The noise of the girls combined with the loss of my body heat awoke my wives. I saw them stirring. “Why are there a dozen plus young women getting ready in our estate?” I asked in confusion.
“They are healers. Your mother said to hire a lot of healers. We figure it would be most appropriate to hire some ladies. Is there a problem?” Amber asked being assertive. “No… Good then come to bed. You leave soon and we want to send you off properly.”
I was about to run and jump into bed when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Roz being escorted by Donnie.
“Seven hells Gryff, where are your pants?” Donnie said averting his gaze. I saw him look down the hallway full of young women with bouncy bits running around. Donnie’s eyes glazed as he smiled. Right! I didn’t want to leave either. “The team is waiting for you. This… shaman was asking for you. She was all lost by the landing pads. I am going to head back there.”
“I will be there shortly,” I said as I ushered in Roz and closed the door on Donnie. “Why are you here early?”
“Good morning master, may I seat myself at that table?” She asked and I nodded. “My harem was very fulfilling. I have never actually used my succubus powers so fully before. I have far more energy than I thought possible. The most I had heard of was a female shaman being allowed two. I have thirteen left. I killed the first one this morning when we climaxed. The griffin stationed there ate the dead body.”
I shuddered with the mental image. I lost all appeal of sheet wrestling with my wives. Secretly I think Bella was relieved.
“That is great, we can always get you more. We still have more bibles. I need to move a lot of pieces today on my chessboard. Before that escapes you it is an analogy. I will introduce you all to chess when I have time. How did the bidding go?” I asked and started searching for clothes in drawers.
I found all the lady underwear a man could want to see but nothing of mine. Velia giggled at my failure to find my own clothes. I was lost without here so it was fair. She found a set of noble clothes and handed them to me. I got dressed as Roz continued. My wives were slithering out of bed to dress for the day too.
“You won all the bids except one for the farming dwarves. The big deal is Urshoe. She has been pinging your contract all morning. Your elvath she purchased are causing issues for her. It is best we go there first.” Roz said while tapping impatiently on the table.
“I am going to send the elvath to Livina. Who do you want to liaison with them?” I asked Amber.
She tapped her chin and then wiggled into a set of boy shorts. Her red hair danced with her large tits at the jiggling motion. Amber was so damn fine. A marvel of a woman's body. I heard her talking but was not listening. My eyes focused on her tits. Velia snapped her fingers beside my head.
“She said for me to go Gryff, I will attend to you today,” Velia said fully dressed. My brown eyed brown haired vixen was smirking. “Those tits are fantastic. I wonder what childbirth will do to them. Eek!”
Amber chased around Velia smacking her ass and they were both loving it. Ambers tits were bouncing perfectly as she ran. This was going to leave me with some swollen balls eager for release.
“Enough… Please.” I said meekly. “Time to go Velia… Kisses girls so I can get to adventuring. Good luck running our Empire.”
Addilyn kissed me deeply. She then said she would smooth things over with her father. Maybe offer him a retirement place in Livina while one of her brothers stepped up. I like that idea. Pipi kissed me and said she was going to setup Vern to stay with Dennis. She wanted to travel south with me to the Tundra but needed more time to prepare. Bella kissed me deeply then cried in my chest. She was getting more emotional now that she was past the morning sickness stage. I was told how she should start to show soon. Then Amber walked up to me with no top on still. Placed my hands on her tits and when I zoned out gazing at them she kissed me blocking the view. My hands were grasped before our lips unlocked and my plain pants provided no protection. The ass smacking stung by the end.
“Ladies rule!” was followed by the girls high fiving each other.
“You humans are odd. Your leader is much too kind,” Roz said.
Velia was ready. “Yeah, he definitely doesn’t fuck us to death. Cock blocker.”
Roz stared blankly. She missed the quotes meaning completely.
“Alright, fun is over. Help get in my armor real quick. Never know what trouble I will get into.” The ladies helped me switch from decent clothes to combat gear. I checked myself to ensure I was ready. I had my sword with shield, two crossbows, and a dagger. My javelins were on my back as was my bag. The thin leather glove had two patches on it from where that snake bit me. Stupid snake. I was ready to go.
The ladies joyfully laughed as we left the room. I was glad everyone was in a good mood. We passed by the young healers getting ready for their day at work or the academy and even though I had watched my five hot wives go from naked to dressed – I couldn’t help but gaze. I saw Velia watching too. We both sighed at the lack of release this morning. I led us out of the Tipsy and up the ramp from Dais to Fernlan.
The landing pad was right around the corner and I looked over the team. I ordered combat checks when I realized Nate was missing and there was a new mercenary in the formation. At least I thought he was a mercenary.
“Where is Nate?” I asked.
“He is your Captain of the Guard now. He needs a day to recover, his wife laid into him about relaxing at home. No one has been properly vetting immigrants. Nate said his near death experience was enough. You need proper guards and he only trusts himself to get the job done right. He will be recruiting while we are in the south. This is Travis, war buddy of Nates. Good with a sword and shield. Was highly recommended. I am your second now.” Lazra informed me. Made sense, he was Una’s second and a skilled fighter.
“Kneel… Travis, Ovas, and Poe. Congratulations and welcome to the team.” I said as I tipped my sword over both shoulders of my three kneeling team members. “Arise Sir Travis Knight of Fernlan. Arise Sir Ovas of Fernlan. Arise Sir Poe of Fernlan. Sorry, no pompous here.”
“Thank you, my Emperor,” They said as one with a proud smiles.
“In a casual setting like this, Gryff is fine. If someone not on our team is around or sworn to me then sure use titles. Everyone this is Roz. You are going to love Roz. The griffins certainly will. Lord Nova go ahead and stand down. I got transportation covered today. Maybe make some baby griffins. I hear Sly is looking for a mate. Hurry Roz portal us to Kikra.” I said and Roz did not hesitate.
The portal spun up behind her and I leapt through before I had to listen to either stubborn griffin complain about matchmaking.
The portal was crisp with a smooth transition. I was under the massive circle of the Kikra slave market. Urshoe rushed over to me.
“Hide your face, now!” Urshoe hissed with an urgency.
I clasped my face shield closed. Only my eyes were exposed now. There were hundreds of thousands of slaves in pens ready to be moved. A small group of three cyclops were making their way over to us, behind them a few dozen more guards followed. My troops finished entering the portal and I had them clasp their facial protections also.
“Urshoe are these the minions for my elvath buyer?” A fat cyclops demanded. The kind of fat only a robe could contain, and even then the middle seam struggled. The scowl on his face made it apparent he was angry. The tone also a dead giveaway.
“Yes mighty Barunth, they have come to collect that which they fairly paid for,” Urshoe said.
“Nonsense we are prepared to rebuy our stock at double the price,” Barunth said.
I had no idea what was going on. I did see a pen filled with thousands of gorgeous female elvath. I ignored the minor quibbling and approached the females. Roz squeaked with surprise. A meaty hand grabbed my arm. I broke the wrist of a cyclops that gripped me. I then kicked him dozens of feet to
send him soaring into a wall.
This set off some sort of ritual clearing space for a fight. My team had hands on their weapon hilts. We all were uncertain about what came next.
“I am the mighty Barunth, representative to a slave lord of a hundred planets. How dare you strike my servant? Wait… that outfit and that power. You are the Elvath Champion himself. No wonder you bought all my stock for sale.” Barunth spun and screamed in rage. He stomped his feet like a child. There had to be some sort of rules against fighting here. Or else his guards would have drawn weapons. “I will offer this only one more time scum. Sell me my slaves back, or I will declare right of combat against your master.”
The elvath were at the side of the pen now waiting for me with eagerness. I turned my back on the cyclops. The Barunth could go screw himself for all I cared. Well, he did lose his temper then. The dozens of guards that waited further back drew weapons as one. Now I had never seen cyclops fight but this did give me pause.
“I declare you a cheat!” Barunth said. A yellow contract flew not from Barunth but from some planetary mediatory. I studied it and I found the loophole I needed. He had the chance to declare a champion to fight me but must do it instantly. If I killed him before the words came out I won.
“I accept your challenge to combat!” I said as fast as I could.
With aura enhanced precision and speed I raised my crossbow and zinged a bolt into his forehead. It would have made a gunslinger from a western proud. He never got a chance to declare a champion. He was dead before his body hit the ground. Roz, then Urshoe, stared at me in shock. Velia and my team laughed.
“I declare no more challenges shall be accepted by me or those who represent me for twenty hours.” The yellow magic spooled from me to the mediatory.
A young cyclops seethed with rage and tried to establish a challenge to me. I stepped forward as he charged. The yellow magic caught him before his weapon damaged me. He disintegrated.
“You fools, my master knows the laws of the contract. Unforina is precise in her rules. It is best you learn when you have crossed lines and are defeated.” I said in arrogance and scooped up the loot from the two bodies. I handed them off to Roz. “Hey, did he have anything worthy I can claim?”
“No, he was an important representative. An errand master of great renown. You will have struck anger in many hearts. So delightful working with you. His son too. This will be worthy of much laughter to many souls. Your elvath and dvaren were separated into different pens. Where would you like to send them to?” Roz asked as we left the dead bodies and moved to the first pen full of maidens.
“Umm… Boss… Those elf ladies are mighty nice to look at. Where are the men?” Markus asked.
“Dead or coveted inside breeding environments. Elvath or elves as they go by in stories are ancient. Billions of years old and they only birth once per million years. You are certainly right, I think Velia agrees. They sure are sexy. I am excited to have our women get clothing tailored by them. Now pick up your jaws and show respect.” I commanded.
Urshoe stepped forward. “My lord there are more than the fifteen hundred, I traded in some favors. When Barunth found out, he promised I was to be tortured and killed. I was fired from my job and shunned by my family. There is an open contract on me if I ever leave Kikra. I need employment with safety. I figured we could help each other. I am an excellent goblin manager and am learning portal magic. I have been talking through contract magic with Roz. She tells me you are a good employer that spoils those he works with. Your contracts contain no loopholes or exploits that we cyclops are used to eventually learning about. She even said you gave her… a harem. I am not a strong mage like her but I think we can help each other. For a few years at least until this ordeal blows over. You have caused quite a stir.” Urshoe said and sent me a contract for employment that built on our contract for secrecy. I pulled it apart and studied it. She saw this. I confirmed it with my aura. “Thank you, sir.”
“You will get your protection but I will have you working hard. You will study from Roz whenever she has free time. Which will be minimal,” I told her.
When we approached the gate to the pen with the elvath we were stopped to verify we had proper authorization. We passed our checks and our team went in. A single proud elvath stood straight.
“Please, take us from here. We will talk more later. I have barely controlled their appetite for knowledge. Hurry shaman.” The elvath was pleading.
That was enough for me. She would be upset when I didn’t travel with them. “Livina,” I said to Roz and the portal opened. There was no formation, it was a mad dash to freedom. “Umm… good luck Velia. They cannot harm you while they have collars. I will be there when I can.”
I constantly was rejecting that blank colorless aura being sent my way. I was not a succubus. Even though I could, I did not need it. Something that would need to be addressed later. To be honest we all leered at the beauties as they ran into the portal. When it was Velia’s turn – she kissed me, winked, and then went to Livina with a huge grin on her face.
I shivered trying to shake all those yummy bouncing tits and asses from my mind. Urshoe led the way out of the pen and toward our dvaren holdings. Roz handed me a sheet containing our balances.
“Wait, we still have four hundred thousand souls left. What can we get with this?” I asked Roz.
“Correct. You lost your bids on the desert dwarves. They went full price, must be a rebellion on a sand world somewhere. We won one farmer section of dvaren and one combat legion. So another thousand male warriors that cost a million souls. Then a thousand females for farming, you got them for only a hundred thousand. You have more than enough to buy more dvaren during next month's sales. Or I can go to the next lower slave world. It is roughly the same. The top three are. There are also more markets on Kikra this is just the primary. There are so many slaves to free, I feel your endeavor may take millions of years to complete.
“Human prices are coming back down. After it was discovered none could fight like you they figured you were an elvath in your armor disguised as a human.” Urshoe said. I was surprised she knew so much. If she and Roz had been talking it did make sense. “I recommend you send Roz back here when she picks up this order of dvaren smithies and buy me some goblins.”
“Can you manage them in a desert environment?” I asked.
“Goblins are great like that, you simply give them shovels, food, and water. As long as you train them, in the beginning, they will do fine and prosper. You could buy three million for three hundred thousand souls. They literally are only valued at their conversion rate, they breed so prolifically if properly fed.” Roz said.
I stopped my group before we meet with dvaren. “Do you have any qualms with harvesting them Urshoe?” I waved my hand for her not to answer. “Nevermind I don’t care. Get me those goblins, Roz. The sooner the better. Actually, hold off. I need to set up a slaughterhouse and all sorts of things first – freezers, salters, jerky stations.”
I stopped my internal glee of obtaining three million goblin hearts. It was nice they were such fodder. Unless our portals got blocked, our food and earth catalysts had achieved a never ending supply. I think this is what Lily meant by using the system to my advantage.
Once again before we entered the slave outflow pen our identity was verified by a gate guard. We passed him by where I saw an old warrior dvaren arguing with an old lady dvaren.
“I don’t care if your troops have not seen a woman in three years. Hands off unless we allow it. Wherever we are going it’s a one to one ration so your troops…” I was noticed and the old lady paused.
“Roz, portal to Uhara please,” I said as I waded into the debate. “Your rank dvaren.”
“Major Itsa, I will send the legion through first in case it is hostile,” Itsa said. He then bellowed to his troops in a language I did not know. They struck the ground in unison. Locked in synchronized step. A chant erupted that I wish I coul
d understand. They all knew English now but they stuck to their old habits. In they marched by rows of four.
“Dvarette, may I know your name?” I asked and the grey haired busty short dwarf blushed.
“See, manner can go far, flattery further. I am Ponisa. May you remove your facial cover it is quite rude to hide your identity.” Ponisa said and when I did she smiled politely. “A human… Don’t look so shocked you humans are known for cheap farm labor. I hope you are a kind master. The troops are almost through. I will send my ladies with wagons in now.”
With that, she left to organize her dozen waiting helpers. Those helpers spread out to administer orders. A few minutes later the female dvaren were stepping into the portal.
“Not as fun to watch as the elves,” Brad muttered which was met with agreement. The song went from brutal war song to lovely singing.
When the last dvaren left Kikra we followed them to Uhara.
Major Ista looked confused and Ponisa was patiently silent while she dug into the farm dirt. “We will return in a moment. Keep your weapons down, nothing can harm you here. Have your subordinates tour the area. If you feel a tingle that means you left the barrier. Your orders are to stay inside the barrier for now.” I said and then indicated to Roz. “Portal to Lakeland. Lazra hold the troops here I will return shortly. Urshoe stays here as well. This will probably be the least hostile place for you right now.”
The portal spun up behind us and I was learning its intricacies. My mind was trying to figure out if I could manage the spell myself. I decided to study more of them as I went into the portal first.
I walked into Captain Snomer upon arrival into Lakeland. We actually bumped and bounced off each other. We both apologized while I made room for Roz. The sun was still bright in the early morning sky. Some light clouds dotted the horizon as I noticed it was slightly cooler this far south. I wondered what Bavie would be like.
Gryff Boxset Page 73