Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20) Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “Maybe.” He stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked down at her in his arms. “I love you with every fiber of my being, never doubt that.”

  “I won’t.”


  Jasmine stood in front of the full length mirror in the suite of rooms that Lucas’ parents had given her to spend the night and get dressed for the wedding. She had given up her apartment a month ago and had started living with Lucas because neither of them was able to stay away from each other! He had made so many adjustments even though she had told him not to. She would come home each evening to find something there that he had ordered for her. A large multi-function dresser, clothes with the tags still on them from Romano’s along with shoes accessories, lingerie, and other things. She had stopped protesting when she realized that he was intent on spoiling her and it was kind of adorable and touching.

  “My dear, you look exceptionally beautiful!” Bella whispered as she came into the room. It was a lovely Saturday afternoon in June and the temperature was in the eighties, not too hot and not too cold. They were being married right here on the enormous grounds with the reception being held right there as well.

  “I can hardly recognize myself,” Jasmine said in amazement. Her dress was a Romano’s original, a simple sheath like design that flowed over the curves of her body like water flowing off the rock! The neckline was deep and plunging showing shadows of her cleavage where a diamond winked between her breasts that was a match to the rings Lucas had given her. Thin jeweled straps crisscrossed at the back. The dress had a narrow hemline and flowed several inches out when she walked. Her hair was caught up into an elegant chignon at the nape of her neck and a snazzy looking hat was perched on the side of her head with the lace coming down over her forehead. Her makeup was flawless. She looked like a vision in white. Diamonds dangled from her lobes with the colorful stones making a very nice contrast in the holes above them.

  “Your father is waiting. It’s time.”

  “Thank you for all you have done. You and Lenny.” She allowed the embrace from the woman and did not move away like usual.

  “You are welcome, my dear.” Bella blinked back tears. “Lucas is as happy as a lark and that’s what is important.” She linked her hand through Jasmine’s as they made their way out. “I love him as if he was my own.”

  “I know.”

  “Okay, dear, let’s go get you married,” the woman said as she handed her over to Bubba who looked very spruce in a black tuxedo, his pepper and salt hair brushed back severely. His eyes moistened with tears as he looked at the glowingly beautiful woman standing before him.

  “I am going to embarrass myself right here and start crying,” he said gruffly as he took her hands in his. “I am so proud of you, girl, that I can hardly stand it. You have done so well for yourself and now you are getting married to the man you love and one who adores the ground you walk on.” He pulled her into his arms. “Thank you for being in my life.”

  Jasmine hugged him tightly as she felt the tears threatening. “You are ruining the perfectly good makeup that the artiste warned me against.” She sniffed as she pulled back and looked up at him. “I love you, Bubba.”

  “Same here. Now let’s go. Your groom awaits.”


  He was dressed in steel grey with an orchid pinned to his lapel. His hair glinted in the afternoon sunlight and his green eyes were for her only. She did not notice the people sitting there in rows of rows of chairs because she saw no one else but him. He met her halfway and smiled as he shook Bubba’s hand. Bubba kissed her cheek gently as he handed her over to Lucas. He took her hand and placed it on his arm, his other hand covering hers, squeezing lightly.

  She turned and smiled slightly at Phil who smiled back. He had finally accepted that she was in love and they were only going to be friends.

  The minister made the usual speech and then told the crowd that the couple were going to say their own vows.

  “I want to go first,” Jasmine said as she looked at Lucas. He nodded and taking a deep breath she spoke. “Lucas Connor Henderson, I have no idea how you did it but you did! You got me into believing in a love between a man and a woman. You got me believing in until death parts us.” She blinked and gripped his hands tightly. “You subtly but surely entered my life until there is no one else but you. There never will be anyone else but you. I love you, darling.” She took one of his hands and put it against her cheek. “You are patient and sweet and you put my interests first. Thank you for coming into my life and making it better.”

  Lucas only just stopped himself from hauling her into his arms there and then! “Jasmine Mona Crichton, my life, my heart. You are the only woman for me and will always be the only woman for me. I love you, baby, not only because you are everything I ever wanted in a woman but because you are the strongest, most ambitious woman I have ever known! I love you with all of me and I will love you until I take my dying breath.”

  The silence was potent and for the space of time couples seated there were reminded of their own time standing at the altar. The wives looked at their husbands and hands reached for each other as they clung and found comfort in the touch of their loved ones.

  The minister had them repeat the vows that made them husband and wife and then told Lucas to kiss his bride. He tilted her chin up and looked down into her exquisite face, his green eyes dark with emotions. She was his wife and he trembled at the enormity of it! “My love,” he whispered as he took her lips with his. Jasmine touched his chest lightly and leaned into the kiss, her body shuddering against his!


  The reception went on shortly after the ceremony. Pictures were taken on the beautiful grounds and the sounds of merriment and laughter filled the air as the party continued. A table had been set up on a dais and there was a large five tiered butter cream cake on a separate table for the couple to cut. Jasmine had changed out of her dress and had donned a short blue dress that showed her legs to advantage.

  She danced with her husband and then with Bubba and then Phil followed by several others before she was caught into her husband’s arms again.

  “Happy?” he murmured in her hair.

  “More than I can ever believe,” she whispered as she lifted her head to look up at him. “I was thinking that when we start having kids-” She stopped as his arms tightened around her waist.

  “You said you did not-”

  “A girl is entitled to change her mind, isn’t she?” Jasmine asked him archly. “As I was saying. I figured maybe one of each or two of each and we could probably fill this place up a little bit. What do you think?”

  His throat moved but nothing came from it. He felt himself shuddering as he held her to him. “I think I lucked out,” he rasped. “I think I am the most fortunate man in the entire world.”

  “You are,” she said smugly. “But I am the most fortunate woman in the entire world to have a man like you. I love you, Lucas Henderson, my man, my lover, and my husband.”

  “I love you too,” he said hoarsely and bending his head he took her lips with his, neither of them caring about the rest of the crowd as they spiraled into another realm where only they belonged!

  The end... but wait:

  Another Man's Baby

  A stand out interracial romance by Esther Banks.

  Chanel, a strong African American woman, is pregnant with child. No longer with her baby father, all she wants to do is focus on herself and the baby she's carrying. The last thing on her mind is meeting someone new... but that's exactly what's about to happen.

  Enter Wes, a white man who's everything she could ask for. What part will this new factor play in Chanel's pregnancy? And will he be someone who could potentially be a father figure to her baby?

  Before anything though, she'll need to reveal to him that she's pregnant... and that the father is a black man.

  Could you raise another man's baby?

  The first in an on going series. This bwwm romance takes you from e
arly pregnancy up to birth. Once you've read it, leave a review with suggestions on things that could happen in the next part of the series. The best ideas will be used in the next book and you'll be credited for the ideas on the first page of text. :)

  Only for 18 years and over due to scenes of a sexual nature.

  A big thank you to Cathy Jackson for inspiring a pregnancy romance.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 1

  Chanel sat on the park bench. She ate her chicken salad and watched the ducks swim past on the lake. The scene provided the serenity she needed as thoughts of her current condition invaded her mind. Two weeks ago she had discovered that she was three weeks pregnant. It had been a shock to say the least. But she wanted this baby and already loved it despite the fact that she knew she would be on her own while raising him or her. She had told her ex-boyfriend, Lionel Hutchins about her pregnancy and he’d made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. He didn’t want his life disrupted by a child that he helped to create. Selfish bastard. Well good riddance! Chanel didn’t need that toxic negativity in her life. She had to focus on the kind of life that she wanted to give this child. She had a lot to give a child even if she were a single parent. Her baby would have a fabulous life no matter the sacrifices she would have to make. She would gladly make them to secure an excellent life for her child. At twenty-five years of age she was established in the field of architecture and had a bright future. She was extremely lucky to have gotten as far as she had in this very competitive field. Although it was more than just luck. She was extremely talented and worked very hard to produce the high quality of work that her bosses wanted. If she wasn’t she would have been sacked a long time ago. She was at a good place in her life to have a child and she looked forward to it. She smiled when she thought about how much fun her and her best friend; Deja would have picking out baby clothes and furniture. This was a wonderful time in her life and she intended to enjoy it. She took a bite of her chicken salad and savored the tasty flavor.

  “Hello, Chanel.”

  Chanel looked up to see who spoke. She looked into the brightest blue eyes she had only seen once in her life. Eight months ago her architectural firm, Unique Designs had sent her to its New York office to work on a project. It was at this time that she met the chief engineer and president of the company Wesley Vaughn. He was the son of the company owner, Desmond Vaughn and Chanel had developed an instant crush on the handsome engineer. But she had only seen him once while working in the New York office and the crush had dissipated with the passage of time. Now here he was watching her eat chicken salad on a park bench. Was it coincidence or fate? Whatever it was the timing could not have been more wrong.

  “Wesley Vaughn!” Chanel exclaimed when she swallowed her bite of salad.

  “The one and only,” he smiled. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine. I’m surprised you remember me. We only met once, very briefly,” Chanel said in disbelief.

  “I always remember a gorgeous face,” he said suavely. “May I join you?”

  “Yes, of course. What brings you to Augusta?” Chanel asked curiously.

  “Unique Designs. We have bid on the Ahlstrom project and find that we are one of the top two offers,” he explained.

  “I heard that we were bidding on the job. So, you’re here to close the deal,” she smiled.

  “So to speak. Our offer is strong and I think we can secure with a personal touch,” he replied.

  “I’m sure you will win the project. Getting the project will be a huge boon,” Chanel said. I understand that Ahlstrom is the first of an international development.”

  “It is. Our successful foreign endeavors give us an edge in securing the Ahlstrom job which will lead to their international projects,” he said.

  “Ahlstrom sounds like an exciting project. I would love the opportunity of working on it if you acquire it,” she said wistfully.

  “Would you like to be on the design team?” he asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t angling for a project job. Truly I wasn’t,” she said earnestly.

  He chuckled.

  “I believe you. But when we close the deal I will be putting together a team of architects. It only makes sense to assign you to that unit. You are one of our best architects,” he said with a shrug.

  “Thank you. And yes, I would love to be one of the architects,” she grinned.

  “Then it’s settled,” he said.

  “You sound very confident that Unique Designs will be chosen,” she said shrewdly.

  He smiled a little slyly.

  “I have inside knowledge. But that’s all I will say,” he laughed.

  Chanel laughed with him. She couldn’t believe she was sitting here with possibly the finest man on earth casually talking shop with him. And he had just offered her a coup of a job. Working on the Ahlstrom project would fast track her career by leaps and bounds. And it was an added bonus that she would get to see Wesley again….or would she? He may only be in town to lock down the project. Then he could be off to places unknown just like before. She bit her bottom lip as she thought about it.

  Wesley noticed her preoccupation and thought her habit of biting her bottom lip endearing. He thought Chanel was a beautiful woman with her creamy brown skin and drop dead figure. But what drew him to her most were her light brown eyes. They were almost a pale gold in coloring and they drew him in like a magnet. They were stunning in their color, clarity and sparkle. And they fit her perfectly. He had noticed her immediately while she was in the New York office but hadn’t had the time to pursue an alliance with her. His trip to Asia had taken his full attention and his brief trips to New York were too short to start a serious attachment. But although she was out of sight she’d been constantly on his mind. But when he came back to New York she had returned to Augusta. So when the Ahlstrom opportunity arose he’d been quick to assume its management. Being in Augusta would give him a chance to pursue Chanel. Encountering her in the park today was a stroke of luck that he intended to use to his advantage.

  “How long will you be in Augusta?” Chanel asked quietly.

  “Indefinitely. I intend to remain her until the project is complete. So you will have to get used to having me around,” he grinned.

  His smile was gorgeous. It lit his entire face and highlighted just how handsome he was.

  “An easy adjustment,” she replied boldly.

  He stared at her and his deep blue eyes twinkled in merriment. Chanel realized just how easy it would be acclimatizing to his presence. She snatched her gaze away from his and looked at her watch.

  “Oh, I’m late. I need to get back to the office,” she said as she hastily packed up the remains of her lunch.

  “Tell them I held you up. No one will reprimand you for talking to the boss,” he smiled.

  “I’ll remember that if Dan gives me grief for my tardiness,” she smiled. She stood. “It was great talking to you. I hope to see you soon.”

  “You will,” he assured her.

  Chanel walked away. She was so tempted to look back but managed to refrain. But she could feel his blue stare boring through her back. She reached the sidewalk and waited for the signal to turn green for pedestrians. The red hand signal finally changed to the green walk indicator and she crossed the street and went into the tall, glass building. She arrived in her office and breathed a sigh of relief when told that Dan was out at one of the construction site. Chanel sat at her drafting table and tried to sketch but designing seemed to escape her. So she stared out the window and happily thought about Wesley Vaughn.


  Chanel was getting little to no work done that afternoon. She looked at the wall clock and saw that it was four-thirty. It was close enough to call it a day. She grabbed her purse and left the office; calling goodbye to the Pam,
their receptionist. She took the elevator down to the parking garage and walked to her red convertible Mustang. She had opened the car door when she heard the beep of the car unlocking next to her. She looked around and saw Wesley walking to his vehicle. She smiled.

  “Twice in one day. That’s more often than I saw you the entire time I was in New York,” she teased.

  He stopped at her side.

  “It must be kismet,” he chuckled. “Let’s take advantage of it and take a stroll on the Riverwalk. I’ve heard a lot of great things about it. You can be my tour guide and show me your town.”

  It was a tempting invitation and Chanel would like nothing better than to spend more time with him.

  “Alright. I would be delighted,” she grinned.

  She closed and locked her car door. He did the same and they began walking toward the garage exit. They left the garage and Chanel walked down the street toward Sixth Street which would take them into the heart of downtown. Chanel pointed out different attractions as they walked along. The Riverwalk was actually one of her favorite place to visit so showing it off to Wesley was no hardship in the least. She talked about the rich history of Augusta and the progress of the town and its citizens.

  “I can only imagine the connection that African American people have to this city and the entire state of Georgia for that matter,” he said genuinely. “The history of this state has shaped America significantly.”

  “It has but we still have a long way to go to obtain complete equality. But we have made huge strides,” she said.

  “The river is just over there,” she said as she pointed. “Come on.”

  They crossed the street to walk through an open rotunda that provided a lovely view of the river.

  “It’s beautiful,” he said appreciatively.

  They sat on one of the stone benches.

  “This is one of my favorite places to be. I like to watch the river rushing and feel the cool breeze off of the water,” Chanel said. “It’s meditative.”


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