Becoming Sweet Girls

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Becoming Sweet Girls Page 12

by Alyson Belle

  “Thanks…” she murmured to Allan, and he nodded at her quickly. At least he was looking at her now, instead of away from her. There was concern clearly written across his face, but he did nothing but sip at his beer and watch Krystal and Riley as they huddled together in the booth.

  She didn’t feel like dancing anymore, and she said as much to her friends. Her neighbor nodded sympathetically and turned to the bar, probably to get Riley something a little stronger than what she was drinking. But without her having to order a thing, a waiter stepped over with a tray and a shot of vodka, which he set down in front of Riley. The man gestured over his shoulder to another one of the tables, and she saw the guy she’d danced with first sitting there, raising his glass in greeting. Now that everything wasn’t a whirlwind, she could see that he was handsome in a sweet way, with a baby face and large blue eyes.

  Krystal whistled teasingly.

  “Aw, you can’t go home now, babe. I think that cutie over there wants to talk. You feel up to it?”

  Riley eyed the man for a moment, and then looked back at the waiting shot on the table.

  She’d come out to have fun, and she wasn’t going to let that be ruined by a creep.

  Taking the shot in hand, she maintained eye contact with the man across from them as she threw it back. Krystal cheered as the shot glass slammed back down on the table, and then Riley was rising from her chair and walking over to the guy. He was sitting with a few other people, but as soon as they saw her coming they cleared away from the table to leave the two of them alone to talk.

  “Hey,” he said, a cocky smile stretching across his face. She couldn’t believe how attracted to him she was—who would have guessed she’d be so into guys? But she really, really was… and her usual horniness was just as overwhelming as it always was.

  A sudden wave of crazy courage flowed through her. Without bothering to answer him, she grabbed his collar and leaned down to cover his mouth with her own.

  He tasted like alcohol and cigarettes and sweat, and it was the best damn combination she’d ever had. It was the taste of a party and of forgetting who you were for the night. The taste of just letting go of your problems, and leaving them for when the sun came back up. The man made a noise of surprise when their teeth clacked together, but soon he was rising from his chair to meet her in the kiss. His hands naturally settled on her waist as they each licked and sucked on one another—his teeth scraped her lip and she more felt than heard herself whimper in response.

  When they eventually came up for air, she found him staring down at her with his wide baby blues, smiling eagerly.

  “Hi,” he tried again after a slight pause, all traces of the cockiness he’d displayed earlier gone. Riley winked up at him and turned away, slipping out of his arms to head towards the bathroom.

  A quick glance behind her showed that he’d gotten the hint pretty well, weaving through the crowd after her as fast as he could. She paused at the bathrooms, wondering which to head inside, before throwing caution to the wind and stepping into the men’s. Might as well go where she was comfortable with, even if it wasn’t really where she belonged anymore.

  Mercifully, the room was devoid of anyone as she stepped inside and caught a flash of her new self in the mirror. Riley’s lips were slightly swollen, and she had a flush to her cheeks that spoke volumes about the thoughts running through her head. The door opened behind her in the mirror to reveal Mr. Anonymous standing there, watching her. She braced herself against the counter, posing in a way she’d seen magazine models do, puffing out her chest so he could take a look at her pretty, perky tits. He appreciated the view for a few moments before he was moving, pulling her against him.

  In a tangle of arms and limbs they fell into an empty bathroom stall. She had just enough presence of mind to lock the door behind them before his hands were sliding up her shirt and over her breasts. Skipping the bra that Krystal had offered her was obviously the right choice, and his hands slid over her nipples again and again, until they were standing at rapt attention beneath the fabric of her shirt. He bent his head to mouth at one through the thin cotton, worrying the little bud with his teeth, and Riley felt her legs shake with a sudden pleasure that shot through her body in response. Krystal had been right—having someone else tend to her breasts was a thousand times better than doing it herself.

  As her anonymous fuck-toy—or was she the fuck-toy now?—focused on her chest, she ground her crotch against his jeans. As much as she was enjoying his ministrations, she was hoping she could tease his attention away from them and towards the growing wetness beneath her dress. After a few passes, she found him half-hard in his pants. Purposefully she held her groin there, the short dress riding high on her thighs as she moved to reveal the black, lacy panties that were quickly becoming soaked with her eager juices. His hands fell away from her breasts with a groan, settling down to cup her ass so he could pull her onto his erection again and again, both of them riding the friction that the fabric created between them. When Riley looked down, she could see a patch of her wetness smearing across the front of his jeans.

  Eventually he released her to work on the zipper of his pants before he got too hard to deal with them. She pressed her back against the stall wall to give him enough room to shimmy them off, fingers hooking into the waistband of her underwear. Riley traced her fingernails over her own hips, enjoying the sensation as she waited for him to finish battling with his pants. When the brunette was sure his attention was on her, she pulled her panties down in one swift motion to expose her glistening sex in the dim lighting.

  The sight seemed to set him off. Suddenly his hands were back on her, sliding down her back and drifting up to her hair in what was almost the same motion. Her body was lifted and pinned between him and the stall of the bathroom, his arms the only thing that supported her lithe frame. Giggling at the fierceness of his actions, Riley wrapped her own arms around his shoulders and locked her legs around his waist. She held on tight as he returned to rutting against her with all the ferocity of a wild animal. His boxers were still on, barely containing the hard length of his member, and she could feel it and the fabric sliding between her soaking wet lips with every flick of his hips.

  “Fuck me,” she moaned in his arms, digging her nails into his shoulders like claws to pull him closer. He answered her plea by biting down on her neck, definitely hard enough to leave teeth marks behind. The idea of having them there for days, marking her with this encounter for anyone to see, sent a fresh wave of juices gushing from her cunt. She tried to return the favor but found she was at the wrong angle to get her teeth in his skin, so she resorted to mouthing along his chest, trying to drive him crazy enough to give her what she wanted.

  Eventually, finally, thankfully, he decided he’d teased her long enough. Riley could only just reach the edge of his boxers, but it was enough for her to help him shimmy them down his hips and expose his entire length to the cool air. A bead of precum pooled at the tip of his cock, and she felt her mouth water at the sight even though it felt horribly dirty and naughty to be thinking about a man’s cock that way. But she couldn’t suppress her eagerness. Krystal’s fingers inside her had been enough to drive her crazy with the sensation of being full—she couldn’t wait to find out what it felt like to be stuffed with a cock, stretched and aching.

  He pressed into her carefully, helpfully slowing down since they hadn’t done as much prep to help her accept the length. It was a good thing he went inch by inch: she could feel every single part of her shift as Riley was speared on the man’s dick. Her fingernails dug crescent marks into his skin as he moved, bracing herself against the unfamiliar sensation. But it was also evidence of just how much she was enjoying herself. The cock was magical inside of her, and she gasped with delight as he slid deeper and deeper inside. Occasionally her partner let out small grunts and moans, triggered every time her body moved around him, until he was sheathed fully inside her.

  Then, every single twitch of his hips
and shift of his hands caused wonderful firework sensations to explode in her mind. She could hardly control herself in the ecstasy of the motions, and she soon stopped trying. Riley’s head fell forward to rest on his shoulder, trusting the man to hold her full weight up against the bathroom stall as she let him have his way with her. His fingers were surely going to leave bruises in her skin later, marks that she could press and rub to remind herself of the delicious ache inside her, filling her up with his stretching, needy thrusts. It was heavenly.

  With one quick jerk of his hips, and then another, he began to move faster once he judged her ready for it. Riley felt herself bounce against the stall as he pulled his hips back and then slammed them up inside her, the tip of his dick somehow reaching even further inside with every thrust. Someone was squealing in time to the rhythm he set, and with a start she realized that it was her own voice, high and needy, that was ringing out around the bathroom walls. Anyone standing close to the bathroom door would have been able to hear her voice and known exactly what was going on inside. Maybe that was why no one had walked in yet.

  The brunette urged him closer, harder, faster, pushing her hips down to meet him, and the entire stall rattled with the force of their fucking.

  When she came, it was a surprise. One moment she’d been flying high on the sensation of being so absolutely full, and the next she was falling over the edge of an endless abyss that pulled her down into the most wonderful sensations she’d ever experienced. Her walls tightened on the cock inside her with the force of her orgasm, and somehow, impossibly, it made the sensations even more intense. Fireworks burst behind her eyes, and she opened them to see him thrusting into her even more frantically, trying to reach his own release.

  Riley bit back a scream of pleasure, never wanting to come down from this high. For an eternity she shook with the joy of it, clinging to her partner against the cold stall of the bathroom, and thanking the universe with every inch of her body for bringing her such an amazing experience. As the intensity of the orgasm faded, she began to fuck herself on his cock again with double the enthusiasm, chasing the thrill of pleasure once again. They were both hot, sweaty, and utterly united together in the pursuit of a good fuck.

  The only warning she had before he came was his hands slipping from her ass. Quickly he pulled away, using his upper body weight to pin her to the wall instead of his strength as his cock twitched and spurted ropes of sticky white cum up his shirt. It hurt a little, pinned with his shoulder blades, but she was too distracted by the image of him coming undone before her. Initially disappointed, she panted as she watched him shudder through his orgasm, wishing he’d filled her up even with his seed.

  Then she blushed, realizing it was probably a good thing he’d pulled out—they didn’t have a condom, and she sure as hell wasn’t on birth control. Don’t get pregnant your first night as a girl, you moron, she chided herself. But she suddenly had a lot more sympathy for pregnancy accidents. No wonder it was so easy to get yourself knocked up when it felt so damn good!

  Eventually her anonymous partner pulled back and carefully lowered her back down onto the ground with a shy smile. Riley’s legs were a tad shaky, but she leaned against the stall wall until she was sure they could support her own weight. He tucked himself back into his boxers and then his jeans, grabbing a bit of toilet paper to try and clean off his pants. She knew from experience that it would be no use—the evidence of their fucking would be plain and clear for everyone in the club to see, from her messy hair and flushed bite mark to the stains on his clothes and the afterglow of good sex. The idea turned her on so much she almost wanted to grab someone else for round two.

  “I’m Josh,” he panted, and she snapped back into the moment with him. Reaching up, she re-tucked his shirt collar for him, letting her fingers linger near his collarbone.


  “Hi, Riley.”

  “Hi, Josh.”

  They giggled, watching each other. From outside the stall, they both heard light footsteps, as if someone was trying not to be noticed as they tiptoed towards one of the empty stalls. Now that the sounds had stopped, it seemed like someone had finally braved the restroom once again. She giggled again at the idea of the whole club waiting with baited breath until they were done.

  “Can I have your number, Josh?”

  He nodded enthusiastically, and she grinned up at him before throwing the latch to the stall open so they could stumble out from the confined space. Someone was standing at the urinal in the corner, very steadfastly trying not to make eye contact with them, but she threw a smile in his direction anyway. A quick fuck in the bathroom was always the best way to pep herself up, and if they hadn’t come out to the club expecting to walk in on it, that was their own damn fault. This was what nightclubs were for—anonymous sex, thumping music, and strangers with baby-blue eyes who held the door open for you as you sailed past them and back into the electric atmosphere.

  Krystal and Allan were probably waiting for her at the table with a brand new drink. She hoped it was brightly colored and extremely alcoholic; Riley had half a mind to fuck every single guy in the bar at that moment, and some more drinks would definitely give her the stamina. The fire in her belly hadn’t been quenched in the slightest—on the contrary, she was hornier than ever, imagining everyone else listening to her and Josh.

  Her first night as a woman was just getting started, and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

  Chapter 5

  “Yup, thanks!”

  The beep of the phone disconnecting sounded in her ear, and she set it down to lean back in her chair with a satisfied sigh. Papers were strewn about the kitchen table, evidence of how hard she’d been working the past few weeks to update all her legal documents and IDs. A manila folder nearby held all the proof that Russ had ever existed, and swapping that evidence for Riley was a monumental undertaking. She never would have guessed that getting a legal name change could be so difficult, but luckily she’d found a lawyer experienced in working with transgender people, who was walking her through every step of the process.

  It still felt a little strange to call herself transgender, but Riley was slowly getting used to it. The word definitely applied to her, albeit in a way a little bit different than how it applied to most other people. She’d transitioned before discovering herself as a girl, but it had quickly become apparent that she didn’t mind her new body in the slightest. After hours on the Internet, researching gender theory and reading about the experiences of other trans girls, Riley had decided that it was exactly the right label for herself. Being a girl made her feel confident, sexy, and attractive in ways that Russ had never imagined—Riley felt more like herself in this body than she ever had before.

  Even work had turned out better than she’d ever dreamed it could have. After a preliminary meeting with her boss to explain that Russ had become Riley and to apologize for missing a few days, she was welcomed back with open arms and a celebratory cake all decorated in pink frosting. Her coworkers were so supportive it was almost overwhelming—the girls offered makeup tips and recommended clothes she could try on, and the boys refused to let her pick up anything heavier than a candy bar now that Russ was Riley. Even some of the regular customers were delighting in treating her like a lady.

  After the first night in the club, she, Krystal, and Allan had gotten together to talk about what exactly to do about the situation. They’d suggested going back to Madame Orlando and asking for something to change her back, but somehow she’d just never seemed to find the time to do so. Heading back to the shop turned out to be low on her priority list since she was so busy enjoying that wherever she went, people bought her drinks or watched her walk down the street with an appreciative, lusty look in their eyes. She loved it. The main problems she’d been worried about—work, her IDs and other documents—were going really smoothly. Riley no longer had much of a problem getting a cure for the lust that inflamed her every minute of every day. People were happy to s
atisfy the pretty girl with the dark eyes and the wicked smile. She got laid every single time she decided to go to Vérita and try her luck.

  With a phone full of new phone numbers and all the sex she could ever want, life was good. Wasn’t it?

  Something still nagged at her, though. Even though she loved having all the sex she could ask for, Russ had been a serial monogamist for a reason—she’d always been a romantic at heart whether she was a guy or a girl. A high libido and easy access to sex didn’t change that, and it was increasingly becoming a problem.

  She was trying hard to ignore the little voice in her head that said endless nights of banging strangers wasn’t actually what she wanted. But the voice was insistent. It wasn’t like Russ hadn’t been getting laid; it was that none of his girlfriends had ever been able to keep up with him. She’d assumed that, as a girl, she would have no trouble finding a partner with a high sex drive who could match her.

  Riley hadn’t had any trouble with that. The trouble was with finding someone who actually wanted more than that.

  None of her one night stands ever seemed to progress past that point. And while waking up in the morning and finding herself in an unfamiliar bed was a thrill she’d never get tired of, she found herself also wanting a familiar face to fuck her. Someone who was more than a booty call—someone to talk about the world with, or enjoy a nice dinner out together. The phone full of numbers was a phone full of contacts who only responded at 2am, when she asked if they were up for a quick fuck or who messaged her first only when their other date for the evening fell through. Any attempts to take anything further had ended in disappointment—she’d just stopped trying, after Josh never answered the voice mail she left asking if he wanted to go on a real date with her.

  The failures were forcing her to come to an uncomfortable conclusion; that maybe it wasn’t her sex drive that was preventing her from finding a complimentary partner. Maybe it was Riley herself.


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