Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 57

by Elizabeth Knox

  The brunette walks right up to Blaze and runs her hand down his chest as he smiles down at her.

  “How are you boys tonight?” the blonde asks, stepping up so her body is pressed tight to my own.

  My cock doesn’t even twitch in my jeans at her attention. Summer is the only one I want.

  “Bored,” Blaze answers, downing his shot.

  “We can help you out with that,” the blonde responds, proving she’s the little leader of their two-person group.

  “Yeah?” I finally speak. “Why don’t we go somewhere a little more private? I don’t need my ol’ lady knowin’ what’s about to happen.”

  “She’s a bitch,” the brunette speaks up. “Why would you be with someone like her?”

  Rage fills me. No one talks about my woman that way. If I were any other man, I’d take this bitch out myself. For free. She’s too entitled and high maintenance to be a club girl. No one likes a bitch like her. Especially, when it’s clear she’s only after a patch and ol’ lady status. Never gonna happen for her.

  Blaze and I lead the two skanks outback. When we get outside, no one is out here. Instead of heading for any of the chairs or tables, we make our way closer to the light shining through the door that’s barely sitting open.

  “You guys really like your privacy, don’t you?” the brunette questions me.

  “Yeah. You know how my ol’ lady is,” I respond, shrugging my shoulders. “What’s over here?”

  I deliberately point out the door. Blondie’s eyes open up and begin to sparkle. She immediately heads in that direction. Like leading a baby to candy.

  “Let’s check it out,” she says excitedly, not waiting for us to follow her.

  The brunette walks over much slower. She’s clearly not as into this plan as her friend is. However, she follows the skank, and they walk in the door. Two men grab them and cover their mouths as we go in, shutting the door tight behind us.

  Skull’s men carry the bitches into the room Summer’s already waiting in. Their eyes go wide and almost bulge out of their head when they take in the room. This is not what they were planning on doing tonight. Or ever as the brunette begins to tremble while she fights harder to get away from the man holding her.

  Summer nods for him to place her in the chair where she immediately begins to wrap rope around her. Her arms are left free so my girl can hurt her there too. Tears are streaming down her face as Summer begins laughing hysterically. This is one of the rare times I get to stand back and watch my woman do her thing. Usually, she does her thing on her own and lets me know right before or after. That’s one of the main drawbacks of being a Nomad; I don’t always get to be with the woman I’ve loved since setting eyes on her.

  After getting both skanks strung up, Summer picks up one of the knives. She stalks back toward them and slaps the blade of the knife against the palm of her hand. Never once does my woman take her eyes off the two women sitting in front of her. Summer simply stalks back and forth in front of them, getting in their heads.

  “So, I know I want to fuck you up for simply touching my man earlier,” Summer finally begins, stopping in front of the brunette bitch. “However, there’s nothing worse than two skank ass hoes who try to fuck with a club. To turn men against one another or feed information to another club because they’ve been planted in a different club for information.”

  I watch on as the brunette flinches. She knows we’re on to them and will be the easier one to break. However, my woman turns her attention to the blonde bitch. It’s not what I’m expecting, but I believe in Summer and she has a game plan in mind. One I can’t wait to find out what it is.

  “What you stupid ass bitches don’t understand is most of the MCs around now, have cameras set up throughout their clubhouse. You think your shit doesn’t stink and you’re better than the men who have taken you in, fed you, fucked you, and let you drink their liquor. Yet, they disgust you, you don’t want to fuck them, and you can’t wait to get out of here and back to this Falcon fucker? You are the reason women back down and don’t stick up for themselves when they don’t want to be with a man. Or when someone is bullying them,” she says, directing her attention toward the brunette once more.

  “Bitch, you ain’t got shit to say to anyone,” the blonde says, thinking she’s getting out of this.

  “Really?” Summer turns to face her once more. “First of all, I’m an ol’ lady to a man in a club. Maybe not this one, but I’m an ol’ lady all the same. Second of all, you’re the reason I’m here. See, these men who are so disgusting to you, won’t raise a hand to you in violence. I have no problem beating the fuck out of you before sending you to hell.”

  “You’re all much dumber than I thought. Falcon is going to kill every single one of you, take everything, and leave nothing more than ashes behind,” she taunts the men, trying to push them beyond their breaking points.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You may act like a tough bitch, but you’re really not. What I know from one phone call, is this quiet, mouse of a girl is your sister. You’d do anything to protect her,” Summer says. “I also know she’s going to tell me everything I want to know while you watch on. Every second she delays her answer, you’ll watch me slice her to shreds. You’ll die last and have her death on your conscience.”

  The blonde shuts her mouth and stares at Summer. If looks could kill, she’d definitely be buried six feet under. Maybe deeper. The hatred is strong with this one for some reason. This Falcon guy must be something special to her. Or, he’s beating the fuck out of her and making her do his bidding because he’s that weak he has to use a woman to do his dirty work.

  “So, first thing I want to know is what this cocksucker already knows,” Summer demands, running the knife down the bitch’s leg.

  Blood flows to the top of her skin as the blade slices just enough to make it hurt and bleed a little bit. We all listen as she hisses out her pain while the blonde begins to thrash against the chains holding her in place.

  “H-He knows their normal delivery routines. The schedule they keep for weekly and bi-weekly deliveries. Not the routes or anything, but when they leave and get back,” she informs Summer.

  “Shut the fuck up!” the blonde screeches. “Falcon told me you’d fumble and run your mouth.”

  “Falcon is an asshole. He’s keeping her daughter from her,” she informs us, hanging her head down low. “She’s his ol’ lady and he’s reduced her to nothing more than a whore.”

  “Fuck you!” the blonde cries out, trying to kick Summer since her feet aren’t tied down to anything.

  “Keep talking,” Summer orders, turning her attention on the blonde before her.

  While the brunette tells us everything Falcon knows, which really isn’t a lot, Summer begins to slice up the blonde. She runs the knife down every single part of her body, leaving not much skin untouched. Summer walks over and lays the bloodied knife down on a separate tray to be cleaned later on. Walking back over, she stops at the brunette.

  “How do you guys get in contact with him? When are you supposed to check in again?” she demands.

  “There’s a burner phone in our room. It’s hidden in the closet. We’re supposed to check in with him tomorrow,” she answers as Summer begins to pound away at the blonde.

  “What happens if you don’t call him?” my girl questions her.

  “He says he’ll kill my niece,” she answers, tears streaking down her face.

  Skull nods his head and one of his guys leaves the room. He’s obviously going in search of the phone to make sure this bitch is telling the truth. I hope she is though I know she’s about to die either way. I don’t take my attention off Summer as she beats the shit out of the blonde who’s now hanging limp from the chains holding her wrists high above her head. Summer steps away and turns her attention toward the other sister.

  “What’s the name of the club?” Summer asks, none of the men ever speaking because this is her show.

  “It’s the Devil�
��s Turn MC,” she practically whispers.

  “Is that all you know? Where is their clubhouse?” Summer questions her once more.

  “They don’t have a clubhouse. There’s a bunch of abandoned farmland with a few houses on the property. That’s where they stay,” she answers. “I don’t know more than that. My sister is the one entangled with them, not me. She knows more information, but she won’t give it up. She’ll do anything to protect her baby girl.”

  Summer turns to Skull. When he nods his head, she unleashes every pent-up emotion, aggression, and anything else she’s feeling on the two women. Screams pierce the air as she uses the sledgehammer to shatter their bones. After that, she pulls their fingers out of location and removes their nails. Summer doesn’t leave a single part of their bodies intact. It’s as if she becomes an entirely different person right in front of our eyes. This is worse than anything I’ve ever seen from her.

  My mind shifts to wonder what’s going on in Summer’s head. I know each job takes a piece of her soul. It’s the only way she can get her emotions out though. She still grieves for Storm and uses those feelings to get her through each time she extracts information. Once she’s done, she’ll go take a shower and cry until she can’t find any more tears to shed. There will be no sex tonight as I curl around her body and fill her with my own strength. At least that’s what’s happened in the past when I’ve been with her.

  I don’t take my eyes off of Summer as she takes the lives of the two women in this dark, damp room. Stepping back, I pull her into my arms and hold her as Skull begins to give orders to the rest of his men down here. They’ll wrap the bodies up and the Prospects will dispose of them. Nodding my head at Skull, I pick Summer up in my arms and take her from the room. Blaze got a room for us earlier and that’s where I take her.

  “I’ll get her bag from your bike and leave it just inside the door. Let me know how she’s doin’ later on,” Blaze tells me.

  He knows how much this takes out of her. She won’t drink, party, eat, or do much of anything else for a long time. I’m not even sure she’ll do anything when we get to the rally. That’s how much it takes out of her.

  Once in the bathroom, I turn on the shower before taking her clothes off. I strip down as she stands in front of me. The bathroom is already filling with steam. Helping her, Summer and I get in the shower and I push her gently under the water. It soaks her blood covered body so I can wash her hair before taking care of her delicate skin. Summer barely moves and doesn’t say a word to me as I wash and rinse her hair and body. She crumbles to the floor, pulling her knees up and hugging them to her chest while tears silently fall from her face. I quickly wash so we can get out.

  After I get her dried off and dressed in clean clothes, I help her into the bed barely big enough for the two of us. Still, I cover her from head to toe, turn on the TV for a fraction of light, and then turn the light on the nightstand off. Climbing into bed, I pull Summer into my arms. She wraps her body around mine and I feel the tremors taking her over. This is how the rest of my night goes, taking care of my love.



  STRETCHING MY BODY, heat surrounds me, and I know Dozer is still behind me, wrapped around my own body. He doesn’t stir as I climb out of bed. My heart still isn’t into doing anything I should be doing. However, I know we have to leave today to finish going to the rally. So, I get in the shower to clean up once more. I don’t ever feel clean after doing what I do. It takes a piece of me and I can’t ever get it back. It’s time to build my walls back up and put them in place once more.

  After getting out of my shower, I head out to get dressed. Once I’m dressed and my hair is brushed out, I make my way to the common room. I’m not expecting many people to be up and around yet. Walking into the kitchen, I see a club girl cooking and making coffee. There’s already some made as I fill my lungs with the scent of the fresh aroma. She nods her head to the counter and I grab myself coffee and a plate to fill with what she’s already cooked.

  Taking a seat at one of the tables, I dig into my food. It has no taste as I automatically chew and swallow. I’m literally on autopilot right now. Maybe I should pull back for a while. At least until I can get the rest of my life figured out. Especially where Dozer is concerned. I’m not sure where we go from here, but I have to tell him how I feel and see what he thinks of it.

  I’m so lost in my head; I don’t notice anyone sitting with me. Finally looking up, I see a man across from me. He wasn’t downstairs with us last night and with multiple clubs here, I don’t even know if this is his clubhouse.

  “Mornin’, sexy,” he says, sending a chill down my spine.

  This man has bad news written all over him. There’s no life in his green eyes as the stench of body odor, alcohol, and weed fill the kitchen. His clothes are dirty and wrinkled as if he’s been wearing the same ones for several days. The last thing I notice about him is his cut. It’s the dirtiest one I’ve ever seen in my life. Most of the men I’m around take pride in their cuts, they treat them better than most anything else in their lives.

  “Don’t you know it’s not polite to ignore someone when they’re talkin’ to you?” he questions me, leaning over the table as I try to get away from him.

  Standing from the table, I attempt to leave the room. The man captures my wrist in a punishing grip. He pulls my body into his own and I almost throw up what little I’ve managed to get in my stomach. The other woman in the kitchen is no longer here so I have no help and no one to call out to. Especially not knowing where any of the Nomads are. They’d be the only ones to save me.

  “You have no clue who I am. My ol’ man will skin you alive,” I tell him, trying to keep my voice firm and not shaking because I’m scared to death.

  This man outweighs me by almost two hundred pounds. He’s got a tight grip on my wrist, so painful I know I’ll have bruises left behind from him. There’s no way I can escape him with the viselike grip of his bear claw of a hand. Frantically looking around the kitchen to find an escape or a weapon, I’m suddenly pulled along behind the man and toward the back door of the room.

  “W-Where are you taking me?” I question him, trying to stall as I drag my feet.

  Instead of answering me, he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. My head bounces off the steel door jam. Pain radiates throughout my head while I quickly feel blood dripping from whatever wound has been created. Black spots flash before my eyes while the man continues to carry me away.

  I try to lift my head up to see where we’re going when I’m tossed roughly to the ground. Everything begins to happen in slow motion as I hear a set of keys jangle together before the clicking of a lock opening. Again, I’m roughly picked up and tossed inside a small shed. My head bouncing off a shelf and landing hard on a cement floor. I can’t fight against the darkness overtaking me. I’ve been hit in the head too many times in a few minutes to try to fight it off this time.

  Waking up, I’m surrounded by darkness. My eyes don’t feel as if they’re opening and the silence surrounding me is so thick it’s enough to wake the dead. Every single thing on my body feels as if it’s been pounded over and over repeatedly. I can’t feel my left leg while my throat is so sore I can barely swallow. There’s nothing to even wet my mouth with.

  Suddenly, images of the man sitting with me in the kitchen invade my head. Hitting my head multiple times surface as I wonder if I’m still in the shed or if I’ve been moved. Trying to move my arm, I scream silently out in pain. I have no voice to alert anyone to where I am. My right arm won’t move as I realize it’s twisted under my body. I’m not sure if my arm is broken or if my shoulder’s been dislocated.

  No one is in the shed with me. I don’t feel anyone else’s presence with me. The smell of body odor, weed, and alcohol is no longer surrounding me. Trying to move, I realize I’m not going to be able to. Between my arm, my leg, and the pain shooting through my torso causing my inability to breathe, it will be a miracle for me to see
daylight ever again.

  Thoughts of Cal, Storm, and Dozer fill my mind. On one hand, I can now join my brother and sister from another mister feeling no pain, anger, or desperation of missing the two people who have always had my back. The other hand tells me I need to hang on for Dozer. That I still have a life to live with him, my happiness to find.

  “Someone help me,” I try to say loud enough in the hopes someone will hear me.

  To my own ears it sounds as if it’s nothing more than a whisper. So, I remain quiet as I try to conserve my energy. With my throat feeling as raw and rough as it does, I’ll have to wait to get my voice back. Having a hard time breathing is my main concern right now. That can only mean I have bruised or broken ribs. I’ve suffered through both and neither one is fun.

  Trying once more, I find it almost impossible to move. The pain is getting worse and I feel myself being dragged under once more to the black abyss where I will feel no pain or have any worries about what is, or is not, going to happen to me. Just before it pulls me completely under, I hear shouting coming closer to the shed I’m currently in. At least I hope I’m still in that dank little shed.

  “Summer!” I hear shouted, almost from right outside the door.

  Adrenaline fills me as I feel around with my left arm to grab anything I can make a sound with. My hand finds a handle of something and I lift the object far enough, I hope, to slam it down on anything in its way. Anything to create some sort of noise. Repeatedly I lift and slam down the object in my hand.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I hear shouted. “Do you hear that?”

  Hope fills me for the first time since becoming alert once more. I try to concentrate on continuing to make noise while listening to any sounds coming from the outside world. I’m locked in my own world of pain and misery.

  “Open this fuckin’ door!” I hear shouted.

  I can’t be sure, but it sounds like Dozer. The man’s voice is frantic and filled with rage. Still, fear fills me because I can’t see and have no clue who is going to be on the other side of the door. As the clicking of the lock seems to echo in the small shed, everything in my body suddenly stills. While I want to get out of here, I can’t be sure the man who brought me here in the first place isn’t outside these doors.


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