They told me about the boring work of picking the two smelon trees. When they were almost done a squeaking monox lead them to a small grove of fruit trees. The clump of trees was not far from the oat fields to the southeast. They got as much fruit as they could when a griffin warned them back to the village.
I then explained our fight and how we had lost Walt. That the trolls were weak fighters, easy as goblins to kill once in close. I did warn that they had deadly aim and that we were lucky they did not have orcs or ogres defending them.
The conversation lasted until we got to the massive fire that burned deep in the cavern. Large chunks of war boar were spit onto sharpened logs and dangled over the flames to roast. I was handed a large bowl of fish stew. It had carrots, onions, and potatoes in it. I was ecstatic to eat some vegetables, I had always liked them, but they were rare on Vin. These were from the crate that never got taken. The entire community was at the feast. Bella had helped prepare the stew, it was nice to see her getting to know the people. It made me happy to see her adjusting so well. She had not complained once about the condition of Fernlan in comparison to Lakeland.
The tables and chairs from the Inn, along with the benches from the town center, had found their way down here. Bella even had her mother's chair pulled up to the table we dined at. I had a light mug of ale, a hearty bowl of soup, and a wonderful dinner conversation. After dinner, the congregation of people did not disperse. Calls to hear of today's battles rang out from the crowd. Una told hers, while Nate told ours. They both were told with class, without boasting, and Walt was remembered in a drinking salute.
Bella told me how the Duke's wives used to handle sending condolence letters during the war. She had seen how it was done and informed me she would personally go to Lakeland to deliver the news. She said that she would also relay any news I had for her father when she left. I patted her hand and thanked her.
I found myself drifting into thoughts of tomorrow's project when Zack approached us at the table. He carried a torch and stood with Fae and Patti.
“My Lord, my Lady, if you would be so kind as to follow us. We have had a long day but made significant progress.” Zack said and waved us over.
I got out of my chair and held a hand to Bella to help her rise. As we stood others took notice and stood too as if to say goodnight to us.
“Let me be clear, I am no noble at heart that yearns for formality. When I do leave events it as an ordinary man. Now, the earth mages have worked tirelessly all day on the business sector of our new home Dais. So come with me and let us see what they have finished.” I said to the crowd.
We moved as a blob, a hundred plus people chatting away. The shuffle of feet echoed off the walls along with the chatter.
“Hey Zack, is there any magic that can help with the echo in here? And we killed two dozen trolls today, are they used for anything special?” I asked.
“The noise yes, well sort of, I guess it depends. As you can tell that answer is conflicting. An air mage can dampen the echoes in chambers but the spell is intensive in catalyst and requires a constant aura. My advice is to wait until the structures of this small city are built before you take such actions. You will be surprised how much of the echo is reduced when there are walls and buildings everywhere. As for the trolls, none that I know of that help earth mages. They are probably closest to an air mage since they utilize the wind so often but they are not creatures with magic abilities. Eona would know better, she is your air mage. I last saw her at the Inn today, though, she could be in this crowd. I can use goblin, ogre, and shaman hearts. The shaman heart will increase the effect of any spell. They are a buff catalyst in that way. They won’t work for physical stats, they are applied to spell power.”
I remembered meeting her with Lamont. She had been quiet and gave little input, to be honest, I am not sure what she did here at Fernlan. Then I realized that the Horde shamans used air magic to form shields and divert projectiles. I would need to dig into her contract or ask her if she was able or willing to go into combat. Speaking of combat I spotted Jak not far away talking to one of the widows with no children. Kira, if I recalled her name right. I let go of Bella's hand and got in step with Jak who was so busy chatting failed to notice my proximity. Kira did though and gave a cough and a nod at me.
“Gryff, my lord, what can I do for you?” Jak asked.
“I need two combat healers, I figured I would offer you the job of one first and see if you had anyone you would recommend for the other spot.” I watched as the young man worked it through his head how best to deny me. He had blanched at the initial offer of going back into combat.
“Master healer Drifa had many apprentices and those who recently graduated to journeymen, he almost ran a little school. It was hard to find a green teacher, let alone one that was half decent at relaying skills and information. I heard the griffins were going to pick up the Cern riders tomorrow, I could make the trip and inquire for two combat healers. I fear I am not cut out for the wild lands, I do admit I tried, and in a pinch can help. But I rather do like Fernlan, and I do good work taking care of the day to day healing that is needed. Plus with me and your excellent healer of a wife, if the combat healers use too much aura in the field we can help them once inside the safe zone. Master Drifa always said a combat unit can never have too many healers.” Jak said in explanation.
“I would have to agree with Master Drifa then and thank you for going to Cern for us. I appreciate you trying to find two combat healers. If you cannot find them, then I shall have to send a note to the capital to the mages academy.” I said.
I hooked my arm back into Bella's and listened to the conversation in progress.
“We have used seventy three goblin hearts today. The griffins kept swapping out to help us keep our aura reserves from falling too fast. It is right around this other side of the ramp, and... Here we are.” Patti said to Bella.
There was no awe inspiring sight to behold, it was far too dark for that. There was a barely illuminated wall with an entry arch but no gate. Patti stuck two fingers in her mouth to get everyone’s attention with an ear piercing whistle. When we were all focused on her she started the tour.
“A wooden gate will need to be added at some point here, built by hand of course. Zack and Fae go ahead and light up the district ahead of us so we can see, while I describe what we are passing. Quiet down everyone, the tour is about to begin.” It took a few seconds for the group to silence but it did. “Welcome to what we have termed the business district. Immediately on our left, you will see a cart and animal storage area. This is extra big because we had the space. On the right is a small guard shack followed by a general storage rental space. On the left is the start of the larger business buildings. You got a blacksmith section, a tanner section, a clothing section, and a few generic buildings for general item sales. Across from these is the large market, we expect it to take some time to become fully occupied but again we are not lacking space.
“Next on the left and right are buildings for food production and dining. Not that we are trying to get rid of the evening communal meals, but eventually these will see a lot of use. Especially in proper places to prepare food. The next area is our two schools, one for little kids to be taught letters and basic things. The other school on this site will be for older kids to learn life lessons and skills. Beside each school will be an attached library. The space is empty for now, ready to expand when we get enough books.
In the next section, we got the bathhouse going. Unfortunately, for now, it is cold. We need extra lava stones to heat it, they have been added to the bulletin board on the ‘to buy list’. Water mage Tarkon did what he could with his limited catalysts and was able to purify all the river water we were able to tunnel down here. The water goes into the baths crystal clear and clean. It also is diverted to the front of the building for people to fill water containers and to fill troughs for cart animals. The used dirty water drains down into a lower water table. On
the other side of the road from the bathhouse is a proper toilet building. The backside of this toilet house is connected to the garbage dump. All the air here is filtered into stacks with the help of our air mage Eona. The garbage and poo, yes, try to not to giggle too hard, is burnt into vapor and that air is vented into stacks. We obviously need to do some testing and get fire mage Lamont back before we allow these two buildings to go into production. We have the lava rocks to burn the waste but not the mage to ensure it is done properly and effectively.
“Then we go past a huge section of empty space. This will be utilized based on developmental needs or our Earl's wishes. We will pick up the pace. Now behold the crown jewel of this section. The Tipsy is a four story inn with a ballroom, a dining hall, and two floors of lavish large rooms. The top floor is broken into four expansive noble quarters for visiting dignitaries. The bottom floor is a single bar area so big you can get lost in it. Unfortunately, it is not furnished yet and will take considerable effort to make it habitable. Also with the limited light, we should stay out of here. That concludes our tour for now. This is what the power of the griffins can help accomplish in one day. Add in the hard work our adventurers did to get these hearts and it is only a matter of time before we can move into here. I, for one, cannot wait to move out of the town center and its cramped environment. If we could all turn around and walk back to the large fire we can resume festivities or head to bed.” Patti said completing the tour.
She was a natural public speaker and did an excellent job explaining the different areas in the business district to us.
The tour showed me more than I had ever dreamed of. It was fantastic, but the glaring issue was plainly obvious. The lack of light down here. I was in desperate need of it. It was beyond awesome for me to know the earth mages and griffins achieved so much so quickly. Yet I was starting to wish I had fixed the upper village now that I realized how dark and creepy it was down here. It did not in any way feel like a home. I had to fix that.
As we walked back there was small talk about all the new buildings. I mainly thought about my solution to the problem we faced. I knew what it was, I was hesitant to make that leap. Still, it was our home, and making it vibrant and illuminated was key to our future. We arrived at the fire and I held a hand up until I got everyone's attention.
“First I want to thank everyone for their hard work today, including those who are not here pass the word. I mean everyone, from the road cleaners, the tree choppers, and the people setting up the mill, the warriors, the mages, the field workers, and any job I missed. Everything that happens here is vital, hell even Elan is going and tallying our supplies every morning. These things matter, you knowing that I appreciate them matters.
“Now I am going on an expedition tomorrow. I will take one of the fighting companies with me. While I am gone, Bella, then Elan is in charge. We are going after the lava golems, we desperately need catalysts to light this cavern and transform it into a vibrant well illuminated home. We will not stop until we have gotten enough to heat the bathhouses, and hang a torch on every building in every room. I will also see about adding lights to the ceiling or obtaining a really bright central light.
“I need you to continue your hard work in making Fernlan and Dais our home. If you need supplies go see Elan. If Elan gets overwhelmed with people needing supplies volunteer to help him sort it all. We have the funds, every day it seems we are generating more gold. I declare here and now to spend the village's gold in any way that will help improve all of our lives. So if the request is reasonable consider it approved. You want softer bedding, or seven hells… an actual bed, submit a request. I happen to have gotten the best movers known to Vin owing me a favor. The griffins got their prized war boar they so desperately covet. So make good use of their skills and my gold, and get those things you need... I say again reasonable, as in, it must be a need and not a want. With that I bid you a good night, important things to do tonight with this lovely young wife of mine.” I said and Bella slugged my arm.
The crowd gave a small cheer in my honor and I escorted Bella up the ramp. We made it to our room and that wild young lady kept me up for a good hour. Apparently, our naughty midday sex escapade had left her wanting more. She scolded me for leaving her unable to reach climax earlier. We solved her issue over and over until I had to get her to stop so I could get some sleep.
I packed both sets of armor in one of Bella's many spare storage chests that took up a wall in our room. I was in my casual court clothes that had not been ruined and ready for the day. My sword was on my hip, and my shield on my back underneath the backpack Donnie had bought me. Inside the bag was some extra food because how could I travel without some snacks. I double checked myself and the storage chest and felt ready to go. Bella walked with me up the stairs and out of the Inn.
We had discussed in length that morning about what the village priorities were. Really with the expansion of Dais we were getting well into what qualified for a town. Bella decided to hold on visiting Walt's family and sent word to one of her other mothers to help us break the news. She said they would handle it with the sensibility it needed. They were to be paid in full and offered a free house. It was not built yet but the offer was there. For the village, it was furnishing the Dais, and keeping the building going. I told her to expect the Cern riders to immigrate today or tomorrow and that they should be welcomed. We certainly needed the help with the landing pad and roost work.
I had also sat down and talked with Nate and Una over breakfast. Nate and the Frontier Knights were coming with me, Una and the Fearless Company were staying here. They were to keep the horses fed, check the fish lines daily, finish cleaning out the smelon orchard and patrol around the village. If they found a lack of work help with the building down in Dais or check the board. I had Nate prepare his men for travel, with instructions to expect at least a few days on the mission. I told him to have his men ready in an hour at the griffin landing area.
I then went and dealt with the griffins, who were in the post feast tired mode. Lord Nova was grumpy but got up and walked me over to a portion of the western fields. He had five flat pieces of rectangular wood laid out. Four were of maps of the local area with a legend key on the left side. We went over the scouting maps and how they would be utilized. I sent Donnie to fetch Una, and within ten minutes both Nova and Una were on the same page. I sent Una away to get some men and post the new maps at all the gates. After that was settled Nova went over the roost blueprint they assembled together. Donnie went running again for Patti or Zack this time. Patti came over to us and had Donnie haul the blueprint near the Dais entrance for now. I then discussed my need to hunt large amounts of Lava golems. Nova said there was a city about five hours west of here called Malvia, which would be perfect for our goals. It was on the north side of the human safe zones so it would have Horde, probably no one farmed the golems over there anymore due to that fact. We had agreed to travel in an hour or two so the griffins were less saturated with food.
I set my chest full of armor down at the loading area, plopped a seat on it and snacked away. I was quickly surrounded by wolves and monox. Deb, with her cute little white tipped ears, was the only one who climbed on me. I grumbled at all the hungry animals around me. I went to the cook, grabbed a bunch of goblin jerky that had been made recently and slowly tossed it out. It was relaxing and a great time killer. I did not have to wait long for excitement to help pass time.
A griffin I did not recognize came flying in and landed on the pad. Two gorgeous women sat atop the lady griffin’s back. Pipi and Velia had finally made it home. The poor griffin seemed to be loaded down with chests. Then two more griffins trailed behind the first also loaded with crates, boxes, and sacks. The girls had definitely been shopping.
I rushed over to help Velia and Pipi get down.
Velia was the first to grab my hand for aid. Her shoulder length brown hair was pristine, neatly cut, and loose from the flight.
I remembered how this woman looked when we first met. Dirty, patchwork tattered clothing, and mystery clumps of gunk in her hair. Now she was gorgeous in a form fitting tight riding top and a knee length skirt. Her nails, facial makeup, and clothing all spoke of nobility in their appearance. She wore a broach of a griffin over her belt that held her skirt up. Her belly had lost its bloat, her face now had the smoothness of a woman, gone were the bone outlines. She looked marvelous to me and I was so happy to have her back.
The second our hands touched I pulled her into my embrace. I kissed her long and tenderly. Things got heated quickly until I heard a cough.
Pipi had her hand out. Her short brown hair was in a neat ponytail. Her hazel eyes beamed at me with excitement. She wore a single long yellow dress that had a pretty embroidery. Her bust was pushed up and showed all the cleavage. My mind went right to wanting to see her naked. When I looked at her, I desired her. Velia too, but Velia was my partner in a way a Pipi was not. I got lost in thoughts of them both undressed.
“Dear husband grab my hand, please,” Pipi said while rolling her eyes at seeing me focus on her bursting chest.
I did as told and gave her a nice welcome home kiss. I then grabbed both the women in each arm and pulled them in close. We hugged for a moment until I rapidly gave quick cheek kisses to each woman.
“Alright you made your point, you missed us and wanted to show us that you like how we look,” Velia said.
“You both look stunning, a marvel of what some pampering can produce. I must say the trip was well worth every copper spent. Now let us retire to our chambers, I bet we have much to discuss... and do!” I said.
Gryff Boxset Page 29