Eater of Souls

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Eater of Souls Page 12

by Erik Lynd

  "We have to go. You have to take me away from here. Golyat will be here soon. He will destroy me for exposing us like this. Without the head of the Hunter I will have nothing to prove myself with. He will send me back to Hell!" Her voice had been growing steadily louder as she spoke until the last came out as a scream. She was losing control again.

  "Shh love, I know. I know, but you must calm yourself. Yes, Golyat is coming."

  He held her close again, gently stroking her hair.

  "So you will take me with you," she said, relief flooding through her. "We can leave the country, he will never find us if we stay hidden. We could find a small home in Europe, or maybe something on the beach."

  "No, love. You misunderstand. Golyat is coming, I have seen this. He will hurt you. I don't know if he will send you to Hell, but there will be so much pain you might wish he did send you back."

  It took her a second to realize what he was saying. The warmth she usually found in his words was gone, all that remained was cold. In shock she tried to push him away, but his arms seemed to become stone, like the coldness of his body. She struggled and pushed, but he only held her closer.

  "What do you mean? I don't understand. Jax? Jax? Let me go," she cried.

  "It didn't go exactly according to my plan, but these things seldom do, right love? I can see you don't understand and I'm disappointed in your surprise, especially from someone with your talents of deceit. Did you not think it could be used against you?" He chuckled, even less like honey and more like cold stone on stone. "Ah, the arrogance! No wonder I fell in love with you."

  "But...but if you love me then why do you do this?" She was still trying to understand. She was confused, where had this all gone wrong?

  "Oh I do, love. I love you truly, you can't walk this earth as long as I have and not understand love. It's just that love and hate are not opposites and as much as I love, I really, deep-down hate. And... well... I love to hate," he said.

  "You’re mad! That doesn't make any sense," She said.

  "Of course you would say that. You don't understand. Let me keep it simple. I love you, and I love that you served my purpose in moving my plan along, and now I love that that purpose is at an end. There is only one problem."

  Jax pulled her up against his chest, lifting her closer to his face. He put his mouth against her ear and whispered.

  "You see love, when Golyat gets here he will punish you, he will torture you. He will want you to talk about everything you know. And you know what? You'll tell him everything. I know this because I have seen it. But I am not ready for Goylat to know about me."

  She pushed at his chest, but even her enhanced strength was no match for him. She screamed. She called up her glamour, but it was as though he was ready for everything she did. He knew what move she would make before she made it. He held her easily, he dismissed her power almost as easily.

  "But there is an easy fix that won't spoil the fun for any of us. Give us a kiss, love," Jax whispered.

  Suddenly she felt his tongue in her ear, an impossibly long tongue. It slithered and crawled up her ear canal, piercing her eardrum and wriggling into her head. It was a sensation like he was licking her mind, pulling off bits and memories, tearing through any mental barriers she might have had. She was fully exposed, and he took what he wanted. He slurped her memories from her mind. He seemed to savor some, but she could not remember what they were. Soon it was too hard to hold on to consciousness. Her body and soul were going into a kind of shock, shutting down on her while he scooped away parts of her. Eventually, the darkness consumed her. Her last thought was of confusion—What was going on? What was happening?

  When he was done, Jax dropped her motionless body to the ground. Her chest moved slightly, she was still alive.

  "Sorry about that love, nasty bit of business, but necessary. I can't have the Alliance poking its nose in where it doesn't belong at the moment. But don't worry. You see, in the end, I win. Not the silly Alliance of dark souls, not the boy Hunter they are so afraid off. Me, I win. I know, I've seen it."


  Christopher was the only one awake, which was fine by him. Those two had watched over him many times when he was exhausted and recovering. It was the least he could do. Granted, most of his sleep recently had been the result of getting his ass kicked by either a monster or his own sword, but at least he had gotten a little shut eye along the way.

  After a quick trip in the cube room to the Vegas lair—which was rather large and would need some time to fully explore—to grab some extra mattresses, they had fallen asleep instantly, despite the protest of the detective.

  Christopher had only convinced him to sleep by telling him they could figure out the next move as soon as they got some rest. Hamlin had called into work, assured them he was still alive and working on a case, and then promptly fell asleep. Eris had been seconds behind him.

  Now Christopher sat in a chair, bathed by the glow of the monitors. He had spent some time on the computer, hoping for at least a video game. Nothing. Although it didn't surprise him, the Beast had been all business. He didn't know what half the software did. He could only guess most of it was illegal, maybe for hacking into systems? He was as tech savvy as any twenty-one-year-old, but he had gotten a C in the only real computer class he had taken. So after spending a little time on Facebook, he sat back and watched the security cameras.

  He glanced at the two of them from time to time, their peaceful faces also illuminated faintly by the monitors. It wasn't really the both of them, though, he could admit he spent more time looking at Eris. It was hard to believe that a demon and an innocent girl both shared that body. She looked so calm in her sleep, relaxed as though there was no homicidal monster chasing them.

  He was at once thankful she was with him and angry she was here. If he was supposed to be protecting humans, albeit in a roundabout way, shouldn't he start with his friends? The demoness he could understand. This was a part of her world. She understood what she was getting into, at least to some extent, but not Eris. She was not built for this kind of stuff.

  He had made a decision. Once they woke he would send them away, at least until he had stopped the werehound. They would try the same arguments they had used when running from the thing, but this time it didn't matter. They had tried to find a way to stop the creature and they had failed. He would keep looking, but eventually he was going to have to go toe to toe with the creature. Especially now.

  He had seen the news on his computer screens. It was killing more indiscriminately. The media had picked it up. It seemed the current theory was that a pack of wild dogs was terrorizing New York. It was hard to watch the newscasters’ faces when they were reading that off the teleprompter. They didn't believe it, but there was no other possible explanation, so they said it with a straight face.

  No officials had suggested staying inside, but the newscasters had no problem suggesting people stay off the streets until these rabid hounds were found. But nobody was listening. The security cameras at the zoo told him that much. It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and the place was packed. Kids and their parents everywhere. Running, screaming. Really screaming.

  What the fuck?

  Christopher leaned in closer to one of the monitors. This one showed the exit from one of the animal theaters. People were running out, adults dragging their kids or just picking them up and running. Mouths wide open in silent screams on his screen. He had no audio, but Christopher didn’t need it to know they were screaming in panic.

  Quickly as he was able for one who had just started using the system, he tried to switch to a camera that was in the theater. After clicking through several other cameras, where people walked, oblivious to the panic in the center of the zoo, he landed on the right camera angle.

  "Holy shit, get up!" Christopher said loudly.

  There on the screen he could see the werehound. Not hiding in the shadows, not peering through the foliage. No. He was standing in the center of th
e stage, holding the lifeless body of an animal trainer in one hand and the trainer's decapitated head in the other. Blood had splattered most of the stage. The birds in the cages behind the monster were going crazy, smashing against their cages and screeching their silent cries of fear.

  "What? What is going on?" Hamlin rolled up from the mattress, staggering a little with sleep. Eris stretched and yawned. The panic in Christopher's voice had not sunk in yet.

  "It's here," Christopher said and pointed at the monitor.

  "Jesus," Hamlin said. "What the Hell is he doing?"

  "Killing. Just what he was meant to do."

  "But in the open like that? I mean he's on a fucking stage."

  "I guess they’ve decided they waited long enough."

  "Oh my god," Eris exclaimed from behind them. She had finally woken up and her face was a mask of terror. "Did it track us here already?"

  "I think it must have tracked me at least to the zoo. I'm guessing it or its master decided that killing innocents would draw me out faster than trying to find my exact location. And they are correct. I have to go."

  "But we don't have an answer on how to stop it. What are you going to do?" Eris asked.

  Even as they watched the thing jumped from the stage onto the last of the people trying to run from the amphitheater. He grabbed hold of another man, his claws impaled through the man's back as the monster pulled him close to take a bite out of the screaming man's side.

  "I don't know, but I can't just watch and do nothing," Christopher said.

  "Kid, if that thing kills you, it’s all over. We know there is more going on than just some monster roaming the streets. If you die, there is nothing to stop the real threat, the masters that stand behind this thing," Hamlin said.

  "Chris..." Eris started.

  "No, I'm done talking," Christopher said suddenly. He was sick from what he was watching. It was all because of him. People were dying simply for bait. "Time to fight."

  He grabbed Eris by the arms. "Dark Eris? Are you in there?" He said and shook her.

  "What are you doing?" Eris cried out. She tried to pull away from him, but he held her fast.

  "You just come and go as you please don't you," Christopher said. The anger in his voice was intended for Dark Eris, but it was only Eris that gazed back at him with tears in her eyes. "Dammit, come out! We fucking need you. I need you."

  For a moment Eris gazed at him, then the tears spilled over and she slumped in his arms. He pushed her away. He knew it wasn't Eris' fault, but it didn't matter, at this very moment, she and Dark Eris were one and the same. He didn't have time to comfort her. He had to stop this thing, and it looked like Dark Eris would be of no help.

  Hamlin looked at him coldly for a moment then nodded. "Kind of harsh kid, but go."

  Christopher ran through the door that led to the access tunnel for the zoo. They had scouted it earlier. It would put him out just inside the zoo, next to Jungle World. As he ran, he pulled the shadows close about him, forming his hooded coat. He hoped the shadow garment completely obscured his face. He had no choice but to confront this thing in the middle of a crowded zoo. So much for the secret Hunter routine.


  Ammit decided he liked the pure terror. The screams were a beautiful sound, they inspired a kind of lust in him. Feasting on souls was what drove him, but feasting on the souls of the terrified just added something to it. A special sauce for his meal.

  He had stalked through the bushes and forest, the animals of the exhibits running from him, until he had found just the right place. An outdoor theater. Humans filled the place, watching animals perform for their amusement.

  They were of all ages, but many of them were children, the sweetest of meat. He would save those as a dessert. A trainer stood on stage with a bird on its hand. Without warning, the bird took flight and started squawking hysterically before diving into its own cage. It must have caught Ammit's scent and was going to the only safe place it knew. The other birds also began screeching and squawking, creating a cacophony of bird noises. Cages rattled as they fought to escape or bounced around in pure panic. They knew what stalked from the trees. But Ammit had no desire for them, it was the sweet meat of human souls he craved.

  The trainer stared at the panicked birds in stunned silence before speaking to no one in particular.

  "What’s got them all riled up so..." The trainer started but never finished.

  With a roar Ammit had jumped from the trees, shredding through the light netting that surrounded the stage. The birds in cages cringed back, the ones on open perches broke from their training and flew away, batting against the netting in a desperate attempt to get away.

  The human trainer had been stunned, but the look of surprise quickly turned to sheer terror as she was confronted with the full eight feet of bestial rage that was Ammit.

  The trainer was quickly ripped in two, and Ammit relished the screams of the humans in the stands as he tore into his meal. He went straight for the soul this time. He didn't linger on the flesh as he might usually do, enjoying the whole meal. He had too many souls to capture and eat this day. He consumed the trainer's soul and let it infuse him. He could feel the extra nourishment increase his power. Then he turned to the other humans streaming out of the amphitheater.

  He roared at their retreating backs and held the head of the trainer in one hand, the body in the other. Pleasure washed over him. He wanted to kill the boy Hunter, but Ammit wouldn't mind if he took his time getting here. He was enjoying the hors d'oeuvres before the main course.


  After running through two access tunnels, both with secret doors cleverly hidden and locked from the inside, Christopher made it to the employee access tunnel that ran only a short distance before opening to the outside. The door he came through was hidden by a fake landscape and a wall with an “Employees Only” sign on it.

  He jumped over the wall and landed in the middle of a walking path. He knew there would be people around, but he had no choice. Hopefully they did not see where he had come from. As he landed, the shadows intensified around him despite the fact it was still daylight. Tendrils of power and darkness flowed around him. The people that had been calmly strolling the path scattered with startled screams.

  He ignored them, he did not have time to worry about the show he was making. After a moment to get his bearings, he leapt into the air in the direction of the World of Birds attraction. He hoped the monster was still there.

  He soared through the air and for a brief moment thought he might actually be flying, but then gravity took over and he headed down. That's when he realized his error. He had not picked a landing spot. In the city, jumping from building to building, it was easy to see where his power would take him. Here, in his hurry to stop the werehound, he had leapt before he looked and now as he hurtled down toward the trees, he had no idea what was down there.

  Acting on something similar to instinct, the power that wrapped around him reached out through the trees just ahead of him. He felt something and again trusting in the power, he pulled himself towards it. Instantly, his angle of descent changed, and he plunged through the edge of the trees only to crash onto the only structure in the area. The top of the zoo monorail.

  His bands of shadowy power pulled him towards it, and he landed in a heap on the top of the monorail car, shaking it. The people on board who had seen his decent screamed, others who had just felt the shaking cried out. The more enterprising of them in the cars ahead had their phones out and were taking pictures of him. No time to waste.

  He got to his feet as fast as he could, gathered his power about him again and jumped. This time, although he couldn’t see where he was going, he let his Hell power unfold before him. The tendrils of power found solid places to latch onto, pulling and shoving him, allowing him to stay in the air longer.

  He was stunned by this new power. It was as though he could feel the ground. Not the details, but the basic shape of t
he world around him. He pushed off the ground in one direction or pulled in another. It allowed him to change paths in midair. He almost laughed out loud. He would have, but he could not forget his destination and what waited for him there. His joy at this new found power sobered up quickly.

  Below him he could see the people on the walking paths looking up at him. Most stood in shock, some also had their phones out and took pictures. Animals in their pens took cover as he passed over.

  It was not flying, however, and he had to come down at some point. He directed his descent to a walking path and landed. Power emanated from him as he came down with a deep boom, like a small shock wave, it knocked some of the people around him back.

  The people near him cried out in surprise, but it took him only a moment to realize it wasn't just him. Zoo visitors were running past him in panic, screams filling the air. Some people just stared in shock between Christopher and the flow of people running from further up the path.

  He must be close.

  Christopher heard a roar from up ahead.

  Very close.

  With another leap he sailed over the World of Birds building in front of him. He stretched his power out again, still trying to understand this new ability and what he could do. Then he felt it. He felt the huge spot of dark power on the ground. That had to be it.

  He landed on the roof of a building. From the sounds of frantic squawking beneath him, he knew it must be the birds. From the top he could see the pavement below. And the creature was looking right at him. Of course, it could feel him, track him. It knew he was coming. There would be no element of surprise for Christopher.

  The thing was covered in blood, and bits of flesh still clung to its claws. It looked up at Christopher, and its lips pulled back in the horrible parody of a grin, crimson teeth glistening wetly with blood. Through its eyes and the shifting motley darkness of its soul, Christopher could see it. What had been bestial before was now madness. The fusion of hellhound and human soul was driving it crazy. Then with a roar, which sounded suspiciously like a laugh, it turned and leaped into the air. Christopher knew where it was going and he was filled with dread.


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