Cougar Boss

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Cougar Boss Page 47

by Kerry Belchambers

“I miss you,” I said, momentarily forgetting everything we’d just talked about because it felt so good to be in her arms again.

  The distance wasn’t working the way I had hoped. It hadn’t been long but I was already going crazy from missing her and thinking about her.

  “Olivia, coming to work at Price Healthcare was the right thing for you to do,” she said as she pulled back.

  It felt like she was squeezing the life out of my heart because she was underestimating the intensity of my love for her.

  “In time, you’ll barely think of me.”

  How could she think that? “You’re wrong. What I feel for you…” I choked on the words, wondering if there was any better way to put it. “Amelia, it’s very plain and simple. My heart belongs to you.”

  She moved closer and gently trailed her fingers over my face then leaned her forehead against mine. “You have to stop saying things like that.”

  “Why? Why do I have to stop?”

  “Because I don’t know how long I can keep on pretending that it doesn’t feel good to hear it.” She pulled her head back, meeting my gaze.

  “I want to be with you,” I said.

  “Livvy, you’re young, too young for me. You’ll need things I can’t give you. So please stop making this harder than it has to be and just move on.”

  “Will you? Will you move on from me?”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she met my gaze again, she opened her mouth to speak, then stopped. After a moment of what appeared to be like an internal battle, she resignedly said, “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to.”

  A wave of emotion and confusion rushed through me.

  “Livvy, you’re special to me in ways that even I fail to understand. But a lot has happened and some of it may end up making you look at me differently. Right now, I just need you to know that I care a great deal about you.”

  I didn’t know what she meant. Why did she think I’d ever look at her differently? She’d been nothing short of amazing since the very moment I’d started getting to know her. “If you care about me as much as you say you do, why can’t you work past whatever it is that’s in the way and let me make you happy? Don’t you want that? Don’t you want me?”

  She shook her head as though she was fighting herself. “I do, Livvy but—.”

  “No, no buts. I’m dying to be with you. I miss your kisses, your touch, your laugh, your smile. I miss the feel of your body lying next to mine. I miss the way you make me feel and I swear, I thought the distance would make this whole thing easier but it hasn’t. I love you and I don’t think that’s going to change, so I’m going to wait for you.”

  She kissed me at the passionate declaration and I immediately responded. If my world had come crashing down at that moment, I would have died happy.

  “You’re making this too hard,” she said against my lips.

  “I’m not giving up on you without a fight.”

  She brushed her lips against mine and I responded, trying hard to contain my desire for her. When she pulled away, she broke all physical contact and emptiness occupied the space she’d temporarily filled with joy.

  “Bye, Liv.”

  I watched her in dismay as she exited my office and went and sat down, leaning back against the sleek comfortable leather seat I was still trying to get used to, as I deeply inhaled.

  I didn’t know what to do, I was deeply in love with her and seeing her, talking to her and being so close to her made me feel so nostalgic for the time when things had been good between us.

  It was a little comforting to know that she felt something powerful for me, but not entirely because she was determined to push me away. I wished she could have been just a little bit miserable as I was from being away from her, that way she could understand how difficult it was to not see her quite as often as I had before.

  I groaned in frustration, thinking back to our conversation. I was very confused by the information she’d offered but I wasn’t blind to the fact that she’d left out some of the details.

  I couldn’t understand Eric’s motive if his vendetta was against Amelia. Why kill someone who was not even directly linked to her? What had he had to gain by killing Greg?

  If he wanted to hurt Amelia, wouldn’t he have gone after someone who was close to her? I doubted he’d harm her kids because they were his relatives so the only other person he could have gone after would have been …me? The thought gave me chills.

  How much did he know about the nature of my relationship with Amelia? Was he willing to come after me? Maybe that bodyguard Amelia had mentioned wasn’t such a bad idea.

  If there was a chance he might have been aware of my love affair with Amelia, could he also have known about Greg’s blackmail? No, no, it didn’t quite fit.

  What had Amelia left out of her explanation? She’d said she didn’t want to offer information that could potentially put me in danger. What could it have been that she feared me knowing would risk my life?

  The more I thought about it, the more unsettled I grew. Part of me wished she could have told me, the other part wanted to trust that she knew what she was doing.

  “You’re so naïve.”

  “I can’t believe you’d say that,” I said.

  Colin was seated opposite me as we had dinner on a Friday evening. We’d met through Amelia when she’d chosen him to train me on being her personal assistant, and then again at the corporate gala dinner.

  “No, I mean seriously,” he said, trying to chew after a bite of his burger. “You’re brilliant and clearly Mrs. Gallagher can see that. How could you not expect some sort of turbulence in your transition?” he asked.

  “Well,” I said in defense but couldn’t come up with one proper response. God, I was naïve.

  The turbulence I was experiencing was coming from my new colleagues and apart from my secretary and the receptionist; everyone else I met in attempts to acquaint myself with had a hostile attitude towards me.

  I thought I was giving off the wrong vibe, which was met with hostility when all I was trying to do was fit in with the rest of my colleagues. I’d made dinner plans with Colin so that he could better explain it to me, since he worked at Price Healthcare.

  “Some of these people have worked for Price Healthcare for decades. They’ve never heard of you, but suddenly, you’re occupying a large corner office. It’s only logical for them to feel threatened,” he said.

  I’d stopped picking at my French fries and was now watching him.

  “You’re not just her personal assistant anymore. You’re her right-hand man and you need to understand that the corporate world is full of sharks. These people will eat you alive.”

  “So what exactly I’m I supposed to do?”

  “Enjoy your coveted position,” he said with a smile.

  I smiled back and resumed eating.

  I hadn’t had a single moment to myself since I’d moved to Price Healthcare. I had constant back to back meetings with acquaintances, investors and basically every other important person in the Healthcare industry but I wasn’t complaining since I needed to occupy every free second of my day with something to avoid the constant, overwhelming thought of Amelia.

  My studies were also progressing very fast because I was extremely determined to finish up with school and since my classes were dependent on my schedule, I created more time, studying up until late and whichever free minute I got.

  My professors were always available for me, which was a great advantage but what pleased me the most was the fact that I was passing and at this rate, I knew it’d take me half the time to graduate.

  I never heard from Amelia again, but she hired me a bodyguard as she’d assured me she would. It was uncomfortable knowing someone was following me wherever I went, but it was for my safety so I couldn’t complain.

  His name was Jerry and he kept a proper amount of distance. Since most of what I did took place in my office, I didn’t move around a lot so sometimes I barely
noticed him.

  Three weeks after my talk with Amelia, I attended Rex’s graduation. I was a little envious of him because I wished I could be in his place, but with the speed at which my studies were progressing, I knew it was just a matter of time.

  “I should’ve been more appreciative of the time we spent together,” Rex said. Instead of going out partying and celebrating like everyone else, he decided to go back to the office with me.

  “I’m sorry, I know I’ve been scarce,” I said.

  “It’s fine. I understand. Who’s that guy who keeps following you around?” he asked.

  “Oh, that’s Jerry, my bodyguard.”

  “Why do you need a bodyguard?”

  I didn’t want to alarm him. “Comes with the territory,” I said playfully as I motioned at the office.

  “Holy hell, look at this place!” he said as he moved around.

  I wasn’t used to the space, the elegance and well, the luxury, but my work kept me so busy, I barely paid attention to the surroundings.

  “When you told me about your change of address, I never pictured anything quite like this,” he said as he headed to the large window that exposed the amazing view of the Big Apple.

  “Neither did I. I thought I’d be stuffed up in some dark, humid, dusty corner office.”

  “Really?” He turned to face me.

  “Okay, maybe not that dark,” I said.

  He broke into soft laughter and approached me. “How are you holding up?”

  “It’s a little overwhelming but I’m hanging in there.”

  “You miss her?”

  Rex knew me far too well, but his love and concern for me was always comforting, which made it easy for me to confide in him. “Every second of everyday.”

  “Creating distance between you was a huge step and you’re very brave and strong for doing it.”

  “But it’s not working, Rex. She’s moving on with her life and I am still stuck where we left off. She calls and I get tremors of excitement. My heart beats so fast at the sound of her voice I fear I might get a heart attack.”

  “Has she come to see you?”

  “Once, about three weeks ago. She told me that she told her kids about us. I thought it was a turning point, but she thinks there’s too much standing in the way.”

  “Livvy, maybe you should seriously start to consider moving on. I know it’s hard because it’s still fresh. I know it’s painful because you’re in love with her, but maybe you should start thinking about living your life without her. I really hate seeing you hurt over her.”

  The idea of never being with her again was frightening, but she’d made her stand very clear. She cared about me, she always would, but the circumstances were too complicated.

  Rex gently wrapped his arms around me at the sadness that overcame me. I didn’t know why it hit me so hard when the words came from him.

  “I know something that might cheer you up,” he said softly.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Frank booked a spot for me at a silent auction art event. It’ll take place this coming weekend. I’d love it if you’d be there.”

  I let go of him. “My office could use a Brexton Phillips painting.”

  He smiled. “You’re going to buy my art?”

  “Yeah, now that I’m able to, I’d like to start showing you my support. I hold a lot of meetings here with some very important people and displaying your work on my wall could get you interested buyers.”

  “That would be amazing.”

  “I love the last painting I found you working on. Will it be at the auction?”


  “Awesome, I’m going to get that one.”

  “It won’t come cheap, Liv.”

  “I’ll outbid every interested buyer.”

  He laughed as he pulled me close and pecked my forehead.

  “Ms. Williams, your five o’clock is here.” My secretary announced over the intercom.

  “That’s my cue to leave,” Rex said. “I’ll come pick you up on Saturday at six.”

  I nodded.

  “Bye Ms. Williams,” he said, mimicking my secretary.

  I laughed at his silliness and told my secretary I was ready to take the meeting.

  Time moved at such fast speed, I didn’t notice it was Saturday until Rex called me to remind me he was picking me up. I had to wrap up work and rush home to change and by the time he was arriving, I was just finishing up.

  I was in a short beautiful black dress that slightly exposed my cleavage. I wore the rose pendant necklace Amelia had given me and with my hair freely cascading down my shoulders, my look was simple but elegant.

  Rex was in a semiformal outfit that gave him a serious but handsome look.

  “I can’t believe we’re still moving around in this crappy little car,” I said when he opened the door to my car. It served as a reminder of how far I’d come, but at that stage in our lives, we needed a better mode of transport.

  “What are you talking about? I love this car,” he said as he got in.

  “We should sell it and get something better. You’re becoming a big shot artist. You can’t move your work around in this contraption.”

  He smiled as he pulled out of parking. When we got on the road, I looked through the rearview mirror and saw Jerry’s car following behind us.

  “I like the big shot artist part,” Rex said.

  I smiled back at him and relaxed in my seat, wondering who would be at the event. I’d attended so many art events so far, I was almost certain we’d run into people we’d met in the past.

  “Do you remember how our lives were before all this started?”

  I nodded.

  “We’ve come so far, Liv. I have you to thank for all of this.”

  “Me? I haven’t done anything. You’re the one who is constantly working to create the next masterpiece.”

  “It all started with you. Do you know what I’d be doing right now?”


  “I’d be looking for a job while I struggle to figure out how to get my work out there. I feel horrible for getting so mad at you when Mrs. Gallagher reached out to help me.”

  “This is just the beginning. Your career will soar to heights you never imagined.”

  He reached out and squeezed my hand. “Your confidence in me is inspiring.”

  We got to the venue a while later.

  It wasn’t as big an event as some of the ones we’d attended in the past. Instead, it was small but intimate. The artists whose works were being auctioned were very popularly known in the art world.

  It was always amazing being surrounded by people who had so much creativity and at this point, it was probably just a matter of time until I became an art enthusiast myself.

  “I’m going to look for Frank, are you going to be okay on your own for a while?” Rex asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  He nodded and walked away.

  The art was well displayed with names of artists and the silent auction papers were clearly set out on a table. For a small and intimate event, there was quite a number of people present. I wondered if all the artists were also in attendance.

  I got myself a glass of champagne and was about to start browsing when I saw Adrianna. Our gazes met at the same time. What was she doing there? I thought Amelia was the art lover in the family. Wait, was Amelia also present?

  “Olivia, hello,” she said.

  “Hi Adrianna, what are you doing here?”

  “I organized the event,” she said.

  I looked at her in surprise. “You did?”

  “Why are you so surprised?”

  I didn’t know why I’d always thought of her as a bit of a wild child. I knew Jonah was the serious responsible one in the family, but I’d never imagined Adrianna taking on a serious role.

  “I can’t find him,” Rex said, interrupting us, which I was grateful for.

  “Rex, you remember Adrianna? You two met at the Gal
lagher Residence,” I said.

  I thought I saw him tense up a bit as I turned to face Adrianna to notice a hint of a smile on the corners of her lips.

  “Nice to see you again, Anna.”

  Anna? Was I missing something?

  “You too, Rex.”

  I smiled to myself as their awkward silence stretched out and I cleared my throat. “I’m going to refill my drink,” I said, walking away before they noticed my glass was still full. Did they like each other? I wondered as I studied them from a distance. They looked good together.


  Surprised by the familiar voice, I turned around and froze when my gaze fell on Jaime. She was as stunning as usual, in a beautiful flowered dress that hugged her body and exposed her curves.

  “Hi Jaime,” I said, remembering Amelia’s confession. Jaime had cut contact with me because she’d had to, not because she’d wanted to.

  “How are you?” she asked.

  Last time we’d met, it had been at an event much like this. It had felt a bit odd carrying out a conversation with her but now that I knew why she’d ended things between us so abruptly, I felt like I was the one who owed her an apology.

  “I’m okay,” I said, trying to silence the chaos inside of me.

  “It’s good to see you,” she said.

  I wondered what to say, but I must have taken too long to respond because she nodded and walked away from me. I turned around, deeply inhaled and took a long sip of my champagne as I searched the room for Rex.

  He was still talking to Adrianna and I didn’t want to interrupt so I headed for the art pieces on display, searching for the piece I’d told him I’d buy as I tried to figure out how I’d talk to Jaime.

  When I found it, I realized people had started bidding and added my own bid. Rex joined me a while later.

  “Frank’s not here,” he said.

  “Oh?” I said, “Did you get a chance to thoroughly look around?” I teased.

  “Okay, just say it.”

  “You like Adrianna!”

  He shushed me and looked around to see if anyone had heard. “It’s not like that.”

  “Why don’t you tell me exactly how it’s like then?”

  “Okay, look. I never thought I’d see her again after we met that first time at her house. Seeing her here tonight caught me off guard.”


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