“I am so confused,” Barry said while watching me carry Nicole over my shoulder. “Why would you be his wife? You never met him and there is no reason for it.”
“Actually Barry has a point here. I have plenty of wives. Queen Yvette is a handful,” I said and since Nicole was halfway down my back she swatted my ass. I poured core magic to my physical superiority orb and when my power flowed spanked her ass so hard she would not walk right for a week. I then remembered I could not heal her.
She squirmed and I set Nicole down. The one-legged hop was adorable and I scooped her up to give her time to recover.
“Not that hard Master. At least you confirmed you are indeed the man Lily foretold of. And I don’t care what you think, or what this little worm thinks, I am your wife. Lily promised our joining to you as a precursor to this adventure.”
“Wait, my mother said if you went on this suicide mission you would be my wives?”
“Yup. Am I too much hot lady for you my Emperor?”
“You are an Emperor?” Barry said with a head tilt.
“What did Sara even tell you, Barry? Look Nicole, right? I need a shit ton of help. The god of near-infinite power that runs this master universe is not the creator. He is the next best thing though and he has given me a mission. One that seems impossible and one that is probably a mountain of work. I wish Nate were here…” I said with a huff. Nicole snuggled into my metal chest piece and rubbed her stinging booty. I felt a bit bad. There was going to be a massive bruise. “I find myself distracted. I need to level up. How does that work?”
“No idea, we kill things and do not become more powerful. I did not know if we could even advance. If killing creatures and dwarves do not, as you call it, level us up. Then maybe using orbs to do it will,” Nicole said while tapping her chin in thought.
“Is that how we got this axe and that nice hammer at the Chatty Box?” Barry asked Nicole.
Nicole shrugged in my arms unwilling to answer the elv.
“Down you go. My power is drastically reduced here. Already drained that orb again. Okay, I am the boss now. Run back and have the other seven pick out the five most useful orbs they can and put them in their core. The process is fairly simple. Look for the core inside your body…” I was interrupted when she hopped down and tried to jog. Her leg was numb and she fell. I scooped the dainty woman up and she muttered an apology for being weak. “Nicole this one is on me. You learned my lesson. Sorry. I was trapped for two years just as you were here. Patience, I need patience.”
“Being provided for and given a proper bed and a nice room is hardly trapped,” Barry retorted and I slugged his arm just the right amount for him to rub it.
“Barry this is your paradise. Elvath are mate less and childless for millions of years. How old are you Nicole?”
“Ancient, as in from before the elvath home world fell to the Horde, but I don’t look a day over twenty three!”
“You see Barry, I have a soft spot at times and at others I am a brutal savage. Elvath misery from previous gods’ misdeeds lands right into the soft category. Nicole and her friends were forced to wait here, away from everything they knew in the hopes that one day I would arrive. For once, I do not think Bella will be happy I added more wives.”
“There is going to be lots of time to integrate and establish a plan Gryff. I am sorry you are not at home,” Nicole said as she locked her blue eyes to mine before she kissed my cheek. A quick study revealed thin eyebrows, pointed ears but not as long as Yvette’s, and an hourglass figure with a thin waist. Her bust was wrapped tightly and her booty had some bounce when I rubbed it for her. She bit her lip in lust and I forced some control into my erotic thoughts. “What are your missions? You sure do get distracted.”
“Lady, you have no idea how true that statement is. My missions? Oh nothing major, just reach level one hundred. As to how, I was provided zero details. The impossible mission that will send me home is to establish a third warring faction and get it to equal or greater power than the current two factions.”
Nicole giggled at this while I held her. “Oh, is that all. And how does the demigod intend to pull off such an extraordinary feat?”
“Well, Nicole, if I kill both factions and I am the last one standing then I think that counts as mission success. Though I doubt I will be allowed to achieve victory my way. Gods and ultra-powerful beings tend to stomp their feet like petulant children when things don’t go their way.”
“Hey Emperor Gryff, I am not so sure you should stay at the Chatty Box for long,” Barry said meekly fearing repercussion.
“Eat a dick little man, the Emperor will do what he likes when he likes. I swear Barry I have heard you sniveling for two years. Your lease on life is over and…” I stopped Nicole’s tirade by jostling her in my arms.
“Barry is a friend. He merely wants to ensure his little corner of heaven stays that way. An inn in the middle of a forest on a single road is hardly the place to set up a base of operations. How about we discuss some options later once I meet all the ladies and then we can form a plan? Sorry, Barry. But Barry…” I said and he looked up with a mix of emotions. “Don’t ever presume to tell me what I can do. Even passive-aggressively. Be a good host and I promise to leave your place in one piece.”
The man mumbled under his breath and I ignored him. I kept thinking of him as a slouchy couch potato human even though I saw this well-built elv in front of me. He never should have told me Sara exploited him.
Nicole’s foot on her bad leg started to wiggle and I gingerly set her down. “Again sorry about that, to be fair you did ask for a harder slap.” I teased.
“Gryff you gave me a double-sized booty. There is a healer up the road, Mysti twisted her ankle during a deer hunt a few months back. The cost was hefty at three silvers and certainly worth it. The healer applied a green slime coating and then wrapped the ankle up,” Nicole said. She was able to walk but still limped horribly. I picked her up with a slight use of my physical superiority orb. I sensed a tiny shift in my power. “Half a day later and she was good as new. Nothing fancy like the healing robots on the ship Sara had. That is one thing I can say I miss: modern medicine, flushing toilets, and vid screens. So that is actually three, but the point remains. Actually, I sure hope your ticket home is not alone. Lily warned us though, our cause was not guaranteed and Sara had zero way to predict what would happen. Do you sense danger?”
I searched for the noise and I saw a rabbit hopping in the thicket. Nicole tried to get a throwing knife out in time but failed because of how I was carrying her.
“Damn how did you hear that over me yapping?” She asked and I pinched her good ass cheek. “Easy tiger, we have like a mile before you can bed me.”
“You sure you are a huntress?” I opined with a raised eyebrow. “I feel like something is different.”
“Did you use an orb power?” Barry asked. “I have felt mine tingle a few times over the attempts to find you.”
“Wait…” I sighed and rested my head against Nicole in a defeated gesture. I looked inside my core and my physical superiority orb was slightly bigger than the others. I felt the orb and studied it to find there was a new wrap covering the image of me hurling rocks. The circle rotation around my core made inspecting the orb challenging but I found the imprinted two with a sliver of progress to three stamped on the side. “Well, skills can level up. That means your skill to cast portals has leveled. Was your spell easier to cast after you felt the shift in power?”
“Yeah, I mean minimal but the difference was speed and I went from three plus months of feeling drained and unable to cast another to only three. I know because we practiced during down times. Sorry Gryff. I was more into digi porn and reading than gaming. My brother though, he would have figured out this stuff easily. Were you a gamer?”
Had I tried video games?
I could sense the magical rules here was a kid version in their simplicity. Kill
big bad guys unlock rare skills. Kill normal bad guys maybe get something worth your while. Kill a deer ultra-rare chance of something worthwhile dropping. Then use those skills to power them up but your core magic was restricted to a small mana or aura pool. I bet that one was the hardest to level. The grind had started.
“Yes and no. I was an olympian. That does not mean I was without the ability to comprehend what is happening. There are certainly lots of work ahead of us, Nicole. Hey Barry, you have a wagon? And did the merchants ever try to sell you skills?”
“Yes to both. A six legged rhino thing and the wagon is for fetching ale. Actually due to make a trip north up the road. That is where the healer is. The merchants always would ask if I wanted to see their skills for sale. I thought they were talking about other stuff. Like juggling, or serving special drinks or doing ten pull-ups. Not magical skills to absorb and improve from. How come you ladies never offered me some of the stuff you stashed?”
Nicole chuckled and I felt her tense to swat at Barry. I gave us space and she frowned at me.
“You were unworthy Barry,” I said softly and he gave a sad look with puffy lips. “I will go over them and then give you pick of the leftovers. Stop your pouting. Can we take your wagon in the morning? How far is the healer?”
“Did you hit her that hard?” Barry asked and then muttered. “If I only knew that was how I could set her straight.”
“Ha! Never would have worked with you Barry, even if Gryff never showed up. I would have kicked your ass after you swatted me. Now I promise to be nice for a full week from this moment forward if you let us take the wagon when we get back. My leg is numb again and I am getting dizzy from the swelling.”
Barry gulped in dismay. “You would be nice… Yes, of course, and the healer is half a day’s ride. If you travel all night you will make it in the morning. Also there is a market vendor there. I will give you gold to pick up some honeyed ale.”
“You have a deal Barry, sorry I am such a jerk to you,” Nicole said and Barry raised his eyebrows.
Nicole muttered something incoherent and then passed out. I laid her down and tried to pull her pants down. Her ass cheek had swollen to the point I could not yank her waist band down. I was not an actual doctor. I had no idea what to do besides ice.
“Tell me you have ice…” I said as I scooped her up in my arm and started jogging. “Ice?”
“Yes we keep some in the cellar with the food and hard liquor. We can chip some off. I can outpace you. Another fifteen minutes of hard running. I will have the other seven ready the wagon. She is going to live right?”
“Elvath take more than a swollen ass to kill. She will survive but the healer is needed.” I managed to get out between panting breaths.
Twenty minutes later I arrived to a large wagon with a canvas top and long bed. The vehicle was already on the road with seven stern looking beauties surrounding it. A quick inspection revealed a mix of swords, daggers, and bows for weapons. I added some physical superiority magic and jumped into the bed of the wagon with a mighty leap. A few of the elvath gasped. Two climbed up behind me with ice wrapped in cloth. I set the sleeping Nicole down gingerly and went for the driver's seat.
“Three barrels of honey ale Gryff. Thanks and I know… Not a normal occurrence an emperor fetches a bar keeper ale. Thanks for saving me the trip. I hope she gets the healing she needs and there is extra coin in this pouch.”
The moment the coin purse was in my hands I snapped the rhino creature with the reins and we rolled forward as the six legged beast started off at a brisk pace. The wiggle of the animal as it walked was unique and I zoned out on the motion. Thankfully someone poked me gently.
“What did she do to displease you Master?” An elvath with black hair and ruby red eyes asked.
“Are you Mysti?”
“I am Zoey,” the red eyed elf replied.
“That would be me Master,” the tallest of the bunch replied. She had blonde hair with streaks of white. Her eyes sparkled like a diamond and it was hard not to notice her pupils. I twisted my head in confusion at the sight. “A dazzle skill. Sorry Master I was testing the orbs when we heard you arrived. I figured…”
A hand halted her from continuing. “Run, get the orbs of skills and return. Go now!” I said sternly.
She squeaked in fright and hopped down from the moving wagon to run back to the Chatty Box. I saw an elvath holding Nicole’s head in their lap. The woman was grunting in her sleep. Two iced bags were on her butt trying to slow the swelling. Her thigh was now affected by all the pooled blood and had doubled in size.
“Can I kill this rhino thing if I run it the whole trip?” I asked and there was a lot of shrugs. “I am disappointed ladies. Nicole had minimal answers and you now have no knowledge on something that is vital. At least we get to learn and grow together. I have to stay positive. Hold on ladies I am going to push this beast of burden as hard as he can go and I will run her if he dies.”
“You think she is that dire?”
“Something else is wrong, and I do not know what it is?”
I snapped the reins into the rhino creature’s back and the wagon raced forward. The animal snorted in determination as it picked up speed. I focused on our surroundings and observed the same thing I had noticed all day, chirping birds, squeaking squirrels, and peaceful woods. The sun settled into a twilight and a fourth moon entered the darkening sky. One thing was certain as we bounced rapidly down the dirt road, I was in for a lot more surprises.
The cool chill of the night assaulted my face as we hurried forward down the dirt road. I found the path easy to follow as the four moons allowed a lot of reflected light to reach the ground. Zoey exited from the wagon bed to sit beside me. Her red eyes gave me pause as they glowed in the night. The way her body shifted and flowed reminded me of an assassin. A wide smile of clean teeth greeted my staring at her from the moonlight’s shine.
“We found the reason she’s swelling so much, had to destroy her pants to figure it out. There was some creature in her butt cheek that had been hosting inside her. Nicole is a cock only kind of girl so we never noticed that the mole on her bottom was a parasite,” Zoey said while audaciously tucking a hand under my kilt and sliding fingertips over my soft penis. She snuggled into me longingly. “You smashed the creature and it released some nasty toxins. I would be more worried if she had labored breathing but we need to watch if it spread upwards. When we replace her pants in Bonwe we can pick up supplies and new gear in the town. Mysti should bring the rest of our gold and silver we have accumulated over the years.”
“We can’t go much faster. What did Lily tell you girls?” I asked as her finger continued to trace my growing bulge. “Hold off for now, Zoey. There will be an inn later, and I will fill you so full you will leak for days.”
“Yes Master,” she puckered her lips and frowned. “She said you were her champion, we would be your wives, and you could give us the most amazing babies. Babies so gorgeous and strong we would never even consider anyone else as a father. Six of us instantly volunteered but not for the babies. We volunteered for getting vengeance on those who caused so much suffering to our universe. Being attached to a strong, handsome, and caring half god was a bonus. You must be seven feet tall with the darkest brown eyes and wild short brown hair. Exactly as I pictured you.”
I did the math as I looked around and saw seven with Mysti missing. One of the elvath from the back of the wagon spoke up, “I am Carolina master. Two of us were supposed to go to Barry and changed our minds upon arrival.”
“Look, ladies, I am flattered. And yes I have free reign to add to my harem. If you want babies we can work on it. The master thing has got to go except during sex. Gryff works. Call me Gryff unless we are making babies.”
“You sure you want to wait? I can straddle you…”
Zoey was trying to convince me when a tree made a loud echoing snap in front of us to the right. A few elvath
screamed as the tree careened with a thud to the ground blocking our path. She halted her words and yanked two long daggers out of their sheaths. Shit, this was an ambush.
The stupid rhino never slowed; he jumped over the tree as he smashed through branches. The wagon jostled and bounced violently. The rhino pulled hard as he yanked the wagon through the tangled limbs. Two elvath in the bed of the wagon and one on the top frame fell to the ground. The second we were clear I jerked on the reins to halt the beast.
I was too late. A fifteen foot werewolf pounced on a stunned elvath with claws splayed wide. She tried to dodge but her guts hit the ground as did her knees moments later. A second massive werewolf leaped onto a retreating elvath and the sight was gruesome as she was ripped in half. I maneuvered a quick turn to align my throw from the driver’s bench as I snatched a javelin free of its container. I sighted the first werewolf and injected magic into my physical superiority orb. My muscles flowed with magic and I hurled the mini spear with a force that caused it to whistle.
The projectile went in the rib cage and blasted out the back of the werewolf’s spine in a spray of gore. I leaped onto the support beams atop the wagon and pulled my next javelin free. The second werewolf had caught the third fleeing elvath. She was not going down without a fight and slashed with her two handed sword that wounded the massive beast on the thigh. The limp it created was not enough as she was murdered ruthlessly. Her body was flayed by claws and was a dissected mess by the time I howled in anger.
I had been holding back trying not to hit my ally. I should have thrown anyway. The elvath with me hurled daggers and arrows at the beast. The werewolf spun to charge us and that was my perfect moment. I used the last of my energy and let my javelin soar with all my power. A boom erupted in the night air as the small spear darted across the distance. I never saw that javelin hit. I planted face first into the canvas top and rolled off the side with a painful thud. My first lesson in using too much magic in the master verse was you seized up.
Gryff Boxset Page 122