10. Author interview with Biehl, a lesbian and former army specialist, who noted that women tend to socialize in the showers without incident. “We all talk in the showers,” she said. “We sort of point and say, ‘Oh my god, I have a bruise here,’ and everybody just looks.”
11. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
12. Author interviews with anonymous, 2004.
13. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
14. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
15. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
16. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
17. Zogby International, “Opinions of Military Personnel on Sexual Minorities in the Military,” December 2006; Jim Drinkard, “Gay-Rights Backers Not That Harsh on McCain,” USA Today, January 19, 2000.
18. Author interviews with anonymous, 2004.
19. Ibid.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid.; author interview with Biehl, who reported seeing a rainbow sticker on a duffel bag placed by someone with “no shame.”
22. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
23. Author interviews with anonymous, 2004; author interviews with Brian Muller, February 20, 2004, and subsequent follow-up communications.
24. Author interviews with anonymous, 2004.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid.
27. Ibid.
28. Author interview with Fred Fox, February 26, 2008.
29. Author interview with anonymous, 2004.
30. Morning Edition, NPR, January 29, 1993; also see, for example, David Tuller, “Gays Say Debate Could Be Beneficial,” San Francisco Chronicle, January 28, 1993; Howard Goldberg, “Public Split on Gays in Military, Poll Finds,” Associated Press, December 17, 1992; “Newsweek/Gallup Profile American Voters on Gay Rights,” Hotline, September 8, 1992.
31. Aaron Belkin, “ ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’: Does the Gay Ban Undermine the Military’s Reputation?” Armed Forces & Society 34, no. 2 (January 2008); Bowers v. Hardwick, 478 U.S. 186 (1986); Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003).
32. Richard Goldstein, “The Gathering Storm over Gay Rights,” Village Voice, August 6, 2003.
33. Scott Greenberger, “One Year Later, Nation Divided on Gay Marriage,” Boston Globe, May 15, 2005; Lydia Sadd, “Tolerance for Gay Rights at High-Water Mark,” Gallup Poll News Service, May 29, 2007; Kyle Dropp and Jon Cohen, “Acceptance of Gay People in Military Grows Dramatically,” Washington Post, July 19, 2008.
34. David Dunlap, “Gay Images, Once Kept Out, Are Out Big Time,” New York Times, January 21, 1996.
35. Richard Huff, “New Season Will Set Record for Gay Roles, Group Says,” Daily News, August 14, 1997; “42 Million Tune In to Watch a Coming Out,” New York Times, May 2, 1997.
36. Bernard Weinraub and Jim Rutenberg, “Gay-Themed TV Gaining a Wider Audience,” New York Times, July 29, 2003; Rick Kissell, “ ‘Queer’ Looks Fabulous,” Daily Variety, July 17, 2003.
37. Rupert Smith, “Amazing, Grace” Guardian, April 7, 2003; David Teather, “Gay Team Flings TV Closet Door Wide Open,” Guardian, August 11, 2003; Weinraub and Rutenberg, “Gay-Themed TV,” July 29, 2003.
38. Matthew Gilbert, “ ‘Will’ Brought Attitude, but More Important, It Changed Ours,” Boston Globe, May 14, 2006; Gail Shister, quoting Suzanna Walters, “ ‘Will & Grace’ Bids Goodbye but Leaves a Big Mark,” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 2006.
39. Author interviews with Muller; author interviews with Finkenbinder; author interview with anonymous, 2004.
40. Lawrence Korb, “Evolving Perspectives on the Military’s Policy on Homosexuals: A Personal Note,” in Wilbur Scott and Sandra Carson Stanley, eds., Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 219–29.
41. Gerald Garvey and John DiIulio, “Only Connect?” New Republic, April 26, 1993.
42. Author interview with Gerald Garvey, March 20, 2000.
43. Sonya Ross, “Clinton: Military Gay Policy Failing,” Associated Press, December 11, 1999; “Transcript of July 5 Interview of President Clinton by Joe Klein of The New Yorker Magazine,” U.S. Newswire, October 11, 2000; “Clinton: Gay Ban ‘Diminishes Our Security,’ ” Express Gay News, October 13, 2003.
44. Charles Moskos and Michelle Benecke, “Suffering in Silence,” Washington Post, July 18, 2000.
45. Tarak Barkawi, Christopher Dandeker, Melissa Wells-Petry, and Elizabeth Kier, “Rights and Fights: Sexual Orientation and Military Effectiveness,” International Security 24, no. 1 (Summer, 1999): 181–201.
46. Aaron Belkin and Geoffrey Bateman, eds., Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Debating the Gay Ban in the Military (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003), 133; author interviews with Christopher Dandeker, February 21, 2001, and May 9, 2007.
47. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003); author interview with Cass Sunstein, 2000.
48. Author interviews with John Hutson, August 19, 2003, and February 19, 2008; John Hutson, “Retire a Bad Military Policy,” National Law Journal, August 4, 2003; “Senior Admiral Says Lifting Gay Ban Would Strengthen Military,” news release, Palm Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, August 21, 2003; “Defeating ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ ” panel discussion, Yale Law School, October 5, 2006.
49. Ibid.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid.
52. John Hutson, unpublished op-ed, in author possession.
53. Bryan Bender, “Military Retaining More Gays,” Boston Globe, March 19, 2006; Nathaniel Popper, “Backroom Battler for Rumsfeld and Bronfman Finds Himself Centerstage in High-Stakes Struggle,” Jewish Daily Forward, March 30, 2007.
54. John Shalikashvili, “Second Thoughts on Gays in the Military,” New York Times, January 2, 2007.
55. Ibid.
56. Author interview with Aaron Belkin, August 25, 2008.
57. Zogby, “Opinions of Military Personnel,” December 2006; Melissa Healy, “The Times Poll: 74% of Military Enlistees Oppose Lifting Gay Ban,” Los Angeles Times, February 28, 1993; Laura Miller, “Fighting for a Just Cause: Soldiers’ Views on Gays in the Military,” in Scott and Stanley, Gays and Lesbians in the Military, 70; John W. Bicknell, “Study of Naval Officers’ Attitudes Toward Homosexuals in the Military,” master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, March 2000.
58. Zogby, “Opinions of Military Personnel,” December 2006; “The Military Index,” Foreign Policy, March/April 2008.
59. Meet the Press, NBC, June 15, 2003; National Annenberg Election Survey, NEAS 04, 2004.
60. Author interview with Brett Keen, March 11, 2008.
61. Ibid.
62. Author interview with Sean May, October 10, 2007.
63. Author interview with anonymous, USS Ronald Reagan, January 13, 2008.
64. Author interview with Stephen Jay Vossler, March 4, 2008.
65. Author interview with Dan Rossi, February 18, 2008; New York City Council, Committee on Civil Rights and Committee on Veterans, Joint Hearing on Proposed Resolution 1170-A, January 25, 2008.
66. Bob Barr, “Don’t Ask, Who Cares,” Wall Street Journal, June 13, 2007
67. Alan Simpson, “Bigotry That Hurts Our Military,” Washington Post, March 14, 2007.
68. “Twenty-eight Generals and Admirals Call for End to Military’s Gay Ban,” news release, Palm Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, November 29, 2007; “Media Reporting 50+ Generals Now Oppose Gay Ban,” news release, Palm Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, July 23, 2008.
69. Brigadier General Hugh Aitken, Lieutenant General Minter Alexander, Lieutenant General Robert Gard, and Vice Admiral Jack Shanahan, “Report of the General/Flag Officers’ Study Group,” Palm Center, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008.
70. House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel, Statement of Brian Jones, Sergeant Major USA (RET.), CEO, Adventure Training Concepts, 110th Cong., 2nd sess., July 23, 2008; Hearsay, WHRV-FM, August 13, 2008.
House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Personnel, Statement of Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness, 110th Cong., 2nd sess., July 23, 2008; House Armed Services Committee, Military Personnel Subcommittee, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Review: Hearing of the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, 110th Cong., 1st sess., 2008.
72. Ibid.; Elaine Donnelly, “Constructing the Co-Ed Military,” Duke Journal of Law & Policy 14, no. 2 (May 2007): 815–952.
73. House Armed Services Committee, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Review.
74. Frank, “Gays and Lesbians at War,” 2004.
75. Lee Nichols, Breakthrough on the Color Front (Colorado Springs: Three Continents Press, 1993); Meet the Press, NBC News, June 10, 2007; GPS, CNN, December 14, 2008.
76. Letter from Sam Nunn to Alan Simpson, October 18, 2007.
77. Memo from Charles Moskos to Sam Nunn, October 6, 2007; author interview with Charles Moskos, March 13, 2008.
ABC News, 21–22, 272
Abeer Qasim Hamza, 243
Abell, Charles, 233, 251
Abel, Richard, 51–52, 56
Abu Ghraib, 41, 243–44
adultery, 36
as crime, military, xiv, 98–99
during Vietnam War, 94, 99
The Advocate, 12, 208, 227
religious right’s scrutiny of, 37, 40
gay ban’s cost to, 203, 205–6, 210
gay service, U.S., in, xviii, 203, 205–6, 210, 262, 287
linguistic needs in, 217–18, 250
multinational forces in, 155, 158
opposition to war in, 237
stop-loss policy and, 227, 247
AIDS/HIV, 15–17, 25, 40
gay ban based on fear of, 21, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 80, 92, 94, 140, 286
homosexual secrecy and, 139–40
research on military cases of, 148
screenings for, 48, 50, 94
Aitken, Hugh, 286
Alderman, Craig, Jr., 119–20
Alexander, Minter, 115–17, 286
Alva, Eric, 287
American Association of Law Schools, 252
American Journal of Sociology, 26
American Psychiatric Association, 250
American Psychological Association, 39
American Sociological Association, 40
America Online, 191
anti-harassment action plan (Pentagon), 196–97
Armed Forces and Society, 162
Armed Services Committee, House, 105–8, 127, 220, 248, 251–52
Armed Services Committee, Senate, 52, 73, 75
congressional hearings on gay service by, 87–105, 108, 214
Army Times, 67
Arnold, Ervin, 5
Arthur, Donald, 246
Articles of War, 5
Ask Not (film), 235
Aspin, Les, 75, 87
“don’t ask, don’t tell” announcement by, 109, 307n59
“don’t ask, don’t tell” formulation and, 67, 73, 80–82, 83–84, 108–9, 110
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation and, 170–71, 176, 178, 199
leaked memo from, 80–82, 83, 86
MWG appointment by, 43, 48, 116
study commissions and, 87, 104, 114
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 250
Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission, 139
Australian military, 143, 151–52, 153, 158, 164
cohesion issues in, 139
gay ban repeal in, 137
military effectiveness in, 147–48
opposition to gays in, 138–40
Barak, Ehud, 140
Barnes, Amy, 182
Barr, Bob, 284
Bauer, Gary, 32, 35, 159
Belkin, Aaron, 128, 280
Benecke, Michelle, 276
Benjamin, Stephen, 233–34
Ben-Shalom, Miriam, 12
Biehl, Wendy, 205, 263–64
bisexuals, xiv
blackmail, 10, 13, 89, 118, 151
Blaesing, Kevin, 199–200
Bond, Christopher, 246
Boot, Max, 250
Bork, Robert, 123
Boston Globe, 229, 274
Bowers v. Hardwick, 43, 271
Boxer, Barbara, 94, 95, 110
Boyce, Paul, 242
Boyda, Nancy, 287
Boy Meets Boy (television show), 273, 275
Brokeback Mountain (film), 273–75
Buchanan, Patrick, 68
Burrelli, David, 88–89, 91–92, 124
stop-loss policies and, 228
Bush, George H. W., 12, 14, 18, 74, 280
Gulf War and, 63
presidential campaigning by, 31, 69
Bush, George W., 158, 195, 276
recruitment strategies by, 239
stop-loss authorization by, 227
Butler, Gabrielle, 189–90
Caldwell, Bill, 230
“A Call to Action for National Foreign Language Capabilities” (Pentagon), 231, 253–54
Cameron, Paul, 39–40
Cammermeyer, Margarethe, 23–24, 28, 238, 249
reinstatement of, 176, 261
Campaign for Military Service, 77
Campbell, Fort, 194–95
Campus Crusade for Christ, 51
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 138
Canadian Human Rights Act, 138
Canadian military, 91, 143, 158–59, 162–63
gay ban repeal in, 137
harassment of women in, 151
military effectiveness in, 147–48
opposition to gays in, 138
public tolerance’s influence on, 153–54, 282
Carter, Jimmy, 10, 43
Carter, Kelvin E., 104
Cassella, James P., 227
CBS News, 276
Center for Army Lessons Learned, 217–18
Center for Military Readiness, 286
Centers for Disease Control, 94
The Centurion (newsletter), 54
chaplaincy, military, 49–56
Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches, 54–56
Charleston Gazette, 250
Cheney, Dick, 12, 58–59, 279
research on gays withheld by, 21, 119
Chicago Sun-Times, 79
Chicago Tribune, 241
Chlapowski, Jarrod, 235
Christian Broadcasting Network, 31
Christian Coalition, 31, 34, 69
Chu, David, 197, 232
Churchill, Winston, xv, 116
CIA, 216
civil rights, homosexual, 109
congressional hearings on, 88–89, 92, 95–99, 102–4
“don’t ask, don’t tell” constitutionality and, xvii, 175–77
research/studies on, 92, 114
Clark, Robert (Dean), 253
Clark, Robert (Major General), 195–96
Clark, Wesley, 282
Clinton, Bill, 38, 127, 166, 201
congressional hearings and, 86–87, 104, 108
“don’t ask, don’t tell” criticism by, 276
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation and, 167, 170–72, 174, 178
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy announcement/passage by, 109–12
election of, xv, 137
gay ban compromises by, 78–85, 108–9, 110–12, 175–77
gay rights’ politicization and, 14–18, 21–25
gay service promotion by, 28, 32–34, 67–78, 118
Nunn’s relationship with, 73–76, 79–80, 82, 84–85
religious right campaign and, 52, 54
Clinton, Hillary, 80
Coats, Dan, 85, 89, 172
Codner, Michael, 165
Cohen, William, 135, 196
“Cohesion and Disintegration in the Wehrmacht in World War II” (Shils/Janowitz), 129, 133–35
cohesion, military
as basis for gay ban, 10, 27, 46–48, 59–62
, 64–66, 70, 78, 80, 81–82, 105, 229, 234–35, 259, 262–65
current gay service and, 262–70, 277–79, 282–84, 286–88
evidence/studies on, 113–14, 118–19, 121–23, 126–36, 138, 139–42, 143, 148–52, 160–63, 266
in foreign countries, 129, 132–35, 138, 139–42, 143, 148–52, 160–63, 266
homoeroticism’s relation to, 133–35, 293
manpower shortages’ influence on, 248–49, 256
motivations behind, 129
openly gay service as boon to, 185–87, 262, 263–64, 267–68, 278–79, 283–84, 285, 288
polls/opinions v. facts on, 126–36
post–“don’t ask, don’t tell,” 167–68, 185–87, 203, 210–14, 248–49, 256
social v. task-oriented, 130–32
cold war, 9–10
colleges. See schools/colleges
Command (magazine), 55
Commission on Chaplains, 50, 52, 54, 106
Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces, 125
Concerned Women for America, 34, 40
congressional hearings, House, 105–8
congressional hearings, Senate, 84, 86
civil rights as focus of, 88–89, 92, 95–99, 102–4, 109
evidence’s role in, 91–92, 93, 125–26
health risks as focus of, 92, 94
military effectiveness as focus of, 89–90, 92–94, 95, 101, 105, 109
morality as focus of, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
national security as focus of, 89
privacy as focus of, 89–90, 99–102
process of, 87–88
testimony against gay service in, 88–94, 96–104
testimony for gay service in, 91–92, 94–99, 102–3
Congressional Record, 35, 38
Congressional Research Service, 88–89
Copas, Bleu, 233
Copper, Carolyn, 131
costs (of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy)
Unfriendly Fire Page 50