Remy by the Sea

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Remy by the Sea Page 6

by Candice Blake

  "So I'm guessing you've been with other guys before?" Remy said.

  "What do you mean by been with?" I asked.

  "Well, whatever you think it means. Dates, relationships, one night stands."

  "Back when I was in Venezuela, I met this guy at a summer camp we were working at. We were both leaders and we shared an interest in traveling the world. We would stay up late into the night by the lake and dream about the places we wanted to see. We would share things we've read in books about different cities and look at exotic meals we wanted to eat."

  "Sounds pretty hot, two young men bonding in a hot Venezuelan summer."

  "It was great, things were amazing and it only got hotter. One evening, he planted a kiss on me out of nowhere. It stunned me and I didn't know what to do. But I would never forget how good it felt. Near the end, we were heading back to different cities at different ends of the city. So we made a plan on the last evening that we would both book a flight to Paris exactly two months from then."

  "What did your parents say about it?"

  "Well, that's the thing. Things were beginning to get rocky when they found out that I may have been gay. So I didn't tell them. Instead, I fled."

  "That sounds spontaneous, did you end up meeting up?"

  "Yeah, it did. And it surprised me when everything worked out and I saw him at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. It was surreal being in Europe exploring the things we talked about at camp. That was over a year ago."

  "Wait, then what happened?" Remy sat at the edge of his chair leaning in close to me.

  "Well, I don't want to get too into it."

  "Why not?"

  "Well, I don't know if you wanna know all the details."

  "I do, please tell me."

  "Alright, fine. Well, things were going great and the trip was so special for us. We had learned so much in the short time we were there. But then we started running low on money. And our stupid selves didn't think that far into the future to realize that was a possibility."

  "Could you get a working visa?"

  "We could've but we figured that it might take too long so we decided to hustle and see what we could find. I ended up getting a cash job at a French restaurant in Paris. It was not bad - long hours, but it paid for accommodations and they fed me."

  "What did the other guy do? What was his name?"

  "José was his name. And well, he did something that wasn't so good."

  "What does that mean?"

  "He started selling his body for money," I said.

  "Oh shit."

  "It was fine at first, in an evening he would make what I made in two weeks."

  "But you can't do stuff like that forever."

  "Exactly, so things turned from bad to worse when drugs started to get involved. I guess for him to numb some of the pain of the job. But when we would be together, he wouldn't want me to touch him anymore. It was almost as if he felt dirty doing it. I tried to tell him to stop, he could work with me at the restaurant but he declined. And the worst part was that there was nothing I could do to comfort him. I cared about him but I didn't know how to help."

  "Did he ever get out? Where is he now?" Remy asked.

  "There was an evening where I waited up for him and he never came back. I called his cell phone but it went straight to voicemail. I worried and I waited the next day waiting for his return. Nothing. I even called in sick to work so that I could try to find him. I went to the corner he worked, I asked people on the streets with a photo of him. Nothing."

  "Did you ever find him?"

  I shook my head.

  "I contacted the police and I was so frustrated and angry at their indifference. I wasn't sure if it was because he wasn't a French citizen or if it was because I told them he was working in prostitution. But the police didn't give a fuck. It took them so long to be able to get a translator for me so that we could communicate. But I knew it wouldn't go anywhere, so I had to stop looking. It was consuming me, I couldn't stop drinking and smoking. I stopped going to work, José was the only thing on my mind. After two months of nothing, I knew I had to get out of Paris. I knew a friend who was living in the coastal town where you and I met. He offered to let me sleep on his couch until I figured out something."

  "And here you are, on my ship," Remy smiled.

  "And here I am."

  "I'm sorry that happened to you, that's one hell of an uphill battle having to go through all that while being so young. But if it's one thing I learned, it's that situations like these will only make you a stronger and better person."

  We cut across the waters heading straight for the setting sun. Surrounding us was nothing except the deep blue ocean.

  "I want to show you something," Remy said.

  He took off his sunglasses and set the ship on autopilot. Then, he climbed up the ladder at the side of the helm and opened up a latch. A gust of salty ocean breeze blew into the opening.

  "Come up, what are you waiting for?" He said.

  I climbed up and Remy grabbed onto my hand to hoist me up onto the top. We were on top of the helm and I was in awe of the view up here. It was as if I was flying.

  The wind caressed my skin and blew my hair back. I let out a scream of excitement.

  "Oh, I forgot something. I'll be right back," Remy said.

  He returned with a bottle of wine, two wine glasses, and a soft blanket. As the evening approached, the wind grew stronger and colder. Remy sat next to me putting his arms around me to keep me warm. We sipped on the wine as the boat sailed into the sunset.

  "It's like we are heading right into the sun," I said.

  The sky was clear without a cloud in sight, above was a slight outline of the moon.

  "It's my favorite part of my job," Remy said.

  He reached in my lap and grabbed onto my hand, interlacing his fingers onto mine. I felt calm being next to him, his presence made me feel safe.

  We sat in silence as we watched the sun descend lower into the water. I could only hear the sounds of seagulls, the ship's propellers, and Remy's steady breath.

  As the sun disappeared into the horizon, the sky turned into a magnificent swirl of magenta and cyan. I squeezed Remy's hand as the contrast of the sky became more vibrant. He squeezed back.

  "I've never seen anything like this before," I uttered.

  "It's pretty incredible how beautiful things are. It's always the simple things. I'm glad I get to share this with you though. Sometimes being alone here up in the helm gets a bit lonely."

  "Even with the pup, Pablo?"

  "Less so with the pup. But it's always nice to have that human contact once in a while especially since I'm on this ship for most of the year."

  "How do you cope usually?" I asked.

  "I'd say it's the most difficult part of the job. I guess having the crew around is not all that bad. But it's nothing like..." Remy paused.

  "Like what?"

  "Like having you around."

  We turned and looked at each other and I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed back with deep tenderness, holding onto the back of my head.

  "I've felt that loneliness too sometimes when I'm traveling," I said.

  "How so?"

  "Well, when I'm visiting places, sure I get to meet a lot of people. But those connections feel... meaningless, shallow even. It's never the same as being on a journey with someone. The layers and the depth of spending time together for an extended period of time is more exciting."

  "How do you deal with the loneliness?" He asked

  "I'm pretty bad at it, usually I isolate myself even more. But more than anything, I love to draw. I use that pain and turn it into creative energy."

  "I didn't know you draw. What do you draw?" Remy asked. His low soothing voice never failed to turn me on.

  "Landscapes. When I draw, I enter in such a state of flow that I can leave all my other problems behind. My only focus is what I'm looking at and what's on the page."

  "Do you have
any of the drawings with you?"

  "Yeah, why?" I hesitated.

  "Well, I'd love to see them."

  I pulled out my sketchbook in the breast pocket of my jacket and handed it to Remy. He opened it to the first page and flipped through. Then he looked back at me.

  "Mateo... these are fucking amazing. I didn't know you could draw."

  "You think so?"

  "Are you kidding me? The textures the tones, there's so much life on the page."

  Remy leaned in for a kiss, this time it was more passionate than the last. He pressed his wine-stained lips onto mine. His tongue flickered against mine. His large hands grabbed onto my shoulders as he pinned me down onto the surface of the boat. The sky was dark by now. There was nothing but stars above us and the moon illuminated the water.

  "Let's head back inside to warm up," Remy suggested.

  I nodded, he must have felt me shivering.

  Remy descended down the first step and grabbed my hand lowering me onto it. My back pressed up against his chest as we went down the stairs.

  Pablo greeted us with his wagging tail wondering where we went off to. Remy disengaged autopilot and looked at the map making sure we were on course.

  The wine had me feeling a bit tipsy.

  Remy moved with power and confidence in the helm. It was such a turn on to see him take command of the ship with his loyal dog sitting at his side. I went up to him and sat in the chair next to his.

  The ship's floodlight and the moon illuminated a panoramic view of the ocean. Remy pressed his hand on my inner thigh. His touch was firm but tender and it sent several waves of pleasure throughout my whole body. I quivered as he ran his hands up my jeans, then reaching for my inner thigh. God, the way he was teasing me drove me wild.

  "Take your pants off," Remy commanded.

  He glanced over into my eyes before he refocused back to the water.

  "What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

  "Dirty things," he said.

  "How dirty?"

  "I'll show you."

  He reached for the top button on my jeans and with one hand he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. My cock was already rock hard bulging from my white briefs. There was a small stain near the tip of my cock from my leaking pre-cum.

  He reached down my briefs with his right hand and stroked my cock. I sat back in my chair feeling his thick warm hands run up and down my shaft.

  I looked over and saw the expression on his face, still focused but now biting his lower lip as he jerked me off.

  "Fuck," he uttered.

  "What?" I asked.

  "I wanna fuck you so bad."

  "I want you to fuck me too."

  "Do you have a condom?" Remy asked.

  "I still have a few in my bag downstairs."

  "Go get them," he said.

  I zipped my pants up and ran back down to the sleeping quarters. Most of the guys were in the kitchen. The radio was on casting some sports game and I could hear the opening of beer bottles.

  I reached into my bag and grabbed a condom and a packet of lube, then rushed back to the helm before anyone could see me.

  On the door at the base of the stairs, there was a small latch to lock the door and I made sure to lock it in case.

  When I came back up, I noticed that there was light rain outside. It was a soothing white noise that accompanied the classical music that Remy had put on.

  It was only me and him in there.

  Remy had unbuttoned his pants sitting in his Captain's chair stroking himself. His trousers were around his ankles, not completely off.

  Everything about his body drove me wild. His large frame, his hairy body that covered his chest, his thighs, and his large cock that he was about to fill me up with.

  "Sit on me," Remy instructed.

  I handed him the condom which he ripped open with his teeth and slid it onto his cock. It was so big that the condom didn’t reach the bottom of his shaft. But it did the job nonetheless.

  I held onto his shoulders and our bodies pressed up against each other. He gave me a kiss and I lowered my ass onto him. With one hand on the wheel and the other on my ass, he guided me down onto him.

  Remy kissed me on my lips as I did so and his hand moved from my ass to my back.

  I felt his tip enter inside me. I hadn't had sex in so long and the painful entry made me clench up only making it more painful.

  Remy must have seen it on my face.

  "Are you okay?" He asked.

  "You're so big, I don't know if I can do it," I confessed.

  "Go slow, baby. I won't hurt you," he said.

  He spat on his hand and rubbed it onto his cock. Then he put his hand on my hips and lowered me even more onto him.

  The pain subsided, and feeling his inside me drove me wild. It felt amazing.

  "Keep going, babe," he moaned.

  I listened and I pushed my ass even deeper onto his cock until I was at the base of his thick balls.

  "How's that feel?" He asked me.

  "It feels amazing, Remy, your cock feels amazing," I replied.

  "I'm glad," he laughed.

  I tucked my face into his neck. He had a bit of sweat that smelled of his beard oil. He wrapped his arm around my back as he thrust into me.

  I bit my lip trying not to scream as I felt his cock thrust in and out of me. I felt the power in his legs, and his whole body, and all the while he was steering the ship in the rain.

  I bit onto his earlobe, and that must have been his sensitive spot because he let out a deep groan and it put him in a higher gear. He thrust me even harder.

  My cock pressed against his abs, chafing against his body hair. I reached behind and squeezed his balls. I felt the fullness in them, he must have been so horny.

  As he fucked me harder, his body became sweatier and sweatier. His black leather chair was wet from it and the windows in the helm fogged up. It smelled of our sweet and sweaty bodies.

  "I'm close," he whispered.

  "Don't stop, please," I cried out.

  "I can't, you're so tight. You're going to make me blow my load inside you."

  As those words left his mouth, I felt his body tense up. His cock pumped hot semen into the tip of the condom. I felt it rub against my prostate sending a warming sensation throughout my body.

  His orgasm made me erupt cum as well from rubbing up against his body. I shot rounds of hot cum onto his chest. The muscles in my ass squeezed tight on his cock as I did so.

  My body collapsed onto him and Remy let out a deep sigh and a laugh.

  "That was good, eh?" He said.

  I nodded with my face buried in his neck.

  "I'm going to go out on the deck to have a cigarette," I said.

  Remy nodded.

  I went to the sleeping chamber to roll a cigarette. It was quiet down there, everyone must have already been sleeping. Drake was still awake.

  He looked at me as I entered the room. His eyes pierced right through me. I could feel the tension as I stepped closer to him.

  But he was silent. I now knew why he was angry. He must have known why I kept disappearing up to see Remy. I wasn't sure if there were any feelings left between them.

  I stepped outside for a cigarette and in I remembered that I still had Remy’s watch in my pocket. The one that I had planned to return since I came aboard. But now it’s been so long that I wasn’t sure how I was going to approach the topic.

  On deck, I could see Remy up at the helm. But the darkness was hiding me and all I could focus on was a small smile on his face. I needed to give the watch back to him and tell him the truth no matter what.

  I owed it to him and myself.



  When Mateo returned back to the helm, I could tell something about him was off. He had a pained expression on his face, a sadness that I'd never seen in his bright hazel eyes before.

  "What's wrong my man?" I asked him.

  He dragged his feet walking from the
stairs to my chair, I was surprised when he pulled out my watch. I was confused and in shock.

  "Why do you have this?" I asked.


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