When It Raines, He Purrs (Move Over Fate Book 2; Paranormal Dating Agency)

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When It Raines, He Purrs (Move Over Fate Book 2; Paranormal Dating Agency) Page 4

by Michelle Ziegler

  "Yeah. Okay fine. And thanks."

  She gave her order and they moved down the line waiting for their names to be called.

  "So who are you meeting here Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Caffeinated?"

  He raised an eyebrow and she giggled.

  "Well. What did you expect me to say?"

  "Honestly? Nothing. I really didn't expect that, but probably nothing. I don't usually talk to strangers, so my expectations are low."

  "Strangers huh. Someone teach you about stranger danger when you were young? I promise, little boy, I won't kidnap you."

  Her neck heated. She should not have said that. Mostly because it wasn't true, she'd kidnap him if allowed too. She'd wonder where all this confidence was coming from later. He brought out her inner horny teenager.

  At this point she didn't want her date to surface. That shirt stretched across muscles that she could imagine running her tongue down. No, she defiantly couldn't kidnap him, he was huge. But damn she wouldn't mind being his prisoner for a night.

  The idea made her stomach quiver. It had been a really long time since she'd let a man touch her, let alone trusted one. Apparently way too long.

  Pressing her lips together, she held in a laugh. Good Lord, she needed to wrap up the crazy and ship it off.

  A shifter. He was a shifter. She didn't know what kind, but the golden flash within his gaze said he was a shifter, they all had something like that. That should have turned her off. It didn't.

  As he studied her face, his eyes flicking over her features, his lips twisted into a tiny grin. Welp, at this point he either knew she was sexually starved and her body saw him as a banquet, or he didn't. Either way, she was here to meet some guy with dark hair and a fire-department shirt.

  "Yeah, Sorry were you..." she broke off as she noticed the emblem on the shirt Kian wore.

  Kian wasn't sure he wanted to know what was running through her head. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the flush running up her neck. The low cut shirt gave his eyes a feast of cleavage and her blush seemed to run from her neck down past her neckline making him want to see where it stopped.

  The cat within him practically stomped his massive paws as Kian fought against the urge to grab her and mark her right here. His cougar was staking a claim. Fuck, no one had ever had this kind of hold on him before. If it weren't for the public setting, he didn't know if he'd actually be able to hold back.

  He dragged in a breath and instantly regretted it. The scent of her was the only thing he could focus on. His pants were starting to feel like a fucking torture device. His dick was going to have zipper indentation on it. The cougar laughed, telling him to stop fighting it and just let the instinct drive.

  Words. He needed words. He needed to respond. She'd said something.

  What the hell had she said?

  Maybe if he squinted he'd be able to make out the words forming on her beautiful plump pink lips.

  Nope. Words weren't his thing. Never had been. Fighting was his thing, if that was a thing. Dating wasn't his thing, because it involved words. But Raine was bringing a whole new side of him out. Right. She'd talked about kidnapping. Kidnapping him. He laughed. He literally laughed so loud, the barista almost spilled the cup she was holding.

  "Kidnap me huh. Well, that would be entertaining to see."

  Good Lord, he'd let her too. Her full lips would look pretty amazing around his dick. His eyes widened and he looked around. No one could read his thoughts, or he sure as hell hoped not.

  "I uh. Yeah. Are you doing okay? It sort of looked like the train was in the station, but no one was boarding."

  That had him smile. "You think you're funny, don't you."

  Her mouth pulled to the side before she spoke. "No. Not particularly. Well maybe. I dunno. I uh. So are you using a paranormal dating agency by chance?"

  That had the smile slowly dropping. "I. Uh. Well. Yeah. I am. I suck at dating. I'll just admit it."

  Kian felt like he was a really good judge of people’s character for the most part. He also was a pretty good judge of scents. The predator in him had to be good at fear. But right now he wasn't hunting, not for the kind of prey he usually hunted anyway. A part of him took over as he recognized her quickened heart-rate, unsteady breathing, and the sticky scent of apprehension.

  He leaned in and whispered. "Let me guess, you're the blonde in a purple shirt looking for a guy in a fire-department shirt."

  She nodded, her eyes wide. The sticky sour scent turned sweet and a heat flashed through her eyes. No. It wasn't fear at all. She was a cornered rabbit, but it was as if she was near ready to surrender.

  Her voice squeaked out, "oh look coffee is done." She took her cup from the counter and headed away.

  Taking his cup he followed her. She seemed distracted and her movements seemed ridged. He didn't know what to make of that.

  "Hey, uh you want to sit close to the door?" he asked.

  It took her a minute, but she gave a quick shrug and walked back towards the front of the long narrow windowed room.

  "You know. Just in case you need to run away or something," he added.

  Something about the scent of her had him feeling a whole lot more confident in himself. She hadn't shown her hand yet, but her reaction said that he might be one of her weaknesses, or at least someone like him and his inner animal was all over that. He couldn't let her go, regardless of what he kept telling himself. She awoke the need in both sides of him and for once he wanted exactly what his cougar did.

  "So. You. You use Gerri Wilder than?" Raine finally asked.

  He nodded.

  "How is it that you need help getting a date?" she asked.

  He stared at her. "Really? I could ask you the same thing."

  "Not really. I'm really not that interested in men right now. That and. Well I'm not exactly the type of woman everyone races to."

  This screamed trap. He wasn't stupid. What the hell did he say to that. She obviously couldn't take a compliment and he wasn't exactly Casanova.

  "Right uh. Well. Let me just say that I'd disagree with you. And when you say you aren't interested in men, does that mean you want a woman?"

  "What? No. I mean it's fine, I have nothing against it, but no. I'm strictly into men. I really like penis. I mean, I had this thing in college, but in the end I just want a man. I just..."

  There was that sweet blush of hers crawling from the neckline of her shirt kissing her skin.

  He couldn't help but smile as he got distracted by the rise and fall of her breasts.

  "Why are you smiling you ass. What? Have you never heard the word penis before? I mean you have one."

  He laughed as he saw her eyes flick down stopping at the table, but he knew where her mind had gone.

  "I'm glad to hear that you are interested in, how did you put it?"

  She tilted her head and stretched her arms in front of her, picking at something invisible on the table. "I said I liked penis. Like that’s a surprise. Whatever. You are such a man. Only focused on one thing."

  Taking a sip from his coffee he lifted an eye brow. As he lowered his cup to the table he said, "Raine, I went with a dating service because my cougar has decided it's time to find a mate. So yeah, my mind is on one thing. I need to find a mate. You though." He winked. "You said the word penis."

  Her body sat up straighter as he said the word a second time.

  "I guess you knew I was a shifter right? Gerri is an expert and wouldn't have matched us if she didn't think you were okay with it. That being said, let me just confirm my suppositions. You're human then?"

  Her fingers played at the sides of her mug.

  "Yes. I mean not just. I can talk to the dead sometimes. I talk to my dead grandma. "

  "Interesting. I know there are a lot of paranormal beings that are sensitive to the afterlife. You sure you're human?"

  A very unfeminine growl escaped her lips. "Yes. You're an ass, you know that?"

  "Aw come on. I didn't mean anything by my q
uestion. It's a fair question to ask. I've never dated a human, let alone one that was haunted by an old lady. I'm sure you have questions for me."

  Kian really didn't know what to do. Sure, he was excited this was his set up, but she didn't seem to share the same feelings.

  "No. Not really. I mean you're all the same aren't you?"

  His hackles rose at her words.

  "What do you mean?"

  He mirrored her, sitting straighter and studied her. A fear palpable and real reached him, swirling around on the air and hitting him in the face. How did this conversion go from offending him to suddenly her being freaked out?

  "I. I just mean that you all, as in shifters. I really hoped Gerri knew better. I really hoped that she wouldn't put me with a shifter."

  Deep breaths, deep breaths. Something was wrong and it wasn't personal. He needed to keep that in mind. A part of him saw his mom in the flash of whatever had crossed her face. A memory maybe? He wanted to protect her. Instinct drove him. He reached a hand out to cover hers. She tried to pull away but he gently encircled her wrist between his thumb and index finger. If she pulled hard enough she could get away, but he wanted her to know he was here. He was listening.

  "I.” She took a deep breath. Why could this man unnerve her so much? She wasn’t this woman, but around him she could hardly think.

  Exhaling she gathered her wits. “Well. My last boyfriend was a wolf shifter. He wasn't from a local pack, well not that he ever said. When things were good, he was pleasant enough. When things were bad though, he..." she cut off.

  Anger clouded his vision. A second passed and he saw his father and the blood dripping from his nose as he was hauled off into a police car. The blood put there by Kian's hands. He blinked several times clearing the image. He wouldn't think of his dad right now, or the fact he'd have to face the man at some point. Maybe.

  "Don't. Don't finish that sentence. Yeah and the answer is no. We aren't all the same."

  Her eyes seemed to study every inch of him, seemed to look beyond the face that looked back at her.

  "Look. If this isn't what you wanted, I understand. It was pretty hard for me to approach Gerri and there’s a reason I haven't been able to find someone myself. That being said though, as far as I can tell you do feel something..."

  Raine's mouth opened and closed several times.

  And, maybe that was the wrong thing to say. He really did suck at dating.

  Finally, she spoke. "So, why haven't you been able to find someone yourself?”

  Her words stung. This wasn’t going all that well in his mind. She started to talk again. His cougar was determined to be with her, but man was she pushing his buttons.

  “I mean, not that. Not the way it came out. I know I suck at finding someone. But aren't shifters supposed to be good at finding their mates? Something about fate? Magic? Whatever you want to call it? Why do you need a dating agency?"

  Her chest rose evenly, she was calm. Alright, he hadn't offended her, and she didn’t seem to be questioning if he was an asshole anymore.

  So, sure. He’d answer her question. Only did he know the answer? She should know, but what could he say? They'd just met. He took a second to think it through.

  "My father. I don't want to be him. And honestly, I don't think I was open enough to have known if I had found the right one. But maybe, I just hadn't met her yet now that I..."

  She leaned into the table, her words quiet. "Now that you what?"

  Fuck was he really going to say it? It was a first date. He held back the mountain of animal instinct within him. He bit back against the pain of the cougar. His empty hand fisted against the table trying to gain the control he needed. "Now that I have met you."

  His heart pounded against his chest. She hadn't said anything. What the hell did he expect her to say?

  "So, shifters know without a doubt when they have met the one?"

  His nostrils flared against the scent of her. She was opening a whole new side of him. One that she had complete control over, whether or not she knew it.

  "I. I guess so," was all he could say.


  Where in the heck was that woman. She'd been here all day trying to get every detail about the date and then disappeared after Raine had pulled the "this isn't going to work" card.

  "Gran? For crap's sake. You haunted me in the shower, but when I actually need you you're gone?"

  Raine flopped onto the couch, swinging her forearm to rest over her eyes as she laid back.

  "Gran? What the heck am I supposed to do? Good Lord, he'd let her too. Her full lips He's a shifter and he's telling me that he already knows I'm the one for him?"

  A familiar laugh broke her wallowing. "Oh child. He's a shifter yes, and yes that’s a genetic thing they just know. Why is any of this a problem? Don't you find him attractive? I know if I were thirty years younger I wouldn't let a little thing like who he his stop me from taking him to bed."

  "Ew. Just ew. Go find grandpa’s ghost. I don't need to hear that."

  Gran tsked as Raine sat up.

  "Raine, so you had one bad shifter experience. Not all of them are drug addicts dear. Besides, you know that this Kian is right, just admit it. Regardless of what your head is telling you, tell me your heart doesn't know he is right for you."

  Raine's phone beeped before she could answer. Out of habit she hopped up and headed for the kitchen counter where she'd left it. Maybe it was more out of distraction and not answering Gran's question.

  Hi. Making sure you made it home okay.

  The number wasn't familiar, but she had an idea of who it was from. Not many people would check in on her. Not many had her number.

  Hi? Who is this?

  Gran floated close to her head. Raine batted at her like it would help her fly away. "Geez Gran. Give me a little privacy."

  "Sweetheart, if I give you too much you will just ruin things. You need to open up."

  Kian. The crazy shifter from the coffee shop.

  She smiled to herself, her fingers poised over the keyboard. "If you ruin this child, I promise I will be your nightmare. Be nice to that boy."

  Raine thought for a minute. She didn't need to sound desperate.

  Right. That guy.

  Because the sane shifter from the coffee shop hasn't texted me yet.

  Raine had given him her number reluctantly, or maybe she gave it thinking he wouldn't really call anyway. A part of her would much rather have been in charge. Fate played huge part thank goodness, if this were left in her hands the relationship would go down like the Titanic, only it wouldn't have even gotten out of the harbor.

  Ouch. Would you say no to a movie then?

  She chuckled to herself. He got her, even just a little.

  I can't. I have 2 classes tonight.

  Grabbing a banana, she started to peel it and smirked as she imagined Kian. His hands were huge, hard to say if that meant anything, but the way his pants bulged she was certain that he made this banana look small.

  "What are you thinking of young lady?"

  Raine jumped at her grandma’s voice.

  "I'm having a snack before classes. Can't teach kids on an empty stomach..."

  Raine glanced at the banana and Gran and quickly took a bite.

  "See?" she said around a full mouth.

  "Oh please. I was married and had a child. I think I know when you aren't looking at a banana as a snack."

  Raine almost choked as she pushed down the bite.

  "Gran. Seriously? I don't need to hear this."

  Gran's semi-transparent body rested on the couch as if she could sit and crossed her arms.

  "Good Lord aren't you repressed. Don't you let that deadbeat wolf you dated ruin things for you."

  Raine's phone chirped. Her stomach a ball of flutters.

  I'll meet you after class. What time?

  The flutters quickened at the thought of seeing him tonight. What would it be like to kiss him?

  "You are hope
less child. Don't over think. Just do."

  Raine nodded. "I don't think I can say no to him, regardless of how much I think."

  "Alright then. Just tell him okay."

  She typed exactly that, biting down on the banana absently.


  "Now what kind of underwear are you wearing? Please tell me it’s not that old crap that even I wouldn't wear. Remember, what happens if you get in an accident?"

  Rain's brow flexed. "Gran. Please stop worrying about my underwear. Besides, if I got in accident the last thing anyone will care about is it it's cute or not."

  Gran stood and mimicked walking, as if her spirit missed the human action.

  "Fine. Going. Cute underwear. Got it. I have some from the last time you freaking stalked me through the lingerie store."

  Raine shook her head and headed for her room.

  "Sweetheart, if I don't push you you'd end up alone and your vagina would shrivel up. Do you want that? Believe me. No one wants that."

  Plugging her ears Raine started humming.

  * * *

  "Alright kids. Ten more seconds. Keep up the momentum. Focus. Mental strength and physical strength are very important."

  The ding of the door distracted her for a moment as she glanced to see who was there.

  Muscles she didn’t even know existed contracted at the sight of his tall muscular frame walking through the door. How could she have ever thought he was just another all muscle and no brain kind of guy?

  The timer went off and the kids stopped. She forced herself back to her job. "All right. Great class. Thank your partners and then go thank your parents. Have a great night everyone."

  One little girl grabbed her leg from behind almost knocking her off balance. Kian reached out and grabbed her arm before she fell off the edge of the mats. "I love you Miss Raine. Did you know that my brother went poop today? Did you know he has a penis? I bet you that guy has a penis too. He probably has a big one. My dad has a -"

  "Okay Sky, that’s enough." Raine tried to stop the little girl before this went south. She was sweet, but she had no filter.


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