sodomy 36, 55
Australian laws on, 138–39
characterizations, historic, of, 1–2, 5
as crime, civilian 10, 15, 43, 124, 271
as crime, military, xiv, 5, 9–10, 53, 79, 83, 96–99, 114, 292
evidence/research on, 114
heterosexual v. homosexual practice of, 91–92, 97–98
Supreme Court rulings on, 10, 43, 124, 271
Solomon amendment, 252–56
Solomon, Gerald, 252
Sparks, Derek, 245
standby reserves, 84
Starr, Ken, 38
Stars and Stripes (newspaper), 229
Star Wars missile defense system, 70
Steffan, Joseph, 18–21, 119–20, 123, 176
Steinman, Alan, 209
Stephanopoulos, George, 67, 81, 82
Stewart, Fort (Georgia), 219
Stickel, Richard, 189
Stiehm, Judith, 92, 128, 131
Stoddard, Tom, 77
Stonewall (Great Britain), 149
stop-loss policies
during Gulf War, 12, 16, 229–30
post-9/11, 227–30, 247
Stout, Robert, 206
Studds, Gerry, 58, 119–20
Suko, Todd, 23
Sullivan, Gordon, 64, 170
Sunstein, Cass, 277–78
support services, military
confidentiality of, 171, 199–200
gays’ exclusion from, 199–214, 288
by physicians and, 200
by psychiatrists and, 181, 199–201
types of, 201–2
Tailhook scandal, 22, 41, 65–66, 94, 197
task cohesion, 130–32. See also cohesion, military
Taylor, Tommy, 101
Tenet, George, 216
Terry, Randall, 33
Thorne, Tracy, 22–23, 102–4
Thurman, Maxwell, R., 127
Thurmond, Strom, 172
congressional hearings and, 89, 97–98, 102–3, 104
Tierney, William, 232–33
Time magazine, 272
Titan Corporation, 232
Tower, John, 74
Traditional Values Coalition, 33, 34
transgendered people, xiv
Tricare, 204
Truman, Harry, 16, 68, 161
Truscott, Lucian, III, 104
Tsongas, Paul, 17
Uniform Code of Military Justice, 182
reformation of, 294
sodomy ban by, 9, 53, 79, 83, 96–99, 114
University of New Hampshire Survey Center, 271
U.S. Air Force, 125
U.S. Air Force Reserves, 238–40
U.S. Army
Medical Department, 246
support services offered by, 201–2, 204–5
U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 148, 153
U.S. Army Reserve, 246
recruitment goals of, 239–40
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, 226
U.S. Army War College, 156
USA Today, 250
U.S. Department of Defense
anti-harassment plan by, 196–97
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation by, 170–77, 196–97
“don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal and, 279
evidence/research on gay service and, 114–21, 123
gay service ban, 1949, by, 9
language program revamp by, 230–32, 253–54
outsourcing by, 232–33
PERSEREC study by, 13, 21, 24–25, 58, 118–19, 120–21, 275
recruitment figures by, 240
Solomon amendment and, 253–54
stop-loss policies and, 12, 16, 227–30, 247
U.S. Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG), 41, 47, 122
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation and, 173, 278
U.S. Marine Corps, 238–40
U.S. National Guard, 23–24, 246
recruitment/retention of members to, 239–40, 247
U.S. Naval Academy, 18–21, 66, 153
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, 281
U.S. Naval War College, 184
U.S. Navy, 23
gay ban, 1984, in, 123
purge of gays, 1919, in, 5–6
support services offered by, 201
Tailhook scandal in, 22, 41, 65–66, 94, 197
USNS Bridge, 245
USS Abraham Lincoln, 264
USS Baton Rouge, 99
USS Chicago, 191
USS Constellation, 61
USS Iowa, 22, 100
USS John F. Kennedy, 99
USS Kitty Hawk, 61
USS Simon Lake, 182
Vaid, Urvashi, 74–75, 76–77
Vietnam War (1959–1975), xviii
adultery during, 94, 99
atrocities in, 63
cohesion of units in, 129
gay service in, xv, 229
integration, racial, in, xvi, 61
opposition to, 69, 71, 75, 249, 255
von Steuben, Friedrich, 2
Vossler, Stephen Jay, 283
Waldron, Kim, 228
Wallace, George, 74
Waller, Calvin, 26, 92–93, 95, 127, 154
Wall Street Journal, 284
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 132
Warner, John, 89–91
Washington Blade, 228
Washingtonian, 209
Washington Post, 67, 85, 208, 272
gay ban reversal and, 276, 285
Washington Times, 48
Watkins, Perry, 12
Webb, Joseph G., Jr., 247, 248
Weise, William, 47–48
Wells-Petry, Melissa, 41, 43–44, 47, 48, 87, 286
Exclusion by, 42, 65, 124
West Point, 181
“What the Bible Teaches About
Homosexuality,” 55
Whiting, F. E. M., 61
Will and Grace (television show), 273–75
Williams Institute, UCLA, 240
Williams, Pete, 12
Winchell, Barry, 193–96, 276–77
in combat, xviii, 13, 27, 37, 124–25, 128, 286
gay tolerance by, 263
harassment of military, xviii, 11, 22, 94, 151, 167, 181–82, 196–97
in Israeli military, 155–56
judgments v. facts on service of, 124–25, 183
lesbian-baiting of, 11, 151
service statistics on, 3, 11, 297n6
World War I (WWI) (1914–1918), 4–7
World War II (WWII) (1939–1945), 50, 87
black characterizations during, 61–62
cohesion-related research on, 129, 132–35
gay service retention in, 229
homosexual characterizations during, 7–9
Worldwide Language Resources, 232–33
Unfriendly Fire Page 53