A Not So Perfect Ending: Story of the Lost Girl

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A Not So Perfect Ending: Story of the Lost Girl Page 1

by Sav C.


  By Sav C.

  Copyright 2016 Sav C.

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  Chapter 1

  Bewildered, she sits on the windowsill staring at the unending darkness of the night. Not one star glittered in the sky tonight, even they, are lost too she thought to herself and tears came streaming down her face. She wept for a little while and crawled back to bed, pulled the cover over her body and forced herself to sleep.


  Nicolette, 21 years old, who stands at 5 foot 9 has pale skin, icy blue eyes that reflects your soul when you look at them for long, a shoulder length brunette hair, and a perfectly fit body—medium-sized round breasts and perfect curve—and who lives alone in a cabin along the woods that is half an hour away from the town was awoken by the sound of trees swaying to the blow of the wind and the chirping of birds outside her window. She was about to go back to sleep when her phone rang.

  “Hello?” she said in a grumpy voice

  “Well hello there sleepy head…it’s time for you to get up and prepare for it is our parents’ anniversary today and you’ve got to be there or they will forget they even had you as their daughter” said the person who’s on the other line

  “And what made you so sure that I’m still on bed?” she asked as she quickly got up and jumped out of bed

  “Because I’m outside and I can see your curtain is still drawn”

  Nicolette doesn’t leave her curtains drawn, the first thing she’ll do every morning she gets up is to open them. She walked to her window, opened up the curtain, waved to the guy who’s leaning on his silver Volvo car and signaled him to come in.

  Thirty minutes later, Nicolette went downstairs all dressed up for her parents’ anniversary. She’s wearing a fitted long-sleeved red dress that hangs to an inch above her knees and a black Chanel sling bag that matches her black leather jacket resting upon her shoulders—because her parents are conservative and she doesn’t want drawing attention from the people. Nicolas, her twin brother, was standing right in front of the door waiting for her. He smiled and motioned for her to come follow him as he walked out holding the door for Nicolette until she’s completely out of the house and locked the door.

  Nicolas or Nick as how Nicolette calls him, stand at 6 foot 3, he has pale skin, ginger red hair and greenish blue eyes. Nick got his ginger red hair from their mother, who is an Irish and Nicolette got her brunette hair from their father who is English.

  “Why don’t you just stay in your place in town instead of here? This place is too far” said Nick as they walk to his car

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?” replied Nicolette

  “Uh because I’m your brother and whether you like it or not I will always bug and nag you about getting settled to your place in town, why? Because I’m the one who gets punished by driving all this way just to get you” said Nick as he opened the door for his sister

  “Well then accept my apologies for I will never settle in town, it’s lovelier and more peaceful in here. Besides, you didn’t really have to drive all this way to get me because I can drive myself to where ever I want and need to get to” said Nicolette as she positioned herself in the passenger seat

  “Alright if that’s what you want but I really suggest you to be in town and live your life the way others do” said the twin brother as he buckled up for a long drive

  “Oh you mean like bury myself in drugs and drown myself in alcohol and dance like a blood mad genius at a nightclub every night?” said Nicolette raising an eyebrow to her brother and continued “No thanks I’m better off the way I am now”

  Her brother only looked at her and shrugged as he started the engine and drove away.

  Chapter 2

  The two arrived at their parents’ place two hours later. Nicolas went straight to get a drink as Nicolette went to greet their parents.

  “Happy 23rd anniversary” she said as she hugged her mother tight and kissed her on both cheeks

  “Aww darling I am glad you are here” said her mother who hugged her back

  “Of course mother why will I not be?” said Nicolette breaking the hug

  “Because you have missed 3 years and this is the first time we ever saw you in those years” replied her mother

  “I know. I’m sorry I’ve just been busy” is all Nicolette can say to her mother

  “Busy with what if I may ask?” asked her mother raising eyebrow to Nicolette

  “Where’s father?” replied Nicolette trying to change the subject

  She’s never really been that busy to not attend her parents’ anniversary parties. It’s just that she really doesn’t want to go because she hates the attention people are giving her every time she comes to each party. She’s quite an anti-social.

  “He’s in the kitchen stealing cupcakes I suppose” replied her mother as she took a sip of wine

  “I will go see him yeah?” said Nicolette as she turns to walk to the direction of the kitchen

  “Alright dear” said her mother taking her arm “You’re forgetting something don’t you?” she continued as she pulled her daughter closer

  “Oh right mother” said Nicolette as she hugged her mother one more time and kissed both her cheeks

  “Now, I’ll go see father and make sure he leave one cupcake for me” she said smiling at her mother

  “Alright darling, go ahead” is all her mother could say


  Nicolette arrived at the kitchen but there was no sign of her father there. She was about to go back outside when a girl in a black fitted dress roaming around the living room caught her attention. The girl was about 20 years old, stood at 5 foot 7—two inches shorter than her—has a pale skin but not as pale as hers, a metallic gray eyes and a really nice curve which is being revealed by the fitted dress. She has never seen that girl before so she went to approach her and as she makes her way to the girl; she turned around, saw her and smiled.

  “Hello” said Nicolette as she steps a little closer to the girl handing her a glass of wine

  The girl smiled greeted her back as she took the glass, “Thank you”

  “I don’t believe we have met before?” asked Nicolette holding her hand out for the girl to shake as she continued “I am Nicolette Findley, daughter of Sascha and Richard Findley. And you are?”

  The girl smiled and shook Nicolette’s hand as she said “It’s a pleasure to meet you Nicolette, my name’s Savannah Henson but you can call me Sav”

  “Pleasure’s mine Savannah or Sav if that’s what you prefer to be called and also, you can call me Nikki” said Nicolette grinning at the girl

  It was the first time Nicolette has ever spoken to anyone at her parents’ party. This girl has some kind of effect on her that she couldn’t explain. Something is up to this gal she thought to herself.

  “So are you a friend of my parents or perhaps your parents are?” she asked Sav and Sav replied to her as polite as she could “Oh no, I’m not a friend of your parents neither my parents are” she said smiling at Nicolette and taking her gaze back to the family portrait of the Findley’s.

  “This is such a beautiful portrait” she said as she sip on her wine “You looked stunning h
ere and your brother who I suppose is your twin looked so gentle”

  “Thank you and yes your right he’s my twin and gentle? I don’t think so” replied Nicolette raising an eyebrow to the portrait of her brother and they both laugh

  “So…” she continued “…you’re not a friend, how come you are in this lame party?”

  “I was asked to drive for some retard bibulous fellow…I’m talking about my aunty” she said pointing at a lady across the room to the counter who already looked wasted and whom Nicolette recognized as the lady who used to babysit her when she was a child

  “Oh I see…so you are Ms. Ellie’s niece” she said nodding her head

  “Yes ma’am I am” replied the girl with a wink

  “Oh please don’t call me that, I believe we are the same age” said Nikki

  “I’m 20 turning 21 four months from now how about you?” said Sav turning her gaze to Nikki

  “I just turned 21 last month” replied Nikki

  “Oh well belated happy birthday then” said Sav as she hugged Nikki tight and gave her a kiss on her right cheek

  Nicolette was taken aback when the girl hugged her and gave her a soft and somewhat passionate kiss on the cheeks. She broke the hug and took a step back, confused as to what she felt—like electricity flowed along her veins sending chills to her whole system and butterflies to her stomach—when the girl kissed her; she made a valid excuse and escaped the moment.

  “Uhm e-excuse me…I almost forgot a-ah I was looking for my father. I haven’t talked to him for a while now and I I need to go and greet him at least”

  “Oh okay. Sure you go ahead Nikki” said the girl smiling at her

  The girl’s smile once again sent chills to Nicolette’s body. She has never felt that way before, not for guys who she thought were attractive and especially not for a girl. She took a step back, turned to the door and exited.

  Chapter 3

  The party ended an hour later, most of the guests have gone home but Nicolette stayed there getting comfy on the couch as she waited for her brother to end the flirting with some girl he barely knew. As she lay down and closed her eyes, the image of the girl in black dress appeared before her and she opened her eyes and blinked for about ten times trying to chase the image and the weird feelings away. This cannot be good. I cannot be attracted to another girl well I can but not in a sexual way and this feeling of wanting to be with her romantically needs to go away she thought to herself.

  “What needs to go away?” said Nicolas as he walked to his sister

  Nicolette was taken aback and quickly sat up the couch…she looked at her brother and said “Nothing. What did you hear?”

  Her brother leaned close to her and whispered to her ear as if teasing her “Nothing”

  Nicolette blushed in embarrassment and stood up saying “Well then shall we go? I had too much of this party, I’m all beat up I would love some hot bath and good rest tonight”

  Nicolas stood up and fixed his tux “Alright. After you m’lady” he said as he grinned and motioned for his sister to go first. Nicolette just smiled and walked to the door.

  As the two walked to the car, their parents called out to them and waved goodbye with smiles on their faces. The twin then waved back to them and blew kisses to them as they both stepped into the car.

  “So….” said Nicolas as he glanced to his sister who’s at the back seat of the car

  “So what?” replied Nicolette as she gazed at the nature’s beauty

  “About what I heard earlier…the thing that needed to go away? What was that about?” he said not taking his eyes off the road this time

  “That’s nothing brother…just keep driving ‘til you get me home” said Nicolette who is now getting sleepy

  “Alright alright… I give up asking, now, go ahead and sleep you seem really tired. I will just wake you up when we get you back home” he said as he smiled on the mirror to her sister

  “Alrighty wake me up later then” said Nikki as she lay down the seat and sleep


  A moment later, Nikki was awoken by a sound of siren. She opened her eyes to see her brother on the driver seat but he wasn’t there, she quickly got up and looked outside the window. There, she saw her brother talking to some policemen. Confused as she was, she went out of the car to ask them what’s wrong but as she stepped out of the car, she trembled and fell down on her knees. Nicolas quickly ran to his sister as he saw her fell down.

  “Nikki! Are you alright?” he asked

  Nicolette wanted to talk but she can’t seem to draw the word from her mouth. Savannah, the girl she met at the party, the girl she has fantasies about was laying there on the cold ground, blood all over her body.

  “S-s-sav?” Nicolette finally said “What happened? Is she? Is she dead?” she asked

  Her brother held her hand and helped her get up her feet before he answer, he sat her down on the passenger seat and kneeled before her.

  “She’s still breathing the ambulance will be here any minute” said Nicolas as he holds his sister’s hand and squeezes them

  “Did you hit her?” Nicolette said as she trembles on the thought

  “No I did not. We were just passing when I saw the car there” said Nicolas pointing to the wrecked car not so far away from where their car was parked

  Nicolette looked at the direction and saw the car then she looked back at the body lain on the ground. Tears came streaming down her face, she couldn’t handle it and she didn’t want to admit but she cared about this girl even though they just met hours ago.

  “What happened? Where’s Ms. Ellie?” she asked

  “Well according to the police, the car went out of control and they were about to hit the kid who recklessly crossed the way in front of them but the driver, who turns to be that girl from the party earlier, tried to drift the car away from the child so they wouldn’t hit him and they ended up here” replied Nicolas

  Chapter 4

  Savannah and her aunt Ellie were rushed to the hospital in town. Savannah was lucky to survive such crash; her aunt on the other hand, was unfortunate for she was long dead before they arrived at the hospital. Sav has yet again lost a family. Her aunt Ellie was all she had since her parents legally disowned her for being ‘not normal’ or gay. Now that aunt Ellie’s gone, she has no one left to lean on to when she’s down.

  Nicolette made sure that she visits Sav every day. She drives half an hour from her place to the hospital to see how Sav has been doing. Although the doctors and nurses in the hospital are always making sure that Sav is stable and is eating, Nicolette still feels unease, she feels like something is wrong and she wanted to know what.

  Sav had slept for 3 days before she opened her eyes again. Nicolette was happy to see her wake up from her long sleep; she ran out and called the doctors and nurses.

  “Savannah Henson do you hear me?” said the doctor checking her eyes with that tiny flashlight they always use

  “W-who are you and where am I?” said the confused girl

  “It’s alright we’re not going to hurt you” the doctor said “Open your mouth”

  Confused as she was, Savannah obeyed the order of the doctor and opened her mouth wide for him to inspect

  “You are in perfect shape now” said the doctor smiling at her and turning to Nicolette he said, “She might have a trouble remembering things for a little while due to the impact of the accident on her head”

  “W-what why is that and what should I do? I do not know her well and the only family she has that I know of is Ms. Ellie, the woman she was with when the accident happened, the one who d-d-died” said Nicolette looking at the so innocent girl laying down on the hospital bed

  “W-who’s Ellie? Asked the girl

  Nicolette sat beside her as the doctors and nurses walked out of the room. “She’s your aunt, you were with her at my parents’ anniversary party 3 days ago” she said smiling at the girl as she held her hand in hers.

>   “Who are you?” asked the girl pulling her hand away from Nicolette’s

  “I’m Nicolette or Nikki as how you call me. We met at the party. You were looking at our portraits and I gave you a glass of wine” she said hoping that Sav would remember

  “I don’t remember” said the girl in a bold way

  “I know, the doctor told me about your memory being temporarily lost and I understand if you won’t remember that fast, well there’s nothing really to remember about us” said Nikki as she changed her sitting position beside the girl

  “Thank you and I’m sorry” said the girl drawing a weak smile from her luscious lips

  “You don’t need to be sorry hun” said Nicolette “Anyway, is there anyone in particular you want me to call to inform them about what happened to you and your aunt Ellie?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know anyone” said the girl. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at Nicolette

  Nicolette moved closer to the weeping girl and hugged her tight giving her comfort and security. The two remained as is for quite some time when Nicolette finally drew back and said, “You can stay with me until you recover, physically and mentally”

  Savannah, who doesn’t know what to say just nodded because she knew deep inside that there was no more home for her and this lady in front of her means something to her although she doesn’t know what.

  A week later…

  Savannah is getting out of the hospital and Nicolette was waiting for her outside her room. Both the girls are unsure of what they’re doing, why Nicolette would let this girl she barely knew stay with her in her little happy house that knew only her scent and presence, and why Savannah would let this woman she doesn’t know or remember bring her to some place she’s not accustomed to and let her take care of her.

  Confused as they are, they just went with the plan and walked out of the hospital.

  “Are you ready?” asked Nicolette as they approach her car in the parking lot

  Savannah looked at her with poker face and replied “Yes I am. Although I don’t really know what I’m doing or should I really go with you. I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you’re going to do with me”

  Nicolette looked at the girl with squinted eyes and said “I told you we met at my parents’ party a week and 3 days ago and since you don’t know anyone I can call to get you, I volunteered to take care of you instead and that’s what I’m going to do with you…to take care of you and keep you safe…Now, come one before I change my mind”


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