A Not So Perfect Ending: Story of the Lost Girl

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A Not So Perfect Ending: Story of the Lost Girl Page 3

by Sav C.

  “Here” the girl said looking at Nicolette. Those glaring eyes sent chills to Nicolette’s body and for the second time, she was scared of the girl. She tried to move back but she couldn’t. She felt like the girl was controlling her body and pinning her to where she stood.

  “Here was the place they left her 10 years ago” continued the girl.

  “What are you talking about?” asked Nicolette as she stood there shaking

  The girl smiled devilishly “Here is where I’m taking revenge for the girl who was left here freezing that night” she said walking close to Nicolette

  “Savannah or Sav as how you call her, was left here freezing 10 years ago. Naked and bruised, she slept here, waiting for her life to end” she continued

  “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about and you are Savannah” said Nicolette as she confusedly looked at the girl

  “No I’m not her. I’m definitely not her. She’s weak, I’m strong. I’m the reason why she’s still alive” said the girl as she put her hands over Nicolette’s shoulder

  Afraid as she was, Nicolette tried to retain herself and hide what she really felt from the girl.

  “Don’t you understand?” the girl asked with a smirk

  “N-no I don’t, please let me understand everything” replied Nicolette

  “As you wish” said the girl as she leaned and kissed Nicolette on her lips

  The kiss was different. It wasn’t the usual Savannah’s kiss which was sweet and passionate. Nicolette didn’t feel Savannah in that kiss but instead, she felt anger and hatred.

  The girl eventually broke the kiss and smirked “Was that Sav for you?” she asked as though teasing Nicolette

  Nicolette did not answer but instead she took a step back, scared of the girl in front of her

  “I will make you understand everything” the girl said motioning for Nicolette to calm down

  Nicolette tried to calm down despite the growing fear inside her, she sat down and focused all her attention to the girl she now barely know.

  The girl smiled and sat next to her.

  “I’m another persona of Savannah, I have no name” she said looking at the sky “Savannah was left here naked and bruised 10 years ago as I’ve said earlier. That’s when I was made by her mind. She wanted to be stronger so she could live more and have revenge. Her mind worked that out and because of her strong wanting, I came out. She lived obviously and now we’re here.” She continued

  “What happened to her that night?” asked Nicolette looking at the glaring gray eyes of the girl

  “Good question” said the girl as she groped for a rock

  Nicolette looked at her and scared, she moved a step away from the girl.

  “Don’t be scared” said the girl looking at her “I won’t hurt you. I know how much she loves you” she continued tossing the rock

  “I’m not, I was just getting comfortable” said Nicolette trying to sound tough

  The girl smiled at her, the same devilish smile she flashed earlier. “She was raped by a guy named…” she said looking at Nicolette’s eyes

  “…Richard Findley” the girl continued

  Nicolette was taken aback. She didn’t know what to say or do that moment she heard her father’s name.

  “You see…he and her aunt, who took care of her until that night she died, were good friends so she let him take her out for what he said shopping.” The girl said moving closer to Nicolette and wrapping her around her arms when she noticed Nicolette shaking due to coldness of the night and definitely to what she has heard about her father

  Nicolette squirmed when she felt the girl’s arm being wrapped around her but eventually felt comfortable

  “But he didn’t take her to shop, instead he took her to your cabin and things happened. I won’t give you any more details about it I know you already understand what it is…” The girl said and Nicolette nodded “…she had a chance to escape, she ran to the forest ‘til she got here. She stayed here thinking she’s already safe but little did she know the bastard caught up with her” the girl continued

  Nicolette had enough of the story she didn’t want to hear any more of it so she told the girl to stop. The girl did so and silence came in between them.

  Breaking the silence, Nicolette spoke “You said earlier, here is where you’ll avenge her…” she said as she trembled to the idea that came to her mind, that she was the one to be taken revenge on “W-what did you mean by that?” she asked

  The girl smiled at her “You seem so afraid of me” she said holding her hand out to Nicolette “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you” she continued as Nicolette doubtingly took her hand

  At least not yet the girl thought to herself.

  “Let’s go back to the cabin and I’ll leave so Savannah can come back out” she said as she held Nicolette’s hand and walked with her back to the cabin

  Chapter 9

  They arrived at the cabin fifteen minutes after. Nicolette went straight to the kitchen to get a drink. She had enough for tonight and a beer will do her good this time. The girl as she understood Nicolette’s moves, she left her alone to give her some space and time to take everything in and went to the bedroom to sleep.

  Nicolette was trying to take in everything she has heard earlier that night as she drank herself to sleep. After almost 7 bottles of beer, she fell asleep on the couch where she’s seen by Savannah the morning after.

  “Nikki…” said Savannah as she shook her up

  Nicolette answered with a low moan and brushed Savannah’s hands off.

  “Wake up” said Savannah as she cleaned the table and went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water and a Tylenol.

  As Savannah walked back to the living room, Nicolette got up. “Are you Sav now?” she asked

  Savannah got confused with the question Nicolette asked her, she replied “Yes I am and always have been. Why did you ask?” as she held her the glass of water and the Tylenol

  Nicolette took the Tylenol in and drank her water before she spoke again “Y-you…” she said not sure if she will tell the girl or not, she continued anyway “…you were raped when you were 10?”

  Savannah was taken aback and trembled. It was the memory she never wanted to remember. All these times, she pretended to have lost her memory of everything to start again, with Nicolette, who she fell in love with the first time they saw each other.

  She didn’t want to answer but she was wondering how Nicolette knew and if she knew who did that horrible thing to her.

  “H-how did you know?” she asked as she weakly sat down beside Nicolette

  “You told me last night. I know everything. You wanted revenge. To whom, I don’t know” replied Nicolette as she looked at Savannah’s eyes which are now the soft metallic gray eyes she always loved

  “I did want revenge yes but not anymore since I met you” said Savannah as she leaned and held Nicolette’s hand

  “So you remember me? The day we met and everything?” asked Nicolette

  Savannah took back her hand and looked at Nicolette “Yes I do. I’m sorry.” She said as tears started streaming down her face “I wanted to be with you so I pretended to have lost my memory when I saw you there in the room…I know you will take me with you since I don’t have anyone else left with me” she continued as she sobbed heavily

  Nicolette moved closer to her and held her hands “You don’t have to be sorry but you could’ve have told me, I would take you anyway” she said as she softly squeezed Savannah’s hands

  This time, Savannah has completely lost it and cried like a child. “Y-you’re dad, he’s the one that made me this way. He’s the reason why I have no one else left to be with. I wanted to avenge myself by getting close to any of his children and hurt them but when I saw you and talked to you, it all changed” she said

  Nicolette hugged Savannah and tried to calm her down “Shhh it’s alright hun. I’m here with you; you will never be alone ever again. I promise you
I will never leave you” she said as she looked out the window with anger in her heart towards her father. How could he do this to someone, how could he? She thought he’s been my role model since I was a child, now I hate him…I hate him for all my life!

  Savannah drew back to look at Nicolette’s eyes and snuggled back into her “I’m…I’m sorry” she said snuggling tight into Nicolette

  Nicolette brushed Savannah hair with her fingers as they snuggled up together “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. It was my father’s. I hate him for doing this to you. I will never forgive him” she said angrily

  Savannah kept snuggling into Nicolette when she realized she doesn’t remember anything about telling Nicolette about that thing, she drew back and confusedly looked at Nicolette

  “You said I told you everything?” she asked Nicolette.

  “Yes last night you told me, well not exactly you but yes you did” replied Nicolette as she looked back at Savannah

  “Not exactly me? What do you mean?” asked Savannah

  “Well uhm I don’t know how to explain it but you were not yourself last night. You got up and walked out the house, I followed you. I kept asking you where you’re going and what you’re doing but you just kept walking and I followed you until we reached that part where you said that it was the place where you were left naked and bruised by my evil father” she said getting back to her comfortable sitting position “You said, well, she, she said it’s not you but some stronger persona you made in your mind who came out that night and used your body and keep you alive with her strong and brave personality” she continued looking at the confused Savannah

  “So you’re saying I have another personality whom I wasn’t aware of?” said Savannah looking back at Nicolette

  “Yes exactly. And you need help for that… I mean if you want to get rid of that persona” said Nicolette “to be honest, I am scared of that persona of yours, she seemed like she’s going to kill someone and that’s probably be me” she continued

  Savannah held Nicolette’s hand “I won’t let that happen” she said

  They looked at each other and smiled.

  Nicolette, trying to change the subject spoke first “I’m starving. You want to go to town and eat at Bettie’s?” she said as she stood up and held her hand out to Savannah

  “Sounds great to me” said Sav as she took Nikki’s hand and stood up

  Bettie’s is Nicolette’s favorite place to eat when she’s in town. It’s like her second happy place next to her cabin in the woods. It’s an up-and-down type of building.

  After an hour drive, they arrived at the place and the waiter lead them to Nicolette’s favorite spot where she can see the view of the forest from afar.

  “It’s beautiful here” said Savannah as they both took their seats.

  “I know, I’m glad you like it here” replied Nicolette

  The two ordered the same meal…a quarter pound burger, tray of fries and a large glass of iced tea. They didn’t care about the calories and carbs they’re going to get from that meal, they didn’t care much about their bodies, they eat whatever they feel like eating, and that’s part of their diet.

  They finished their meal soon after and went to grocery shop for the kitchen.


  They were back at the cabin at exactly dinner time, 7PM. They didn’t care much about the time because they’ve already have a box of pizza with them; all they need now is beer. They both went to the kitchen to drop off all the grocery bags and got themselves drinks.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning, Savannah prepared something special for their breakfast as Nicolette laid there sleeping on their bed. It was their second month anniversary so she made sure that this day will be special for Nicolette and her. She made an omelet and toasts, one of Nicolette’s favorite breakfast meals and also her favorite cup of white coffee.

  Nicolette woke up as Savannah walked up to her with their breakfast meal and the two had breakfast in bed together.

  “This is so sweet. I love you” said Nicolette as she took her last bite of toast and had a sip of her white coffee

  “I love you more babe” replied Savannah

  They were both happy snuggling and kissing after they had their breakfast meal. Little did they know Nicolas was on his way to surprise Nicolette. He still doesn’t know about Savannah nor his sister being into girls, did the twins never have a chance to talk since the party because they both have gone busy with their own businesses.

  The two were in the shower together when Nicolas arrived. He didn’t have to knock on the door so he walked straight inside and into Nicolette’s room where the girls are now snuggling together on bed naked.

  “Nicolas!” said Nicolette surprised at her brother standing at her door

  Nicolas couldn’t speak for he was shocked at what he saw; jaw dropped, eyes widened, he frantically walked out the door.

  “Shit shit shit” Nicolette mumbled as they simultaneously get dressed

  Nicolette ran downstairs right after she got dressed. Her brother was on the couch drinking when she got downstairs. He glared at her and stood up but before he could speak, Nicolette spoke “Nick, it’s not what you…” Nicolas interrupted “It’s alright Nicolette. I just have one question though” he said looking at the girl at his sister’s back

  Nicolette looked back and saw Savannah standing there and she looked back at her brother “What is it?” she asked.

  “What the hell are you doing with my sister?” her brother asked the girl in her back “Weren’t you supposed to be only close to her as a friend?” he continued as he walked towards Savannah

  Before Savannah could speak, Nicolette spoke again “What did you just say? Do you two know each other?” she asked looking at the two people who are now in her front

  Her brother looked at her “Yes I do know her. She’s the girl that our father tortured and molested when she was young” he said

  “I thought you will be out of town for 3 months? You’re 3 weeks early” said Savannah

  Nicolette looked at Savannah “So you know my brother?” Savannah was going to answer when Nicolette spoke again looking at her brother “And what did you mean when you said she’s supposed to be close to me only as a friend?” she said looking back at Savannah’s eyes

  Savannah’s eyes were again different and in that very moment, Nicolette knew it was the girl, Savannah’s other persona. She took a step back, scared of the two people in front of her, she searched for an exit.

  Before Nicolette could take another step back, Nicolas was already just an inch away from her, holding both her arms “Don’t be scared sister.” He said glaring at Nicolette

  Savannah remained to where she stood and watched the twins talk when Nicolas looked at her throwing his sister out to her. She caught Nicolette by her hands and they both fell down.

  “What are you doing?” yelled Nicolette as they both tried to get up. Savannah got up first she helped Nicolette afterwards and looked at her with her eyes telling Nicolette to not worry.

  Nicolette got the message and stood up to her feet.

  “Go on walk to the forest both of you and do not ever try to escape because I’m at your back and I won’t hesitate to shoot you if you do” said her brother who’s now holding up a gun pointed out at her, looking at Savannah

  Savannah nodded and with Nicolette’s arm on her hand, she led her to the forest.

  “What is going on?” whispered Nicolette hoping to get an answer from Savannah

  Savannah didn’t answer instead she pushed her off as they’ve arrived to that same spot they were on the night she lost herself to her stronger persona. Nicolette fell into the ground crying and Nicolas arrived a minute later, with the gun still on his hand, he waved goodbye to his sister and pointed the gun out to her.

  “You…you have been their favorite since then, they give you everything you want while I, I have to work hard for everything.” He said as he leaned
down to his sister and laughed “You thought I really loved you didn’t you?” he continued “Well news flash sister, I don’t. I hated you all my life”

  “Why we happily grew up together” said Nicolette crying as she looked at her brother

  “You happily grew up but not me” said her brother “until…” he continued “until I saw her” pointing to Savannah who’s standing behind him “that morning after she was brutally raped by our father…our bloody father” he said angrily

  “She made me happy, we became real good friends. We planned everything. Our revenge on the very bastard who took both our happiness away from us” he said again as he cupped his sister’s chin making her look up at him

  Nicolette was all in tears, she looked at Savannah. “You played me” she said sobbing

  Savannah looked away not wanting to see her lover’s tears and at the same time, searching for an easy way out. She was going to save both of them.

  “Oh yes dear sister she did play you but to be honest I never thought you’d fall for someone like her” said Nicolas looking at Savannah

  “What did you mean by that?” Savannah finally said glaring at the guy

  “Oh you know it gal. Look at you, you’re a bloody slut. I told you to be friends with her not bloody screw her you dirty shit” replied Nicolas as he grabbed Nicolette by her arm and throwing her back to the ground

  Nicolette stayed there crying as she watched the two argue

  “For the record you weakling…” said Savannah, “It was the other Savannah who had plans with you and not me” she continued punching the guy on his jaw making him tremble and fall.

  Nicolette quickly jumped out to him and snatched the gun.

  “You bitches!” he screamed as he quickly got up and tackled Nicolette

  Nicolette fell down with her brother causing her to lose grip on the gun. The gun landed in front of Savannah, she quickly grabbed it and pointed it out to Nicolas but the twins are both struggling to get up for they both are tackling each other.

  Savannah blindedly pulled the trigger shooting Nicolas’ left chest. Nicolette then escaped from him and ran to Savannah.

  Savannah was going to shoot him again when Nicolette stopped her and snatched the gun.

  “Stop it” she said sobbing

  “But he’s going to kill you” said Savannah as she looked at Nicolette


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