Spell Me Always

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Spell Me Always Page 7

by Cherie Marks

  “I’m hoping to get back to your plan A.”

  “You mean...”


  She couldn’t repress the small thrill that soared through her body with his provocative words delivered with a crooked grin. She laughed lightly and shrugged.

  “Confession time—I’ve never seduced anyone.”

  “I’d guide you through it.”

  “Oh, would you now? What would be the first step to seducing you?”

  “A look.”

  “Just a look?”

  “A look from your mesmerizing eyes, eyelids lowered half-way, lips slightly parted—that’s where it begins.”

  Mez felt breathless as the image he was painting began to form in her mind. She tried to give him what he asked for. A slight groan from deep in his chest gave her hope she had done it correctly.

  “Then, a touch, from your hand on my chest, just a brush of your fingers over my skin.”

  Again, she followed his instructions, beginning to feel the effects of the sexual energy they were building between them. His skin felt like liquid flame on the pads of her fingers, and she continued to draw lazy circles all around his muscular chest.

  His hand covered hers suddenly, holding it flat against him as his gaze homed in on her lips.

  “Mez, you should know, you’re a natural at seduction.”

  She thought she should laugh, but there was nothing humorous about this situation. She really wanted him to lean in and finish what he started last night. The soft, female areas on her body were aching for attention, and she needed him to touch her, now.

  His lips met hers and a moan rose from her throat as her desire erupted. Their bodies intertwined as she threw her leg over his and their bodies pulled together, leaving not even an inch between them. She felt his arousal against her midsection, and she thrust against him lightly, evoking a low growl as he deepened the kiss.

  Her hands remained trapped between them, rubbing his bare chest. His hands began to roam along the curves of her body, leaving a trail of sensation wherever they went. With one hand, he cupped the back of her head, and the other slipped onto her ass, pulling her closer against his hardness.

  He pulled back from the kiss enough to say, “You’re damn good at this seduction thing. I think I’m ready to confess everything.”

  This time she did give into her humor and gave a small laugh. “Right now, I want less confession and more kissing.”

  “There you go again, being all seductive.” His mouth was suddenly on hers once more as their tongues met and twisted around each other passionately, mimicking the undulations of their bodies.

  Mez was lost to sensation. She had completely abandoned her mission and focused on his body and mouth and the pleasure she sought with both. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she should care more about the information she needed, but she couldn’t make her mind even form a question at this point. She couldn’t form any thought. She was all sensation and nothing more.

  She let her hand roam over his naked chest, and he pulled free from the kiss long enough to ease down her body. He lifted her shirt and stroked the underside of her breasts, still covered in her underclothes.

  She moaned at his touch and raised her arms above her head, restless beneath his perusal. Whatever was going to happen, she wanted it to. She didn’t want it to stop.

  He lowered his head as he pushed the fabric of her bra to the side, clearly intending to place his mouth over her nipple. She lifted her torso toward him as he lowered his mouth. The anticipation of feeling his touch made her breathless.

  Yet, the feeling never came. In an instant, Lucian was gone. Mez was alone on the floor in the living room with Kresley and Noxy staring down at her as she lay disoriented and...unsatisfied. She gave a groan of frustration and pushed her shirt down quickly as she realized what had happened.

  “You couldn’t have given me a few more minutes?”

  Mez pulled herself to a sitting position, so many parts of her aching with unrelieved sexual tension. “He was getting close to telling me everything.”

  “Oh, he was getting close to something. I doubt it was information he was going to give you.”

  Mez felt her face heat as Noxy’s comment hit close to reality. “What are you talking about it? Could you see us? Were you watching?”

  “No. I didn’t have to. Your nips were on display, and it was a lucky guess that you just confirmed. So, did you make it to the no pants dance?”

  “Ugh! Noxy, don’t be so crude. We just kissed.”

  Kresley cleared her throat. “I hate to be the party pooper in this situation, but I need you to clarify something. Is he part of the Secret Army?”

  “I don’t think so. The High Priestess killed his entire family. I doubt he would want to work for her. But he was clearly lying when I asked him about the pin. I’m really not sure what to think.” Mez stood up and dusted off before saying, “Maybe you should put me back in until I can find out that information.”

  Noxy began jumping up and down. “Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  More than she would ever admit out loud. That was...interesting...and fun...and, hopefully, going to happen again.

  “Come on, ladies. We have a book to find, and I have a good feeling about the section I’m searching today.”

  Mez rolled her eyes but followed dutifully. It was going to be another day of listening to books that never spoke a word and disappointment that she would never be cured.

  At least she had thoughts of Lucian to help her bide the time. She just hoped she hadn’t left him in too bad of shape.

  Chapter 12

  Lucian smashed his face into the pillow and cursed at the top of his lungs.

  Had he lost his mind? Yes. Had he been ready to tell her anything she asked him? Yes. He would have given up every secret in his head to have her beneath him in that moment. And now, he was in pain and felt like everything good in the world had been ripped from him.

  How had he not seen this coming? Of course, they were toying with him. It was a different form of torture but torture just the same, and idiot that he was, he’d do it all again.

  Oh, how he’d wanted her. Everything about her made him desire her. She made him crazy with lust, but she made him laugh, and she challenged his thinking. She was clearly his mate. He connected to her in a way that he’d never experienced before, but she was holding him prisoner.

  It was a tad problematic.

  But he hadn’t told her the whole truth about the cell’s weaknesses. He’d found a spot in the ceiling where the material was loose, and when he’d pulled it away, he’d found a ventilation system that no doubt pumped air into the room. Where air came in, he could get out.

  Of course, he had to be strategic. He was fairly sure Kresley would send Mez back to him tonight. She was obviously behind the plan to seduce him, and she was now beginning to see her plan take shape. She wouldn’t give up on it yet.

  The crazy part of his plan was that he wanted to get Mez on his side. If he could convince her to come with him, they could work to defeat the followers of the High Priestess before they resurrected her. Together, they could do it.

  Tonight, he’d tell her who he really was, and they’d escape together.

  He knew there was a chance she would reject the idea, but he was fairly sure she would join him, and he liked the idea of working side-by-side with her.

  Of course, until then, he needed to get his body under control. His attraction to her was going to be the death of him if he didn’t figure things out quickly.

  * * *

  Mez reshelved yet another stack of books they had been through without any luck. In the past few days, they’d made it through five entire floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, but they’d had no luck at all.

  Kresley had also decided not to send Mez back into the cell with Lucian last night. She’d said that absence makes the heart grow fonder and the lust grow stronger, and that was what was going to work

  Mez had to admit she’d been disappointed. She wondered if Lucian had missed her last night. One thing she knew for sure, she’d liked spending time with Lucian, even before the kissing. He was charming and funny and she’d felt safe and relaxed with him all the while stuck in a space that would have driven her crazy only a few days ago. Something about him calmed her...mostly. It was new, wonderful, and addictive, and she wanted more time with him.

  But she didn’t dare say that to Kresley. She was sure Aunt Kresley would be disappointed in her, but she couldn’t change how she felt.

  “So, when he kissed you, you just kissed him back?”

  Noxy had been curious about the whole interaction. So far, she’d had about a thousand questions.

  “Yes. It felt right in the moment.”

  “And what was it like?”

  “You’ve already asked me this question like eight times in the past two days.”

  “I know, but I like to hear about it.”

  “Oh, alright.” Mez pulled down another book and began dusting it off as she said, “When I woke up, I really didn’t know what was going on. I hadn’t expected to still be in the cell, but I really didn’t think I would wake up next to anyone, matter alone the guy who was officially my prisoner.”

  “That sounds so kinky.”

  “As you’ve said a few times already.”

  “Who made the first move?”

  “I don’t know what counts as a move. I mean, he brought up the seduction plan. I just asked him what my first move would be. He told me, so I did it.”

  Noxy gave a girly squeal and went back to pulling books off the shelf and stacking them on the ground.

  “I guess the real question is if you would do it again.”

  “Only if there’s no interruption this time.”

  “Well, what if we find the book before you get another chance? Will you stick around to finish what you started?”

  Would she? She wanted to, but she also needed to think about Peps. He was with strangers who wouldn’t treat him well. She needed to find him soon, but she couldn’t guarantee his safety until whatever was wrong with her got fixed. Once they had the book, she would be cured. Once that happened, it was just a matter of time until she found Peps. Maybe, once he was safe, she could circle back, and if Lucian was still here, they could pick up where they left off.

  The only fault in that plan was that he would have to stay locked up, and she didn’t like the idea of leaving him a prisoner.

  “If we can get our hands on the book, we finish our mission to find Peps and bring him home.”

  “You wouldn’t even want to delay for one night?”

  Yes! Of course, she would, but instead, she said, “No. The priority has always been finding Peps and bringing him back to the only home he’s ever known. I barely know Lucian...”

  “Lucian, is it?”

  “Come on. As I was saying, I barely know him, so I don’t need to abandon everything and everyone I’ve ever cared about for...one...night...of...”

  A low hum picked up, growing in loudness and intensity. “Do you hear that?”

  “Yeah. There’s like some sort of one-note tone sounding from the bookshelf, and it’s getting louder.”

  Even the air seemed to vibrate with the noise, and Mez leaned in, trying to pinpoint the source of it. She began feeling the books on the shelf to see if any were actually physically showing signs of life.

  Then, she saw it. High above her head, a shelf held a book that trembled with energy. It was green and thin, but taller than the books around it.

  “Um, Aunt Kresley, I think we found something.”

  She called from her end of the library, “Oh, dear! Is it another pile of cat puke? I really can’t clean up another one.”

  “No, but you’re going to want to see this. Hurry, though, because I’m not completely sure, but it’s looks like it might be ready to explode.”

  Kresley Spanned in an instant, and the minute she spotted the shaking book, she clapped her hands together and jumped up and down a few times.

  “That’s the book! That’s the one we’ve been looking for.” Once she calmed down, she turned and waved for Mez to climb up the ladder. “Well, go on and get it. It’s not coming down by itself.”

  “Is it safe? It looks like it’s about to attack.”

  “Oh, it’s just a little perturbed that I left it sitting for so long. I’m sure it will be fine. Now, get up there and bring it down.”

  Mez took one look at Noxy, who was focused on the tip of her tail that she held in her hand, and realized she wasn’t getting any help from that quarter. So, she inhaled a steadying breath and grasped the ladder. She slowly ascended each rung as if she were sure that she was about to encounter a monster. Not knowing what to expect, she was playing the situation with caution, even as Kresley kept shouting at her to move quicker.

  Once she was at eyeball level with the energetic book, she reached a trembling hand toward it, not knowing what to expect. On her first attempt, the book vibrated angrily the closer her hand got, so she pulled away and took a deep breath.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. You’ll want to introduce yourself first. Otherwise, it will bite.”

  Bite? What kind of freaking books bit? But she nodded, knowing that she needed the spell in the book that would free her from her magic flu. Peps needed her.

  So, she pulled a deep breath into her lungs and released it to steady her nerves. As she released the air she held and said, “Hello? Um, I’m Mesmerelda Wilder. Friends call me Mez—not Mess—just Mez, and I kind of need your services. Um, I hear you’re the go-to book for witches with issues. Let me tell you, if anyone has issues, I have issues. Like, I’m awkward around people and especially around men I’m attracted to, which there is this guy lately, and—um... Anyway, enough about me. Is it okay for me to pick you up now?”

  She felt so incredibly stupid and uncomfortable talking to a shaking book, but surprisingly, it settled down from the intense trembling hum to something more like a purr and even gave a little hop toward her.

  With her hand still unsteady, Mez reached forward and grasped the book gently. She pulled it free from the others and hugged it to her chest as she uttered, “Good book. I’ve got you. There’s a good book.”

  With as much care as she took to make her way up the ladder, she was ten times more cautious going down. Once her feet hit the ground, she heaved a sigh of relief and started to hand the book over to Kresley when a low growl started up to her left, which pulled all of their focus onto a large, gray wolf hunched down, seemingly ready for an attack.

  Kresley grabbed Noxy’s hand and swiped at Mez, but Lucian leaped in the air at that moment and spun to avoid Kresley’s quickly thrown spell. He skittered to a halt beside Mez, grabbed her by the back of her shirt and tossed her up onto his back. She barely had enough time to grasp his fur with one hand, the book in the other, before he took off for a high window at the end of the library.

  Magic flew all around them, but nothing seemed able to hit as Lucian charged for the window. Before they were upon it, Lucian paused to grab a wooden chair in his large jaws. He tossed it into the air, at the window, and glass shattered as it soared through.

  He growled loudly, and Mez took it as a warning to hang on. Just as she suspected, he bounded on the table and bookshelves so he could leap through the window, freeing himself and taking Mez as his prisoner now.

  Without looking back, he hopped from branch to branch of a large tree just outside the smashed window until he was low enough to jump to the ground. All the while, Mez held tightly to his fur, afraid of the power of gravity on her body, and that she would end up with a broken neck.

  She didn’t fear he would get away completely with her in tow because the property’s defenses had been raised once more. It would be impossible to pass through. So, she held on, knowing that this was going to be a short escape attempt.

  Yet, he seemed to know exactly where he was going as he race
d toward the back of the property. Without pausing, he charged toward the perimeter, and Mez braced for the impact against the invisible defense, but it never came. Somehow, they soared through without a scratch on them.

  Mez glanced back toward the safety of Kresley’s land as it receded quickly. The tables had turned, and now she was the captive and Lucian was the captor.

  Chapter 13

  Lucian really didn’t know where he was going. After Mez hadn’t returned to the cell last night, he decided to make his escape without her. But he had to admit he’d been disappointed. He had wanted her with him.

  Determined to find a way out, he had crawled through the ventilation system, thinking he would just head for the nearest exit and make his way back toward the encampment. There he could continue to gather information about whether the Secret Army were truly trying to resurrect the High Priestess and how close they actually were.

  But as he’d crawled through, he’d overheard Mez’s voice talking to her familiar. They were clearly discussing him, and she was ready to abandon him to a life of captivity...without her. That was completely unacceptable. So, he’d acted. He’d taken her. Now, he didn’t know what his next move should be.

  He ran for the mountains, knowing that he couldn’t really just show up there at the base for the Secret Army and hand her over. He clearly wasn’t going to be able to keep her with him and complete his mission.

  After he’d run for an hour straight, he doubled back to get his real pack where he’d hidden it. At the campsite he’d set up with Esved, he’d kept the pack the creature called Noxy had gone through. It was actually part of his disguise. Another pack that he’d kept hidden held all the gear he needed to collect everything they could use to bring down the remaining followers of the High Priestess.

  It also had clothes in it so that when he shifted back to his human form, he’d have something to wear.

  He came to a sudden halt at the entrance to a hidden canyon. Mez slid from his back and immediately was in front of him in two strides.


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