Mad Minute

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Mad Minute Page 7

by MariaLisa deMora

  Throat thick with terror, Nathan unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants and underwear down before he leaned back against the edge of the mattress. A coordinated rock and lift later and he was as naked as Cath. The mechanics of the process had flagged his cock’s interest, and it lay semirigid along his thigh. Perfect, smooth skin contrasted with the roughened and pocked scars of his upper leg. Cath is stronger than I am.

  Holding tight to that thought, he pushed off the mattress and stood, then pivoted awkwardly until he faced Cathy. Her gaze fixed on his face, a tiny smile curving the edges of her mouth. With a shrug, he lifted his arms out to the sides and stood, palms facing her. “This is what you’re fighting for. All I am. This is what you get, Cath. Can you be happy with this?”

  Her smile broadened, teeth glinting behind her plump lips. “I can get on board with what you’ve got to offer, Nathan.” He shook his head sharply, gesturing towards his lower body. “Oh, yeah. I see you. I see you, Nathan.” She shifted, sliding closer on the soft sheets, until her heel dangled off the edge of the bed next to his leg. She stretched, toes curling, and touched the largest of the scars along his outer thigh. “I see a strong man who survived something that would have killed anyone else.” He closed his eyes when her gaze dipped, not wanting to see the look on her face when she saw it all.

  More rustling from the sheets, closer than before. Nathan squeezed his eyes tighter, waiting.

  A moment later, the noises ceased, but a supernova bloomed around his cock. He startled, nearly lurching away, but Cath’s hands on his hips steadied him. Nathan stared down and watched as she fed his cock into her mouth, surrounding him with hot and wet suction. “Jesus, baby.”

  It didn’t take a moment until he’d outgrown her ability to take him in, and her head began bobbing slowly. Just as much as the friction and suction, the heat and movement, those damn sounds Cath made as she went down on him were a turn-on for Nathan. Eager, humming her enjoyment, she gave no indication she was focused on anything other than his cock. Scars and ridges from stitches, uneven edges from skin grafts—all within inches of her face, and yet her eyes were fixed upwards, focused on his.

  “I love you.”

  Cath pulled back, lapped at the end of his cock with the flat of her tongue for a moment, then made him groan when she sucked on the head hard, hollowing her cheeks around him. With a mischievous smile, she released him and nuzzled into the hinge of his hip. “I know you do.”

  “It’s not going to bother you?” Her chin dipped, and he watched as she traced several of the scars. Each touch was featherlight, teasing, and soft. What it wasn’t was tentative, frightened, or cautious. “You’re okay with it? With me?”

  “I’ll never be okay with what happened to you.” Anger twisted her features, and she shoved to her knees, balled fists thudding against his chest, still firm from hours and hours of PT and determination. “It took you from me for too long, Nathan. It stole from you. I’ll never be okay with what happened.”

  The nuance of her language wormed through before he could feel terror at her words. She wasn’t rejecting him, not in any way. She was rejecting what had happened, same as he had for months. But she was doing it in a healthy way, following a path that would pull them closer together, instead of driving a wedge between them as he had.

  “Cath.” The tremble in his voice was terrifying, something he couldn’t control. Like so much of his life lately, running amok and out of control.

  “I will forever be okay with you, Nathan.” Her palms spread across his chest, curving up and over his shoulders to wind around his neck. She tugged, and he bent over her, hand to the mattress as she scooted back, leading the way. “With you.” Knee between her thighs, he slipped into place on top of her as Cath settled back against the pillows.

  Mouths clashed, lips caught and released in kisses that drew them together, carrying both along this river of desire he’d found only with her. Her hands clutched him close, slipping along the muscles of his upper back, skimming as he arched, cock sliding through the wetness between her legs. She puffed a breath out, hot air gusting alongside his cheek, and he moved again, twisting his hips to grind against her clit. “Cath, I want—”

  “I want, too, Nathan. Oh, how I want.”

  Her fingers wrapped around his cock, and she directed him to her entrance, rocking her hips up to catch him on the next downward thrust, and he pushed inside, heat and wetness clasping him tightly. “Ah, God.” His residual limb scraped along the sheets, but for the first time, he understood the critical importance of having his knee as he used it to spread her legs wider and anchored himself to thrust deeper. Muscles burning, the twist of his back would hurt later, but right now all he could feel was something sweet and too long gone from his life: the uncounted beauty of loving his wife.

  Calves wrapped around his hips, she met him thrust for thrust, undulating in rhythm with every push. She lifted a hand and wedged it against the headboard, holding herself in place against his movements. A soft groan split the air, and he captured her mouth, tongue diving inside in time with his cock. He curled an arm around her waist, shoving far underneath until he could feel himself entering her. “Beautiful, can you? Are you close?”

  “Mmhmm.” Mouth closed over the arch of his shoulder, she hummed and trembled in his arms. He ground down against her, clit trapped between their bodies, and she came apart around him. Clenching tight, fluttering movements of her inner muscles pulled him deep, and Nathan held the same pace as long as he could, giving them both pleasure with every movement.

  “Cath.” That was all the warning he could give, the only sound he let escape, holding in the noises that wanted to beat against his throat. Deep, then deeper yet, and his cock pulsed, strikes of lightning curling around his balls and up his back, down his thighs until his toes curled into the mattress.

  “I love you, Nathan Smith.” Cath’s murmur against his ear pricked the hair on his arms.

  He kissed the side of her neck, then mouth to the curve of her cheek, gave it back to her. “I love you, Cathy Smith.” They stayed like that for a minute, breathing slowing, hearts beating in time, until he promised her, “I’m keeping you.”

  He chuckled at his bold statement and knew she liked it when she giggled, tightening around him again. “I’m keeping you back, mister.”

  “You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.” As close to a promise as this moment needed. “I’m not running.” Never again.

  Chapter Six


  Strolling up the sidewalk, Nathan curled Cathy closer to his side. The clubhouse loomed just ahead, only a half block away. Lights shone out the windows, creating an oasis of light and support. “So I’ve got you for a week, huh?”

  “Yup, we don’t have to leave until New Year’s Day.” She snuggled against his arm, crutches left behind in the house held in both of their names. He hadn’t asked what magic Oscar had worked to make that happen, or how the man had managed to keep the renovation a secret, either. Not of Cathy, at least. He’d be asking Oscar face-to-face, soon.

  Not today, though. This was Christmas, and magic was supposed to happen.

  “You think Katie will be okay with me staying over?”

  “Oh, yeah. She’ll be more than okay with it.” Cathy’s voice bubbled with amusement. “Be ready for an early morning wake-up. She’s missed that, a lot.”

  “Is it really this easy? Can it be this easy?” He slowed and stopped, and Cathy swung around in front of him, chin lifted as if she were ready for a fight. “No, really, Cath. How can you forgive me?”

  She drew a deep breath, eyes fixed on his. Bottom lip between her teeth, she studied him seriously. “Will there be moments where I want to smack you for stealing time from me?” She shrugged, eyes bright as she blinked quickly. “Probably.” A broken laugh nearly turned into something else, and he lost sight of her mouth when she covered her trembling lips with a hand. “I’m human, Nathan. You’re going to irritate me, and you’re going to
cop attitude, and you’re going to disappear inside your head and I’m going to get scared, then mad, and then who knows what.” Her hand dropped, and she smiled at him, that broad beam of love only she had ever directed his way. “And none of that matters at the end of the day. Because through it all, I’ll know you love me. And you’ll know I love you.” She thumped his chest with the palm of one hand. “And that’s why it’s this easy.”

  Behind her, the door to the clubhouse opened, and Katie darted out, connected to Kirby by his grip on her hand. In the distance, Nathan heard his best friend’s voice threaded through with laughter as he called, “She’s tired of waitin’ on you, old man.”

  Cathy stepped to the side and waved in a rolling motion. “Come on down, Katie bug.”

  Katie was in motion almost before Kirby released his hold. She took the steps that had frustrated Nathan only hours before in two big jumps, her landing secure. She pivoted and pelted up the sidewalk, arms waving over her head. “Daddy, Daddy.”

  Nathan shifted his stance, centering himself before she got to him, anticipating the leap that took her up and up, at arms reach flying in the sky, then back down to be cradled against his chest. Over her head, he locked gazes with Cathy, seeing the final lines of tension fading away. “I’m right here, baby. Right here with you.”



  Thank you so much for reading Mad Minute, book two in my Mayhan Bucklers MC series. These stories have a dear place in my heart, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it.


  Raised in the south, MariaLisa learned about the magic of books at an early age. Every summer, she would spend hours in the local library, devouring books of every genre. Self-described as a book-a-holic, she says "I've always loved to read, but then I discovered writing, and found I adored that, too. For reading...if nothing else is available, I've been known to read the back of the cereal box."

  Also by MariaLisa deMora

  Alace Sweets

  A dark thriller, this book is not a light read. Filled with edge-of-your-seat suspense, this intense story commands the reader's attention as it drives towards the explosive ending. Alace Sweets is a vigilante serial killer, with everything that implies and is sure to trip all your triggers. Be ready.

  At seventeen, Alace Sweets turned a corner in her life, taking the wrong shortcut home from school.

  Resisting the harsh knowledge her attackers will never be made to pay for their actions, Alace takes a stand. Justice must be served, and if fate’s scales are out of balance, she’s determined to set things right as best she can.

  When the laws of men fail, the rules of Alace prevail.

  5-Star Reviews for Alace Sweets

  “Whatever deep dark trench [deMora] pulled a character like Alace from should be revisited again and often.”

  ~Confessions of a Serial Reader

  “deMora has a superb story-line and exceptional character development. All of her characters have such depth that will intrigue the reader...”

  ~Turning Another Page

  “Hot, sweet, dark thriller.”

  ~Beth D

  “It will keep you on the edge of your seat and give you chills.”

  ~Escape Reality Book Blog

  “Disturbing, haunting, sickly; yet hot, sexy and heart racing!”

  ~Amanda L

  “From the first page [deMora] pulls you into the world she has created and you do not even try to escape...”

  ~Little Shop of Readers Blog

  “A must read for all those dark, gritty romance fans out there.”

  ~Sweet & Spicy Reads

  “You will find yourself so drawn into the story that the outside world is blocked out and your locking the doors and turning on all the lights.”

  ~Danena F

  “Don't judge me for bonding with a vigilante serial killer, she's more than what she does.”

  ~iScream Books

  “Thrilling...chilling...full of suspense, nail biting edge of your seat excitement.”

  ~Tracey H

  “Every time MariaLisa deMora picks up her pen (or opens her computer), she creates characters you want to believe in.”

  ~Gail S

  “Intriguing dark storyline, beautiful love story and nail-biting conclusion, what more could a reader ask for?”

  ~Manda M

  “This book takes you a dark and twisted ride that is gripping...”

  ~Renee Entress' Blog

  “This book is dark and gritty and I literally had to take a day off from reading it because it's that intense.”

  ~My Girlfriend's Couch

  “This is my favourite book so far from this author ... I recommend this book if you enjoy dark romantic thrillers.”

  ~Cheekypee Reads and Reviews

  “There's not enough stars to give this book and 5 just doesn't really do it justice!”

  ~DeLane C

  “I couldn't put this book down from page one! Tried to stop & go to bed but couldn't sleep thinking about Alace and got up & finished the book.”

  ~Debbie M

  “MariaLisa DeMora, wordsmith that she is, made this a story of the enlightenment of a woman and finding love in a life where she has had none.”

  ~Kat W


  Please note that books in a series frequently feature characters from additional books within that series. If series books are read out of order, readers will twig to spoilers for the other books, so going back to read the skipped titles won’t have the same angsty reveals.

  Rebel Wayfarers MC series:

  Mica, #1

  A Sweet & Merry Christmas, #1.5

  Slate, #2

  Bear, #3

  Jase, #4

  Gunny, #5

  Mason, #6

  Hoss, #7

  Harddrive Holidays, #7.5

  Duck, #8

  Biker Chick Campout, #8.5

  Watcher, #9

  A Kiss to Keep You, #9.25

  Gun Totin’ Annie, #9.5

  Secret Santa, #9.75

  Bones, #10

  Gunny’s Pups, #10.25

  Never Settle, #10.5

  Not Even A Mouse, #10.75

  Fury, #11

  Christmas Doings, #11.25

  Gypsy’s Lady, #11.5

  Cassie, #12

  Road Runner’s Ride, #12.5

  Occupy Yourself band series:

  Born Into Trouble, #1

  Grace In Motion, #2 (TBD)

  What They Say, #3 (TBD)

  Neither This, Nor That MC series:

  This Is the Route Of Twisted Pain, #1

  Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad, #2

  Shelter My Heart, #3

  Trapped by Fate on Reckless Roads, #4

  Thunderstruck, #5

  Mayhan Bucklers MC series:

  Most Rikki-Tik, #1

  Mad Minute, #2

  Pucker Factor, #3

  If You Could Change One Thing: Tangled Fates Stories

  There Are Limits, #1

  Rules Are Rules, #2

  The Gray Zone, #3

  Other Books:

  With My Whole Heart

  Alace Sweets

  Hard Focus

  More information available at




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