Kiss the Wallflower: Books 4-6

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Kiss the Wallflower: Books 4-6 Page 26

by Gill, Tamara

  Without warning, he spun her, so she was partially hidden behind him and the plants, and then he did what he'd wanted to do all evening. He kissed her. For a moment, she stilled in his arms, but then like a flower, she opened, bloomed, and kissed him back.

  Her fingers slipped around and gripped his lapels, holding him close. By God, his body roared with possession, with need. He took her lips in a punishing kiss, stepping her back farther, if only to prolong his time with her. A bark of laughter pulled him back from the brink of ruining the woman in his arms. He clasped her hand wrapped about his clothing, pulling it away. He breathed deep, putting space between them.

  His breathing ragged, Sebastian watched as she too fought to control her reaction to him. Her lips were red, swollen from his touch. Her breasts rose and fell with her heightened breaths, and his body hardened. He damned the ball going on behind them that it stopped him from taking his fill. From kissing her until they were both sated, which, right at this moment, he was decidedly not.

  "You should go back to your friends before you are seen behind here with me, Lady Elizabeth."

  Her eyes widened farther, and then she was gone, brushing past him, the scent of lavender all that remained. Sebastian closed his eyes, breathing deep and calming his racing heart. For how long he stood there, gaining control of his emotions, of his needs, he could not say, but tomorrow, tomorrow, he would see her again. Alone this time, save her servant and for as long as they both wished.

  Edinburgh had fewer eyes than London, and he was starting to enjoy his time here more than he thought he would. Winning the heart of a Scottish lass was turning out to be more enjoyable than first thought. Now he just needed to ensure he did not lose it just as his brother lost their estate.

  Elizabeth paced in the front foyer of Georgina's Edinburgh home, listening for a carriage to roll to a stop out the front of the house. She stopped every now and then and peeked out the front windows beside the door, careful not to move the lace curtains that hung there, lest Lord Hastings made an appearance and she was seen as too eager.

  And she was impatient to be gone, alone with his lordship. Her maid sat on a nearby chair, a book clasped tight in her hands and not the least interested in what Elizabeth was doing. After their kiss last night, she'd barely slept. The thought that he'd snuck her behind some palms and kissed her until her toes curled in her silk slippers shocked her still. Her heart beat fast at the memory of it and her stomach clenched in delicious flutters.

  Would he kiss her again today? Something told her he would, that the sole reason for inviting her out on this ride was to be alone with her, just the two of them. Her maid could be distracted easily enough and not be bothered too much by what Elizabeth did. Not that she intended to ruin herself, but a kiss could not hurt, surely.

  A highly sprung black, open carriage rolled to a stop, and she knew he was here. His lordship tied the reins to the carriage before jumping down with carefree ability she wished she could enjoy. Having to wear a dress most of the time stopped her from having such freedoms. But none of that mattered, not right now.

  She stood at the window, admiring the sight of him walking up the steps to the front door, his dark hair falling over one eye and giving a roguish edge to his appearance.

  There was a small smile playing about his mouth, and she hoped he was as eager for their outing as she was. This was her first such foray with a gentleman, and she couldn't help but hope that it was true. That he was genuine in his regard of her and wasn't playing her a fool.

  It would be a great lark indeed to deceive Lucky Lizzie in her home country as well as England.

  A rap on the door sounded, and she stood aside, allowed the footman to open the door. Elizabeth met Lord Hastings as he stepped onto the foyer's parquetry floor, giving him her hand. "Lord Hastings. You are most prompt," she said, not letting him know that she was as well. That for the past half hour, she had been in this foyer waiting for him.

  "I never leave a beautiful woman waiting." He reached for her hand, kissing it, his eyes meeting hers as his lips touched her glove. Heat thrummed through her, and she took a calming breath. Her reactions to him were maddening and sweet, all at the same time. She loved what he did to her, but it frightened her too. There was so much at stake, her heart for one, should he be the type of gentleman who paid court during his time in town only to turn about and leave without a backward glance or offer.

  The humiliation, the hurt, would be unbearable.

  She fought not to grin like a debutante on her first turn about the dance floor. He held out his arm, and she allowed him to help her down the steps toward his carriage. The day was warm, not a cloud in the sky, a perfect day to visit and explore Edinburgh and its surrounding lands.

  Her maid perched herself on the back of the equipage, and they were soon rumbling up the hill toward the ancient fortress. They could not get too close, only the Royal Mile, due to the castle being an army garrison. Lord Hastings pulled the horses to a stop, and for a moment, they stared up at the high walls, the shouts of men behind the building's walls barely audible.

  His lordship turned the equipage about, heading back along the mile toward Holyrood House. The palace gates were too closed, yet the sight of the beautiful gardens beyond all but begged to be explored. "I wonder if the royal family is in residence." she said, staring at the magnificent building.

  "I do not believe so," he replied, clicking his tongue to move the horses on. "We shall drive to Arthur's Seat. I assume you know where I'm taking you."

  "Of course." Elizabeth adjusted the small blanket that sat over her legs, already enjoying herself immensely, even though they had not traveled far or seen too much. "We used to picnic there as children when we came to Edinburgh with Mama. I will admit that my seeing it again is long overdue," she said.

  "Well then, I'm glad to be the one to reacquaint you."

  His sweet smile made warmth flow through her veins. This courting business was really quite lovely, especially when one enjoyed being courted and found the man quite to her tastes.

  No man would go to all this trouble to merely turn about at the end of the Season and leave. Oh no, it was looking almost certain Lord Hastings was leading up to ask her to be his bride.

  Would she say yes if he did? She shot a look at him, inwardly sighing at the sight of his perfect profile. His lovely, dark hair was long enough for the breeze to flutter as they trotted through the streets of Edinburgh.

  Yes, she would agree to marry him should he ask, and she would revel in every kiss and touch he bestowed on her from that moment on.

  Her heart beat fast, as she imagined being his wife. If she were fortunate enough to have a marriage with affection and love like her brother and Sophie enjoyed, she would be well pleased. Could this be where they were headed? He certainly seemed to like her.

  No more Lucky Lizzie for others, but for herself.

  They made the base of Arthur's Seat on Edinburgh's outskirts just as the sun rose high in the sky. Lord Hastings jumped down, coming around to help her alight. She reached for him, placing her hands on his shoulders. A squeal rent the air when he pulled her from the carriage, lifting her as if she weighed nothing but a feather. His action slipped her against him, and, with devastating slowness, he dropped her to her feet.

  Elizabeth felt every muscle in his chest, every flex of his arms, the warmth of his breath against her face, his closeness that made her forget herself, before her toes hit the ground.

  Absently she heard her maid jump down, but she couldn't foster enough caution to step away and out of his hold. His gaze held hers, a promise of some kind lighting his eyes.

  "This way," he said, taking her hand and starting up a well-worn path lined with the undergrowth from the trees.

  "Have you ever been here before?" she asked him as they came to a clearing. Lord Hastings let go of her hand at the sight of other people and placed it on his arm instead.

  "Once, several years ago now, but it has not changed. I sho
uld have thought to bring a picnic basket and blanket so that we could have shared and enjoyed a meal."

  "Perhaps next time," she suggested, hoping there would be more of these carefree days, away from Society's eagle eye.

  "I would like that," he said, cocking his head to one side. "Come, we shall walk a little farther."

  "Tell me, Lord Hastings, do you visit Scotland often now that you have an estate here?" She hoped he would, that he would make Scotland his permanent home, especially if he offered for her hand. She could quite happily live in her home country with the man she was starting to care about above anyone else in the world.

  "I do, at least once a year, for several months. My English estate in Nottinghamshire, while beautiful, is not where my heart resides. My childhood was spent more in Scotland than in England, and I have always said it is more my home here than anywhere else."

  "Really?" Elizabeth met his gaze. "But I thought your home in Scotland was recently acquired. Did you used to live elsewhere, or did your family have a home that you have not told me?"

  Chapter 10

  Sebastian stilled, his mind whirling to form a reply and to remember all the lies he'd told so far. Lady Elizabeth was no fool, and one slip of the tongue from him and his ability to win her, win back his estate, would be over.

  He wished he could swallow his own stupid tongue. How to get out of this mess of words he'd created? "My mother was Scottish and had a home here, but I was too small to remember where." He closed his eyes a moment, hating the fact he'd just made himself sound like an idiot.

  "How lovely that ye have a connection here too. I like ye even more now."

  Her teasing words made his blood burn. Damn the maid who followed them a few steps back. He wanted Elizabeth alone so he could kiss that delectable, pouty mouth. Somehow in the few days that he knew her, she had started to wiggle her way under his skin, and he had at times had to remind himself the reason he was courting her in the first place.

  To gain back Halligale. Become the lord of the grand Scottish estate that Lady Elizabeth's brother stole in a baseless game of cards. Not because she made him want to be around her, made him look forward to each new day he woke up for on this great land.

  "When do you think you shall return to Halligale?" he asked, needing to change the subject off of himself.

  "At the end of the Season. My brother has said that I can live there so long as I have a companion or husband." She threw him a curious look. "Ye too must be for Bragdon Manor soon. I will not forget that ye promised me a tour."

  The idea of having Elizabeth alone with him at his home made him almost groan aloud. What fun they could have if that were the case. "I have not forgotten. I should like to have you in my home for more than a visit if you were open to the idea."

  She stopped walking, staring up at him. A small frown marred her brow. "I apologize, Lord Hastings, but can you ask that question again to ensure I heard you correctly, for I'm not entirely certain of your meaning."

  Sebastian glanced at the maid. "Please turn about a moment and ignore all that you're about to hear," he said to the young woman.

  "Yes, my lord." The young woman turned about without questioning his decree.

  "Lady Elizabeth Mackintosh, would you be willing to marry me? I know that we have not known each other long, but I do believe we suit." He had not meant to ask her so soon. Hell, he barely knew her, but what was the point in delaying his suit? He liked her and he needed her to gain back his ancestral estate. There was no point in postponing the inevitable. She would either say yes, or he would have to persuade her to do so.

  She stared up at him, her eyes wide in shock. "You're asking me to marry you?"

  He nodded. "I am." He leaned close, kissing her cheek, the lobe of her ear, her neck. She shivered in his arms, and he smiled against her neck, breathing deep her sweet lavender scent. "Say yes and marry me so we can be together without a maid in tow."

  She gasped, her hand reaching out to lay on his chest. She pushed him back a step and met his gaze, hers cloudy with desire. Heat licked along his spine that she was so attuned to him. That her reaction to him was so alike his own. Made him burn with a longing that cried to be sated. How fortunate that the woman he needed to marry made him react so.

  "Ye are not trying to fool me, my lord? Ye are in earnest?" she asked him.

  Sebastian had the overwhelming desire to strangle the gentlemen in London, and ladies too, who had teased her. Made her believe she was useful to gain other people offers of marriage and not one for herself. The fact he too was fooling her made his stomach churn. He did not wish to hurt her and telling her the truth of why he wanted the alliance would surely do that.

  No, this was better. If she agreed to be his wife, he could marry her, gain Halligale back, and Elizabeth would never be the wiser. What one did not know would not hurt them, as the saying went.

  Her brother will work out your motive.

  Sebastian pushed the unhelpful thought aside. he'd worry about that when it happened. "I want you, and no one else. I promise you that, above my honor as a gentleman." Which was also true. He did want her, and no one else. The mere idea of her marrying someone else made him want to gnash his teeth. "Marry me, Lady Elizabeth. Be my wife."

  She smiled, her pretty mouth tempting him before she said the words that placed him one step closer to his home. "Yes, my lord. I shall marry you."

  He whooped, picking her up and spinning her about before taking her lips in a searing kiss. She kissed him back, held nothing from him, even though they could be come upon at any moment.

  "Call me Sebastian. No more my lord or Hastings. To you, I'm merely Sebastian." He kissed the smile off her face, enjoyed her reaction to him, the bank of desire she released in him each time he was with her.

  "Ye may call me Elizabeth in return," she said, wrapping her arms about his neck, her smile as warm as the sunshine on his back.

  Sebastian liked the pleasure his proposal brought forth in her. To make her happy made him so. It was a novel experience, one he'd not experienced before with a woman. He liked it. He liked her.

  "When shall we announce it? I need to write to my brother."

  The idea of telling her brother tempered his enjoyment. He was an intelligent man from all reports, and Rawden was right. He would suspect his motives. Undoubtedly know he was the late Lord Hasting's brother and see his proposal for what it was.

  "May we postpone telling your brother?" he asked her.

  Her shoulders slumped, and he knew he'd disappointed her. Sebastian pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. "I do not say this to upset you or cause you to doubt my offer. I merely want to enjoy the Season here with you a while longer before the madness of a wedding pulls you back to Moy and your family. I do not wish for you to leave."

  Her fingers played with his hair. Damn it all to hell, she was sweet and his if he could manage to keep her. Keep her brother from ripping her from his arms.

  "I understand, and I shall not tell Brice, but," she said, looking up at him with beseeching eyes that he feared he'd never deny. "May I tell my friends? I would like to share my happy news with them."

  Sebastian saw no impediment to that idea. "Of course, I would love them to share in your happiness."

  She leaned up, surprising him with a kiss, and he took the opportunity afforded him and kissed her back. The kiss spiraled into something that was hot, needy, and altogether not appropriate for where they stood. They needed to marry and soon. He wasn't sure he could live without her in his bed every night for too much longer.

  So long as her brother didn't cause him any more trouble, more than he already had. He would not lose Elizabeth, or his childhood home for a second time.

  Chapter 11

  Elizabeth stared at her friends, hoping the shock of her betrothal would enable them to speak, and soon. Both women stared at her, mouths agape, their eyes wide.

  "Say something, will you? Ye know I dinna like it when ye do not state your opinio

  Georgina spoke fist, blinking out of her stupor. "You're marrying Earl Hastings? When did he start courting ye in earnest?"

  "More importantly," Julia stated, her mouth still gaping. "How did I miss his interest in ye went beyond innocent flirtation to an offer of marriage!"

  Elizabeth held out her hands, calling for calm. "It's been a whirlwind, I know. My brother has not even been informed, but I think Sebastian and I suit. He's amusing, attentive." She wanted to go on and tell her friends his kisses were devastatingly toe-curling, but she did not. Some things she wanted to keep just for them, their own sweet secret. "I like him, and he grew up in Scotland at his mother's estate, so he understands the country and our way of life here."

  "He's English. What will ye brother say, do ye think?" Julia asked, sitting back on her chair and crossing her legs up under her.

  "Brice married an English woman. I dinna think he'll care."

  Georgina laughed, a tinkling sound that held an edge of sarcasm. "Oh, he'll care. While Julia and I both enjoy the company of an Englishman at balls and parties, it is no secret that our family would prefer a Scotsman to be our husbands. Yer brother may have married a Sassenach, but that dinna mean he wants ye to marry an Englishman. Yer brother will be no different."

  Elizabeth bit her lip, worrying it between her teeth. Would Brice dislike her choice? She did not like the idea of her brother being against her marriage. She wanted Brice and Sebastian to become friends as well as brothers-in-law. To share their children's childhoods, spend Christmas together, and more Seasons in town both here and in England.

  "I dinna believe so. Brice will be happy for me and my choice. He'll not cause any difficulty, I'm sure."

  Julia raised her brow. "When do ye think you'll tell your brother?"

  Elizabeth frowned, unsure herself when that would happen. "He's preoccupied at home at the moment. Sophie is enceinte, and there are complications. I dinna want him rushing to Edinburgh to approve my impending marriage. I would prefer to travel home and let him know in a few weeks." Or, the idea of arriving home already married was tempting as well. Her brother could not disapprove of her Englishman then.


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