Gryff Boxset

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Gryff Boxset Page 53

by Sloss, Marcus

  “A disaster, blood everywhere. Well, the estate is, our people made it out fine. I haven’t had a chance to check with the girls but my guess is they hid in a secret room or passageway. The first two goons I killed were hunting for a trigger to get in.” I said and waved my wives, as well as Amber over. “Why don’t you girls fill us in on what happened?”

  Princess Amber spoke first. “I used to come here with dad in the summers. We loved the cool water and fishing. We would take a stick with a line and… and… it was simpler times. Anyway, it was my mom who showed me. Not my birth mother but the one who connected to me the closest. She always was nervous about us girls. She had been kidnapped once herself. So we were always instructed on the secret ins and outs of our estates. The paranoid woman was smart… When we heard the commotion downstairs I raced two rooms over and inside what used to be a kids' playroom. I was able to trigger the floor releases and get us hidden in time. When we exited we saw the dead bodies. I was so scared. I never want to be a prisoner again.” Amber said and Addilyn balled her into a hug.

  “They were desperate and unorganized. Still a threat, there is only one option, we need to remove Emperor Salvoni.” I mentioned. The sack of yesterdays and this morning’s fighting was laid at my feet by Markus. Victor dumped my chain pants while Lazra deposited my chest armor with shield. This reminded me I was dead on my feet. “Anyone know where a private bathhouse and inn is? We are staying elsewhere tonight. Let Duke Jarv get the place cleaned up while we rest. If we hurry we can beat all the ships coming in and unloading sweaty soot covered sailors.”

  This got laughter from the group as Tammy led us to a private bathing establishment. It was not cheap to rent the whole place at five silver but I gladly did. The entire team scrubbed, rinsed, and cleaned themselves as well as our gear. My wives, including Amber, helped with the group’s gear. Velia had the foresight to race back for a clean change of clothes for me. Most of the troops went back into wet armor. I would rather haul wet armor than walk in it. The last thing cleaned were the sacks themselves that carried all the bloody parts. The parts were placed back into the bags and then Janice chanted a spell freezing them. We would have to do a full tally later. For now, we were clean and fresh. Our loot of body parts and a few coin purses with gems, were cleaned and frozen.

  The twenty of us trudged tiredly to the nearest inn, that for ten silver included the full day today since it was early morning still and tomorrow night. Three meals, water, and a token to the bathhouse were included. I sighed at this but realized we paid the five because the bathwater would have to be drained from our gore covered mess.

  I tipped the old lady working the counter as she handed out keys. A few people had to double up since there were only six to go around. Addilyn snatched our golden key to the nobles' suite and raced up the stairs. The dire mood gone. Her sister was okay and hauled over Fwar’s shoulder. The bad guys had been dealt with, and her husband had come home safely. The woman was very happy and we hardly kept up. Her spirit did rub off on us as we entered the penthouse.

  The balcony included a view of the bay. Right as the morning sun was cresting the horizon I was able to make out the Penelope rowing into port. I was sure those men and women were just as tired as we were. I for one was exhausted. Velia went over and closed the balcony doors and pulled the blinds closed. I set my armor by an empty fire pit, wishing I had some lava balls with me to warm up the room. I stripped naked and remember I did have some sexy wives to warm my bed. Amber sat on the bed gazing awkwardly at my exposed body. Addilyn stripped naked and dragged me to the single bed.

  “Amber, my husband lusts after battle. For some men, they retreat and hide to avoid sex. He thrives on it. I would like for you to see how we love and cherish him. If it is too much, you can leave.” Addilyn said to Amber.

  “I can see he is very excited. May I touch it?” Her green eyes focused intently on my hardening cock.

  Velia stripped naked behind me revealing her firm breasts and curving hips. Addilyn was next and shifted from dressed to nude. Her tight breasts and toned ass on perfect display. I was offered up to the mighty Princess Amber by my wives. It was a tad awkward, but my little soldier had a mind of his own.

  I swayed my hips and pumped some pressure to lift my penis. She giggled in delight and then reached for it. Her hand grasped my cock firmly and she pulled tenderly.

  “Amber, we are going down a path that shifts from desire… to lust and love. Is this what you want?” I said to her. She looked up at me with her green eyes and nodded. “I need more than a nod my lovely Amber.”

  She left the edge of the bed to remove her clothes. Her one piece dress revealed a tight strap bra and long boy shorts. Amber reached down to yank her shorts off to reveal a fire red bush. When she studied the area around and above Velia and Addilyn’s vulvas, she grew confused. They had recently shaved their vaginas clean.

  “Am I supposed to shave this?” Amber said timidly.

  Velia never the shy one rotated behind Amber and kissed her neck. The soft lush lips traced down to her shoulder. Velia undid the knot in the back that tightly held her bust in. When it fell down her large round tits bounced with freedom. All three of us were impressed, and Amber blushed. That is until Addilyn licked, then sucked on a nipple, while Velia resumed her tease. I felt Amber reach back for my cock and that was the last we spoke. I never expected us to entwine the way we did, but it was natural. The focus was on Amber. She was being spoiled and she loudly let us know how much she loved it. When I mentioned I was close to finishing she said not inside until we were married. Both Addilyn and Velia shifted to place a pillow under their asses and spread wide. Velia pouted when I chose Addilyn. I plunged myself in shuddered on top of her. When I finished a second pillow was placed under Addilyn. Velia mentioned it was to help the seed reach the eggs. I was then sucked clean by Velia who had her ass rubbed by Amber as she performed her task. This was one heck of a morning. I never expected both Addilyn and Amber to be into the females' touch, but it was clear they enjoyed it. With the sex over. I handed out waters to the ladies from the end table and greedily gulped mine down.

  When Addilyn returned the pillows to the head of the bed I jumped into the middle with a flop. Amber nested in my right crook and Velia spooned Addilyn on my left. A soft humming escaped Amber and I drifted off to sleep.


  I slept until midday feeling refreshed. I opted to not oversleep, knowing I wanted to stay on a day awake, night asleep cycle. The ladies were already gone when I shifted out of the bed. My armor, weapons, and bag were gone too. I dressed in my casual clothes and walked down the creaky wooden stairs. The barroom was mostly empty with a few guests dining an early meal. Nate and Fwar sat over mugs of ale.

  A stool was open beside Fwar so I climbed into the seat.

  “Greetings Gryff,” Fwar said tilting his ale in a salute. “The wives are very thankful for the rescue. My poor Petal woke a few hours later, tearing at her skin. I healed her back to sleep. That griffin magic leaves a nasty sting. Never imagined it would be so… intense.”

  “You have no idea…” I said as I shook my head in remembrance of my torment. “Any update Nate?”

  “Actually yes, the ships returned with minor damage. A warped cannon exploded, killing three. Besides that, it was a resounding victory. I got a tour of the battlefield only thirty minutes ago myself. King Horus never slept. He said when you joined the living, to get a view of the damage yourself, then go see him at Duke Jarv’s estate. Here take this, I will get another.”

  Nate handed me the drought he was sipping and I gladly accepted. I gulped a decent swig and walked out of the inn. Now, this was a quality brew. I savored the flavor as I walked my way to Igrad’s estate. I got lost and asked for a griffin escort. That was the neatest trick ever.

  “Afternoon. Soon to be evening Gryff, I will land here. I have your wives already on my back.” Dina said and dispersed the crowd in front of me. The ground gav
e a slight shake as her weight settled. I one handed climbed up the saddle until Addilyn grabbed my mug and offered a hand while she kneeled over the side.

  “That position suits you, my love.” I teased as I twisted sideways to inch past her kneeling. My crouched neared her face and when I passed to take my seat, she swatted my ass. A loud smack echoed.

  “I think I get it now. Ladies rule!” Addilyn said as Velia giggled and Amber raised a questioning eyebrow. “The women of Fernlan welcomed Gryff into the fold when he suddenly arrived on Vin. He was a lost soul, determined to right some wrongs in the tiny village. Through persistence and luck, the people went from starvation to prosperous. Gryff is a hero Amber, many don’t know it or admit it. The women of Fernlan do. They play a smack ass game with him. It is a slap the butt and shout ladies rule. Let’s be honest of course women rule. We outnumber men five to one. Oh speaking of Fernlan… Velia hand him the note.”

  “Wait, no loose items in my saddle. You know better Gryff. Toss the mug to the ground.” I grabbed my mug from Addilyn, gulped down most of what was left and dropped it to hit the street.

  I settled into the last open seat. There were two up front and two in the back. I was on Dina’s top right slot. Velia handed me a few sheets of paper. The first was a list of finances handled by Elan. I read over the report and handed it to Addilyn.

  “Thoughts on this,” I asked her as I read over the next letter. I paused realizing both the note from Bella, and Addilyn’s thoughts would need undivided attention.

  “Basic and on point. You grossed a lot of revenue recently. Did you read the notes? Elan dug into the silver tipped spears. They are a bane of ice cats. They can be killed without silver, it helps though. Enough for the Horde to waste so much of it on the weapons. He melted ten down and is having them smelted into pure coins. A pike is making around fifty and there were roughly two thousand pikes in that wagon if not more. Not on this list is the frozen sack from this morning and yesterday. My father will want to discuss that later among other things. All in all, it is a fantastic report. It is a good time to be Gryff or one of his wives. We are flush with coin, development is progressing, and the food stores are raising.” Addilyn said and lovingly ran a hand through my hair.

  “Okay let me focus on the note from Bella and Pipi,” I said opening the letter.

  Dear Husband,

  We expanded! I do not know what you did or what deal you made, but Fernlan is now vastly bigger than it once was. My morning sickness still hits but Jak assures me everything is fine and Pipi has been at my side. I would be lost without her at this point. Next time you travel leave me Mina, at least. I know you want fewer expenditures, but I hired a few helpers for the future and now. Addilyn approved of them before we left, saying if you could not cover it, she would. She loves you almost as much as I do. It was sweet of her to ensure I had the help I needed. The trio of baby griffins have started to listen to me since Velia left. I do find feeding them enjoyable. They can sense our baby I think and do not rough house with me the same way they do with others. Oh, the wall around Fernlan, too funny. I have had endless griffins approaching me digging hearts in the dirt. At first, I thought they were showing their lady their love. Nope, they want goblin hearts now that the barrier has expanded. I chuckle at them and they don’t get the joke. Oh well. This letter is rambling. Let me return to important things. I love you and miss you. Streb is growing by the day and you will have to view it yourself to see the progress. Zack told me the mushrooms are growing and your rat farm… Shudders, and yes I am writing that. It is doing great. Your animal handler, Phen. I had to ask his name again. He sent a few runtlets up to Xiq after a few dead rats from shipping were gobbled up. King Omarr who rules southwest Vin sent a twelve year old son and an eight year old daughter to help learn all things griffin. I think he heard you were averse to adding to your wife list. Which leads to my final declaration. The sheet behind this one is for Princess Amber Heir to the Empirical Throne of Vin. May Emperor Igrad rule forever and until then in his stead her Empress Amber. Attached is your certificate of marriage. Just for you, I folded it and stuffed it in my bust before sending it south. Kiss it before you hand it to her. I know you will. You miss me.

  Your loving dutiful pregnant wife Bella.

  I miss you, Vern has been asking about you and watches training every day before school. He misses going to see Dennis work the smithy. Which lately has been pouring smoke nonstop. Things are a bustle here and my feet need a massage. Hurry home soon, tell those beautiful wives of mine I miss them also. Love you, my hunky man.

  Your loving wife Pipi.

  I sighed and almost got teary eyed. I got emotional over my wives, it wasn’t the manliest thing, but I loved them. It was an integral part of who I was. I leafed to the next page and sure enough, there was a marriage certificate. I handed both pages to Amber. She read over the first page and handed me back the second. I looked at it confused and Addilyn rolled her eyes.

  “Told you, foot massage for me,” Velia stuck out her tongue and I didn’t catch on. Something was… wait for it… afoot.

  I laughed out loud at my own pun as I reviewed the document Bella had stuck in her round bouncy bags of deliciousness. It was signed.

  “Dina land us please.”

  “I turn to ash, so I would rather not. We are almost over the battle remnants. If you need time I will climb. That way I can dart for safety if dragons appear.”

  “Yes climb and wait a moment please and thank you,” I told Dina and then undid my seat strap. The girls grew wide eyed but I knew if I fell Dina was a rocket. She would talon me and return us to safety. I rotated to face Amber. “Amber you signed this… I guess… I am in shock.”

  Both Velia and Addilyn went to speak and for the first time, I saw Amber assert some dominance. She waved them down.

  “I like her,” Dina said knowing no one but me heard.

  “I did sign it and you would be a fool not to. I met with King Horus this morning.” Her nose turned up and her face soured. “It did not go well for him. With me or his daughter… Wait let me finish Addilyn. I knew since I was a little girl I would be married off. Since I was six. It has always been a sore point, for years I dreaded being married off. Four years ago, during the great battle of Zhipiter, my father parleyed. I was only fourteen at the time. When my father dragged me to the meeting he said a final message to his other daughters, wives, sons, and brothers. He said to flee to Westarly Bay. There awaited a fleet of ten thousand ships. The war for the northwest continent was lost. Take as many on the boats as possible and flee. Sail west until you reached the fabled Nagolands.

  “You would think I held his hand or cowered in his shadow… Instead, I stood tall beside him. I was my family's bartering chip. His eldest child who walked with pride with her father into the enemies’ den. We were portaled to the same lounge room I met you in. The events that followed haunt me to this day. My father made a bargain. My protection… no rape, no blood spilled without a return blood reprisal, no injury without healing, and to be well fed and employed. All this and he would surrender himself and his forces would retreat. I saw him a few times in the years since that fated day. We talked, laughed, and reminisced. I remember giggling endlessly about how I was slated to marry some wealthy nobleman named Devon. Who is now a king. Those sad expectations became sadder moments when we discussed my lack of a future. My father said in my contract I could be bartered for.

  “I met Emperor Salvoni, while he met with the cyclops. The man is a career politician, and he cared nothing for his people. Yet he managed them well.

  “You or I may view him as evil, and to some degree he is. But King Horus is the same. No offense Addilyn, your father is a politician first, healer second, caretaker for his people third, and warrior a distant tenth. When I came home, I did not come home. I returned to a broken and shattered people. A Vin I did not recognize.

  “My last conversation with my father spoke of a god. This god whispered
in his ear. A god called Unforina who controlled contract magic. I know what deal you struck with the cyclops, I know their gods. Unfornia is a crafty bitch. She corrupted my father. He was set with a wild madness. My handlers never expected anything but love between us. He spoke of how Vin was gone. The Nagolands were only a myth and that he must kill me. You see, my contract allowed him to harm me while the Horde had to care for me. It was a scenario deemed unnecessary and the evil Horde is that… Evil. My father wrapped his hands around my neck, until I gouged his eyes out. I found his food tray, I beat him until he stilled and left him for dead. I lacked the strength to ensure his death but I sent Unfornia a clear message. Do not challenge me.

  “So this morning after our wonderful time in bed I was dragged to a meeting with King Horus. His eyes not on me. Not for me. Only for politics. He gave passionate reasoning on why I should marry him. When I mentioned our coupling that very morning, he scoffed in not caring. I was to be his stabilizing factor in uniting Vin. When Addilyn told him he would have to challenge you by combat, he turned a ghostly white. Men fear you Gryff, the Horde trembles before you, and as I witnessed last night your women kneel for you. You will be my Emperor, and the gods will rue the day they messed with my family. You will sign that paper and I will be your Emperess. Together we will raise humanity back to its glory with the blood of the Horde. Nothing else will satisfy me.” The long winded speech came to a conclusion with a pen dripping ink extended to me.

  I knew the perfect thing to say. “May we warm our souls with the blood of our enemies! I swear myself to you, Empress Amber, to your heart, to your protection, and to our family.” I signed the paper and shoved it into her bust that was very exposed in her dress. I then crawled thousands of feet above the ground on a griffin’s back to kiss her roughly.

  “Get back in your seat my Emperor. We have a battlefield to survey and you need to plan a trip north before going south… those tree worms are a priority. Get that done before all else. Promise me?” Empress Amber asked. Her face was rosy from me and the wind. Her eyes determined.


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