Earth Shattering

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Earth Shattering Page 6

by L. P. Maxa

  At this her pretty blue eyes narrowed into a glare. “Submit? Is Jasper about to pull a rope out of his ass and tie me up? Do I need a safe word?”

  “Why is it that all girls go there? Has every one of you read that Fifty Shades book?” Jasper snorted as he unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her toned legs. “Submitting doesn’t always look like that, doll. There are no whips and chains here.”

  It annoyed Jasper every time a girl misunderstood their instruction. Submitting to them was simply letting go, letting them take control. It had nothing to do with a kink and everything to do with their wolves. They couldn’t ever fully explain that to anyone they’d been with, but once they took over, there were never any more questions, any more conversation at all. “The only safe word you need is no. You want this to end, say the word, doll face.”

  Blake closed her eyes, leaning her head to the side and farther into his palm before nodding. “I trust you.”

  Jasper grabbed her hips, pulling her back against him and whispering against the column of her throat. “Both of us. You have to trust us both or this will never work.” He ripped her panties down the sides, letting them flutter to the floor.

  Her eyes opened, her head turning to look over her shoulder. “I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t.” Riley knew that Blake’s trust in Jasper was built on the fact that he was family, that Riley loved him. “I trust you both.”

  Jasper’s smile turned wicked as he moved in to kiss Blake. Riley couldn’t let him have it, he couldn’t let Jasper kiss her when he never had. He grabbed her by the throat, spinning her back around to face him as he fused his lips to hers. She moaned, opening for him instantly. Tingles spread up his spine, his wolf finally waking up.

  He’d had Blake in his arms, while they’d lain in his bed. She’d been wrapped in his clothes, his scent. Tonight was different. He could no longer see her as his friend, as the happy girl who pulled him out of his shell. Now he wanted her in a way he never saw coming. He swallowed the whimper on her lips, kissing her deeply, his hand applying pressure to the column of her slender throat. She was at his mercy, their mercy, and the anticipation was starting to kill him.

  Riley dropped to his knees while Jasper starting raining kisses across her shoulders and up to her lips. He watched for a moment as his packmate devoured his new best friend. He waited for irritation to rise, for his wolf and human brain to demand he put a stop to this.

  It never came so he put his hands on her thighs, helping her spread her legs and make room for him. He licked her clit, smiling against her smooth flesh when she fisted her fingers into his hair, spurring him on. He sucked her into his mouth, dipping his fingers inside her and spreading her wetness around. They didn’t have lube, and if this was what she really wanted, he refused to let her feel one ounce of pain.

  Jasper trailed his fingertips down her spine before his touch mingled with Riley’s. “It’s not enough, bro. Make our girl scream, then she’ll be ready.”

  Riley picked up Blake, his palms on her bare ass, spinning around to lay her out on the couch. He threw one of her legs over the back, then dove back in, using his mouth, his fingers, and his tongue. He worked her pussy over while Jasper continued to kiss and suck her throat, her chest, her lips.

  It didn’t take long for her to shatter around him, his name whispered like a prayer. He raised his head, sat up, and then pulled her into his lap, positioning her above his dick. Jasper tossed him a condom and he pushed down his jeans before sheathing himself. His attention was focused on the gorgeous girl on top of him, her pulse thrumming rapidly in her slender neck. “You still want this? Want us both?”

  She bit her bottom lip, glancing over her shoulder, watching Jasper get ready. When her gaze met Riley’s again, she nodded. “Yes. I want you both.”

  Part of him hoped she’d change her mind, save them from crossing the next line. He reached up, grabbing her throat and pulled her to him.

  He kissed her, pouring his affection for her into every stroke of his tongue. She mattered in a big way. She’d saved him when he didn’t even realize he was drowning in his own misery.

  He moved one hand to her hip, guiding her down onto his rock-hard cock. He used his hold on her neck to pull her forward until she was resting her forehead on his shoulder.

  Riley’s gaze moved to Jasper as he stepped up to them, his dick in his hand and an eager glint in his eyes. This was Jasper’s favorite part, the moment they were both fully inside whoever they were with. He watched as his packmate place his palm on Blake’s back, made her lie fully against Riley’s body. He helped her move her hips, making sure she was feeling good before Jasper invaded her. The second a low moan left her lips, Jasper placed the head of his cock against her ass. Blake stiffened slightly in Riley’s arms.

  “You can stop this, baby.”

  She shook her head. “No. I want it. Don’t stop.” She spoke between panting, breathy whimpers.

  “Come here, doll.” He moved her lips to his, kissing her, thrusting up into her in small shallow movements. “Take a deep breath for me.” She complied and he nipped at her bottom lip. “Focus on me inside you. It’s so fucking good, doll face. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” She winced against his mouth while Jasper pushed in farther. “Jasper,” Riley growled.

  “I got it, man.” Jasper licked his fingers, dragging them between her and Riley, playing with her clit. Riley could feel him inch in the rest of the way. “I’m in. We’re good.”

  “Be careful with her,” Riley warned. Jasper never wanted to hurt anyone, but if one of them were going to get carried away too quick, it was him. His wolf was always hungry, always wanting more.

  “I’m okay, it’s okay. Just please, don’t fucking stop.” Blake swirled her hips, her fingers digging into Riley’s shoulders as they both started to move inside her. “Oh my god.”

  Riley and Jasper took over, working in sync to drag as much pleasure out of her body as they could.

  Jasper leaned forward, his mouth on her spine while Riley kissed her senseless. He’d shared plenty of girls with his packmate, but nothing had ever felt as fucking perfect as Blake’s pussy. The way she smelled, the way she tasted. She was candy, every damn inch of her.

  She was moaning between them, the words falling from her lips no longer making any sense. Her body was shaking, her nails drawing blood. “That’s it, doll. Just like that.” Jasper wrapped her hair in his fist, pulling her up while he dropped down lower.

  Her breasts were now where Riley could reach them. He sucked her nipples into his mouth, biting down, knowing how to bring her closer to coming apart.

  “Fuck, I’m close, bro.”

  “Good.” Riley wanted Jasper to come and get the fuck out of her body. He didn’t know where that thought came from, his desire for Jasper to no longer be part of this. He’d never thought that way before. They always finished at the same time, they’d trained their bodies well over the years.

  “You ready?” Jasper pushed Blake back down flat. She was screaming at this point, vibrating between them.

  Riley fused his mouth to hers, swallowing the sound of her orgasm, loving the way she came apart. Jasper thrusted inside her all the way, stilling as he spilled inside her perfect body. Riley stilled, waiting for Jasper to pull out, a question in his eyes. Riley took Blake’s hips in his hands, flipping her over and laying her out on the couch. He pounded into her, taking complete control. He’d never felt the driving need to possess someone so fully as he did the beautiful blonde staring up at him.

  He buried himself to the hilt, coming on a growl.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Riley opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the dim light coming in through the few windows the cabin had. He was on the couch, his spine against the back, and Blake was plastered to his front. He lifted his head slightly to make sure that Jasper was still on the floor in front of the fire. There hadn’t been room for three on the old sofa, and he’d had no problem kicking Jasper to
the ground. After last night, he’d happily have made his packmate sleep outside in the truck.

  Last night.

  Riley closed his eyes, breathing in Blake’s sweet bubblegum scent as flashes of images assaulted his brain. Blake on his lap, her back arched, her small hand wrapped around his packmate. Her breaths in his ear, her body tensing at the foreign intrusion. She’d come, over and over, until she’d fallen asleep in his arms. He’d held her tight, all night. Fuck. He’d had sex with his best friend. More than that, he’d shared her with his packmate. Two things that he had never wanted to happen.

  “Stop freaking out, sourpuss.” He glanced down to find Blake smiling up at him. “We’re all okay.”

  “I’m not freaking out,” he lied. Completely.

  Blake laughed lightly, pushing on his chest to sit up. “I know you better than that.” She placed a palm on his still-bare chest, her hair a wild, sexy mess of blonde curls.

  “So do I.” Jasper groaned as he turned over onto all fours and slowly got to his feet. “That floor killed my back.” He glanced at the two of them on the couch. “You guys suck.” He pulled his extra sweatshirt over his head, like he was cold now that the fire was dying.

  Riley rubbed his hand up and down Blake’s back, loving that she was wearing his clothes, loving she was always wearing his clothes. His eyes met Jasper’s, communicating without words. “How do you feel, doll face?” His stomach was in knots, waiting for her reaction. “You, uh, need anything?”

  He and Jasper didn’t do sleepovers for a reason. The first few times they’d allowed it, the girls had woken up basically begging to have them all over again. They’d learned that repeating things the next morning only dragged out their connection, only made things harder on their partners. That was never their game. They never set out to hurt anyone. Fuckboys or not.

  “I need…” Blake leaned forward, her nails creeping down his bare chest. “Sssssss…” She dragged out the letter out, moving to straddle his lap. “Sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle.”

  Jasper snorted out a laugh. “If there was a magic genie in this room and you had one wish, what would it be?”

  Riley swallowed past the lump in his throat. The feel of her core against his dick was making it difficult to think about anything else. It was taking all his willpower not to get hard as fucking stone.

  Blake tapped her chin like she was contemplating Jasper’s question. “Still the McGriddle.” She sighed. “It’s sad, right? One wish, it should be world peace.” She held her hands up, surrender style. “But I’m starving, so I stick with my first answer.” She hopped up and smacked a kiss on his cheek, then Jasper’s on her way to the small bathroom.

  Riley sat up and Jasper collapsed into the sofa beside him. “She doesn’t want our dicks. She wants greasy fast food. You were worried for nothing.”

  “Was I?” Riley pursed his lips, perplexed at Blake’s casual attitude this morning. “No other girl has ever reacted like that. They all want more. They’re all a little crazed the next day.”

  Jasper had stopped giving out his phone number to their hookups, unwilling to deal with the bombardment of texts the next day. Which was why he called Riley good cop, because he continued to let them down easy.

  “Yeah, but Blake isn’t like any other chick I’ve met.” He shrugged, buttoning his jeans and turning the ashes over to put the fire out. “Blake is cool. She reminds me of Axie.” He picked up Riley’s sweater from the arm of the couch and tossed it at him. “If we would’ve kept going and shared Axie that first night we met her, I’m convinced she would’ve kicked us out of her bed afterward.”

  Riley nodded, agreeing with Jasper’s assessment. “Well then, let’s go get her that damn McGriddle, huh?”

  “Fuck yeah.” Jasper put his hands on Riley’s shoulders after he stood, shaking him playfully. “She earned it.”

  “I earned two.” Blake came out of the bathroom, piling her hair on top of her head, a smirk on her pretty face. “One for each of you.”

  Riley sighed, relaxing into her arms when she wrapped them around his waist. “And you’re sure you’re okay? You don’t hate me? You can hate Jasper all you want, but you can’t hate me, okay?” He was feeling panicked all over again. She had become one of his best friends. She’d saved him back in Greenly. Riley knew he’d feel her absence like a hole in his heart if last night ruined things between them.

  “I’m okay.” She leaned her head back, staring up at him. “We’re okay. Everyone is okay.” She smacked his ass as she made her way to the door, pausing with her hand on the knob. “This all stays here, in this tiny little cabin, right?” She looked over her shoulder, eyes on Jasper.

  He used his finger to mime an “X” over his heart. “It all stays here.” His gaze moved to Riley’s. “The second we walk out that door, this never happened.” He waited until Blake opened the door and then chuckled. “Until I need spank bank material of course.”


  Blake + Riley

  Blake: You okay, sourpuss?

  Riley: Just got back home. I kicked Jasper out of my truck while it was still running.

  Blake: I know you’re worried about me, but I promise, nothing changes. Stop punishing him for something we all wanted.

  Riley: He started it.

  Blake: Yeah, but you finished it. Quite well, I might add.

  Riley: I’ve seen you naked.

  Blake: Ditto.

  Riley: I know what you sound like when you come. What you feel like.

  Blake: I thought we were supposed to leave all those memories back at the cabin?

  Riley: You’re right. I’m sorry. I guess right now I’m the only one making it weird, huh?

  Blake: I’m memorable. You’ll move on though.

  Riley: Tell me again that you’re okay.

  Blake: I’m okay. We’re still besties, and Jasper is as much of a jackass as you made him out to be.

  Riley: You don’t want him?

  Blake: I don’t want him. I don’t want you. The cabin never happened.

  Riley: Thank you.

  Blake: Thank YOU. Two dicks? Better than I thought it would be.

  Riley: Blake.

  Blake: I’m kidding, geez. See? One day without me and you’re already losing your sense of humor.

  Riley: How is it being home?

  Blake: Nice. Cozy. I missed my parents. I’m meeting up with some friends from high school tonight. What about you? What have you been up to?

  Riley: Playing with my little sister, drinking beers with the guys. Home stuff.

  Blake: Talk later?

  Riley: Always.


  Blake + Riley

  Blake: You want to FaceTime later? I’m starting to forget what your freckled face looks like.

  Blake: Geez. Leaving me on read? You’re really sensitive about those cute freckles, huh?

  Riley: Went on a run with Jasper. You still wanna see my cute freckles?

  Blake: Hells yes. But I’m watching a movie with my parents. Rain check?

  Riley: Sure.

  Blake: Jasper looks like Wade Poezyn.

  Riley: Who?

  Blake: Cute model.

  Riley: I just rolled my eyes really fucking hard.

  Blake: Aww. Don’t be jealous. I think you look like a young Michael Fassbender, before he started dyeing his hair.

  Riley: I thought you were watching a movie?

  Blake: I am. I’m watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and I’ve seen this movie so many damn times I could quote the whole thing for you. So. Text away, bestie.

  Riley: I’m still mad at Jasper.

  Blake: He didn’t do anything wrong.

  Riley: He knew what he was doing, dropping those hints in the truck. He’s done it before, he knows where curiosity like that leads.

  Blake: When he brought it up, he thought you two would be dropping me at home in an hour. Plus, it takes three, sourpuss. We all chose.

  Riley: I’ll get over
it. As soon as we’re back in Greenly and I can know that we’re all okay. It’s hard doing something like that and then being away from you.

  Blake: It’s hard being away from me?

  Riley: It’s hard not knowing how things will be the next time I see you.

  Blake: Things will be like they were before I saw your dick.

  Riley: Nice.

  Blake: You were the one who said it stayed at the cabin, but you’re also the one who keeps bringing it up.

  Riley: I guess I didn’t know how bad it would affect me.

  Blake: I know my pussy is magic, but in time, you’ll move on. Find new pussy.

  Riley: Stop saying pussy.

  Blake: Hahahahhahaha


  Blake + Riley

  Blake: Merry Christmas, sourpuss.

  Riley: Merry Christmas, Barbie, doll face.

  Blake: Miss me yet?

  Riley: Immensely. What did Santa bring you?

  Blake: Another dildo, thank goodness because now I need two.

  Riley: Blake.

  Blake: Calm down, I’m joking. You’re so easy to mess with. What are you doing?

  Riley: Packing, I’m going to stay at Jace’s tomorrow.

  Blake: Good. You and Jasper can kiss and make up.

  Riley: I’m not mad anymore, we went on another few runs, it’s helped.

  Blake: Running solves your problems? Man, I wish running solved all mine. My ass would be a size two.

  Riley: I like your ass the way it is.

  Blake: Ooooooo is that allowed? Are you allowed to talk about my ass, or is that bringing up the cabin?

  Riley: I didn’t have your ass in the cabin, remember?

  Blake: You got jokes now? You really must be feeling less stabby.

  Riley: It comes and goes.


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