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Return: Nomadican Mates Series 4: Alien Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Iona Strom

  Natu is between my legs in a flash. So easily, he slides home. He holds himself tight against me, his cock buried as deep as it will go, before he begins to fuck me.

  I’ve never been shared before, the feel of a different cock so soon after the first is obscenely delicious. My flesh eager to come against a new invader.

  My mouth full of Nulis, my slit full of Natu, I reach for Xuel who places his slippery cock in my hand. I massage him back to life while I work my mouth and throat up and down as much of Nulis’ shaft as I can take.

  Nulis grunts, spilling inside me at the time as Natu. I’m full to the gills but take everything my males give me.

  I yelp not ready for the sudden switch up, Nulis pushes Natu aside and flips me onto my belly. Gripping my hips, Nulis pops me up on my knees. Positioning himself at my dripping opening, my flesh gives way to accommodate Nulis’ girth, grabbing hold, he takes me for a wild ride.

  My breasts swing free. Twin pendulums that grab Natu’s attention. Positioned on outstretched arms leaves Natu room to push his head under me. He captures one swaying nipple and then the other, sucking and lathing me while Nulis plunders me in his favorite position.

  Xuel knees his way in front of me. Cock in hand, he wants in on the action and I’m happy to oblige. I was never much for giving blow jobs, definitely not after a cock has been inside of me, but Xuel is the exception —It would seem all three of my males are the exception— I find I want to know the taste of Xuel’s spicy musk.

  I open my mouth inviting Xuel inside. He accepts the invitation and presses his cock in my opened mouth. I swirl my tongue around his pointed tip tasting myself. My tang gives way to the decadence of white chocolate. I feast on his flesh as Nulis pounds into me from behind and Natu suckles me from below.

  The pleasure of it all is almost too much to bear. As I start to orgasm, Nulis reaches between my thighs and thrums my clit. I’m sent soaring over an edge so sharp, my vision dims.

  Xuel groans before me and fills me full of his lush seed. I gulp back every last drop, lapping at the tip before he pulls away.

  Between my boneless thighs, Nulis is spilling his own seed. With a heavy grunt and a final squeeze of my plump rear end, he leaves my body. I stay on my hands and knees as Natu gives my breasts final kisses.

  We all sprawl out in a tangle of arms and legs. My sex still ticking with the echoes of so many orgasms as my males continue to pet and kiss me.

  Lazy and pampered, I don’t pay attention to the voice that suddenly fills the room. On languid limbs, my males stand and access the seats embedded in the walls. Xuel cradles me against his chest and straps me in the seat with him.

  I snuggle into his warm, musky skin and absently listen to the engines begin to rev. On a second announcement, we are shot through space to who knows where.

  Chapter 13

  One of two things was bound to happen after we made the hyper-jump. One, I would either wake up to a whole new world, “In a galaxy far, far, away.” I chuckle yet there’s nothing funny about where I find myself. Or, second, the less palatable option…

  The planet I never thought to see again fills the panoramic window. The small, silvery moon orbiting the familiar blue orb of my birth takes on a new perspective from my vantage point in outer space. I can see the majority of planets in the solar system from this far away.

  After the legendary orgy my clov treated me to, I was too blissed-out to think about the consequences of the hyper-jump we made not soon after we’d finished enjoying each other’s flesh.

  My legs are still made of jelly. I don’t think I’ll walk right for at least another week.

  Snack nervously moves around on my shoulder. Her caramel fur tickling with her every shift and side-step. Neyteria is doing much the same, seated close at my feet, she can’t keep still. No matter how calm I appear on the outside, it’s as if the animals can sense the turmoil of my anxiety. It’s only a matter of time before I’m returned.

  At the moment, the sun is on my side. The bright ball of burning gases is blazing down over the northeastern portion of the United States, bathing my home state of Iowa in golden light. It won’t be much longer before day turns to night.

  Natu said we would wait until the cover of darkness before taking the shuttle to the surface. Once the Earth makes its way to the far side, the planet itself would help shield the shuttle from the Universeval Rule’s base orbiting between my solar system and the next closest.

  I watch as one of their single-seat shuttles zips around on an endless patrol, but they are few and far between. Viewing everything from such a great distance away, I can see how the creepy gray aliens were able to easily snatch me from the planet without getting caught.

  So much for protection from bad aliens wanting to do harm to the innocent. The protectors are spread so thin, it’s nothing to outmaneuver them.

  I push out a heavy sigh of despair. None of the celestial bodies outside the window appear to be moving. It’s as if everything is in limbo much like where I’m at. Waiting. Just waiting for my time with my males to run out.

  As if on cue, Natu’s reflection appears behind me then Nulis and finally Xuel. My males. My clov.

  Though the words were never spoken, Xuel granted my request to be returned home which also means he agreed, along with my secundries to release me from our mating. And act not without consequences. Natu says there is dishonor with the dissolution of a mating.

  I’m not sure which is more heartbreaking, the finality of my mating, or the fact that my males will have to bear the dishonor of it.

  “It is nearly time, Avay,” I jump at Xuel’s words. “We have come to escort you to the shuttle.”

  I turn away from the window and set weary eyes on my handsome males. It feels like only yesterday I woke up naked and chained to that wall on Tirstiu. Afraid and alone, Natu and Xuel came to my rescue. They saved me from a fate worse than death from those monsters wanting to ravage my flesh. Who knew that wouldn't be the last time they had to come to my aid. Nulis had nearly died saving me this last time.

  These males had taken me in —granted as a sex-slave— clothed me, fed me, mated me… loved me as I have them. My parents had done most of those things, except one. The most important one. They never loved or accepted me for that matter. Unlike these males. These Nomadican’s had opened their arms to me without hesitation, despite the differences in species.

  Here I am, turning my back on them to return to people who couldn’t care less about me.

  Leaving was going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but my males deserve to be safe. It’s been proven to me time and again that that’s not possible with me around.

  I nod to Xuel and fall in line with my males as they, along with Neyteria, escorts me to the elevator and down to the shuttle bay. A long, sad procession that gets even worse once we emerge from the elevator.

  There, lining the corridor, are all of the beings I’ve met since I was brought aboard. I nod my goodbyes as I walk the gauntlet of somber faces.

  When I reach my shark tooth friends, I have to pause. I try and fail to plaster a smile on for them. I can only blink back tears.

  Dropping to my knees, I open my arms to these once terrifying creatures. One by one, they step into my embrace, my arms wrapping around their child-size bodies. I marvel at the difference in our sizes. Where I’m tall and fleshed out, they are waif-thin and fragile.

  I stand and step before the Next is the royal blue alien, Viela. The ship’s healer and apparently performs the occasional mating ceremony.

  I open my arms to her, but she steps back extending a slender hand. She must not be a hugger. I can respect that. I swallow hard over her forked fingers —so strange— yet who am I to judge. I probably appear as odd to her as she does to me. That never stopped her from laying a healing hand upon me.

  I gently grip what she offers; her skin warm against mine. Huge almond-shaped eyes remain unblinking when she dips her chin at me. I don’t miss the slight upturn of
her small mouth. I return her warm regard.

  I will miss her, I think to myself as I continue to the shuttle bay. I will miss all of them.

  Parked before me is the repaired shuttle. The male with two sets of eyes, who Xuel handed the fistful of wires off to when we crash-landed, is just wiping a smudge from the hull.

  He gives me a passing glance as my males come to stand around me.

  “So, this is it.” I swallow the hard lump in my throat.

  My males mumble a response and shuffle their feet.

  “The window of opportunity is short,” Xuel speaks low. “The Yulienon patrols have just passed. If you are to reach the surface without detection, the time is now, Avay.”

  This wasn’t the goodbye I envisioned, being rushed aboard the shuttle and returned home. Was I to be delivered back to my parents' house by a stranger? The male with all the eyeballs appeared to be hanging around the shuttle’s door.

  “Who’s taking me?” I rush out.

  “I will be the one to return you,” Natu answers.

  I’m, at once, relieved and sad that Xuel and Nulis are staying behind. The bite of betrayal is unexpected and unwarranted. I’m the one that asked to leave. It wasn’t my males pushing me from the nest.

  I defuse my anger before it takes hold. I’m where I am because of my own doing.

  In recognition of his rank as primaries in my clov, I turn to Xuel first.

  “I never thanked you for outbidding that Wetokian freak for coming to my rescue when he snatched me from the marketplace on Letrutose.” I try hard not to sniffle. “So, thank you for saving my ass.”

  He gifts me with a rare grin but sobers quickly. Grief drops like a heavy shroud, settling around him with a cold chill. I take a step forward only to hesitate when Xuel doesn’t move. Then, he’s suddenly wrapping his arms around in a tight hug.

  I don’t want him to let go.

  “I also never told you that I love you,” I say through a curtain of tears.

  Xuel squeezes me tighter. I’m hurt that he doesn’t say it back. Given the loss of his shoulsis before me, I expect love isn’t something he gives freely.

  “How shall I ever live without you?”

  “The same way I shall have to live without you, Avay.” Xuel’s answer in unexpected as he pulls away. “One cycle at a time.”

  Nulis grabs ahold of me and drags me to him. Crushed in his massive arms, I don’t care that I can hardly breathe. I hear Snack whimper and nuzzle the top of my head from where she’s now perched on Nulis’ broad shoulder.

  “I will miss you, shoulsis, and not just your silky cunt, but you,” Nulis utters. “You were a much-needed warmth in our cold lives.”

  Such sweet nothings from my foul breathed male. I would expect no less.

  “Your box of trinkets will have to remain with us,” Nulis adds with apology. “The hairbands too. Understand that we cannot allow such things to fall into the hands of the Mannocks. No offense.”

  “I do understand.”

  Stripped of my hairbands and the jeweled strap that gives my dress shape, I’m left feeling raw. The weight of my hair swings free as if I’ve lost a part of myself. The most important part. Where I once felt a part of something, I’m suddenly an outsider.

  “Thanks for all you’ve done for me, Nulis. You risked your life when you didn’t have to.”

  “There was never a time when I would not have done so. You are my shoulsis.”

  I nearly burst into fresh tears from his openhearted declaration. “I love you, Nulis,” I say throwing my arms around his big body.

  “And I you, Avay.”

  This time, there is no holding back. I break down, blubbering all over my male.

  “I’m so glad you didn’t die.”

  “Me too,” Nulis chuckles.

  Snack shifts around reminding us of her presence. I scrub under what I think is her chin and she makes that lovely, rhythmic purring.

  “Watch after her for me, Nulis?”

  “I will take good care of Snack. I promise not to let anyone eat her,” Nulis grins wide flashing sharp canines. “I have grown attached to her.”

  “It is time to go, Avay.” I cringe over Natu’s words.

  Neyteria rubs her big, furry head against my leg. I crouch to hug her to me. Placing a kiss on her head, she doesn’t present me with her usual happy frolicking and lolling tongue. No. Her head hangs low as she peers up at me with the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen.

  I swallow the pieces of my broken heart and board the shuttle. I shouldn’t have looked back; this will only make my leaving harder.

  Xuel looks crushed, and Nulis has dropped his head in his hands as he holds Snack close. Neyteria has pressed her face into Xuel’s leg. My friends lining the corridor are spilling into the shuttle bay as they watch me leave.

  Natu makes sure I’m strapped in properly. Giving me a quick kiss, he takes his seat at the console. With a swipe of his hand, the wall in front dissolves, leaving us with a clear windshield facing the bay door.

  Blue strobes announce our departure. I imagine everyone filing out so the bay door to the outside can open and allow me to leave. Forever.

  I take a deep, shuddering breath as we soundlessly lift-off and shoot out into the inky vastness of space. We don’t head directly to Earth as I expected but take a sharp left to make a wide arc before our approach.

  “Thanks for seeing me home, Natu.”

  “Of course.”

  Home. Somehow the word feels like it no longer applies to the blue planet. As a matter of fact, the longer I look and the closer we get, it grows more… alien.

  “How did you get tagged to take me?”

  I’m happy Natu is with me, but also can’t stop my curiosity from wanting to know why all of my males aren’t here.

  “We played the rouletta. My name was drawn as the one to escort you,” Natu explains. “It is too risky if we were caught by the Yulineons. If caught, we would be sent to the penatorium.”

  “Penatorium!” I recoil. “You mean like jail? For taking me back to Earth? I thought you were going to request permission to return me.”

  “Somethings are far easier done than asked for.”

  “I can understand that.”

  The small talk died away as we banked a hard right and began a rapid descent. The planet growing larger and larger until the windshield was consumed by it. It looked so beautiful and peaceful from up here, but as with the red-dirt planet where I began my life as a sex-slave, looks were very deceiving. Once you landed and got up close and personal with all of the evil’s humans were capable of, it wasn’t so lovely anymore.

  I’d made a crude drawing of the United States and where my little hometown of Decorah, Iowa was located. He’d somehow used the rough information I’d given him and applied it to their alien navigation technology. And here I am landing a couple of hundred feet away from my parents’ house.

  I grip the edge of my seat as Natu skims across my father’s flourishing corn crops.

  The last time I was here, the leaves on the trees were just turning the brilliant hues of fall. Now everything has turned green and in bloom.

  It seems like yesterday when I woke up to find myself on that red-dirt planet. Now I know it’s been months.

  Natu soundlessly sets us down in the darkest area of the fields and we emerge from the shuttle. The lights are on inside the house. I can see the flicker of the television through the window in my parents’ upstairs bedroom.

  I look over to the darkened windows of the room above the garage. My last home before I was abducted from Earth by those creepy gray people. Once just a room now appears sinister. I was abducted from there. My memory of the event lost, and I’m glad of it.

  We’d made it here without incident. Not that I wanted to see Natu be arrested for violating the law the Universeval Rule laid down to protect my planet, but I’d secretly hoped for some sort of run-in with a Yulineon patrol. That would have at least given a semblance of danger, and
an excuse to call this whole thing off and hightail it back to the ship.

  I never thought I’d see this place again and now that I’m here, I don’t want to be. The people inside that house have proven time and time again that they don’t give two shits about me.

  I look next to me at the fierce male. A stranger just a few seasons ago has cared for me, protected me, become my family. Now it’s my turn to return the favor.

  “You’ll be safe now that I’m gone,” I speak to Natu, but I’m not sure if my words are for his benefit or mine. At this moment, I’m really needing to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing.

  “I do not understand,” Natu says, turning me to face him.

  “I’ve brought you all nothing but trouble. It’s my fault what happened with the Wetokian. If it wasn’t for me, nobody would have gotten hurt. Even Mont’clure knew I shouldn’t have left the ship to go with to the market.”

  Natu’s brow creases as he shakes his head.

  “None of that is true, Avay,” he says laying a finger over my mouth when I begin to argue. “The Wetokian are not new enemies for us. If it is not them, then it will be another. We are never in any more or less danger with or without you.”

  I’m suddenly lightheaded.

  “We all agreed that you are safer here than any place else,” Natu finishes.

  Now it’s my turn to do some head shaking of my own. “That isn’t true, Natu. This planet has its dangers. Murder, rape, abuse, there are bad people here too.”

  Natu grabs my upper arms and squeezes. Concern shadows his feline gaze.

  “I mean, I was abducted by aliens. Really, I’m not all that safe here.”

  “It would seem we have all made a mistake,” he says, giving me a hard look. “How ignorant your males are. We failed to protect you with the Wetokian, and now here we are delivering you in the hands of danger once again. It is no wonder you requested to be returned.”

  As if a black cloud has been lifted, everything is suddenly clear.


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