Alexandru's Kiss

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Alexandru's Kiss Page 10

by S. E. Smith

  Her body pulsed around his cock. Her swollen channel greedily sucked at it, trying to keep him from pulling out. Her orgasm sent Alexandru over the edge and he covered her back with his body, his teeth sinking into the flesh of her shoulder sending her over the top once more.

  It was several minutes before Ka’ya became aware that they were lying pressed together, her back to his front. They were still connected. Alexandru’s arm was wrapped possessively around her stomach.

  “Alexandru,” Ka’ya whispered.

  “Yes, Ka’ya,” he murmured.

  “Thank you for not telling my father that we were not truly married,” she said.

  A soft chuckle escaped Alexandru. “You’re welcome,” he said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. “Ka’ya….”

  “Yes, Alexandru,” she said, turning her head to glance at him when he rose up slightly.

  “Thank you for not telling your father I was your captive,” he teased, pressing a kiss to her nose.

  “You’re welcome,” Ka’ya said, a tiny smile on her lips.


  “I was wondering where you had gone,” Ka’ya said early in the morning on their fifth day in the camp.

  “I didn’t want to wake you,” he admitted.

  “I missed your warmth,” she teased.

  Alexandru chuckled. He had been the one to say that the last four mornings when he woke to find her gone. He held his hand out to her, entwining his fingers with hers when she stepped up onto the flat shelving of rock. Together, they watched the sun rise over the valley.

  “They have myths about vampires back on my world. We are not supposed to be able to go out into the sun. Personally, I enjoy feeling the warmth,” he said with a smile.

  “You remember who you are and where you are from?” Ka’ya asked.

  Her fingers tightened on his when she asked the question. He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss against her knuckles. He hadn’t said what he had to worry her. He lowered her hand and continued to watch the sun chase away the shadows.

  “Not everything, but I am remembering more each day. I know I’m not on Earth. Even if your father hadn’t pointed that out, I know we don’t have three moons,” he said, glancing up to see the small moon faintly outlined against the blue sky. “I know we don’t have Gondas or beasts like you do.”

  “How do you travel from one place to another?” she asked with a frown. “Surely you have a way to carry heavy cargo.”

  Alexandru laughed and nodded. “We use machines to move things. Well, most humans do. I have a business where I deal in antiquities. I remember that. Things are still a little foggy, but they not as painful as they were at first when I tried to remember certain things. I grew up in a town called Magic,” he mused, remembering more details.

  “My father mentioned Magic. What is it like there?” she asked, turning to face him.

  Alexandru smiled. “Crazy, fun, chaotic, diverse – and very magical. It is the one place where being abnormal is normal. I think every type of magical creature who has ever existed lives there,” he replied with a grin. “You met Topper.”

  “The purple lady? Yes. I thought I had imagined her,” Ka’ya answered with a smile.

  “Topper is…. Well, Topper. I don’t know of any other way to describe her. She has a tendency to pop up when you least expect it and usually when you most need it,” Alexandru commented.

  He reached up and caught a loose strand of her hair that blew across her cheek. His fingers brushed against her cheek and his body reacted to her hand sliding up his chest. Another chuckle escaped him and floated on the breeze as his cock sprang back to life. He swore he was in a constant state of arousal that he hadn’t experienced since he was a teenager.

  “She said you bounce as well as a werewolf. What is that?” Ka’ya asked curiously.

  “We have both shapeshifters – those that can turn into a wolf very similar to your wolfhounds.” Alexandru paused and looked back behind them where the three wolfhounds were sprawled and watching them. “Well, maybe not quite like your wolfhounds. Then, we have the werewolves who are larger and tend to be more aggressive. My sister, Tory, appears to have fallen in love with one. She always did have a soft spot for werewolves. Her best friend is one,” he reflected with a sigh.

  Ka’ya played with the button on the front of his shirt. He could feel her hesitation. Sliding his hand under her chin, he lifted it so he could gaze into her eyes. He saw a flash of fear before it was replaced.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Your world sounds fabulous – but scary as well. We do not have magic like that here.” She paused. “I believe I am different because my father is from your world.”

  “It isn’t as scary as you might imagine,” he reassured her.

  “Alexandru, Ka’ya,” Legend called out to them.

  They turned at the same time to watch her father walk over to where they were standing. His expression was grim. Something was wrong.

  Dirt held the flap of the tent open for Ka’ya, Alexandru, and Legend. Ka’ya’s gaze swept the interior. Her gaze paused on the dirty face of one of the women from her village. It was Elder Mayleaf.

  “Huntress, we need you,” the old woman begged, stepping forward to grasp her hands. “Please.”

  “What is wrong?” Ka’ya demanded.

  “The Spiritual Leader – he has – he has ordered all the children in the area to be gathered. His face…. He has created creatures unlike anything we have ever seen before. They… They rose up from the ground. They keep the villagers prisoner in their own huts. I barely escaped into the forest. Please, please help us,” she begged.

  “Dru,” Ka’ya glanced up at her father. “We have to help them.”

  “We will leave immediately,” Legend said with a sharp nod. “Dirt, ready the men.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Dirt said, turning and disappearing through the opening.

  Ka’ya could hear Dirt’s loud shout and the increased activity as men and women prepared for battle. It would take them three days cutting through the valley to reach village. That would take too long.

  “How will we get there in time?” Ka’ya asked, gazing at her father in desperation. “If Jorge has already started gathering the children, we will be too late to save them.”

  “The beasts can cover a lot of ground in a day. If we ride through the night, we can be there in a day and a half,” Legend stated.

  “It will be too late,” Elder Mayleaf whispered, tears streaking the dirt on her face. “He said he needs the power of the full moons to open the heart. The other Elders tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen. He… He killed Elder Direwolf.”

  “I can get us there,” Alexandru said, looking at Ka’ya and Legend.

  Ka’ya’s father paused and returned Alexandru’s silent gaze. His glance flashed to her before he looked away. She watched in confusion as her father ordered everyone out of the tent. When it was cleared, he walked over to a large chest and opened it. He reached in and pulled out an ornate quiver.

  Ka’ya’s hand instinctively reached out for the quiver when he held it out to her. His lips were pressed into a firm line and his light green eyes were filled with determination. She blinked in surprise when he placed his hand over hers.

  “Infinite arrows,” he murmured.

  Her lips parted when the quiver suddenly filled with arrows. Each one was silver. The fletching on the ends of the arrows was almost transparent.

  “An elf’s magic is powerful. I made this quiver for you and enchanted it with a spell so you will never run out. Your own magic is tied to your bow and it will be true, as will your sword,” he said, releasing her hand to run his fingers down along her cheek. “I love you, Ka’ya.”

  “I love you, father,” Ka’ya replied. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry I called you a coward.”

  Legend hugged her close and closed his eyes. “I should have done more,” he said with regret.

  Ka’ya pulled back and rose on her toes to press a kiss against her father’s cheek before turning to look at Alexandru. She stepped back and fitted the quiver to her back. She nodded to Alexandru.

  “It might be best if we move away from the camp,” Alexandru cautioned.

  “I agree. We will follow as quickly as possible,” Legend replied. “May the Goddess be with you, Ka’ya.”

  “She will,” Ka’ya replied with a smile.

  Alexandru followed Ka’ya back to their tent. She picked up her belt with the sheath containing her knives and her scabbard. She checked each blade before carefully securing them. Alexandru held her bow out to her. Their hands touched and they gazed at each other in silence.

  He could see the determination in her eyes. As he stared into the liquid green depths, he also saw the silver outlining her irises and the swirl of magic in her aura that he had seen before but hadn’t recognized it for what it was. He briefly closed his eyes as the last rush of memories returned. He wasn’t just a vampire, he was also half warlock. The flood of information was like someone had opened a dam to release the rising waters. Flashes of his life solidified and he knew who and what he was – and even better – what he was capable of doing.

  “Are you alright?” Ka’ya asked, reaching out to touch his arm.

  Alexandru opened his eyes and smiled down at her. “I remember,” he said. “I remember everything.”

  Ka’ya’s eyes widened. “Everything?” she repeated.

  “Yes, and Jorge has no idea what shit he is about to encounter. I need to let your father know that we won’t be going alone after all,” Alexandru replied with a grim smile.

  “How can you take us all?” she asked in surprise.

  “Will you trust me?” Alexandru countered with a knowing smile.

  “Always,” she said.

  “Let’s find your father and I’ll show you,” he said.

  Alexandru could feel her confusion. He brushed a quick kiss across her lips before he lifted his hand. With a wave, the flap to the tent opened by itself. He heard Ka’ya’s soft gasp and gave her a wink when she looked from his hand to the tent flap and back again in awe.

  “What…?” she demanded, reaching out to grab his hand and turning it over to stare down at his palm in amazement.

  “I’ve just remembered that I’m not just a vampire,” he laughed.


  * * *

  Legend turned in surprise when he saw Alexandru and his daughter striding back through the camp. He motioned for Dirt to continue with saddling the mounts. His gaze swept over Alexandru. There was something different about the vampire than from just a short while ago.

  He took a step forward only to stop when he felt the intense magic surrounding the man. A smile slowly curved his lips. This was more than a vampire – this was a powerful warlock. He had met a few of them in his time. What he didn’t understand was how Alexandru had hidden the fact from him over the last week.

  “Who is your sire?” Legend demanded the moment Alexandru stopped in front of him. “You are more than a vampire.”

  “Charles Carson. I come from a powerful line of warlocks and witches. Topper….” Alexandru started to say but stopped when Legend’s eyebrow rose.

  “You are related to Topper?” Legend interrupted.

  “She is my great-aunt,” Alexandru replied.

  “I met your older brother, Benjamin, many years ago. He was stationed in Berlin at the same time as I was. I should have connected the pieces,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “Benjamin takes after our Grandfather Vuia more than Tory and I do,” Alexandru explained with a wave of his hand. “We returned to tell you that I can create a portal that will take us to the village. The only thing is… how will the men and women under you handle learning there is magic?”

  Legend looked thoughtful for a moment before he glanced out over the men and women he had grown to know well over the last ten years. Most of them he had saved from death under the Vikar. The raiders had ruled by cruelty. After his banishment, he had traveled to Perth. Seeing the tyranny, he had slowly gained a foothold and defeated the Vikar ruler and his followers to set up a new governing body.

  Those who stood beside him pledged they would follow him – even after he had shared the dangers. Dirt had been beside him the longest. He turned to look at his second-in-command. Dirt glanced up when he felt Legend’s gaze on him and strode over.

  “Call everyone together. I need to speak with them,” Legend ordered.

  Dirt gave Legend a brief nod and turned to shout out the order. Within a minute, everyone had formed a circle around Legend, Alexandru, and Ka’ya. Legend turned in a slow circle, studying the calm faces that waited for him to speak.

  “Ten years ago, most of you were captives of the Vikars. I fought to free you, and you, in turn, fought beside me to build a better world. Before we began this journey, I warned you that you might see things that you have never seen before. That you would face an enemy you have never faced before and you still stood by my side.” Legend paused, giving them time for his words to sink in. “There is such a thing as magic. In the world I come from, few people actually believe in it, but those who do, know such a thing truly exists outside the accepted realm of reality.”

  “The Huntress is magic,” Elder Mayleaf said, gazing at Ka’ya. “Her magic is good, but… what of the magic of Jorge? His magic kills.”

  “Jorge was not born of magic, but tries to control and contain it. Magic cannot be held captive any more than you could be,” Legend replied.

  “How will we fight against something we cannot see? We need magic as well,” another man called out.

  “We have it. In my daughter, Ka’ya, and in myself,” Legend stated, breathing deeply and removing the glamour that concealed his true form.

  A collective gasp rose from the crowd. Hushed whispers and shock swept through the group. Legend turned, allowing everyone to see him. His eyes locked with Dirt’s.

  “I always knew you were different,” Dirt replied with a crooked smile. “I will follow wherever you lead, my lord.”

  Legend reached out and placed his hand on Dirt’s shoulder. “Thank you, my friend,” he replied.

  “As will I,” another man called.

  “I will follow, my lord,” a woman said.

  “Thank you. To fight magic, we need magic, and we have a very powerful warlock on our side. Alexandru has a way to take us to the village. We will surprise Jorge and save the villagers.”

  “You heard him. It is time to move out!” Dirt said, lifting his fist into the air. “To victory!”

  A loud war cry rose up from the group. Legend turned and looked back at Alexandru and Ka’ya. They both nodded to him in approval.

  “Now, it is your turn, warlock,” Legend said.


  Alexandru stood in front of the group. Ka’ya stood beside him. She had drawn a map of the village for him. They both agreed it would be better to open a portal a short distance from the village. Ka’ya and he would enter the village and release the children before he tried to neutralize the spell Jorge had placed on the village. Ka’ya would disable the boundary alarm.

  Lifting his hand, he murmured a portal spell under his breath. Swirling colors of magic wove together and coalesced. The center converged in the spiral before turning transparent. On the other side, a long meadow appeared like a mirage.

  Alexandru stepped forward, followed by Ka’ya and the others. He stood to the side, watching the riders cross through one at a time, their faces reflecting the awe they felt at being able to cover such an enormous distance in the blink of an eye. He knew when this battle was over he would need to talk to Legend about whether he should create a spell to wipe the use of magic from their minds. They would remember the battle, but the details would be incomplete. He was not sure how the knowledge that magical beings existed would change their world.

  Legend drew up beside him as he closed the portal. Alex
andru looked up at the elf. The other man’s face was tight with concern.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked.

  “Yes. Jorge has unlocked the power of the Amulet of the Heart. I can feel the dead he has risen to use as his army,” Alexandru replied.

  “Can you still get us into the village and break the spell he has over it?” Ka’ya asked.

  “Yes,” Alexandru replied with a terse nod. “I have to admit, this is one time when I wish I had a little magical help from back home.”

  “Be careful, he might be able to sense your magic,” Legend warned, pulling a sword from the scabbard attached to his saddle. “The blade is elfin-made. It will strike swiftly, true and is protected against magic.”

  “Thank you,” Alexandru said, taking the sword.

  “We will wait for your signal,” Legend said, guiding his mount back.

  Alexandru nodded. He glanced at Ka’ya. She pulled her bow free and retrieved an arrow from the quiver on her back. She fitted it into the notch.

  “I’m ready,” she said.

  Raising his hands again, Alexandru spelled a different portal. This one was smaller and would open directly inside the central gathering hall. Because he was unsure of how powerful Jorge was, Alexandru did not want to take a chance on alerting the other man to their presence by using a lot of magic too soon.

  The moment the dark portal opened, Ka’ya stepped through. A moment later, Alexandru had sealed the portal behind them. Faint light streamed in through the roof of the gathering hall. They had entered into a long, walled off section used for preparing meals.


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