Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 72

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Mom,” I say, moving onto my knees so I can get closer to her. “I’m not falling in love with anyone. All I wanted you to know is that he was there for me last night. Rogue saved me from being shot. If it weren’t for him, I am not sure what would’ve happened.”

  My mother glances up, meeting my gaze. We haven’t really spoken about why Dad left or what happened between them to have him walk out without so much as a goodbye, and I have a feeling my mother knows the reasons, but she’s trying to keep me from the heartbreak of the truth.

  “He’s a good guy,” I tell her. “At least, as far as I know. He could’ve left me there, could’ve hurt me in some way, but he didn’t. Just give him a chance.” Something unmistakable inside me shifts when I think about Rogue. When I think about his hands on me, his words filtering through the fear that gripped me, and how he looked at me, and I realize that as much as my mother doesn’t want me to like him, I do.

  “Just be careful,” Mom warns. “That’s all I want is for you to be safe. And since we’re not sure who those people were last night, I’d like you to stay indoors when I’m at work. If, and this is a big if, you want to come with me to the club—”

  “I’ll think about it.” I offer Mom a smile. “Perhaps I’ll see you later.”

  “If you don’t want to come, text me. Then I’ll ask Rogue’s dad, whom I have yet to meet formally, if he’ll watch over the house. You don’t have to be there with him, or his son. Okay?” It doesn’t look like she’s going to let up on this, and I suppose I can’t blame her. Last night was scary, and if those men come back here, I don’t want to be caught in the crossfire of a war.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “Promise me, Trin,” she says, her expression turning deadly serious.

  Nodding, I wrap my arms around her neck and hold onto her. “I promise, Mom. I’ll be safe with them next door. I know I will be.” And as I say the words, I know I will. Call it gut instinct or whatever, but I’m convinced that the two new neighbors are going to be our saving grace.



  The men move into the room where church is held. I follow behind Dad. After telling him what happened, he called an emergency meeting with the rest of the brothers. Snake settles at the head of the table while each of us take our positions.

  A loud thud of the gavel calls the meeting to order. Snake tips his head toward Dad, who then looks over at me. I didn’t want to be the one to tell them about what happened, but I know if I’m going to be respected in this club, I’ll need to step up.

  I lean forward, meeting each man’s gaze. “Last night, I was out on the back porch talking with Trinity, who had come over to welcome Dad and me to the neighborhood. Since her mom was at work and Dad was here, I figured I’d see if she wanted to get some coffee.” I shrug, hoping they don’t notice the lie about coffee. I don’t want my dad knowing that I have any interest in Trinity, not yet. “We had only been talking for a few minutes when I heard the tires screeching as the vehicle made its way onto our street.”

  “And you saw them?”

  Nodding, I respond, “Sort of. I got a look at the Jeep, but I couldn’t make out the license at all because the shots came a second later, and I had pushed Trinity to the ground, covering her so she didn’t get hit.”

  Snake’s luminous gaze narrows, as if he’s trying to gauge if I’m telling the truth. I keep my expression neutral because there is one thing I’m hiding from him, and it’s the reason I was outside with my little spy to begin with. He doesn’t need to know about us. About how much I wanted to claim her last night, to fuck her so she’d forget about those goddamned bullets flying at us.

  “Do we have an idea of who the bastards are?” Snake questions, his hands fisted on the table, and I know he’s angry because this is Tawny’s daughter who was in the line of fire. As much as he doesn’t admit it, there’s something more going down between the two of them.

  I glance at Dad, not knowing if I should say anything, but then he takes the lead. “There’s a guy who runs Satan’s Serpents. He’s had it out for Rogue for years, but . . .” Dad’s voice cracks, and I know he doesn’t want to talk about what happened, but if these men are going to have our backs, we need to have theirs. That’s how the club works. Brothers in blood.

  “He killed my mother and sister,” I admit, the words acidic like poison on my tongue. “And it’s my fault.”


  I lock my gaze on Dad and nod. “It is. I spouted off to him when I was still a prospect,” I tell the room. “I told him he couldn’t touch me because I was going to be a fully-fledged patched in member of The Kovenant.” Even as I say it, I taste the bile rising into my mouth, coating my tongue with the reminder of blood I allowed to be shed. “I wanted so much to be patched in, it didn’t matter where. They welcomed me for a short while as I became a prospect. Lex was someone I could look up to who saw me where my dad didn’t. But then I learned who the real Lex was. I learned about the Serpents, and what I found, I didn’t like.”

  Shaking my head at the memory, I recall the stupidity of what I did. My father was only looking out for me, but as a dumbass kid, I thought he was holding me back.

  “I walked away from the Serpents, leaving my cut at the gate. I came back to The Kovenant. They became my family, accepting me with open arms. Lex didn’t like it.”

  “And then he went after your weaknesses,” Snake finishes, and all I can do is nod. Anger, guilt, and rage swallow me whole in that moment. “And now we’ll go after his.”

  My gaze snaps up to his, finding cold, calculated venom burning in those endless jade orbs. They’re nothing like Trinity’s, but there’s something so familiar about both their stares. Something . . . shaking my head, I respond, “He’s not stupid. He’ll have the men on alert because he’ll be waiting for me.”

  “Then we surprise them.” This comes from Gunner who’s leaning back against his chair as if we’re about to head out on a fun run. This is anything but. “I’m the master of games, and I’ll make sure they never see us coming.”

  “He’s right,” Snake interjects. “We’ve handled filth before, and Gunner knows how to take out the trash.” He grabs the gavel but doesn’t knock it against the heavy, dark wood. “Who’s with us?” Once his question is posed, he locks his gaze with each man in the room. As he moves around the table, every one of them offers a nod or a yes before he reaches me.

  I have no choice. This needs to end. “Yes. I’m in.”

  Then his stare lands on Dad who’s sitting beside me. There are only two men left in the room—Dad and the VP, who’s been quiet this whole time. The tension radiating off my father has me on the edge of my seat. I’m not sure what he’s going to say. When we wanted revenge on the murders back home, he took a step back. He said it wasn’t the right time. But no matter what he says today, I’m going after that bastard, and nobody will be able to stop me.

  “Yes,” comes his response after a long, drawn-out silence. That’s when Snake nods with an evil grin, and his stare lands on his VP.

  “You ready for this?” he asks the man I haven’t had a chance to get to know yet. I don’t expect him to say yes because we’re new. We’re not fully initiated into their brotherhood yet. My chest tightens with anxiety, twisting and clawing at my throat. It feels as if there are hands wrapping around my neck, squeezing every last breath of air from my lungs.

  “Let’s kill the fucker,” Diablo bites out, venom lacing his tone like a sleeping serpent ready to attack. His dark gaze lands on me, and a smirk graces his expression, one filled with violence and danger.

  Snake glances over at me, a dangerous grin curling his lips. He’s giving me a moment to say anthing more. His hand grips the wooden gavel, which is hovering over the smooth, shiny surface of the long dinner table. These men are choosing to stand by me. Every one of them has voted to go after the dick who murdered my mother and sister.

  A small smile tilts the corners of my mouth. “Let’s do this.”
The sound of wood slamming against wood has my adrenalin skyrocketing. I’m anxious. I want this to end, and I want to be the one to end it. “I’ll be the one to do it.”

  Our Prez looks at me and nods. “Of course.” He turns his attention to one of the other brothers who looks to be about my age, but instead of the dark features, he’s blond with one blue eye and one green eye. It’s a strange combination, one I haven’t seen before. “I want all the dirt. Work with Rogue to get names, locations. I even want fucking blood type. Do you hear me?”

  “Of course, Snake. You know I’ll dig deep.”

  “Good.” Snake’s response is filled with pride, and for a moment, I wonder if it’s his son. He turns those green eyes to me before he continues. “Jord will be your eyes. He knows everything there is to know about computers, and he can hack into anything from an email to the fucking CIA database.”

  “Thank you.” My words are honest, heartfelt. I didn’t think I’d have anyone in my corner since we moved here, and when Dad told me we’d be heading to this small, forgotten town on the outskirts of Portland, I figured it would take months, maybe years to build trust. A connection with the club.

  “Don’t get all fuckin’ emotional on me.” Snake chuckles, pushing to his feet, adjourning the meeting, which has chairs scraping along the smooth floor. “Let’s get something to drink. I think it’s time we had a party to properly welcome our new brothers. And what the fuck? We don’t need an excuse, but I do love getting my dick sucked before heading out to kill some motherfuckers.”

  A chorus of cheers comes from the men as we file out into the main area of the bar. The clubhouse is an old barn conversion with what I’m guessing is Snake’s home next door. Outside, the land spans for miles surrounding the farm. So, instead of having neighbors spying on us, there’s nothing for miles.

  Getting out here takes about ten to fifteen away from home on the bike, away from Trinity, which for some reason has me anxious. I reach the bar and order a beer but keep my gaze sweeping the room. It’s filling with bodies. Some of the brothers have already found their women for the night, but my mind is on one who’s nowhere near the clubhouse.

  When the door swings open and Tawny walks in, my chest tightens. But it’s when she steps up behind the bar that my eyes widen. Trinity and a girl I haven’t seen before settle in the corner booth not far from the exit. They both look far too young to be in here, but I can’t deny I’m happy to see her.

  The blonde with Trinity turns her attention toward me before leaning in and whispering something in her friend’s ear. When those green eyes land on me, her cheeks turn a soft shade of pink before she offers me a slight nod.

  I lift my drink, tipping it toward her before taking a swallow of the bubbly liquid. The moment she looks away, I miss feeling her gaze on me. It’s fucking ridiculous. I’m turning into a fifteen-year-old girl with a fuckin’ crush.

  “Keep your eyes on the beer, youngin’,” Snake says as he settles beside me on the stool, and the young guy who’s meant to be hacking computers for details sits down as well.

  Shrugging my shoulder in an attempt to appear cool and not completely smitten by the beauty, I lift the bottle and take another swig while I come up with a response. I glance at Snake before answering, “I was just greeting her. Being neighborly and all.”

  “Oh yeah?” Snake challenges, tipping his head toward me, his brow arching upward. “I’ve seen some things in my life, and that ain’t just being friendly. That’s something else.” He knocks back a shot of whiskey before tapping the shot glass on the counter. Tawny fills it up and waits until he’s finished his next swallow to pour another double.

  “Thank you,” she says, and I realize she’s looking directly at me.


  “Looking after my girl.” Her eyes are shimmering with emotion that threatens to choke me. Instead of responding right away, I swallow back the last of my beer before setting the empty bottle on the bar.

  “It’s no bother.” A chuckle from beside me confirms that Snake doesn’t believe a fucking word I say. But it’s not him I’m bothered with. If Tawny thinks I’m trying to get into her daughter’s panties, that will be the end of my strange friendship with the pretty, green-eyed girl.



  “Go talk to him,” Larkin whispers in my ear, her excited tone evidence that she’s looking forward to my crushing on Rogue. I want to go to him, but in front of everyone, including my mother, I have a feeling it’s not going to go down well. Especially since Mom has already forbidden me from spending time alone with him.

  “My mother is here,” I hiss in response. “She’s already not in the best mood with me and the time I spent with him last night.”

  “What about we both go over there?” Larkin suggests. “I see Hack’s here, and I think I need to go speak to him.” I snap my gaze toward her and find a glint of excitement sparkling in her pretty hazel eyes.

  “Oh my god, you’re crushing on Snake’s son?” The question comes out louder than I anticipate, causing Larkin to turn bright red. But thankfully, only a few of the guys around us turn toward us.

  “Shhh!” I get a swat from my best friend before she giggles in my ear. “Let’s go.” Before I have time to respond, I’m being tugged to my feet, and I’m stumbling behind Larkin. Snake has thankfully left Hack and Rogue to talk before we reach them, but as we approach, their conversation halts into silence. Rogue’s dark eyes pin me to the spot, and my best friend doesn’t notice what he does to me.

  “Hey, Hack,” Larkin greets him with a coy smile tilting her deep-red lips. With her fair skin, blonde hair, and dark makeup, she looks like a goth Barbie doll. “Hi.” Her gaze tracks over to Rogue who offers her a nod.

  “What are you doing here?” Rogue asks, but his attention is on me, searing every inch of me as he takes in my outfit. The purple dress hits mid-thigh, paired with sandals Larkin loaned me after I told her I’m sure he’d be here. Thankfully, they’re flats because if she had given me heels, I would’ve stumbled into Rogue’s lap. Not on purpose.

  “I wanted to stay home, but I didn’t want to have your dad babysit me. She wanted him to watch over the house if I didn’t come out tonight,” I tell him. “She’s nervous after what happened.”

  “I get that.” He pushes to his feet before stepping back and gesturing for me to sit on the stool. “What are you drinking?”

  “Soda,” I tell him, and I notice the flick of recognition in his gaze. I’m not old enough to drink, and something tells me Rogue wasn’t thinking about my age until I just said that. He wouldn’t want someone who’s too young to party with him, I’m sure.

  He doesn’t respond, just nods before ordering two Cokes—one for me and one for Larkin. I watch him smile at the girl behind the bar who works with my mom, and the jealousy I’m trying to hide burns through my veins like poison.

  “Hey.” One of the clubwhores sidles up beside Rogue as he leans against the bar counter. “Did you want some company?” she questions, sliding a long red fingernail over his shoulder down to the ink that adorns his strong muscled bicep. His tee is loose-fitting, but still, I can make out every dip and peak, remembering what they feel like sweaty and naked.

  Rogue doesn’t look at her. He pins me with a stare, arching his dark brow upward in question, as if he’s asking for my permission. I don’t have a hold on him, I don’t own him, so I’m not sure why he’s looking at me like that.

  Rogue straightens, his hand moving toward the woman with flaming red hair. And I can’t stop my gaze from following the movement as he grips her ass under the micro-mini denim skirt. “Maybe later,” he whispers loud enough for me to hear. His dark eyes piercing me right through the chest. I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t deny I like him. I can’t stop these barreling emotions from taking hold of me.

  I push away from the bar, hopping off the stool and racing for the door. Ignoring Larkin calling after me, I push it open and step out onto the cool, sof
t grass. I take the corner before leaning against the bricks, which are cold against my back.

  “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, little spy,” Rogue’s voice comes from the darkness, startling me because I didn’t realize he’d followed me out. I notice the red cherry of a cigarette as it glows when he sucks on the smoke. He doesn’t come closer, giving me the space I need to focus, to breathe, to not want to punch him in the chest.

  “I’m not jealous,” I tell him, turning away to face the land, which is bathed in darkness. The noise from inside filters out every time someone opens the door, and I wish I didn’t react so strongly to what he did.

  “You sure about that, sweetheart?” He takes a step toward me. Now he’s right beside me, his warmth bathing me with a spicy, smoky fragrance that has me closing my eyes. This is beyond ridiculous. He’s not my boyfriend, and I have no right to even be angry with him. But I am.

  “Leave me alone, Rogue,” I bite out before crossing my arms in an attempt to stop shaking.

  He ignores my request, leans in, and lifts his hand, tangling a lock of my hair around his finger and tugging lightly.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you weren’t jealous I was touching another girl.” His voice is low, feral, and commanding, but there’s a hint of knowing lacing each and every word.

  I do look him in the eye, but I can’t tell him what he wants to hear because I would be lying. Instead, I say, “Rogue.” His name is a warning on my lips, but I’m not sure what I’m warning him against. Or am I asking him to kiss me, or touch me? He doesn’t move, doesn’t pull away from me. With our gazes locked, it feels as if there are sparks shooting through me. “Please.”

  I drop my arms in a failed attempt at appearing calm, relaxed, because with him so close, I’m far from it. I’m a trembling leaf in a warm summer breeze, and it’s all his doing.


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