell. It's always been hard for me to trust. Sometimes people have good intentions but… let's just say actions speak a lot louder than words. Growing up, I was so used to getting let down that I sort of closed my heart off. I learned early on if I didn't let people in, I couldn't get hurt. Reed and his parents were the only exception. Probably because they became a part of my life before I was old enough to realize I could put up a wall and keep people at a distance."

  "Thank you for trusting me, Ella. And for allowing me to be a part of your life. You mean so much to me." I roll her over and take her face in my hands. "I'm falling for you, sweetheart, and I don't think there's a thing in the world I could do to stop it. Not that I'd want to," I whisper before taking her mouth in a deep kiss.

  She opens for me immediately and soon we're all hands, teeth, and lips. Her sexy moans and trembles set my body on fire. I sit up, pulling my shirt off overhead.

  Ella follows after me, her hands quick to explore my chest. Leaning forward, she twirls her tongue around my nipple before sucking it into her mouth lightly. Her small hand burns a slow torturous path down my abs and under the waistband of my shorts. She takes my hard shaft in her hand with a firm grip, slowly stroking me, base to tip. Fuck that feels amazing.

  "Woah! You're… big!" she gushes, a blush quickly spreading across her cheeks.

  "Some might say I'm more than average size," I smirk.

  "Understatement of the year," she mumbles.

  My body jolts with pleasure as her thumb finds the precum leaking from my slit, rubbing it around the slick head of my cock, the sensation sending a new wave of need throughout my body. She removes her hand and runs her thumb softly across her bottom lip. I catch a glimpse of the pink tip of her tongue peeking out for a taste.

  "Can I take these off?" She tugs on my shorts.

  I stand up before her without saying a word. She gets to her knees quickly and pulls them to my ankles. I hastily kick them to the side before returning to my position beside her. She pushes me onto my back, the satisfying pleasure of her warm, wet mouth closing around the head of my cock has me groaning out loud and fisting her hair in my hands.

  She takes her time teasing me, her hand stroking my base as she sucks on my swollen tip. Each time she takes a little more of me inside, before pulling me completely out of her mouth, sliding her tongue along the thick vein that runs down the underside of my cock.

  Those plush lips suction tightly against me, her flat tongue massaging firm circles as sh
e goes. She sucks slowly down my shaft and back up again, her tongue taking a lap around my swollen head each time. The torture repeats twice more, before those swollen lips make their way over my enlarged head and down my shaft once again.

  This time she takes me all the way to the back of her throat. She's sucking me hard and deep now, not letting up. A firm hand stroking what her mouth can't reach. Saliva drips down my shaft, creating the perfect lubricant. I groan as her free hand cups my balls, rolling them gently as her finger finds its way to that magical spot halfway to my ass. As soon as she starts massaging me there, I'm ready to blow.

  "Ella," I choke out, tugging her hair in warning.

  She shakes her head and doubles her efforts. Within a few seconds, I'm coming harder than I ever have in my life. My muscles lock, my toes curl, and my eyes roll back into my head as I groan her name. She takes all I have to give, swallowing down every last drop with each throb of my cock. Raising her head, she wipes her bottom lip with her thumb before giving me a sheepish grin.

  "Holy shit! Holy shit!" I chant over and over while trying to regain control of my muscles and catch my breath. "What the hell did you just do to me? I've never came that hard in my life," I pant. "Damn, Ella, that was amazing."

  She gives me a shy smile and a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know. I've never let anyone… you know… do that before. I just wanted to make it good for you."

  "Well, mission accomplished. Here," I say, sitting up. "Let me get you a bottle of water." I reach inside the cooler from our trip to the falls today and take out a cold bottle, handing it to her. "Drink up then lie back. I'm about to strip you down and eat that sweet pussy," I order.

  When she chokes on her water, I reach over and give her a couple pats on the back, before taking the bottle from her hands and finishing it off in two swallows. I place my hands on her shoulders and ease her down onto her back. Piece by piece, I slowly strip her clothes, kissing, licking, and nipping each new piece of skin as I go. When she's completely naked, I lie down on my stomach between her legs, and spread her wide with my shoulders before kissing along the inside of each thigh.


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