Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 21

by Elizabeth Knox

  Red Dog quirks a brow. “I’m sayin’ it’s more than tellin’ him to bring you beer.”

  “I know that.”

  Crash slaps his hand on Red Dog’s shoulder. “Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea. Maybe Green would be the perfect brother for the job.”

  Red Dog whirls on him. “You’re shittin’ me, right? He never takes anything seriously, and you want me to trust him with this?”

  “Dog, it’d give him some focus, and he’s the only one of us who has no outside responsibility. He’s got loads of time to devote to the boy.”

  Red Dog glares at Green, but he holds his tongue, appearing to consider the idea.

  Hoots and joyous shouts from across the room draw our attention and everyone turns to look.

  I strain to peer around heads and spot two cute girls rolling out a giant birthday cake on a cart. Its flaming candles flicker as it moves across the room, until they bring it to a stop in front of an embarrassed kid, I’m guessing is Red Dog’s son.

  A beautiful, middle-aged Asian woman with long dark hair puts her arm around him and begins to speak. “I hope you’ll all join me in wishing my son a very happy birthday.”

  The crowd roars with a cheer.

  “Billy, I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become. Happy eighteenth birthday!” She hugs him and steps back, clapping along with everyone in the room as he bends and blows out the candles.

  I can’t help but notice he’s a good-looking kid. His lanky frame already shows signs of his father’s long legs, tall height, and broad shoulders. I bet he’s not done growing, either. He’s obviously inherited his mother’s dark silky hair, and it flows past his collar. He also has his mother’s vivid green eyes. That, together with his beautiful smile, are a deadly combination and stunningly handsome. The boy is going to have girls lined up around the block, if he doesn’t already.

  Some leather-clad biker across the room cups his hands and yells out, “Which of Sonny’s girls did you wish for, Billy?”

  Laughter rumbles through the crowd and then the music starts up again.

  My attention is drawn when Green’s VP walks over with his arm slung around a pretty blonde woman, who has her arm around his waist.

  In his other hand he clutches a longneck and extends his index finger to point at Green. “You ready to go do this?”

  Green nods, but then motions between me, and the blonde. “Sara, this is Angel, my VP Cole’s ol’ lady. Angel, this is Sara. Maybe you could keep her company for a few minutes.”

  Angel steps forward, extending her hand. “Sure thing. Pleased to meet you, Sara.”

  I shake her hand, and Cole kisses her cheek.

  “Be back in a little while.”

  “Okay, baby,” Angel replies.

  “Let’s take Billy back to the office to talk to him,” Cole says to Green, jerking his chin toward the back of the clubhouse. A moment later they disappear through the crowd.

  A man next to me gives up his stool to Angel, and she sits, smiling at him and thanking him. When he walks away, she turns back to me.

  “So, tell me all about yourself,” she asks me.



  We take Billy back to Cole’s office. It’s a small room that doesn’t hold much more than a desk, a couple of chairs, and a credenza.

  Cole moves around and sits behind the desk. He lifts his chin to one of the worn leather chairs across from him. Billy takes a seat.

  I prefer to stand, so I lean against the wall and fold my arms, the leather of my cut creaking in the quiet room, so at odds with the rowdy party that’s taking place down the hall.

  Cole leans his elbows on the desk and smiles at Billy. “How’re you doin’, birthday boy?”

  “Good,” Billy replies with a sheepish grin.

  Cole opens a low drawer and pulls out a bottle of Jack Daniels, then grabs three shot glasses from the credenza behind him. He fills them up, his gaze lifting to Billy as he pours. “You drink, Billy?”

  The kid’s knee is bouncing a mile a minute as he leans forward, his elbows on the armrests, and his fingers interlaced. “Sure. Some.”

  Cole grins, and slides a shot glass across the scarred wooden desktop toward him. He hands me one, then raises his own. “Here’s to being eighteen, kid.”

  We all down our shots and set them on the table.

  Cole leans on his elbows again. “So, you still thinkin’ you want to prospect for the club, Billy?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’ve thought long and hard about it?” Cole cocks a brow.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Cole drops his gaze to the desktop. “Well, you’ve been a hang-around now since you graduated. Guess you’ve got a feel for what goes on. The few runs you’ve gone on with us, you’ve handled yourself well. Your riding’s good. You handle that FLX with skill. I’ve got no problem with any of that.” He cocks a brow at me. “What about you, brother? You got any issues?”

  “Nope,” I answer, my gaze moving to Billy. “The boy’s been handling himself well.”

  Cole looks at Red Dog’s son again. “Just want to talk to you about a few things before you make this decision, because it’s a big decision, Billy.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If you join the Evil Dead MC, you need to understand that of all the things in your life, your loyalty and commitment to your club comes first, above family, friends, job, personal possessions, and even personal safety. There is never any doubt on which comes first. The only thing that even approaches your commitment to the club is your commitment to your brothers. Ain’t that right, Green?”

  “You got that right, VP,” I say, watching Billy.

  Cole continues talking. “Family can walk out on you just like that,” Cole snaps his fingers once to make his point, “without a second’s notice; you can lose a job overnight; close friends come and go with time. But the club and your brothers will always be here for you. It’s one of the few, if not the only thing, you can count on.”

  “Amen to that, brother,” I agree.

  Cole continues, his focus all on Billy. “When shit hits the fan, and believe me, it will, I go to war with the brothers I trust. If I can’t trust a man, I don’t want him as my brother. This is important, Billy. You gotta be ready to back a brother no matter what. I’m talkin’ about standin’ up when the odds get stacked, and when everything you love is under attack. And that time will come. I guarantee it. Is that the kind of shit you’re ready to sign up for?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Prospecting is a long process. You have to prove yourself, not just to me, but to every brother in the club. We all have to know that you’re gonna have our backs. Way we do that is to put you through a probationary period where we test you.” Cole looks up at me, and I take the signal and jump in.

  I adjust my position, cocking my head. “Look at it this way, Billy. Prospecting is like being in Boot Camp, and your whole chapter are your drill instructors.”

  Cole nods and continues. “Why is it that we order our prospects to fetch beer or pitch tents? Why does it fall to prospects to clean up the campsites and clubhouse? If you become a brother, you’re here for the good times and bad. If you only want to party with us, you don’t need colors for that. But before I vote to hang those skulls on your back, I need to know that you can give and receive help, whatever, whenever it’s needed. Your brothers have to know they can call in the middle of the night and the only question you’ll have is, what do you need? So, prospect, you want me to call you Brother then prove you can be counted on. If you’re not willing to go on an ice run or fetch me a bourbon from the bar or help me set up my tent in the dark without whining about it, why the hell would I expect you to be there for something big when I actually need somebody?”

  “I understand. I can do all that. I want this,” Billy replies.

  Cole raps his knuckles on the desk. “Let’s talk about respect. Our world depends heavily on respect. You respect yourself or no
one will. You respect your sponsor, and the patch holders, and the officers of the club. And yes, you respect the members of other clubs. How well you respect or how badly you disrespect another club will reflect back on us. You can make us look good or you can cause us a fuck of a lot of trouble.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Cole tilts his head toward me. “Green has agreed to be your sponsor.”

  Billy meets my eyes, and I grin. “I’m gonna make you earn that patch, boy.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “When you earn something, it means so much more than if it’s just handed to you, right?” Cole asks the kid, who nods. Then he leans to grab something from low on the credenza and brings it out. He holds up a black-leather cut, an index finger hooked in each armhole, and lays it, backside facing up across the desk. It’s bare of patches except for the lower rocker that reads, Prospect. “So, I’ve just got one question for you, Billy. Do you want this?”



  Green shoulders through the crowd to stand by my barstool. Resting his arm protectively on my backrest, he leans down and brushes his lips across mine. When he pulls back, he gazes into my eyes.

  “How’s my girl?”

  Those words send a tingle of happiness through me, and I smile up at him. “Fine. Angel’s kept me company and introduced me to some of the other girls.” I nod toward Shannon, Crystal, and Mary.

  His eyes lift to Angel. “Thanks, babe.”

  “No problem,” she replies, smiling.

  “So, what are we talking about, ladies?” he asks.

  “Green, do you know how talented Sara is?” Angel asks.

  His eyes meet mine. “I’m sure she is. She’s always been good at everything she does.”

  Shannon leans forward. “She designed the costumes for Lady McBride!”

  He looks confused. “I don’t know what that is.”

  “It was only the biggest show on cable last year,” Crystal puts in.

  “What about Gnarlyville? Surely you know that one.” Mary slugs his arm.

  “Gnarlyville? I love that show.” He looks down at me.

  “She designed those creepy costumes.” Angel points at me.

  Green’s brows arch. “No shit?”

  I grin and nod. “No shit.”

  Cole comes out of the crowd and puts his arm around Angel, dipping to give her a kiss. “You okay?”

  “Fine, honey. Everything good?”

  “Yup.” He turns and looks behind him as Billy walks up. I notice the cut he’s now wearing, and so does his father.

  Red Dog smiles and wraps an arm around his son’s neck, putting him in a teasing headlock, and pulling him in for a hug.

  When Red Dog is through, and finally releases his son, Mary steps up to Billy, and lays her hands on the new cut. She looks into her son’s eyes.

  “This what you really want, Billy?”

  “It is, Ma.”

  “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Ma.”

  She pats his chest, and then gathers him in for a hug.

  Seeing the love between them has my eyes tearing up, and I turn away, taking a sip of my drink. Us girls all switched to some delicious cocktail Angel had the bartender make us.

  “You okay, babe?” Green asks, dipping his head close to mine.

  “I’m fine.” I slurp down the last of my drink.

  “You want another one of those?” he asks.

  “Yes, please.” I grin up at him, and he signals the guy behind the bar.

  Several drinks later, I’m having a wonderful time listening to all the stories the girls are telling, while the guys cut up telling jokes.

  Finally, Green dips his head. “Want to get some air?”

  “Okay.” I down my drink and slip off the barstool. He takes my hand, and we weave into the rowdy crowd.

  He leads me outside. The crisp night air is refreshing, and I breathe it in deeply, staring out over the rows of motorcycles, their chrome gleaming in the moonlight.

  “Come on.” Green tugs me toward the side of the building and around the corner, and suddenly he’s on me. I gasp, moaning as he spins me around and pins me to the wall, crushing his lips to mine. I writhe against him, whimpering into the kiss, and lay my hands on his chest, feeling the leather and patches beneath my palms.

  My lips open for him, my tongue finding his as he growls and steps closer, guiding me further into the shadows, hiding us from prying eyes as we hear the clubhouse door open, and the voices of some men stepping outside.

  He goes back to devouring my lips, his palms sliding down to my ass to pull me tight against him. His hands squeeze over the cheeks of my ass, and I moan into his lips.

  I gasp as he pulls away and suddenly spins me, pushing me up against the wall. He grabs my hair in a fist, pulling it out of the way, and tugging down the bandana I’m wearing around my neck. It’s to hide the marks he left on me last night, but as his lips latch on, I know he’s about to leave more.

  He kisses the back of my neck, making me shiver. One of his hands slides around to slip under my shirt and bra, cupping my breasts, and teasing a nipple, and I whimper for more.

  “You have such lush, soft tits, baby,” he purrs in my ear, and squeezes them.

  “I love when you do that,” I pant.

  He releases one of them and I feel him yank open his belt and hear the sound of his zipper. I whimper, eagerly, pushing my ass back against his bulge.

  I hear the voices of the men talking around the corner; their cigarette smoke carries to us. This is insane, but I don’t care. I should stop Green, but it’s the last thing I want.

  His hands go around my waist to unfasten my pants, and then he tugs them and my panties with them down, baring my ass. He groans as his hand slides over my skin.

  I whimper, grinding back against him, and when he reaches and pulls his thick cock out, I gasp as I feel his thickness hot against my skin.

  “Spread your legs, baby girl,” he growls, using his boot to kick my ankles apart, wedging his knee between my thighs. He grips his cock in a fist, and my pulse roars as he teases the head of his cock up the inside of my thigh. My eyes close as I brace myself against the wall with both hands, my head lolling back against his chest.

  “Stick that ass out for me,” he hisses wickedly and eases the thick head against my slick pussy lips. I draw in a sharp breath and obey. He pushes, and when the head slips inside, I stutter in a breath. He grunts, gripping my hip with one hand and guiding his cock with the other as he slowly pushes inch after thick inch into my tight pussy.

  When he’s halfway in, he grabs my hips with both hands, pins me to the wall, and thrusts. I gasp in pleasure as he fills me to the hilt with his cock.

  “Shh,” he purrs into my ear. “Better keep quiet, baby girl,” he growls in my ear. “Otherwise my brothers will know you’re getting fucked like a dirty little girl against the wall of the clubhouse.”

  I moan, stuffing a hand into my mouth, and pushing back against him as he grinds deep inside me. He slides out slowly, teasing me and groaning. I glance over my shoulder to see him watching my dripping pussy take his big cock. He eases out until just the head is inside of me, before he drives right back in, making me groan in pleasure and grip down on him.

  And then Tim starts to fuck me.

  He groans, thrusting deep, hissing in pleasure as I slide up and down his shaft. I moan wildly around the hand I’ve got muffling myself, panting as my face crumbles in pleasure. His hand slides down my arm, fingers lacing with mine against the wall as he starts to thrust and rut into me like a man possessed.

  His hand grips my hip, tugging me back to meet his thrusts as he buries his cock in my pussy over and over again. An orgasm suddenly washes over me like a freight train, and I turn my head and bite his arm, hard, to stop from screaming—my pussy clenching and rippling around his cock. And still, he just keeps going.

  I can feel my honeyed release dripping down all over him, the wet sounds of us
thrusting together filling the night air lewdly. I turn my head, and when our lips crash together, he devours my moans of pleasure and starts to thrust harder, and faster.

  “Fuck, Sara,” he whispers in my ear, and pleasure melts through me as he sinks his cock deep into me. “Sweet heaven.”

  “Fuck me hard. Don’t stop,” I beg softly.

  “Come, baby,” he grunts into my lips. “Come on my big cock right now. Let me feel that tight little pussy come all over me. I want you to feel it running down your thighs.”

  I moan, thrusting back to meet him. I can’t get enough of it. He groans, pumping into me faster, rutting into me like a demon. He glances down.

  “I love watching that tight little ass bouncing off my abs.”

  My fingers tighten in his, and I moan so deeply as we both go crashing toward that release.

  “Come for me, Sara,” he grunts. “Let me feel you come for me.”

  He drives in deep, and when his mouth finds my neck and bites, suddenly I’m exploding for him. I gasp loudly before I turn and bury my cry into my shoulder, and I start to come for him. I clench down on him so fucking tightly that he groans deeply.

  I turn my head, still panting, and my eyes lock with his.

  He crushes his lips to mine and roars into my mouth as he buries his cock to the hilt and lets go. He groans, holding his cock there as he comes long and hard.

  As we float back to earth, he kisses me slowly and tenderly. When my tongue seeks his and swirls over it, he growls and cups my jaw possessively. Slowly, achingly, he pulls away, easing his cock from my tender, slick pussy. I whimper as he slips free, and I feel him tucking himself back in and buckling his belt.

  He tugs my panties and jeans up gently, turns me, and pulls me into his arms. He kisses me and I feel the heat of his body radiate into me.

  “So fucking pretty,” he says as he presses his lips to my forehead. Taking my hand, he pulls me after him. “Come on.”


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