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The Haunting of Cragg Hill House

Page 13

by Elyse Salpeter

  Kelsey propped some pillows behind Desmond’s head to make him comfortable, and poured him another glass of water.

  Desmond reached out and touched her hand. “I’m sorry, Kelsey. So much for our romantic getaway.” His speech was still somewhat slurred from the swelling around his lips.

  She leaned down and kissed the one spot on his cheek that was free of hives. “It’s fine, really. In sickness and in health, Desmond.”

  He tried to smile, but grimaced instead. “A wedding vow? You haven’t married me… yet.” He yawned, but then frowned. “Look, you know Josh a lot better than I do. The guy didn’t purposely give me something to make me sick, did he? Why are he and Ari so upset that we’re a couple? What the hell did I ever do to either of them?” His eyes widened in understanding. “Wait a second, is Josh secretly in love with you and you just didn’t want to tell me all this time?” He paused. “Did something happen between you two when I was in Aihika?”

  Instead of answering, Kelsey bit the inside of her cheek.

  Desmond blew out a sharp breath. “That’s it, isn’t it? Oh, that’s just great. Did you… sleep together when I was gone?”

  “No Desmond, I swear to you I did not sleep with him.”

  “Then, what is it? Did you date him before you met me, and just failed to tell me this for some reason?”

  Kelsey sighed. “It’s complicated. Josh and I have known each other since I was in middle school. We didn’t ever really date. We hung out an awful lot together and did a few jobs for Ari. It was never more than flirting or a kiss here or there over the years.”

  “And while I was gone?”

  “It was just a kiss, Desmond. It was late one evening, and I was missing you desperately. It just happened so quickly, but I stopped it just as fast. Please, I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  “I know, Kelsey. But, it’s obvious he cares about you much more than just a friend.”

  Kelsey nodded. “Yes he does, and he just doesn’t know how to handle his emotions very well. He’s been a hothead and impulsive since I met him. And you know how it is with guys when they hang out with me for any length of time. It’s hard for them to control their feelings for me, even if they are some of my best friends. But he knows how much I love you and I’ve told him nothing is ever going to happen between us with you here.”

  Desmond snorted. “With me here. Number one reason to get rid of me right there.”

  “Desmond, something else is going on with him. I need to find out why he’s purposely framing you and concocting this entire story. Who is he taking the heat off of instead?”

  “Probably your brother. And while you’re at it, find out why he purposely tried to kill me.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t. He wouldn’t do that. He’d know I’d never forgive him.”

  Kelsey stayed with Desmond until he fell into a drugged, uncomfortable sleep. Only then did she allow her true feelings to race to the surface. The hurt, the anger. The absolute and total deceit from one of her best friends and her brother. She quickly changed out of her dress and into her every day clothes. Ari had nearly killed Desmond in Egypt, and now Joshua accused him of something he knew he didn’t do and had possibly poisoned him. It could have happened. She remembered feeling Josh’s desire pouring from him, and feeling the malice oozing from deep in his core. Did he want her so badly he would risk killing her boyfriend to have her? Did she think if something happened to Desmond she’d rush right into his waiting arms? She didn’t do it before, why would she do it now? And if Josh had done any of this, then there was no way things would ever be right between them ever again.

  Kelsey zipped her now cleaned and dried jeans and slipped on a pair of low-heeled leather booties. Adjusting the side buckle, she had a second thought. Maybe he didn’t poison Desmond at all. Maybe this really was just an allergic reaction to something. Maybe he just had kiwi sneaked into something and the bartender just didn’t know. Well, she was going to find out one way or the other.

  The wind rattled the windows in their frames. Kelsey moved over to them, pressed her hands on the cold glass, and peered outside. It was a virtual whiteout. The snowstorm outside was fierce and the previously shoveled walking paths from this afternoon had been all but erased, easily covered under another foot of snow. She closed the curtains tight and returned to Desmond’s side, adjusted his blanket and put another log on the fire. She knew she probably should stay with him, but she was certain he would be fine if she left him for just a little while. The hives on his cheeks had already started to diminish and the rash around his lips had faded dramatically. Not to mention, his breathing was fine. Satisfied he’d be okay while she was gone, she opened their hotel room door, locked it behind her and then stomped down the hallway to confront Josh. She turned down the first corridor and down the flight of stairs, but before she even hit the bottom step, the lights flickered once, twice, and then went out, plunging her into total darkness.


  Kelsey held onto the handrail to guide herself and stepped her way to the landing. She stood motionless, letting her eyes adjust to the gloom. Everything was silent and pitch black beyond the corridor. She knew some of the guests were staying on this floor, but they were most likely all still at dinner, so the hallways were eerily silent. After the scene she and her dinner companions had made, she was sure the others were more than happy when they had all left the dining room.

  Kelsey took a step, and then jumped back when a high pitch shriek suddenly sounded above her. It was followed quickly by an eerie chuckle. She pinned herself against the wall and waited. She could see nothing in the gloom and desperately wished she had Desmond’s flashlight with her. The sounds of shuffling echoed down to her as someone unmistakably moved towards the top of the steps. She tensed, wondering if whoever made the sounds was going to come closer. The giggles continued and then stopped, changing to the distinct sound of chewing. Kelsey clearly heard lips smacking wetly together and the chomping noises of teeth masticating food. She needed to know who that was.

  Kelsey steeled herself and painstakingly inched back up the steps, taking great care to slow her breathing and to make no noise. Step by step, she rose, until she finally came to the top of the third floor landing. In the indistinct light, coming only from just a night-filled window outside the landing, a dark shape framed in the doorway. Kelsey smelled a hint of body odor and the unmistakable stench of urine. Her eyes adjusted further, and she could see the thin form twitch and shake, as if the person standing there was plagued with tremors. Spidery shadow twigs legs stuck out of a billowy gown.

  At that moment the hotel lights flickered on again for an instant. The figure turned towards Kelsey and shrieked in surprise, dropping whatever it was she had been eating. Kelsey got one horrifying look before the lights blinked out once more and the figure was gone, pounding back up the steps to the fourth floor and tramping down the hallway at record speed. Maniacal laughter and shrieks could be heard echoing down the long hallways. It was the same floor the Craggs claimed to have closed for winter.

  Kelsey inched forwards until she approached the lump on the carpet. She bent down and smelled the distinct odor of meat. She thought about the girl. It was impossible to tell how old she really was in that quick instant. All had seen under her matted and tangled blond hair were wild blue eyes shining out of a thin, pale face and a mouth glistening with whatever it was she’d been chewing. She could have been fifteen or fifty. A white nightgown had hung on her thin, shaking frame, completing her feral image. A little red bow had peeked from her hair as if someone had tried to make her look pretty. This girl was obviously the one who had awoken her the night before by running down the hallway and slamming her door. It wasn’t a teen guest at all, or baby Hope.

  Guess the Craggs have their own set of family secrets they’re keeping hidden. I knew everything was too good to be true with them.

  Kelsey stuck out her finger and nudged the dark lump with the tip. It was firm, hard, an
d rolled over at her touch. She sniffed her finger. It smelled like cooked ham. Just like what she smelled in the shack in the woods.

  And now it was here in the hotel.

  Kelsey stood and waited for a minute more, just to confirm that the girl had not returned. Then she turned to go back down the stairs, and slammed directly into someone standing on the staircase landing directly behind her. She squealed when a torrent of hateful words suddenly reverberated in her head.

  Get away. Filthy! Leave her be!

  A man shone a penlight into her face and then put it towards his own so she could identify him, but she already knew who it was.

  “Pago, what are you doing here? You freaking scared me!”

  He seemed rattled as well. “I thought you were staying in your room with your partner for the rest of the evening. You really shouldn’t be walking around these hallways in the dark. It’s not safe. I heard a noise and went to investigate.” He glanced up the staircase towards the fourth floor and then turned back to her frowning. “Why are you looking at me like that? Are you all right?”

  Nice try. You know very well nothing is all right. I’ll bet you know who that girl is, too.

  “Maybe you’d like to tell me why you keep pretending you don’t hear those words whenever you bump into me?” Or why your image is doubled whenever I look at you.

  He shifted his eyes to the right. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t you?”

  “Is something wrong with Mr. Gisborne? Do I need to get Doctor Cragg?” He glanced to the floor and ran the penlight over it, settling on the discarded lump. He clicked his tongue, but didn’t seem all that surprised. He just scowled, removed a handkerchief from his pocket, and scooped up the item. Kelsey got a glimpse of it before it disappeared and was sure it was actually a chunk of cooked ham. He turned to her. “You didn’t see who possibly put this here, did you?”

  “No.” Why she lied, she wasn’t sure. But she was not putting her trust in Pago. He was lying to her through his teeth. Kelsey tentatively put out her hands to touch him again, to see if the onslaught of hateful words would return to cloud her mind, but he quickly moved out of reach. “What’s the matter, Pago?” She took another step towards him and he took another hesitant step back. He suddenly seemed very uneasy.

  “Why do you keep moving away from me?”

  “Please understand, Ms. Porter. I’m uncomfortable saying this, but I make it a point not to become involved with any of the guests.”

  Kelsey’s jaw dropped. “Involved? Do you think I’m hitting on you?”

  He blushed. “You seem to keep trying to… touch me all the time. Please, I’m sorry, but it’s not my way. You’re very beautiful, and I’m flattered, but I have a policy of not getting involved with any of our patrons. Now, why don’t you come with me? I’ll take you down to the lounge where the rest of the guests have congregated. We’ll have the lights on as quickly as we can. It shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “That’s not why I was trying to touch you, Pago. I think you know that.”

  He kept himself a few feet away from her and shrugged. “I’m not quite sure what to say.” He turned and moved down the stairs.

  Kelsey followed his bobbing images, astounded by his excuse. It still didn’t explain why his image was doubled, or the crazy onslaught of hateful words that came to her whenever she’d touched him. Perhaps I’m channeling something else entirely?

  “Here you are,” Pago said and clicked off his penlight. A fire burned in the massive hearth, and a large collection of candles and candelabras had been set up throughout the area and into the adjacent dining room. It brightened up the space comfortably. “I suggest you remain down here until we get the power back on. It’s not safe to be walking the halls in this massive hotel during a blackout at nighttime. If you need to go back to your room to check on Mr. Gisborne, please let us know and one of the staff will gladly take you. Otherwise, in the dark, you’re liable to get lost.”

  Or liable to see things that maybe I’m not supposed to see? Kelsey watched Pago’s double image disappear through a side door into a darkened first floor hallway.

  From her vantage point she could see into the dining room and noticed the young family was finishing their dinner. Everyone else was relaxing in the lounge. And no one seemed to have a double image. But where was Josh? Kelsey’s anger quickly returned. She scanned the room for him.

  The Scotts were back at the bar, knee deep in martinis again. Samantha and Kathryn lounged on the couch closest to the fire and just cuddled together, and Bain was by the front door, talking heatedly to someone on the phone.

  “Hey, Kid. How’s your boy toy?”

  She whirled around and Josh stood next to her with that typical smug expression on his face. Without a thought, she slapped him hard on his cheek and then shoved him violently backwards. “What did you give him?” she spit out.

  Everyone had turned to stare at them, but she ignored their gasps.

  Josh held his palm to his cheek. His eyes flashed angrily and his face reddened. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about Desmond. What was in that drink you gave him? I swear to God, I’m going to kill you!”

  He appeared taken aback, but Kelsey didn’t believe it for a second. He was a world class liar. “You’re out of your mind. I didn’t give him anything. You think that’s what made him sick? So you decided to hit me?”

  “You’re lucky I didn’t do more than just hit you. Desmond is having an allergic reaction and the only thing he had tonight was the drink you gave him and two shots of whiskey. What the hell was in it, Josh? And why are you pinning everything on him? I’m going to tell Bain you’re a stinking liar, that you’re covering for someone else. Then you can shovel yourself out of this.”

  Josh huffed. “Oh, I see, so now you’re blaming me for your boyfriend getting sick. Go blame the bartender. He made me some drink he said came from Mexico. Geez, Kelsey, I try to get you out of trouble and this is the thanks I get? How the hell was I supposed to know the guy’s got an allergy to orange juice or something?”

  She glared at him and lowered her voice. “That’s not the point. Why the hell did you set Desmond up with Bain and pin Misterio on him? You know full well he was in Aihika all that time and you know it’s not something I can just say to Bain or to anyone else for him to use as an alibi.” She glanced at Bain, who had now turned and walked to the reception desk. He spoke to Elsa, who was now staring at her and Josh. “Why are you doing this?” Kelsey demanded.

  When Josh didn’t answer, she shook her head. “You know what? I want you to get the hell out of here right now and go home, you hear me? I don’t care if there is a blizzard outside – just go back to New York City. I don’t need you anymore, your help or your stupid, idiotic, hot-headed attitude, you hear me?”

  She could tell that riled him. He squinted and leaned towards her. His next words were measured. “Bain came up here because he was checking you out. I came so that he didn’t start more trouble than he had to. This is what friends do. You can thank me later.”

  Kelsey started to shake. She’d never been this mad at one of her friends in her life. “Thank you?” She took a menacing step towards Josh and his eyes widened in sudden apprehension. He took a hesitant step back, distancing himself from her. It didn’t help.

  She pounced on him and grasped his lapels. He tried to pull back and she held him firm. “You came because you did something to put him on my tail.” He tried to pull away and she gripped him harder. “Stay where you are and answer me,” she spit out. “I want the truth. Are you Misterio? Or is it Ari, because I’m pretty sure now it’s one of you.”

  Josh stammered. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Neither of us is Misterio.”

  “Liar. Your bullshit vibes just went on overload and are shimmering off of you. You screwed up. You tried to pin something on Ari because he got you mad, so you did one of your stupid, i
diotic pranks, and it backfired. I know how you work. You’re a stupid loser, you know that?”

  He paled, and Kelsey realized she had finally hurt him. Good.

  “Oh, so you have this all figured out?” he said quietly.

  She craned her head to look up at him, took her pointer finger and jabbed it into his chest. “You think putting Desmond in the hot seat and getting him fired from his job is the way back into my heart? Just like you took credit for giving me all the information about Rajiv Sitaula when it was Ari all along doing all the research? You were just supposed to hold onto everything, and instead you took all the credit.”

  He sucked in his breath. “He told you that?”

  “Damn right, he did. You guys might be friends, but he’s my brother. And not to mention, he’s your boss. Pays your bills when you work for him, or does that not apply to you? So typical. You never grew up.” She let go of him.

  “Oh, so now you’re on Ari’s side? You guys made up and now it’s all chocolate and roses? Don’t forget that he was the one who sent Desmond off to get killed in Egypt in the first place, or is that no longer an issue with you? He’s the reason you lost the baby, not me!”

  “Shut. Up. Now.” Out of the corner of her eye, Kelsey could see some members of the staff whispering to each other and looking in their direction. She lowered her voice. “What the hell did Desmond ever do to you?”

  Josh puffed out his cheeks and blew a breath. “Nothing. I’ve got nothing against the guy. He’s a peach.” He flexed his fists. “Fine. So I used him. Kill me. His background fit and I wanted to get the heat off of you. Was that so bad?”

  “Yes, it is! What you’re really doing is getting the heat off of you!”

  “Is everything okay, Ms. Porter?” Elsa asked. She’d now sashayed over and was giving them both pointed looks. Bain was right behind her, looking on with interest.

  “Perhaps you’d like to take this conversation into the library?” Elsa asked, nodding her head towards the room at the other end of the reception area.


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