Alexandru's Kiss

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Alexandru's Kiss Page 8

by S. E. Smith

  “Ka’ya, I’m on fire for you,” he said with a shake of his head. He reached down and wrapped his hand around hers – the added pressure nearly making him come. “I’m not going to last long if you keep exploring me like you are.”

  “I like touching you. I like looking at you,” she said, rubbing her hand up and down his cock.

  Alexandru’s hand moved with hers as she pumped his cock. His hips rocked back and forth with the rhythm of her hand. When he became too sensitive and knew he was about to come, he forced her to stop. He wanted her to come first.

  He pulled her hand free and drew her down to the pallet. In the back of his mind, he wished he could give her a large bed, but there was something wild and untamed about making love to her out in the open with nothing but the trees and river for their walls. He swore that one day soon he would find a real bed for her.

  “Let me pleasure you,” he said.

  “Touching you pleasures me,” she replied in an urgent voice filled with need. “I ache.”

  Alexandru knew exactly where she was aching. Her hips were moving with a desperate edge, rocking back and forth and straining upward. Sliding down her body, he pressed a kiss against her hip before he moved down to bury his mouth against her mound. Her loud cry echoed through the trees.

  Spreading her swollen lips, he sucked deeply on the small, sensitive nub. Her hands frantically reached out to grip the edges of the pallet. Alexandru loved the vision of her spread for him. Her arms were spread wide, her nipples thrust upward begging for his attention, and her legs parted wide so she was opened to his touch.

  Alexandru buried his fingers inside her, pushing through the thin membrane as he continued to raise her to a higher level of arousal. He listened to her erratic breathing, her desperate cries, and felt the rocking of her hips to know when she was reaching the peak of her arousal. The moment her body stiffened, he rose up over her and aligned his cock with her channel. He thrust forward, impaling his cock as far as he could go in her. Her body stretched and wrapped around him like a glove before greedily pulsing around his cock as her orgasm sent her over the precipice and into an abyss of mind blowing pleasure.

  He bent over her, rocking his hips forcefully and thrust deep into her. His lips caressed her throat. Once again, he felt his teeth lengthen. Locked in their combined pleasure, he stroked her neck several times before sinking his teeth into her again, the hunger he had felt earlier suddenly becoming overwhelming.

  Ka’ya groaned and her legs lifted to wrap around his waist. The position drove him deeper and for the first time in his life, Alexandru experienced the magical connection with another being that he’d only read about. His body hardened, tensed as his impending orgasm built. The harder he pumped into Ka’ya the deeper he drank from her. His body shook with the intense dam of need until it broke through the banks trying to hold it in, shattering his control.

  Alexandru emptied his seed into Ka’ya with an intensity that shook him. He released her neck, knowing that he had taken more of her blood than he should have. He turned his head and buried his face against her heated skin as his body trembled with the last of his release.

  Slowly, he pulled back to gaze down at her. Her eyes were closed, her lashes lay like dark crescents against her flushed cheeks. A small, satisfied smile curved her lips. In that moment, Alexandru knew that while he might be lost, he’d never felt so right.


  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?” a deep, raspy voice asked.

  “Just a traveler with nothing of interest to you. I suggest you keep moving along,” Ka’ya retorted, warily eyeing the man.

  Her fingers tightened on the grip of her sword but she didn’t pull it out – yet. She and the alpha were hunting for dinner while Alexandru set up camp. He had wanted to argue that he should be the one hunting for their meal, but Ka’ya had pointed out that as she was more familiar with the area and the types of plants, berries, and birds that were edible, it made more sense that she went. He had grudgingly agreed with her. She couldn’t contain her laughter when she overheard him grumbling about how losing one’s memory sucked and how was he supposed to impress her when he couldn’t even take care of her properly. As far as she was concerned, he knew very well how to take care of her properly. Her body was still in meltdown after the night before.

  If she hadn’t been so distracted, she would have noticed the unusual quiet that had settled around her. Even the beetles had silenced their music. The alpha had gone off several minutes before to follow a scent trail while she fell further behind. Now, she cursed the fact that she had been distracted. She knew better than to allow that to happen.

  She gazed back at the five men in front of her. Each ran an appreciative eye over her but thankfully kept their distance. Ka’ya carefully assessed which one was likely to attack first.

  “It’s getting dark, Dirt. Legend said we had to be back by dark,” a man behind Dirt muttered.

  “Legend?” Ka’ya asked, tightening her grip. “Where is he?”

  She had heard of Legend. He was the leader of one of one of the largest groups of raiders – and the man she was traveling to speak to. If anyone could guarantee passage for her mother and brother, it was this man.

  Dirt spit on the ground before he shifted uneasily. “At our camp near the river,” he replied.

  “I need to speak with him,” she demanded. “Take me to him.”

  “Dirt…,” the man behind him started to say but clamped his mouth shut when Dirt raised his hand.

  “Where is the rest of your group?” Dirt demanded.

  Ka’ya lifted her chin and stared back at the man. “I travel alone,” she said.

  Dirt’s lips curved upward. At first, Ka’ya thought it was in a sneer before the man broke into laughter. Soon, the other men joined in. She warily watched Dirt spit again. He grinned at her.

  “Well, my lady, then travel alone no longer. We will take you to our fair leader and he will decide if you are to have a proper escort,” Dirt announced with a low bow before he glanced up to where her hand was still on her sword. “You may take your hand off your sword, Huntress. I have no desire to die today.”

  “Huntress!” the men around him exclaimed.

  “The others aren’t as bright as I am, my lady. I’ve heard tales of the Huntress with the blue in her hair and the bow and sword at her side. Where are your wolfhounds?” Dirt asked, straightening.

  Ka’ya’s looked at him in surprise. “Why?” she asked suspiciously.

  “As I said, I have no desire to die tonight and would just as soon not be eaten alive either,” Dirt replied.

  “Take me to Legend and I will prevent both from happening,” Ka’ya promised.

  “As you wish, my lady,” Dirt agreed before he jerked his head to the others. “Move out.”

  Ka’ya glanced at the other men as they passed her. Each one glanced at her with curiosity, but they didn’t say anything. Once they moved to the front, she fell into step beside Dirt on the trail.

  “Why do you call me ‘my lady’? I am not high born,” Ka’ya asked, curious.

  Dirt flashed an easy smile at her before his expression grew serious. “But you are, my lady. You are the Huntress. You slayed the raiders that attacked your village and protect those who cannot protect themselves,” he explained.

  Ka’ya frowned. “Yet, you are a raider. Do you not fear I will kill you and your leader?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Dirt shook his head. “Legend lets the rumor spread that we are raiders, but we aren’t. We are just very organized merchants,” he explained with a wink.

  They stepped out of the woods and along a narrow band of sand running along the river. Dozens of tents and half a dozen fires burned in small groups. Men and women were busy still setting up the camp. Beasts were tied up to wagons further down the shore. Ka’ya could see where a new bridge had been built and the trail opened up to make a road wide enough for the caravan.

  A frown creased he
r brow when she saw three men near one of the fires. One of the men stood with his back to her. There was something eerily familiar about him. It wasn’t until he turned that her eyes widened in recognition and shock.

  “I swear the world has gone crazy all of a sudden,” Ka’ya murmured.

  “You may well be right. May I present Legend, King of Perth,” Dirt introduced.

  The man silently gazed back at Ka’ya. She returned his steady gaze, her eyes sweeping over his face. There were new lines that she didn’t remember etched around his eyes and mouth. The dark brown hair at his temple was now mixed with the gray.


  She heard his voice and shook her head in denial. He didn’t stop his approach until he was less than a foot from her. She blinked, trying to understand what kind of magic could create such a realistic dream.

  “You’re dead,” she whispered.

  “No,” Legend replied.

  “You were banished. I searched for you and found the remains of your shredded clothing and blood everywhere,” she insisted.

  “Jorge sent a group of raiders to kill me,” he said with a shake of his head. “It was necessary for him to believe I was dead.”

  “Why?” she asked, growing angry. “Why?!”

  Legend gazed down at Ka’ya with regret. “He holds my family captive. Have you never wondered why Mayli never left the compound? Jorge has given his soul to the darkness. It is why he stays in his hut and away from the light. He cast a spell, binding your mother and brother to the village. If they attempt to leave, they will die,” he explained.

  Tears burned Ka’ya’s eyes and she furiously shook her head in denial. “I plan to free them. If he cast such a spell, why can I leave the village?” she demanded.

  “He used you in the hopes that if I survived, you would kill me. He needs you. You were the only one strong enough to kill me – until now. You are touched by the Goddess, Ka’ya. You are part of her light. Jorge wanted to steal it before it awoke in you. He was too late.”

  “None of this makes sense to me. You live, yet you abandoned your family to his rule for ten years?” she demanded in a soft, angry voice. “You ran like a coward while we are held prisoner at his mercy.”

  Legend shook his head and stepped forward. Ka’ya saw the other men quietly step away to give them privacy. She didn’t care if they heard her. Her father had been alive all this time and had done nothing to save his family.

  “No!” Legend stated sharply. “No, I didn’t run. I discovered who I really am and built an army to stop him.”

  “What do you mean discovered who you are? You are my father,” she said in disgust, turning to spit on the ground. “You are a coward.”

  “I’m not from this world, Ka’ya. Neither is Jorge,” Legend replied.

  “I am done!” she snapped with a wave of her hand. “You go back to whatever world you think you belong. I will find a way to save mother and Dru.”

  Ka’ya started to turn away. She was forced to stop when Legend reached out and grabbed her arm. She glared at him. Her lips parted on a demand that he release her but the words never came. Before they could, Legend’s hand was pulled from her arm.

  She stared in disbelief when her father ended up nearly six feet from her. Alexandru held her father. His left hand was wrapped around her father’s throat while his right held the arm that had gripped her.

  The three wolfhounds charged through the camp, snapping and snarling at anyone in their way. They immediately surrounded her, turning outward to face the men and women who came to Legend’s defense.

  “Stand down,” Legend ordered in a strained voice.

  “Alexandru!” Ka’ya called out. “Leave him be.”

  “I meant no harm to my daughter, Vampire,” Legend quietly said.

  “Your daughter?” Alexandru repeated.

  “Yes. He is…. Legend is my father,” Ka’ya said, brushing past the wolfhounds to where Alexandru still held her father. “Please, release him.”


  Alexandru warily watched Legend calm the other members of the camp. He drew in deep breaths in an effort to calm his anger and fear. He glanced down when he felt Ka’ya slide her hand into his. They both waited for Legend to turn back around and look at them.

  “What is your name?” Legend asked.

  “Alexandru Carson,” Alexandru replied in a curt tone.

  Legend paused and glanced around the camp before motioning with his hand for them to follow him. Alexandru hesitated for a moment before he moved forward. Ka’ya reluctantly followed a second later.

  Alexandru glanced around the interior of the tent before he stepped inside. He still gripped Ka’ya’s hand in his. They walked to the center of the tent before turning to watch Legend step inside and close the flap.

  Ka’ya’s father glanced at their joined hands with a frown before he walked over to a table set up along one wall of the tent and poured three drinks. He turned toward them, and with a wary gaze, he held out two drinks.

  “You called me something. Why?” Alexandru demanded as he took one of the drinks.

  Legend shot him a puzzled look before he glanced down at Alexandru and Ka’ya’s connected hands again while he picked up his drink and took a sip. If possible, the frown deepened and he returned his gaze to Alexandru’s face. Alexandru stiffened at the steely expression in the man’s eyes.

  “Surely you know what you are?” Legend retorted. He continued when Alexandru refused to answer him. “You are a vampire – a blood drinker.”

  “How do you know about them?” Ka’ya asked in a soft tone.

  Legend glanced at his daughter and wearily shook his head. He motioned for them to sit down on a large crate while he sat on one of the barrels, and took another slow sip of his drink.

  “Tell her,” he instructed in a quiet tone. “She deserves to know the truth.”

  Legend glanced up at him, then over to Ka’ya, before he nodded and stood up again. He placed the cup on the table and turned to look at both of them. With a wave of his hand, his body shimmered and his appearance changed. Alexandru drew in a deep breath while Ka’ya released a startled cry of disbelief.

  Gone was the thickly built, dark-haired man. In his place stood a tall, slender man with long white hair, light blue eyes, and pointed ears. Legend smiled tenderly back at Ka’ya. An expression of resignation glistened in his eyes.

  “This is my true appearance. As you can tell, I would stand out among the others here,” Legend said.

  “Does… Does mother know… what you really look like?” Ka’ya demanded.

  Alexandru could feel the tremble in Ka’ya’s hand. He couldn’t imagine how shocked she must be, how uncertain about the man she had always known by another appearance. Alexandru felt like the man was vaguely familiar – not Legend, but his appearance.

  “Elf,” he murmured before looking at Legend. “You are an elf.”

  “Yes,” Legend replied with a deep sigh and returned to his seat. “Your mother knows who and what I am.”

  “What is an elf and where did you come from?” Ka’ya asked, staring at her father’s face as if for the first time.

  “We are warriors, mostly known for our skill with a sword and the bow,” Legend replied with a smile. “The Huntress is our Goddess. She gives us our skills.”

  “Where are you from?” she demanded, standing and walking in a circle but never taking her eyes off her father. “You say mother knows. Has she seen you like… like this?”

  “Yes, she is the one who found me,” Legend said. “We always planned to tell Dru and you, but after Jorge…. Let me begin at the beginning. Nearly seventy-five years ago there was a war in which nearly every country was involved. Those with magic did what they could to keep evil from triumphing, but we also knew we had to be careful. There were certain leaders who were desperate and would do anything to win. There had always been legends of people with supernatural powers, but never enough proof to confirm it. Leaders from two of tho
se countries developed a secret military division to hunt down magical creatures. They instructed their scientists to discover what our powers were and to recreate them. They wanted to build an invisible army of vampires, werewolves, warlocks, witches, giants, elves, and more.”

  “What happened?” Ka’ya softly inquired, sinking down to sit next to Alexandru again.

  “We fought back,” Alexandru replied, seeing images flashing through his mind. “I was with the French Resistance.”

  “And I was in Berlin,” Legend replied grimly.

  Berlin 1944:

  * * *

  Captain Legend ‘Stargazer’ Von Wrinkle tucked the hat he was wearing under his arm as he entered the side entrance to a small underground bunker. He walked three paces behind General Reitchoff. It had taken months for him to get into General Reitchoff’s inner circle.

  They descended a set of concrete stairs and paused as two guards stood stiffly at attention while a third checked the general and his credentials. Legend kept his gaze straight ahead and waited for the man to nod to one of the guards to unlock the door.

  Minutes later, they were walking down another long corridor. At the end was a set of double doors. Another guard studied them before he opened the door for them to enter. Legend’s face remained blank as they walked down the center aisle of the lab. Each side of the aisle was littered with men and women strapped to beds or sitting in chairs with tubes connected to them. He paused briefly by a medium size cage where two young children – a boy and a girl – huddled against the bars.

  Their eyes lit up when they saw him and a glimmer of hope showed on their dirty, tired faces. Legend bowed his head ever so slightly to let them know he saw and recognized them before staring straight ahead. Out of all those he saw in the room, only the two children possessed the powers that General Reitchoff and Dr. Jorge Steinberg were seeking.


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