The New Devil in Charge

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The New Devil in Charge Page 23

by Jennifer Loren



  My family is safe and sound, healthy and loved. I have everything I could ever want in my life, except … my best friend, my brother. I have loved him longer than I had loved my own blood brother. I owe him my happiness, my family’s happiness, and I promised him I would do the same for his. I would take Cat in. I would see to it that she and his child would never want for anything, but I don’t think that would be enough. I ask Kayla what to do, almost hoping she will put her foot down and tell me no. No, Nick, don’t you even think of bringing that monster out of his hell for even one second, but she didn’t. No, instead she cried with me and said she would support whatever decision I made. I have stared at every wall in my house, talked to every lord I respect, and still no one can give me an answer of what to do. Finally, I call in every lord I believe I can trust and sit down with them together. Gideon, Amery, and Bade, these three are the best I can do at this point. Lines are being drawn amongst the lord’s already, and I can’t risk the wrong one knowing my plans.

  “I’m going to pull him, and I am going to question Marius next to him so he knows what we know, and then I need your help to force Savage to talk. I need your help, your powers, to make sure he stays under our control until I can put him right back again. If you don’t want to help me, I understand, but I have to try. I have to at least try.” There is a long pause as each considers what to do. I respect that. I respect that they take the time to think it through before they give me their answer. It’s not an easy decision for them, helping me means one draws a line between them and the rest of the lords. Not to mention, if something goes wrong, Savage becomes a factor in the war.

  Gideon, Lord of the Sixth, has become one of my closest allies. I depend on him to help teach me what I don’t know. Without him, I have no hope in winning this war. He is intelligent and has known Savage since they were kids—friends, maybe even of best friends before Savage turned into the monster he became. No one knows him better. Bade Keel, Lord of the First, the one appointed lord by Savage, was loyal to him but has since become a good friend and ally of mine. Although he has offered more than once to service me when the wife isn’t around, I trust him fully. He doesn’t take things too seriously, and he is braver than any lord there is. I expected, or rather hoped, they would be the first to stand with me, but instead, it is Amery that stands first.

  “I fear this is somehow my fault. I have known Fagan for a long time, and I thought his dislike for Eli was innocent, humorous even, so I didn’t discourage it any. I had no idea, or maybe I didn’t want to see, the potential murderous ideals he had in his head. Jealousy turned me into someone I don’t care for, and in effort to remedy my wrong, I will do whatever is required to help you. As far as the war itself, I, of course, will stand with you, no matter what we may face. I believe in this court only if it is run properly and without selfish objectives. If Savage does know how to bring someone back and Rein is in possession of this knowledge too, then I think it is in our best interest to know this as well. Otherwise, we are facing the unknown every day that we fight this war. We don’t know what harm we may cause by imprisoning the wrong person or turning a blind eye to an already imprisoned man because we foolishly believe he can’t escape. Savage is cunning, and his brother is no different. They will find a way, and we need to know their intentions before they succeed.” Amery nods towards me, and I nod back. “I am with you, Nick.”

  “I understand your need to do this, Nicholas, and while I don’t find it necessary for me to help you in that respect, I do believe Amery is right. We have to know all that they know or we are at a disadvantage from the start,” Gideon says. “So, I will stand with you in the war and against Savage when you bring him out of hell.”

  We all look to Bade who is laid back and seemingly not nervous at all. “Oh I am good. I am ready to fight. I am always ready to fight. Besides, I never really cared for the man all that much; however, I really like you, Nick.” He smiles jokingly.

  I laugh. “Alright, then. It’s agreed.”

  “Nick, I think we could use one more to help, and considering Fagan is shaking in his boots right now that you will retaliate against him, I think he would be willing to help us however we need him to. We just won’t mention Eli.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t trust him. He was loyal to Savage before. He could still be loyal to him again.”

  “He was loyal only to gain more power. He doesn’t think past himself. If you offer to help him stay out of trouble, then he will be loyal to you. He’s scared of you, and he won’t go against you and certainly he won’t be so bold to do it in your face.”

  “He wasn’t scared enough of me to keep from having my best friend killed,” I say to Amery.

  “Maybe he is right, Nick. We can use the extra power against Savage, and in the process, we can assure his alliance with us, or at least make sure he is not with them. They won’t trust him if he helps us,” Gideon reasons.

  “Fine. I will talk to him, but I can’t make any promises that I won’t retaliate against him at some point,” I say with thoughts of revenge in the back of my mind.

  Amery talked to Fagan, convincing him that if he comes to me, I will help convince Cat to go home to him. However, he approaches me and also asks that I spare Audra for killing Eli.

  “I’m not going to do that, Fagan. Your daughter killed Elijah, and she deserves to be punished.”

  “Yes, I know, and I’m sick over it. She didn’t know what she was doing though. She only knew that he caused me so much pain. She loves me dearly and hates to see me so upset. He was also the one to keep her sister away from us. She missed her and didn’t want to lose her forever. I promise you, though, I am getting her some help, so there will be no need for her to be punished for something she didn’t understand.”

  “She understood, and I will be seeking to have her sentenced and punished, you can count on that.” I glare at him, appalled that he is letting his daughter take the fall for something he planned and helped execute. Cat’s sister is too disorganized to have thought of all this by herself. I try to stay calm and not suffocate the life right out of him because I need him right now, but I will have his head one day.

  “Please, if there is anything I can do for you, I will do it if you will only grant me this one favor. Spare Audra and talk to Cat. Convince her that she belongs at home with her family. You know she needs us right now, she is no shape to be alone.”

  I step back, considering. “I do need help with something.”

  “I am happy to help you anyway I can.” He says happily.

  “Good,” I say, focusing on him and sending him back on his heels just because I need him to understand the power I can inflict on him.

  Ro and Rabbi help me get into my cloak to protect myself within the tunnels of fire. I am the only one that can retrieve Savage from his eternal residence. With a deep sigh, Rabbi looks more nervous than I am.

  “He’s nervous, and so am I. Are you sure this is the only option?” Ro asks.

  “Unfortunately, Savage is our only answer right now, and I am going to try and talk to him by myself before I release him. I can’t imagine, though, that he’s going to want to talk to me without some encouragement.” Rabbi nods and points in the direction in which I need to go, giving me final direction through Ro. “Make sure the lords are set before I come out, and make sure no one else is anywhere near. Lock every door and put guards on them. I don’t care who complains or by how much. Hold the perimeter until we are done.” Raising my hood up over my head, I take in a deep breath and wave my hand in front of me, opening the door to the realm prison. Walking through, I keep my head down as I pass the low-lifes that have been sentenced ahead of him. By the time I get to his cell of flames, he is roaring his disgust in my direction.

  “What do you want?!” Savage seeps out of his jagged lungs.

  “I need you to tell me something.” He laughs, enjoying this moment way too much. “You are going to tell me
what I want to know, whether you want to or not. You can either do it now and save yourself some pain, or you can allow me to torture you until you do,” I urge him pointlessly.

  He rushes to the edge, getting as close to me as possible and exhaling, in a wicked whisper, “Die, Nicholas. I will tell you nothing until you are dead in here with me.”

  I knew it was going to come to this, but I was hoping for better. I release the restraints around him, and he falls to the ground at my feet. Taking hold of the devil’s leash, I force him back up into the center of the devil’s court. After tying him down, I move to my lord’s position while Gideon, Bade, Amery, and a very reluctant Fagan all hold Savage in place. Marius is already set up facing Savage from the court floor and seemingly very willing to help make him talk as well.

  “What am I doing here?” Savage billows.

  “We need to know how to bring someone back from the dead.” I tell him. I feel Fagan jump to attention and stare at me in shock. While a large snake like smile creeps across Savage’s face.

  “And who exactly are we trying to bring back, Nicholas?”

  “No one you know, Grandfather.” I growl back at him.

  “Oh really? How is my other grandson by the way? Feeling well, I hope.”

  I stand up, enraged. “He is none of your business! Now talk!” I send him to his knees reeling in pain with each lord adding their own special painful touch along with me.

  Gasping, he sits up groaning. “I will tell you what. I will tell you everything you want to know if, and only if, one of you agree to answer one question.”

  “What do you want to know?” I ask cautiously.

  “No! I get to decide the question after you agree to it being answered.”

  “One question?” I ask.

  “Only one, Nicholas.”

  I look around the room at the other lords, waiting for each of them to nod in agreement with me. “Fine, you can ask your question. What is it?”

  “The question is not for you, Nicholas. It is for Marius.” I stand, but before I can say a word, Savage beams his eyes in Marius’s direction. “Are you still a lord, Marius? You are put down here like a commoner, but I wonder have you been stripped of your lordship yet? Has someone been named to your realm as the new lord?”

  Marius looks around uneasily, seeming to search for an answer from one of us. “I guess, technically I still am. No one new has been named as lord, yet. No, thanks to your brother, Dennis.”

  Savage laughs then focuses on me. “The only way to bring anyone back is if a lord position is made available to them, and if the beating heart of that realm’s previous lord is offered up to restart the lost one’s heart again,” Savage states, focusing with glee on Marius who instantly tries to run from him. I try to get to him and block Savage from him, but Marius stupidly runs to Fagan for help. Fagan pushes him away and out onto his back onto the devil’s court where Savage salivates at the opportunity.

  Marius fights to get away. “Fagan, release Marius from his chains!” I scream as walls begin to rumble around us. Fagan freezes and watches Savage take control. Marius is dead, and his beating heart is pulled from his chest, instantly restarting another’s before turning to dust. Rein breaks down the doors with his army, and Savage is surrounded by men releasing him back into the world. He’s gone in an instant, and I have been played for a fool by Fagan acting like a coward who knows nothing of what he did.

  “I’m sorry, Nicholas, but I froze. I guess your grandfather still holds some power over me,” Fagan admits a little too easily.

  “I am more concerned about Rein knowing that we were letting him out today.” Fagan cowers from me and exits quickly from the building with his own guards shielding me from sending a sword through his back.

  Amery walks in next to me. “I never knew what a disgusting piece of trash that man truly is. I’m sorry I recommended him Nick, but I thought the more power we had, the better.”

  “I should have known better. Any man that is ready to sell off his daughter to the highest bidder is not to be trusted. I guess he doesn’t care about either daughter.” Bade and Gideon approach us, sighing. “So, what do you figure we are up against now?” I ask Gideon, still hoping for the best.

  “I’d say we are all we have against the rest. No way anyone goes against Savage and Rein. They have ruled too long, and apart they are scary, but together, if they work together, then we are going to have a real war of the realms like we have never seen. We need another lord on our side, or I am not sure we can win, even with Ryan’s help. We need the intimidation, and since we couldn’t get Marius transitioned out and Ryan transitioned in before this, it’s too late. Savage owns the realm, and we will have to physically kick him out to take it over now. I’m afraid the war has begun, and we’re out numbered gentlemen. It’s going to be an uphill battle. Our only hope is if the Council steps in, but I am not sure they have the power to do much at this point.”

  I think hard and begin to form an idea—a revengeful idea. “How much time do I have?”

  “For what?” Gideon asks.

  “To get us another lord?” I say.

  “Well, they are going to need to give Savage time to heal and regain his strength and then organize. We have six months at most. But Nick, who are you hoping to turn to our side?”

  “Oh, I am not going to turn someone. I guarantee he is already on our side. I just have to get him back.”



  I pace a million different ways to try and keep from wearing a path into the floor, but it’s not helping. I don’t think I can wait much longer for word from Nick. I am scared he changed his mind, and I’m scared that he didn’t, but when the door from court begins to take shape, I sit down, unable to breathe. Kayla lays her hand on mine as does Skylar.

  Nick steps into the room right after Amery, and neither look happy. In fact, they look as if the end of the world is coming. “Oh no,” Kayla says, seeming to read Nick’s expression. “How? Who betrayed us?”

  “I’ll give you one guess,” Amery huffs, looking in my direction. I close my eyes, cursing my father’s name. “The son of a bitch played us perfectly, me especially. I really thought he would be too scared to go against us, or at least have some concern for his daughters. I don’t know why I continue to believe in the morality of men.”

  “My father doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” I say, fisting my hands.

  Nick takes a deep breath, causing me to look up at him for some reason. He seems to want to say something but hesitates. “Yeah, no offense Catriona, but I wish we could use your father’s heart to bring back Eli.” Amery jerks his head in Nick’s direction while I stay focused on him.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Savage said the only way to bring someone back is with the heart of another lord, restarting the dead’s heart with their own and opening a realm position for him,” Nick says.

  “That would work?” I mumble, not believing anyone would answer in the positive.

  “It works for sure. Savage’s release and Marius’s death are proof of it,” Nick clarifies.

  I sit back in my chair, thinking, as the others begin discussing the uphill battle we are facing all because of my father. He can never be trusted, and he may have just helped kill all my friends, including Amery. I look up at him, and he tries to give me a reassuring smile.

  “Don’t worry, Cat. We are going to figure out something, I assure you,” Amery remarks confidently. I nod, gripping his hand and planning how I can help my friends win. I catch Nick staring at me and I begin to understand what I need to do. I glance Nick’s way again and smile knowingly as we share a nod between us and a secret.

  My father looks shocked that I show up at his home. I wondered briefly if he would even open the door for me, but he nearly knocked his servant out of the way to get me.

  “Oh my baby is back. I am so glad you have decided to forgive your sister. She was clearly not well,” he says as my sister fidge
ts nervously behind him.

  “Of course. She clearly didn’t understand what she did. I even talked to the Council for you and recommended psychological sentencing for her. No eternal imprisonment, simply a place that will take away her final memories. I would hate for her to have to live with such horrible memories.”

  My father nods. “Well, I think that would be best. Thank you. Come, let’s enjoy some time together while we can.” My father escorts my sister and me into a private dining area where a feast is laid out for us. “I guess I became a little too excited about my family coming together again.”

  “All except my husband.” I couldn’t help but add in.

  “I am sorry, Catriona, that the information we discovered from Savage couldn’t be more helpful to you in that matter.” I smile pleasantly, glancing at the servants shutting the dining room doors to allow for privacy. “I knew you wouldn’t be on a side that would risk your life, Catriona, and I promise I will do my best to help spare Amery from torture. I made a promise to you, and I will keep that promise. I do have some good news. Savage is more than happy to forgive you for your betrayal if you agree to marry him. And now that you have finally come to your senses and changed sides, I think we could potentially have an incredible future.” He laughs joyfully.

  “Oh, so now I am supposed to marry Savage? Why? Why would he need to do that for us?”

  “He wants to assure our alliance, and he needs to marry soon so he can father children and build an army against Nicholas. Besides, the Council is less likely to force his removal if he has a family to take care of.”


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