Holiday Island

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Holiday Island Page 3

by A. D. Ellis

  The monkeys blinked but didn’t move. They continued eating whatever fruit-type food they had in their dainty little hands.

  Fruit-like food.

  “Holy shit! Where did you guys get the food?” I didn’t really expect them to answer me, honestly, but pointing me in the right direction would have been nice. I glanced around and quickly saw the food they were eating. “Eureka!” I yelped. “We’re saved!”

  I grabbed four of the fruits, maybe they were vegetables, hell, I didn’t know or care, and raced back to Lucas.

  “Honey! I’m home!” I rushed to his side. “And I’ve brought dinner.”

  Lucas glanced at what I held. “Awesome. What are they?”

  “I don’t know. But I saw monkeys eating them, and they didn’t die.” I knelt down, placing three fruits to the side and one right in front of me. Lucas joined me on the ground.

  “How do we open it?” Lucas examined the food.

  “I don’t know. The monkeys looked like they’d peeled theirs.” I took the item from Lucas and attempted to peel it with no luck. “How the hell did those little guys get this open?”

  “Maybe bash it on something?” Lucas took it from me and slammed it on a nearby rock. “Success!” he whooped as the fruit split open. He handed a section to me and took one for himself.

  Eyeing Lucas as intently as he watched me, I raised the fruit slowly to my mouth. I nearly cried with relief when my taste buds exploded as juicy sweetness flooded my mouth. “Oh my God, it’s so good.”

  “Sort of thought you’d be saying that in a different context,” Lucas deadpanned but smiled around his second bite. “But, yes, it’s delicious.”

  “Is it really good, or is it just because we’re starving and didn’t want to die?” I wondered aloud.

  “Who knows? Let’s just enjoy the fact that we’ve got food.” Lucas split the rest of the fruit among us. “What do you think it is?”

  “I’m no expert, but maybe papaya? Mango? I don’t think it’s any type of banana.” I shrugged and shoved the rest of the fruit in my mouth. “We should go slow until we know there are more of these around the island.”

  “Agreed, but at least we know we’ve got food and water.”

  “And fire thanks to you.” I glanced at the small but reassuring flames.

  “Since we aren’t going to starve, let’s act like we’re on an island vacation.” Lucas bumped my shoulder.

  “I’m game. What do you have in mind?”

  “No way I’m missing an island sunset.” Lucas reached for my hand and pulled me to the beach.

  Once there we plopped onto the sand as the descending sun slowly made its way to the horizon. I rubbed my thumb against Lucas’s hand and thrilled when he gripped mine tighter.

  “Is this weird?” I glanced to our entwined fingers on the sand between us.

  Lucas cocked his head. “You mean being stranded on a deserted island with a complete stranger and being all romantic almost like it’s a reality TV show rather than a potentially dire situation?”

  I winced and nodded.

  “Nah, not weird at all.” Lucas’s words dripped with sarcasm, and he almost succeeded in holding back a smirk.

  I laughed.

  “I think, for me at least, it’s weird to be having such strong feelings for someone I just met.” Lucas stared at the ocean.

  “It’s probably just the situation we’re in.” I attempted to downplay the effect his words had on me and what he was actually saying.

  “No, I don’t think so.” Lucas shook his head. “I was attracted to you the moment I saw you. Wouldn’t have thought to act on it because I was so focused on the job.”

  My face heated. Probably both because he was admitting to being attracted to me and I was embarrassed about screwing the day up for him. “I really am sorry about messing up the job and getting us stuck here.”

  Lucas gripped my hand and touched my cheek with his other. “Don’t be. This is a vacation I knew I needed but never would have taken. Fate put us here together and forced me to slow down.”

  “You may not be so gracious with fate when we’re starving, sunburned, uncivilized, rabid beasts.” I rubbed my cheek against his palm.

  “Rabid beasts, huh?” Lucas smiled and leaned in to kiss me softly.

  I nodded, reminding myself to breathe. “Don’t forget sunburned and starved.”

  “I doubt you burn much, and I’ve got sunscreen. We’ll stay in the shade as we’re able. We’ve got food and water and fire.”

  “What about uncivilized?” I whispered against his lips as I longed to taste him again.

  “A little uncivility is fine by me.” Lucas traced my lips with his tongue. “In fact, I have quite a list of uncivilized things I’d like to do to you.”

  I groaned. “As amazing as that sounds, don’t we need to be a little realistic? We run out of food? The fire goes out in a storm? No one ever finds us?”

  Lucas pulled back slightly. “What happened to the guy looking for a holiday miracle to believe in?”

  “What happened to Mr. Bah Humbug?”

  Lucas nuzzled into my neck. “I think a gorgeous setting and amazing companion have gone to my head. Seems to me we’re in the perfect situation to explore the old adage of ‘make the most of a bad situation.’”

  “For how long?” The unknown of our situation was getting to me.

  Lucas shrugged. “I’m guessing people will start looking for us within the week. Someone is bound to find the boat and report it.”

  His answer was logical. “So, we just enjoy our week vacation?”

  “Sure. I’m down if you are.” Lucas tapped my nose.

  I nodded but chewed at my lip. “A week, and then it’s all over and done?”

  Lucas’s eyes flashed. “I’m not against this leading to something more off the island, but I figure you’ve got loads of guys waiting for your return.”

  I chuckled. “Not really. Some friends with benefits, but no one special.”

  “Why?” Lucas cocked his head and waited.

  “Guess I’m always too busy trying to prove myself to my dad and brother. Or wallowing in self-pity because I’m not like them.” It was my turn to stare at the waves.

  Lucas gripped my chin and turned me to him for a hard and fast kiss. “I’d love to be your someone special and see what we could maybe be.” He kissed me again, softer and slower. “And I’m glad you’re not like them. They sound like total jerks.”

  I melted into him and fell back on the sand when he pushed. We rolled to our sides, lost in a kiss. Seconds, minutes, hours later, I don’t know how long we made out in the sand, but warm water began to lap around our legs. Before long, the gentle waves were up to our waists. Breaking from our kiss, I saw the sun was nearly set and we had rolled ourselves into the water.

  “I feel like we really are in a movie or some damn reality TV show,” I grumbled as the water washed over us again.

  Lucas stood, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. He leaned in to kiss me. “Nope, as far as I can tell, it’s just us.”

  A peacock call sounded loudly from the forest.

  “And that damn fuckin’ bird!” I growled.

  Chapter 5


  RAFA WRAPPED his arms around himself. “Damn, who knew a tropical island could get so chilly?”

  “With the sun gone down and the breeze from the water, it does feel pretty cool. Plus, we were hot all day and now our clothes are damp. Want to sleep by the fire? Or in the shelter?” I pulled Rafa close, trying to warm him.

  “Honestly?” Rafa shivered in my arms. “The thought of sleeping outside creeps me out, but the fire would keep us warmer.”

  I hugged him tighter. “I’ll protect you from the big bad peacocks.”

  “Oh, my hero!” Rafa teased in a false falsetto. “Seriously, though, are you always so romantic and protective?”

  Frowning, I stopped to think. “Robert was never much for romance or displays of affection. He nev
er allowed it. But it comes really naturally for me, especially with you for some reason. I find myself just wanting to wrap you up in a big hug and protect you from it all. Namely your dad and brother.” I frowned even more thinking about those two assholes.

  Rafa’s frown mirrored mine. “I’m a grown-up. I should be able to stand up to them.”

  I reached for his elbow. “You can. And you will. I’ll be there for moral support if you’d like.”

  Rafa took my other hand in his. “I’d like that.”

  We settled by the fire for the evening.

  “Do you think we could roast one of these?” I held up one of the fruits.

  Rafa shrugged. “Maybe. I mean, we cook apples and peaches in pies. Probably won’t ruin it.”

  I stuck a stick through a section of fruit and held it over the flames. When the juices sizzled and the flesh browned, I took it from the fire. Blowing on the chunk of fruit first, I tested it against my lips.

  “Mmm, that’s actually really good. It does remind me of a warm peach in a cobbler.” The juice dribbled down my chin, and I held out the other bite to Rafa. “Try it.”

  Rafa opened his mouth and allowed me to feed him. He moaned as he chewed and swallowed. “So good.” He reached for me and thumbed juice from my chin before licking it from his thumb. “Delicious.” Rafa’s eyes glowed in the firelight as he sucked his bottom lip and traced over it with his thumb.

  A growl rumbled through my chest a split second before I shifted and lunged toward him. I fisted the back of his hair and angled his mouth so I could feast on his lips.

  Rafa moaned and opened his mouth for my tongue. “Naked. I’d really love to have you naked right now.” Rafa panted against my lips.

  “That can totally be arranged.” I broke the kiss just long enough to strip our shirts and toss them to the side. I slipped my pants down to my knees, reached for Rafa’s waistband, and popped the button.

  I sat to the side and shimmied my pants the rest of the way off and watched in awe as Rafa gave me a little strip tease. He stood, turned to the woods, glanced over his shoulder, and began to inch his shorts over the perfectly round cheeks of his ass. My cock had gained initial interest with the kiss, but its interest was tenfold as Rafa stripped. He turned back to me after stepping out of his pants, his dick long, slim, and standing proudly from a dark thatch of hair. I gripped myself in my fist, trying to stave off my reaction.

  Rafa stepped toward me and began to lower himself to the ground, but I stopped him with hands on the dark hair covering his thighs. I brushed my nose against his stomach and turned slightly to nudge his cock before glancing up at him. “Is this okay?”

  Rafa whimpered and nodded as he steadied himself with hands on my shoulders.

  I licked the head of his dick before tonguing his slit and savoring the salty taste of him. Taking his length in my mouth as I reached to grip his ass, I enjoyed the gagging sensation as he hit the back of my throat.

  “Stop, fuck, stop.” Rafa jerked his hips and stepped away from me. Hands on his knees, breathing hard, Rafa took a few moments to compose himself. “Dear God, it’s not like I’m a damn virgin, but you had me almost coming with a couple strokes. Give me a second.”

  I gripped my own erection and tried to calm myself.

  Rafa knelt down beside me. “I don’t suppose either of us has a condom or two and travel-size packets of lube stashed in our pockets or bags?”

  I chuckled. “Now that would really be like being in a movie.” I moved closer and knocked my cock against his. “No, I don’t have any condoms or lube. You?”

  Rafa pouted. “Nope.”

  “Make the best of what we’ve got.” I shrugged.

  “Hmmm, tongues, lips, mouths, fists, cocks… yeah, I think we can work with that.” Rafa rocked his hips against mine. “Lay on your side.”

  I lay on my side, my back to the jungle. My breath caught in my throat when Rafa positioned himself with his back to the fire, his mouth at my cock, his hard length throbbing right at my face. Fuck.

  Rafa gasped when I took him into my mouth again, but I soon joined in with some gasps and groans of my own when he opened his sweet mouth and sucked me deep.

  Hands gripped asscheeks.

  Fingers traced puckered holes.

  Tongues licked and teased.

  Cocks thrust deep between wet lips.

  Bodies quaked as release exploded and spilled.

  Throats swallowed.

  Chests heaved.

  Hearts pounded.

  Eventually I shifted to pull Rafa into my arms. He curled tightly against my chest, our dicks lay spent between our bodies.

  “That was good, right?” Rafa whispered.

  I laughed, thinking he was joking, but when I glanced down, I saw the seriousness on his face. “Damn, yeah, baby. It was great.”

  “Okay, I thought so. But we’re stuck on an island. I thought maybe I was delirious with fever and imagining it all.” Rafa’s words were light against my chest.

  “No, that was very real and very, very good.” I kissed the top of his head. “Get some sleep.”

  We fell into a light sleep for several minutes before the peacock squawked, and Rafa jerked awake in my arms.

  “Fuck, how I wish I was imagining that asshole bird.”

  “Shhh, just sleep.” I chuckled against his head and held him tight.

  WE WOKE to the most amazing chorus of animals, insects, and waves as the sun began to climb over the horizon.

  “Whoa, nothing like a total island experience,” Rafa whispered into my chest as he nuzzled his nose against me.

  “It’s all part of the package. At Holiday Island we aim to please.” I chuckled at my own little joke.

  Rafa sat up and stared down at me. “That’s a great idea.”


  “Holiday Island.” Rafa’s eyes were wild with what I guessed was excitement. “No huge commercial cruises catering to materialistic rich people. But small, intimate excursions to Holiday Island for the friends or couples truly wanting to escape it all.” Rafa wagged his brows.

  His excitement was catching, and I sat up too. “I’m following. It’s got some major potential. Fix up the shelter, provide some basic supplies, give the customers a tour of the island upon arrival. Then they are on their own.”

  “Or have different packages. The basic like you described, and then the very basic. Sort of like what we’re doing. Roughing it for real, having to search for water and food.” Rafa rubbed his hands together.

  “I like it.” I nodded. “We’d have to have liability waivers and all that good stuff, but it’s a great idea. I know there are people out there who would totally go for a Holiday Island experience long before they’d go for a fancy cruise to a man-made island attraction.”

  Rafa smiled, but then his face fell. “My dad would never go for it. He hates the fact that I love art and painting. He hates my fashion sense. He hates my friends. No way he’d take an idea from me and call it good.”

  “I have plans to tell your daddy dearest about this plan.” I rolled my eyes.

  “How would we set it up?”

  “Well, I happen to know a pretty kickass carpenter who I bet we could get to fix up the shelter. All we’d need is a small boat. Probably start by chartering one.” I actually loved the idea. “Maybe not within the next week, but we can get it all set up.”

  “We’d have to check on legalities and all that.” Rafa screwed up his face. “That takes money.”

  “So, we check quiet like with people we know, find out what we need. We’re in no hurry. We’ll go slow and steady until it’s perfect.” I cupped Rafa’s face.

  He beamed. “I love this idea.”

  “Me too.” I leaned in to kiss him. “Now, tell me more about this art and painting.”

  Rafa blushed. “Nothing much. I love art. Making it, viewing it, learning about it. I like to paint.”

  “What do you paint?” I cocked my head to the side and appreciat
ed the multifaceted man in front of me.

  “Mostly abstracts, but I can do different things.”

  “Would you show me your work?” I knew then and there, probably even before, that I wanted nothing more than to keep Rafa in my life outside of the island.

  He shrugged. “Sure. It’s nothing special.”

  “You are special, it stands to reason that your work would be special.” I lay back down and pulled Rafa down to my side. “Maybe it’s the beautiful island scenery or the fresh ocean air, but I’ve got another idea.”

  “Yeah?” Rafa traced fingers lightly over my chest.

  “I’m a carpenter in the sense that I can build houses and buildings and shit like that, but I also can make furniture. Tables, chairs, hope chests, cabinets, bookshelves, that type of thing.” Robert had always wanted to focus more on the commercial side of our business; building houses and other architecture was where the money was according to him. But I’d always pictured more of an artistic side to my work. “We could take my current business and alter things a bit. Offer handmade furniture and such along with original artwork. You could bring your circle in for my furniture, and I could bring my circle in for your art. Put our circles together, and we’d have a pretty strong customer base and word of mouth.”

  “Starting a business is a lot of work and money.” Rafa’s hand stilled on my chest.

  “It is.” I was silent for a moment. “But I’m not about easy. I want whatever I do to be strong and good, and something that brings happiness to me and others.”

  “Would you really want to have me involved in your business?” Rafa propped up on an elbow to look at me.

  I smiled. “Without a doubt. Even if nothing comes from this—” I gestured between us. “—although I have high hopes, I’d love for us to explore the island excursion and woodworking/artwork avenues. We’d work well together.”

  Rafa frowned. “I’m not 100 percent sure. I can be a jealous bitch. Do we really want to be business partners not knowing if something is going to work out relationship-wise?”

  “We’ve got time. Let’s make a deal. We’ll give ourselves until this time next year to see where we are personally and in business. That gives us time to explore the business options and twists and turns while still testing the waters with us.”


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