Lucas (Members From Money Book 20)

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Lucas (Members From Money Book 20) Page 18

by Katie Dowe

“Really, Wes you don’t have to. I’ll be alright,” she insisted.

  He leaned in toward her.

  “I walked out once but I’ll not make that mistake again. I’m staying, Chanel. End of story,” he said flatly. He stood up and took a caftan from the back of the couch and spread it over her. “Get some sleep. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  Chanel opened her mouth to argue but then close it. The implacable look on his face tolerated no argument. Besides, she really wanted him to stay. Maybe this could be a new beginning for them. She remembered how he had touched her belly and spoke so kindly of the baby. It seemed as though he’d had a change of heart. She hoped so for he still held hers.

  “Alright. I do feel sleepy. I’ll see you later,” she whispered.

  Chanel slid further down on the couch and closed her eyes. Wes leaned down and kissed her forehead. He left the house quietly. Chanel smiled as she slipped into a deep slumber.


  For the second time Wes was packing his suitcase to take to Chanel’s home. He had maneuvered a second chance and he wasn’t going to blow it. Maybe it had been providence for things had occurred as they had. The accident had provided an opportunity to spend indefinite and private time with Chanel. Something that he didn’t think would ever happen again. Suddenly the sun was shining in his world again and the future was looking bright. There was a knock on Wes’s hotel room door. He left the bedroom and walked through the sitting area to answer the door. He prayed it wasn’t Adel. He didn’t want to deal with her right now. He knew he would have to at some point but not now. He should never have asked her out again. But she seemed to always be around and had caught him at a vulnerable moment. Going out with her had given her the wrong idea. They shared a few dinners together and Adel had actually been charming and pleasant. He had begun to think that he had not been fair in his assessment of her. But though the dinners had been nice there had been nothing between them but casual friendship. He was not attracted to her romantically. However, the last time they had gone out she’d made it clear that she wanted more than a platonic friendship. Wes grimaced. They would have to talk very soon. He opened the door and smiled broadly.

  “Ivan, my man. Come in,” Wes greeted.

  “Hey,” Ivan greeted.

  Ivan walked in and looked around the luxurious suite. He was a tall man, taller than Wes with gray eyes and blond hair. He was a very attractive man.

  “Nice,” Ivan said.

  “Thanks but I’m moving out,” Wes said as he moved into his bedroom.

  Ivan followed him.

  “Finally got your own crib?” Ivan asked.

  “Not in the way you think. I’m moving in with Chanel,” Wes said.

  Wes raised his eyebrows.

  “I take it things are back on track with the two of you,” Ivan said as he lounged on the massive bed.

  “Kind of. I’m taking the initiative,” Wes said as he returned to his packing.

  “Okay. Out with the details,” Ivan ordered.

  Wes chuckled and related everything that led up to him moving in with Chanel.

  “So you acted the macho man and told her you were moving in whether she liked it or not,” Ivan surmised.

  “Uhh, yeah. This it’s in a nutshell,” Wes laughed.

  “My kind of man,” Ivan praised him.

  They laughed.

  “I see this as a new beginning. Our second chance,” Wes said somberly.

  “Don’t mess it up,” Ivan cautioned.

  “I don’t intend to,” Wes returned.

  “She must be about five months by now,” Ivan observed.

  “Almost six. I felt the baby kick, Ivan,” Wes said.

  Ivan smiled.

  “It must have felt amazing,” Ivan said in awe.

  “It was the most wondrous sensation I have ever felt. He’s alive and active, impatient to be born. I can’t wait to hold him,” Wes exclaimed.

  “You’ve fallen in love with him already,” Ivan smiled.

  “I think I have. I just have to convince Chanel of my feelings,” Wes said.

  “That won’t be hard. One look at your face and she’ll know,” Ivan commented.

  There was another knock on the door.

  “Who could that be?” Wes muttered.

  Ivan shrugged and relaxed against the pillows. Wes went to answer the door.

  “Adel,” Wes exclaimed.

  “You sound surprised to see me,” Adel smiled.

  “I am. I wasn’t expecting you,” Wes said.

  “I told you I would stop by,” Adel said as she breezed into the room.

  Wes frowned.

  “I’m pretty sure you didn’t,” Wes countered as he shut the door in irritation.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m here now,” Adel returned smoothly.

  “Why?” Wes asked.

  “Because you refuse to answer your phone. I’ve been trying to reach you all day. I called your office but you weren’t there. Where have you been?” Adel questioned suspiciously.

  “Helping out a friend,” Wes said vaguely. “What did you want?”

  “I’ve rented a beach house and I thought we could christen it….with dinner of course; unless you have something else in mind,” she smiled seductively. “Come by at seven o’clock. I’ve texted you the address.”

  “I can’t,” Wes said.

  “Why ever not?” Adel asked. She watched him closely. Wes was on edge. Something was up, she could sense it.

  Wes hesitated. He should probably tell Adel that he wanted to work things out with Chanel. But really, all he wanted to do was get back to Chanel’s house. He could talk to Adel later.

  “Because he’s hanging out with me,” Ivan said. He lounged against the door jamb with his arms folded. He looked at Adel sardonically. “I’m sure you understand his desire to spend time with his best friend; especially one he hasn’t seen in a year.”

  Adel gasped at the sound of his voice. She bristled.

  “He saw you two days when we were at the country club,” Adel said frostily. She didn’t appreciated Ivan eavesdropping on her private conversation with Wesley.

  “That was two days ago. This is now. And today we have plans that will not change,” Ivan said curtly. He didn’t like Adel and he didn’t mind letting her know it.

  He straightened to his full height. Ivan could be quite intimidating with his powerful, muscular 6’8 frame. Adel stepped back involuntarily. Wes opened the door.

  “I’ll catch up with you at another time,” Wes stated.

  Adel fumed. Wesley’s message was clear. He was dismissing her. Adel drew herself up and held her head high. She exited the room without saying another word. Wes closed the door firmly behind her. She heard Ivan chuckle and it infuriated her. They may have won this round but she would win the battle. Wesley was hiding something and she would swear it had something to do with that tramp, Chanel Cambridge. She just needed to find out what it was. Adel walked away from the door with determination etched on her face.

  Chapter 5

  Chanel woke from her nap feeling refreshed. She winced as she slow rose and went into her bedroom. Wes was coming back and she didn’t want to look a fright. She managed to change into a flowing print kaftan of Caribbean colors and donned white shorts. She brushed her hair and applied light makeup. Chanel thought about the significance of Wes staying at her home. They had just gotten back on speaking terms and here he was moving in with her. Were things moving too fast? Had they truly resolved their problems? They had discussed and come to an amicable agreement about the accident but they had not talked about the argument that had separated them. How did he feel about her pregnancy? Was he ready to accept her and the baby? They were a package deal and there was no getting around that. Chanel sighed. They would have to discuss it before they could go any further. Chanel set capped the mascara and set it on the dresser. She looked at herself and decided that she looked the best that she was going to look. Her golden eyes were bright
and clear and her face was luminous. She fluffed her curls one final time then headed toward the kitchen. She was hungry and decided to make a BLT sandwich. As she walked through the dining room the doorbell rang. She changed directions and slowly walked toward the door. She was almost to the door when it opened. Wes entered the house holding several food bags.

  “I was coming,” she smiled. “Albeit, slowly but I was almost there.”

  “I remembered you couldn’t move very quickly so I let myself in. I hope you don’t mind,” Wes explained. He hoped she wouldn’t think that he was being too familiar.

  “It’s fine. Next time, just come on in,” she said. “It will conserve my energy.”

  Wes smiled.

  “I will. I brought the makings for dinner,” he said. He indicated the bags he held. “I also brought someone with me.”

  Chanel was surprised as she looked behind him through the door. A very tall and handsome man moved into the doorway. He was muscular and rugged with a kind smile. He wore his thick blond hair to his shoulders and a lock of it fell onto his forehead. He brushed it back out of his face in annoyance. He grinned at her.

  “Come in, Ivan,” Wes encouraged. Ivan came into the house. “Chanel, this is Ivan LeFluer. Ivan, this is Chanel Cambridge.”

  Ivan extended his hand to Chanel. Chanel placed her hand into his large, warm palm.

  “Hi Chanel,” Ivan smiled.

  “Hi, Ivan,” Chanel returned his smile. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

  “I hope I’m not intruding. I told Wes to call you before bringing me here. But he wouldn’t listen,” Ivan said. “It’s one of his very bad traits.”

  Chanel grinned.

  “I’m quite familiar with it,” she teased. “But you are very welcome here. Let’s go in the kitchen and see what ‘s in those bags.”

  They started walking toward the kitchen. Chanel moved gingerly. Wes thrust the bags into Ivan’s arms and put his arm about Chanel’s waist. She looked up at him and smiled gratefully.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Always,” he whispered.

  They gathered in the kitchen and Ivan set the bags on the granite kitchen island. He then began pulling out steaks, shrimp, asparagus and potatoes.

  “I’ll be happy to grill the steaks,” Ivan offered.

  “And I will be happy to accept,” she grinned. She looked at Ivan’s height in awe. “Ivan, how tall are you? I hope you don’t mind me asking”

  “Not at all. I’m used to it. I’m six-seven. And yes, I did play professional basketball for five years until I tore my Achilles heel. That ended my career,” Ivan said.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said sincerely. She stared at him. He looked so familiar. “Did you play for the LA Lakers?”

  He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  “I did. All five years,” Ivan returned.

  “I thought I recognized you,” she smiled broadly.

  “You’re a basketball buff,” Ivan said.

  “I love basketball. I’m just waiting for the Hawks to make it to the Finals,” she exclaimed.

  “They have a ways to go,” Ivan commented.

  “With the right free agents and a couple of good draft picks they could be contenders right away,” she said knowledgeably.

  Ivan laughed.

  “You do know your basketball,” Ivan chuckled. “We have to go to some games.”

  “I would love that,” she replied eagerly.

  Chanel’s eyes were shining brightly. Ivan noticed and caught his breath.

  “You have remarkable eyes. They are gorgeous,” Ivan noticed.

  “Thank you,” Chanel said shyly.

  Wes frowned at their exchange.

  “Just know that those basketball dates will be a threesome,” Wes said. He was slightly annoyed.

  Ivan smiled slyly.

  “Sounds like someone is jealous,” he teased.

  Wes threw him a murderous look. Wes knew all about Ivan’s charm. He had been around it since high school. Ivan could sweep women off their feet just by walking into a room. And he would in veritably end the evening in one of their bedrooms. But Ivan was a playboy to his heart and he loved every minute of it. Ivan smiled at Wes and winked; letting Wes know that he realized that Chanel was off limits. Wes already knew this. He knew that Ivan would not think about poaching. Wes didn’t know why he allowed the green monster to grip his heart. Maybe it was nerves. He needed to relax and see what unfolded. Chanel had been very responsive so far and there was no reason to believe that she would do a three sixty. Wes returned Ivan’s smile.

  “I’ll help you prep the steaks,” Chanel offered.

  She took a step toward the island but Wes stopped.

  “No you won’t. You need to get off of your feet,” he led her to an island stool and seated her. “Don’t move. We will prepare everything. Actually, I’m pretty good in the kitchen.”

  “I remember,” she said softly.

  Wes remembered those times when he had cooked dinner for her. It was nice that she recalled them as well.

  “Let’s get this party started,” Ivan enthused.

  Dinner preparation was hysterical with Ivan and Wes trying to one up each other. Chanel hadn’t laughed so much in months. They moved out to the patio and Ivan manned the grill while Wes joined Chanel on the sofa. The conversation was lively and non-stop. Wes talked about his and Ivan’s adventures in high school and Ivan provided silly anecdotes about his NBA days. Chanel found that she liked Ivan a great deal. He was a really good guy and a wonderful friend to Wes. You could easily see how close they were. Dinner was a happy affair and they conversed for hours. Finally Wes said goodbye, citing an early morning.

  “Thank you for allowing me to crash your party, Chanel. I enjoyed myself immensely,” Ivan said charmingly.

  “You didn’t crash and you are welcome here anytime,” Chanel responded.

  She tried to rise from her seat.

  “No. Don’t get up. Relax and take care of your ribs,” he said. Ivan bent low to hug her. “I’ll see myself out. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Ivan. Come back soon.”

  “I will,” he smiled.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Wes said.

  The two men went through the house and out onto the porch. Wes pulled the door slightly closed.

  “I understand why you don’t want to let her go,” Ivan said softly. “She’s a keeper in every way. Intelligent, caring and beautiful. If you hadn’t snagged her I would have.”

  “She’s the entire package. I just have to convince her that I want her and the baby,” Wes said.

  “Her ex is the biggest fool in the world to have walked away from her. And how could he leave his child? It’s unthinkable,” Ivan retorted.

  “Well, I intend to make his loss my gain,” Wes said determinedly.

  “Just tell her how you really feel, Wes. You have a tendency to hide your emotions,” Ivan said. “Open up to her. She will respond positively.”

  “You know that’s so hard for me. And you know why,” Wes said.

  “I do. But doing so will be worth it in the end. It’s time to put the pain and resentment to rest, Wes,” Ivan advised gently.

  “I know. And I will,” Wes said resolutely.

  “Good. I’ll call you tomorrow,” Ivan said. “Goodnight.”

  Ivan trotted down the steps.

  “Goodnight,” Wes returned.

  Ivan got into his Jaguar and took off. Wes went back into the house to find Chanel stacking dishes into the dishwasher. He came up behind her and grasped her hands.

  “That can wait until morning. Let’s get you into bed,” he murmured.

  She relaxed against his chest for a moment. She had always loved the feel of his sturdy chest against her back. After a moment she turned in his arms and looped her arms about his neck. She hugged him tightly. He tightened his arms about her waist and she winced.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he apologized as he loosened
his arms.

  “It’s alright. The pain is worth your squeeze,” she whispered. She pulled back. “Thank you for dinner. It was delicious. I was about to settle for a bologna sandwich before you got here.”

  “Well, I’m glad I got here just in time,” he smiled.

  She returned his smile and yawned.

  “Come on. You’re dead on your feet,” he said.

  He scooped her up into his arms and began walking to her bedroom. Chanel protested.

  “”Wes! No. Put me down,” she exclaimed.

  “Not until I get to your bedroom. Then I’ll put you onto your bed,” he said stubbornly.

  Chanel didn’t argue. Instead she relaxed in his powerful arms and enjoyed the ride. She laid her head on his shoulder.

  “You know, I could really get used to this,” she quipped.

  He grinned.

  “I’m sure you could,” he returned.

  He arrived at her bedroom and deposited her onto the bed.

  “Is there anything else I can do? Perhaps help you change into your night gown?” he asked in low tones.

  Chanel was tempted to say yes to everything he was suggesting. She caught her breath as she looked into his deep blue eyes. His hands were on either side of her neck; his thumbs gently caressing her jawline.

  “Uh…no…I…I’ll be fine on my own,” she said.

  His thumbs stilled. He remembered when she said those words once before. She saw his expression and winced at her choice of words.

  “You’ve done so much for me already. I can change into my pajamas,” she said quickly.

  Wes knew he couldn’t be so sensitive to her every word. He smiled lopsided.

  “Too bad. I would have enjoyed helping you,” he responded.

  Chanel shook her head despairing but smiled. She pointed to the door.

  “Go. The guest room is ready for you. I’ll see you in the morning,” she said.

  He sighed dramatically.

  “Alright. If I must,” he grunted.

  He started toward the door.

  “And Wes,” she said.

  He turned to face her.


  “We’ll talk in the morning. Alright?” she asked.

  “Yes. I would like that,” he replied softly.


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