Reconciliation Of Hate (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 11)

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Reconciliation Of Hate (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 11) Page 33

by Sarah Noffke

  On either side of her, Wilder and Evan paused on their dragons.

  “Who would have thought that the king of the fae had been holding things together here?” Wilder shook his head.

  Sophia nodded. “You’d be surprised how strangely competent King Rudolf is.”

  On the ground, pandemonium was happening. It appeared that mortal criminals were looting in several areas. Fights amongst magicians and mortals were spreading.

  The demon dragonriders seemed to be purely entertained by this, a couple of them sitting on the top of Caesar’s Palace, looking down at the various conflicts going on below.

  “Should we go and give those newbie riders something to really watch?” Evan asked. “Like a close-up of my knuckles?”

  Wilder laughed.

  Sophia shook her head. “Those are lemmings, hanging around because they want the entertainment. We need to focus on taking down Nathaniel and Versalee. We also don’t want to spoil our cover until after we have Trudy DeVries back safely.”

  Evan deflated but agreed that was for the best.

  Currently, the three Dragon Elite were cloaked in the sky—unseen by anyone in the city. Last time, they’d made their presence known when confronting the Rogue Riders who were bullying and pillaging in Las Vegas. That had been a goodwill mission of sorts. This was anything but.

  The Dragon Elite needed to sneak into the city’s underground system where Mortimer had informed Sophia that Trudy DeVries was being held. A network of tunnels ran under the city.

  In the past, it had served many different purposes. Most recently, it was filled with many homeless who had nowhere left to go. From the sight on the ground, it appeared that they didn’t have the underground anymore either. Lining many parts of the Las Vegas Strip with signs and grocery carts full of all their possessions were hundreds of homeless.

  The Rogue Riders, according to Mortimer’s Brownies, had kicked them out of the underground when they took it over. There was layer upon layer of problems, Sophia realized, her heart aching as she studied the displaced homeless, looting mortals, and fighting magicians. Also watching it while throwing back forties on the rooftop of Caesar’s Palace were the demon dragonriders.

  She narrowed her eyes at them, angry that they thought any of this was entertaining. However, they took a page out of the leader’s book that encouraged it, so the demon dragonriders thought it was okay. Hopefully once Nathaniel and Versalee were gone, a more worthy leader would rise to the challenge. Sophia had to believe that under the right direction, the Rogue Riders could serve a purpose. Believing otherwise wasn’t something she wanted to consider because that would mean the Rogue Riders would have to be taken out, thereby contributing to another possible extinction of dragonriders.

  “What’s the plan, boss?” Evan glanced sideways at Sophia.

  She pointed at the underground entrance that Mortimer indicated was the closest to the Rogue Riders’ headquarters. “We enter through there. There are at least a dozen demon dragonriders total. Not all will be down there, but they definitely outnumber us. There are also mortals serving them. I want Trudy DeVries found and returned safely. I want any demon dragonrider who gets in our way restrained. But I want to avoid any unnecessary lethal force to either them or mortals.”

  “Copy that, boss.” Wilder saluted her with a crooked smile.

  “One more thing,” Sophia said, gripping the reins.

  Both of the other dragonriders regarded her intently, hanging on her every word. “That last part doesn’t apply to Nathaniel or Versalee. If you see them, take them down. We warned them. Now it’s time to punish them.”

  Chapter One Hundred Nine

  “Good thing that fatty Bell isn’t here,” Lunis commented as they landed outside the entrance to the underground.

  “That’s rude,” Sophia admonished. “You’re probably hurting her feelings.”

  Lunis grinned. “She doesn’t have any feelings. She knows that I’m just being a boy, pulling her pigtails and looking to get a reaction out of her. If she’d give me one, I’d move on.”

  “Seriously, you need a hobby,” Sophia stated.

  “I have a hedgehog,” Lunis bragged proudly.

  “Which is food for most dragons,” Simi imparted smugly.

  Lunis leveled his gaze at the white dragon. “Eat Sir Alexander Connery MacDonald, and I’ll tell all the angel dragonettes that you want them to start following you around.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she seethed.

  Lunis nodded. “You know I would.”

  Sophia slid off her dragon, as did Wilder and Evan, and regarded the narrow entrance. It resembled a subway entry with a few dozen steps down to a dark opening. It was roughly the size of a garage door, but the Brownies had informed her that there were some narrow passages in the underground system.

  “I realize that the dragons can use a compartment spell to navigate down there,” Sophia mused. “I’m not sure if they should.”

  Wilder nodded at her side. “Yeah, it might not be the best use of their magic.”

  “That’s my thought,” Sophia mumbled while chewing on her lip. “I think we need at least one dragon down there. The Brownies say the demon riders have theirs in the underground.”

  Lunis shivered. “That’s not the place for dragons. They can’t be able to stretch out their wings or properly…I don’t know, that thing we’re meant to do.”

  “Fly,” Coral supplied.

  The blue dragon grinned in reply. “Wow, you should go on a game show. You’re excellent with guessing.”

  Sophia and Wilder exchanged amused expressions. “It’s sad to think that they’re keeping dragons in confined areas,” she admitted.

  “Since Lunis thinks he’s such a hotshot skinny-pants,” Evan began. “Why doesn’t he go down there with us?”

  “I think that’s fair.” Sophia nodded.

  Lunis’ mouth popped open with surprise. “But there’s a place called Nacho Daddy that I was going to check out while you all were playing cowboys and Indians.”

  “Who is who in that scenario?” Wilder questioned, hiding a laugh.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Lunis chirped. “I’ll go and get us all nachos. Simi can accompany you since all you have to do is graffiti her, and she’ll blend right in. Coral can keep a lookout since she never likes to do anything fun ever.”

  Sophia laughed. She saw Lunis’ point because spray paint covered the walls leading down to the underground. She could only imagine what they’d find down there. Based on the smell wafting up from there, it seemed like it wouldn’t be pleasant.

  “Great idea on the disguising,” Sophia stated with confidence. “A dragon will blow our cover pretty quickly even if you’re using a compartmentalizing spell to negotiate the narrow tunnels.”

  “Why thank you,” Lunis sang. “What does everyone want on their nachos? Extra jalapeños for Sophia, I’m guessing. A side of sadness for Vegan Boy—”

  “Vegan Man,” Wilder corrected with a laugh.

  “And double meat for Evan, right?” Lunis asked the other dragonrider.

  “The nacho run will have to wait,” Sophia interrupted. “You’re right that the dragon who goes down should be in disguise. I’m pretty good with those spells, but it’s easier for me to camouflage my dragon than someone else’s.”

  Lunis sighed melodramatically. “Seriously, please don’t tell me that means what I think it means…”

  “Lun, you’re going down with us in disguise,” Sophia stated. “Coral and Simi, you two should stay up here and keep watch. Communicate with Evan and Wilder if you see anything suspicious or if things get any further out of hand.” She indicated the chaos that was happening a few blocks away.

  Both of the elder dragons nodded dutifully. Lunis, conversely, looked like he was close to throwing a full-on tantrum.

  Sophia turned her attention to her dragon while tapping her chin. “Now the question is, what would be the best disguise for you so that you can get around and wil
l go unnoticed?”

  Chapter One Hundred Ten

  “A rat!” Lunis exclaimed, his voice squeaky in his gray rodent form. He’d shrunk considerably and looked up at Sophia like he was about to bite her, infecting her with a plague.

  Evan and Wilder weren’t hiding their laughter, nearly doubling over after Sophia used the disguising spell on her dragon. Their dragons were marginally better at showing decorum, but even Coral and Simi appeared amused by seeing the blue dragon in the form of a mangy sewer rat.

  “I can’t keep the cloak on us anymore,” Sophia explained, indicating herself and the other two dragonriders. “Disguising you is the most important priority because we can sneak around, but even with a compartment spell, they’ll notice you, Lun. As a rat, you can sneak ahead for us and tell me what’s going on.”

  “I can also sneak ahead and inform the enemy that you’re coming so they take you down,” he threatened bitterly, his voice high-pitched.

  The guys continued to laugh, wholly entertained by Lunis’ rat form.

  Sophia shook her head, knowing that his threats were empty. “It’s a good plan. Since I’m the one who spelled you, you can break free of it at any point and fight or shoot fire or whatever you need to do to help us. That wouldn’t be the case if I used the disguising spells on Coral or Simi.”

  “That’s fine.” Lunis stuck his pointy nose in the air. “I’m secure enough to be a rat for this mission.”

  Sophia smiled proudly at her dragon, grateful he was willing to be a team player. “Good. I think this is the best plan.” Turning her attention to Evan and Wilder, she gave them both sturdy expressions. “Are you two ready to confront the Rogue Riders?”

  Both pulled out their weapons, Evan holding his ax and Wilder his sword. They nodded in unison.

  Sophia pulled Inexorabilis. “Okay, remember the plan. No unnecessary lethal force unless it’s Nathaniel or Versalee.”

  Evan’s top lip curled up with a vengeance. “I don’t ask for much, but if there’s an option, I’d like the opportunity to take down Nathaniel. That guy’s been asking for a bruising from me.”

  Wilder laughed. “You ask for way more than your fair share, but that’s fine with me.”

  Sophia nodded. “It’s more important that we rescue Trudy DeVries than anything else, so let’s be off before her safety is further compromised.”

  Chapter One Hundred Eleven

  Mortimer had stated that as of his latest report from a field Brownie, Warrior Trudy DeVries was alive and well, although not in the best condition. However, that didn’t make it any easier for Sophia to delay. She knew that could quickly change when it came to the Warrior for the House of Fourteen being held by diabolical demon dragonriders.

  That’s why they didn’t waste any more time talking and planning and instead hurried down into the underground, all the while on high alert for any mortals or dragonriders hiding in the shadows.

  As Sophia suspected, the darkness of the tunnels smelled like a sewage system. There was trash everywhere and not one spot on the concrete walls that wasn’t covered in spray paint. It was hard to see much in the distance since it was mostly lit by burning barrels of rubbish or spaced out floodlights.

  With a single hand movement, she encouraged Evan and Wilder to cling to the walls and hide in the shadows should they approach anything as they progressed.

  She made out a few competing noises in the distance. There seemed to be a loud eruption of voices up ahead and what she suspected was dragons fighting—the sounds of claws and flapping wings very familiar to her.

  She really couldn’t understand how dragons could stand tall and fight in this place. The corridors were wide, but the ceiling was no more than twelve feet high. Lunis would have to duck in his usual form, but she reasoned that he was much larger than any of the demon dragons.

  The three and rat-Lunis strode quietly in silence, listening to the uproar ahead and the sounds of trickling water somewhere in the distance and watching for clues.

  So far they hadn’t seen any signs of mortals or dragonriders, but that did little to fill Sophia with confidence. She figured that they were probably more concentrated down there. However, one of her main concerns was about getting lost in the networks under the city. Mortimer had warned that the tunnels were numerous and navigating them would be a challenge. She could understand why because they probably all looked the same in the shadows.

  As soon as she had that thought, they came to a fork in the corridors. One set of tunnels led straight. Two others split to the right and left.

  Sophia halted and looked at Wilder, then Evan. “I think it’s time we parted ways.”

  “Girl, I’ve been trying to get away from you for ages,” Evan joked with a wink.

  Sophia laughed. “I second that sentiment.”

  Wilder pointed straight ahead to where the uproar was coming from. It sounded like a party…or a wrestling match…or both. “I’ll go that way.”

  “Are you sure?” Sophia asked. “I have Lunis, and he has to stay with me to keep up the disguise. I can go that way.”

  He shook his head. “You need to find Trudy DeVries, and she most likely won’t be where there’s a huge concentration of dragonriders having a party or whatever they’re doing.”

  Sophia nodded. “That makes sense.”

  “I’ll take this one.” Evan gestured at the tunnel to the left. “I have a weird feeling I’ll find my nemesis.”

  Sophia studied the corridor he was indicating and sort of understood his decision. The flood lamps in the distance flickered with strange electricity as if they’d been tampered with by someone who had electrical magic.

  She spun to face the opposite corridor, which was dark and nondescript. “Well, then I’ll take this one.” Sophia took a step forward before looking over her shoulder.

  Wilder gave her a serious look. “Be careful, Soph.”

  She nodded before setting off down the darkened tunnel with her rat-dragon at her feet.

  Chapter One Hundred Twelve

  Something definitely wasn’t right with the electricity in this part of the underground, Evan thought as he progressed, sliding down the tunnels, his back as close to the disgusting concrete wall as he dared to have it.

  Ahead, his enhanced hearing picked up two men talking. They seemed to be arguing about something, their words terse.

  “Dude, it’s your turn to do the patrols,” a man said from the shadows far down the tunnel.

  Evan snapped his fingers, making the light ahead extinguish, hopefully hiding his approach.

  “What was that?” a different man asked.

  “The bulb blew out,” the first guy said.

  “I’m fueling it,” a voice that Evan had heard before stated angrily from farther up ahead.

  “C-C-Can you turn it back on, boss?” one of the men asked.

  “I just tried,” the demon dragonrider that Evan recognized replied. “Something is going on. You two go check it out.”

  “It should be him,” the first guy said, his voice vibrating with worry. “I went last.”

  “He didn’t either!” the other man complained.

  “You’ll both go!” the demon dragonrider boomed, his voice echoing down the long corridor.

  “Okay, boss!”

  A moment later, footsteps made splashing sounds as the two men reluctantly trudged down the tunnel.

  Evan found a well-placed alcove that led to a utility closet. He slid into it, perfectly hidden out of the way, the dark making it harder for anyone to see him. He pointed at his face and put a night-vision spell on himself. It wouldn’t last for long, but hopefully, he wouldn’t need it much longer.

  While peering around the alcove’s corner, he noticed the two men approaching in the distance. Mortals, he realized right away. They wore tattered clothes and battered expressions. Criminals, he guessed. Evan had gotten pretty good at recognizing the sort. They had a way about them.

  He lifted his hand and pulled in a deep br
eath, remembering Sophia’s orders. His instinct told him to take out criminals. As a Dragon Elite, that’s what he felt was right, ridding their evil from the world. However, he had to respect Sophia’s orders. If she had said not to injure them fatally, then that’s what he’d do, hoping she was right and they somehow served a purpose.

  When the two men approached, ready to spring into the air from any sudden fright, Evan stepped out of his hiding spot. He shot a finger at the first man, who had just recognized that something had moved from the shadows and exclaimed loudly.

  However, it was too late. Evan zapped the mortal with a paralyzing spell, sending him rocking back on his heels until he toppled over, lying completely still on the ground. He did the same thing to the next mortal, knocking him out with ease. They’d have a nice, long nap and wake up with a horrible headache that would last for days. Still, they were alive and would go on to commit more crimes.

  Evan carefully stepped over the stretched-out figures and strode in the direction of the man ahead, who he was certain was a demon dragonrider. His night vision told him that he neared some stairs that led up. His instinct told him that he approached a person.

  Evan tensed when a floodlight lit up the tunnel all around him. He squinted from the sudden brightness combined with his night vision and immediately pulled down the spell, willing his vision to clear.

  With watering eyes, he blinked at the set of stairs in the distance as he registered footsteps. Ahead, a figure stepped out of the shadows. One he recognized.

  The redhead named Nathaniel narrowed his eyes at Evan, taking in his appearance and no doubt recognizing him too. He halted on the first stair and shook his head, his hand resting on the corner of the long hallway leading up.

  “It’s you,” the demon dragonrider seethed.

  “It’s me,” Evan affirmed. “Ready to joust?”


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