The New Devil in Charge

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The New Devil in Charge Page 20

by Jennifer Loren

  “Well, I would hate to have to put you through that, so I guess I better go ahead and go through with this. And I guess I kind of love her and all, so I wouldn’t want to break her heart. But if you let me die, then I will come back and haunt you at the worst possible times and make sure you never get to have sex again. Don’t laugh. I’ll do it.”

  “No doubt in my mind, but let’s first get you married and then we will worry about you dying and haunting me,” Nicky sensibly suggests.

  “Alright,” I sigh, standing to look at the outfit I selected to wear. “She’s going to hate this.” I look at Nicky as he struggles to come up with something nice to say. “Seriously, why didn’t you say something when I bought it?”

  “I didn’t realize you were buying it for the wedding. I thought as a Halloween costume maybe.”

  “Oh, well that’s just great. Now what do I do?”

  “Don’t worry. I can make a call and get someone here to help you. I have been coming to this island for a while, and I know exactly who to call.” Nicky eases my stress some and thankfully does know quite a few people on the island who are more than willing to go out of their way for him. There are more than three dozen people going in and out of the house to organize this small, intimate wedding and me. How much money does Nicky spend here?

  The little old lady he hired to make my pants is not at all shy or gentle. “Whoa, I am hoping to use that later, so can you take it easy moving it around?! I think it might be better if you let me handle it.”

  “You need fast? I make it fast. You stop whining like a big baby and let me work,” she voices.

  “Everything is good to go, Eli. We only need you.” Nicky steps into the room, looking me over.

  “Well, I will be there soon, in whole … or in part most likely.” I cringe.

  “Don’t worry. Magda is the best. She will have you looking almost as good as I do very soon.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I glance outside at the flowers and the rest of the made up ceremony site. By the time I make it out there, my legs are wobbly, and my hands are shaking. I look towards the minister who nods to me with a pleasant smile. Once the music starts playing, I frantically search the area until I see Kayla coming towards us. She looks amazing, but she doesn’t nearly send my head spinning like she used to. Damn, I guess that does mean I’m in love.

  “Don’t worry, Eli. She’s coming,” Kayla says, kissing my cheek.

  “Well, if I see someone running away in a white dress, then I guess it means the wedding is off?” I laugh nervously. Kayla shakes her head but continues to smile. The music changes to something softer, but not the typical wedding march. Cat and I decided that song sounded like a death march, not something either of us find appealing. This song, however, this one is the one we danced to after I proposed. I smile as I look up and see her coming towards me, holding Nick’s arm and looking more beautiful than ever. I begin to laugh anxiously. I look towards Kayla. “She’s not running away at least.” I am so anxious I can’t stand still. She gets halfway to me, and I can take it no more. I rush towards her, pick her up, and carry her the rest of the way. “Sorry, I just couldn’t wait,” I say to her. She doesn’t seem to mind as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. I sit her down in front of the minister and wait impatiently as he goes through the ceremony. I say everything in a rush, and she does the same. Romance and patience is not either of our strong points.

  “And I am happy to say, I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  “Now what? Are we done?” I ask.

  “Yes, you may kiss the bride.”

  “Whoo-hoo! I lift Catriona into the air and finally kiss my wife. “You’re stuck with me now.”

  “Good.” She smiles, dropping her flowers and pressing her lips to mine with delight. I swing her around and right into the water. I am not sure when Nick and Kayla left because I spent the next two days seeing no one, but her. Neither of us bothered to put clothes on for one second, and it was wonderful. I even managed to get her to have a few drinks with me to celebrate.

  “I need another one. That was really good,” she says, swaying a little to one side.

  “Slow down, Short Stuff. I don’t want you to get sick on me.” She crawls to me, laughing and sitting down on me with intent in her eyes. “What are you doing?” She takes hold of my cock and leans down to suck on it and rub it until she has it standing perfectly in the air. Cat rises up and wiggles down on the rock hard erection she caused and proceeds to ride it. Up and down she moves, letting it swell deep inside of her. I love to watch her tits bounce. Her hands try and hold them still, but when she moves her hand down to her pussy and begins to play, I start to lose it. “Oh baby what are you doing to me?”

  “Do you like it? Do you like watching me?” I nod, and she rises up and back down again, moving her hips into me and allowing me a tit to suck on while I savor the show. “Eli, oh!” She smiles as her pussy tenses and her head drops back. Her cum drains down over my cock, and I realize she is done. My turn.

  Moving her off me, I turn her around and rub her ass with a groan as she looks over her shoulder at me. I slide my throbbing member into her, and she instantly cries out in pleasure while I move powerfully inside of her. Coming inside of her is beyond enjoyable and exhausting. We both collapse into each other’s arms.

  “Eli, love me forever,” Cat says, snuggling in under my arm.

  “Cat, there is no time frame that can contain my love for you, so don’t ask me to limit it to forever when forever isn’t long enough.” She looks up at me and kisses me, so I guess I said something right.

  “I hope we have a son just like you,” she says shockingly.

  “Oh now, why would you want that?”

  “Because you are the most amazing man I have ever met, and I know you would be a great father too. I know you would love a son.”

  “I …” I am not even sure what to say to her right now. The possibility of having children with her suddenly smacks me in the face and causes me to miss my own father. I wish he could be here right now. “I would love to have a child with you one day. I don’t care what it might be.” I pull her in close and hold her tight so she doesn’t see my tears.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m really tired is all. Go to sleep my wonderful. It’s been a long day, and we only have one more left.”



  They know about Blade, and now they are figuring out a way to use him against me. This is my battle, and I know enough to act now before Marius has a chance to figure out much more than he already does. My conversation with Nick didn’t go well, and he isn’t at all happy with me right now.

  “I’ll do this on my own, Nick. No need to worry. I can do it.” The shocker is, Marius doesn’t wait. He comes for me. He shows up at my house with an army of people surrounding the area. He can’t get in, even though a few try. If not for Nicky staying with me, I would take care of this right now. Nicky wanted to stay behind for some reason and convinced Nick and Kayla to let him. The kid is scary insightful, and I wonder if we know everything there is to know about what he is capable of.

  “You can go after him now, Uncle Ryan. I can help you,” Nicky says.

  “I know you can, little man, but your mother would have my head, and we both know enough not to mess with her.”

  He looks frustrated as he looks out the window. “I don’t think he actually wants to come in.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because he isn’t trying very hard. Maybe he only wants to make sure you are home.”

  I look back out the window, considering. “Motherfucker, he’s imprisoning me in my own home. Fucking Blade. They have figured out a way to capture him, they only need to hold me in one place to get him!” I run out of my house and towards an overtly smiling Marius who jumps in a car and leaves. “Fuck!” I look up into the sky. “Blade! Blade! Damn it, Blade!” I run back inside the house and grab my keys, rushing
to my car to follow them.

  Sky chases me down and stops me. “What are you doing?” Sky asks as if she doesn’t know. “Just let him go. Do you really need him?”

  “Apparently, I do. Blade holds the power to kill me.” She steps back, looking me over in shock. “I killed Savage with him, and the power he had has passed onto me. Now they want to kill me so they can have control of Blade.”

  “Because the one that holds Blade to kill you gains Savage’s power and yours.” I look up at her as she begins to figure it all out. “Oh Ryan, I can’t believe I tried to help them find him, but that is even more of a reason why you shouldn’t be the one to go. You need to wait for someone to help you!” She grips me tight. “Please don’t go.”

  “I can take him and whatever army he has pulled together. You know I can.”

  “But with Blade, all they need is one good shot at you.”

  “They will never get near me.”

  “No, they won’t, not without your backup going with you. Stop, think, and devise a plan that will work. You’re smarter than that, Ryan. Don’t act recklessly thinking you are going to spare others who care too much about you to let you go alone,” Sky pleads, continuing to hold onto me with a death grip.

  “You’re right. We go in as soon as we know what kind of army he has and how to defeat him intelligently. I’ll call Amery and get him to help us.”

  With Cat and Eli back from their honeymoon, we can now get together and devise a plan. Amery immediately wants to take charge, and I hate that. “This is my battle, Amery, not yours. If you don’t want to help that’s fine, but you’re not taking over.”

  “Ryan, I understand how you feel, but there is no one better to deal with this man than me, and now that he has crossed the line and attacked your home with a lord’s son present. The Council made him fair game. Since Nick isn’t here, that makes me the highest ranking lord. You’re still a lord in waiting. Since Cat and I were already tracking him, we know where he is, and I suspect he is waiting for you. With that in mind, I would prefer you stay behind.”

  “No way! Marius is working with someone, and we both know it. It has to be another lord if not two. You could be walking into an ambush. You need me as much as I need you,” I challenge.

  “Then we will wait for Nick to organize and get here to help,” Amery says ridiculously.

  “There’s no time, Amery! It is going to take forever for Nick to secure his family and his realm and organize an army to get here. We need to do this now, before he figures out a way to use Blade against us, before he grows stronger, and the Devil’s Court of Lords begins to unravel. The longer he is allowed to grow and do what he wants, the more others will begin to go with him and against my brother, and since you are considered his ally, then they will kill you and all of your people. You know that to be true, and your primary duty is to protect your people as best you can, not to worry about me.”

  “Fine, you go and help me lead, but I give the final orders. Do you understand? My army, my rules.”

  “Sure, you lead your army, but no one is to kill Blade, and I take a few of my own for backup.”

  “Agreed.” Amery shakes my hand. “So then, who is going with us?”

  “Me for sure,” Sky remarks, jumping to my side.

  I hate the feeling I instantly get, worrying about her. I didn’t want to feel that again. “Sky, maybe you should …”

  “Don’t you dare, Ryan. Don’t you dare tell me I am not capable of handling myself against him when you know I handled myself fine against him and his men.”

  “He wasn’t intent on killing anyone that day. He was only trying to subdue you. This time, he won’t care about your life.”

  “I’m going, whether you like it or not.” I would argue with her, but I know her well enough to know she isn’t going to stay behind, no matter what I say or do. Even if I tie her up, she will find a way to get free and track me down.

  “Okay, but like me, you have to follow the rules. You understand me?” I say, looking directly into her eyes and hating every second of fear that is creeping into my head over losing her.

  “I won’t leave your side.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Well, you know I’m in. I am not about to drop out on you guys just because I am married,” Cat says, smiling at Amery, but he doesn’t look nearly as happy as she does.

  “If she’s going, then obviously I’m going too,” Eli jumps in. Cat doesn’t deny him, which means he never told her.

  I glance at Sky who waits for me to decide on whether to say something. I know what Mahlah said, and it is expected that Eli would follow us. Because of that, I can’t allow him to come, and the only way to prevent it is to tell Cat. Damn I wish I didn’t like the goof so much. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Eli.” He eyeballs me hard. “Don’t look at me that way. You know what Mahlah said. You need to change what is expected.”

  “Why? Why, what did she say?” Cat asks, looking at Eli.

  “Nothing. She simply suggested I would have better luck if I went against what is expected is all, Short Stuff.”

  “You’re lying. What did she say, Eli?” Cat steps back from him, crossing her arms

  Amery suddenly becomes as interested as Cat, and Eli turns to me, cursing. “Don’t get mad at me. I’m only trying to keep you alive. And if I have to make her aware of the danger you’re in, in order to do it, then so be it. It wouldn’t be the first time you were pissed at me,” I say, hoping he will finally tell her the truth so I don’t have to.

  “Mahlah told you that were going to die? And you still married Cat?! What kind of jackass does that? You cost her, her family and her life so that you could be happy? I ought to kill you now!” Amery yells at Eli.

  Well, this is certainly not the expected, but the need to save Eli’s life is building by the second. I run to stand between him and Amery. “She said he will if he continues to do as expected. If he plays it smart and stays behind, then he will survive. This is not his fight, but we all know he would typically get involved anyway. Someone needs to stay with Nicky, and Eli is perfect for that.”

  “And how do you know that’s not expected?” Amery asks.

  “Are you kidding? The last thing Eli would do is stay behind and let Cat go off to fight.”

  Cat stares at Eli with hurt-filled eyes. “Don’t look at me that way, Nicky convinced me that no matter what, I needed to go on with my life as if …”

  “As if what? As if you were going to live forever? You should have told me, Eli.”

  “Would it have made a difference?” Sky asks. Everyone turns to look at her. “You love him, right? He obviously loves you or he would have told you. That’s what you do for someone you love, you protect them from being hurt or feeling pain. He wanted to do all he could to make you happy, and if he truly loves you, then he will stay behind and keep you from worrying any more than you already are. Right?”

  Eli sighs but ultimately agrees with a nod and a pitiful look towards Cat who buries her head into his chest. “Please don’t do anything stupid. Stay here. Stay with Nicky and wait for us to come and get you.”

  “Okay, I promise,” he says reluctantly. I hated to do that to him, but the best way to get him to stay behind is to guilt him into doing it for her.

  “Alright, my two head guys I brought in are stalking Marius wherever he goes. If he makes a move or changes his direction, then we will know in an instant. I suggest we get some sleep for now and regroup tomorrow after I have had a chance to talk to my men.” Amery glances towards Eli with a look that could kill, but he walks out, leaving Eli unharmed and with nothing else to say.

  We know that Marius is held up at his compound outside the city. We know that he has brought his army, plus pulled in some new local recruits who have vowed to protect him in order to supposedly live forever with his expected new power. We know that there is at least one other lord helping him, and we know that lord or lords’ armies are waiting to pounc
e on us from behind. We know Marius is the bait, and I am the prey. We know a lot, but it’s the unknown that has me worried. We have to find this other army, and we have to dispose of them first if we expect to have any hope of winning this battle and putting a stop to this war before it begins.

  Mahlah says she can’t see the outcome yet, which means we still have time to figure it out. I need Blade. If I had him, I wouldn’t be worried. As always, when there is trouble, we all gather together in one place, and since my house is the most protected, I have a house full of people waiting and doing nothing but waiting. The only thing besides sex that relaxes me is playing with Shadow, and I guess Echo doesn’t understand that, sometimes, a person needs their own space to think because he joins in with Lily. Eli steps out to watch while Cat hangs onto his waist, and sure enough, Sky follows, curious as to why everyone else exited the house. There goes my private time.

  “Lord Dude, you seem so… intense.”

  “I have a lot on my mind, Echo.”

  “Is there anything I can do?” Echo asks with Eli standing behind him, shaking his head.

  “I don’t think so, Echo. It’s too complicated for any one person to help me with.”

  “From what I understand, it’s only complicated because you are thinking too much. You need to relax and let it come to you. Our world and yours can speak through other means, if you will only listen.” Eli rolls his eyes.

  “Okay I’ll try that,” I say, nodding with little understanding of what the hell he is talking about. Echo approaches me and starts to put his hand on my face when I jump away from him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Relax. I only want to show you how.” I stand back watching his hands carefully. “Trust me for just a minute, and if it doesn’t work, then no problem. I will walk away and let you continue on about your day.”

  Sighing I surrender to the oddball. What do I have to lose? “Alright.” I stand still, and Echo places his hands over my eyes.


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