I Wished For You

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I Wished For You Page 14

by Colette Davison

  As the credits of the fourth episode rolled, he grabbed the remote and hit pause. "What's it like?"

  Seb lifted his head. "I think you're going to have to be a bit more specific," he said, chuckling.

  Connor pushed himself upright, hugging one knee to his chest, brow furrowed.

  "Sex." Matt stared at the remote in his hand. "With a guy," he clarified, even though there was no need.

  "Okay… not the easiest question to answer. What would you say if I asked you what sex was like with a woman?"

  Matt shrugged. "I guess it depends on who I'm with, what kind of emotional connection we have, what we're both into…" He huffed out a breath. "You said you liked it."

  "Yes," Seb said without hesitation.

  "Both ways." Although he didn't mean to, he squirmed slightly at the thought of having something—anything—shoved up his arse.

  "Yes," Seb replied, a little slower this time.

  "But your preference is to top?"

  "Yes." Seb sat up, the motion effectively putting distance between all three of them. Matt hated that his line of questioning had caused that to happen. He flicked his eyes towards Connor and noticed the tension in his face. "But that doesn't mean I'm automatically expecting either of you to bottom for me. Where's this coming from? If I've put any pressure on you, I swear I didn't mean to." He laid a hand on each of their thighs. "I'm happy to go at whatever pace you need to. And if you're never ready for anal sex, that's okay. I promise."

  Matt blew air over his lower lip. "I… I don't want you to get bored of me."

  "I won't." Seb squeezed their thighs. "I knew going into this that sex would be a big deal for you both. Really, it's okay."

  "Is it nice?"

  Seb raised his eyebrows.

  "Being fucked," Matt clarified. "Does it hurt? Is it pleasurable?"

  "Okay, slow down. It can hurt if you're not warmed up properly first, or if you're not relaxed." Seb bobbed his head from side to side. "The latter is only a problem if you don't trust the guy you're with. If you've got that trust, relaxing shouldn't be hard." He grinned. "As for the warming-up part, that's almost as fun as the actual sex. I like my foreplay long and slow," he added. "But… anal sex isn't for everyone. Being with a guy doesn't automatically mean you're going to be into it. It's personal preference and what works for you and your partner. Partners in our case," he added.

  Matt wasn't sure he felt any better.

  "I'd let you fuck me," Seb said, his words firm. He locked stares with Matt and then turned to face Connor. "Both of you. If you wanted." He barked out a laugh. "I just might need some recovery time in between."

  "I can't even convince myself to give you a blow job," Matt muttered.

  "Again, not for everyone. I know plenty of men and women who get repulsed by the thought of having a cock in their mouth." Seb touched Matt's jaw with his fingers. "I won't hold it against you. You're amazing with your hands, which more than makes up for it." He leaned towards Matt and embraced him. "I actually love that you're even considering the possibility of being more intimate with me. And you look pretty cute when you're worried."

  Matt snorted. "I'm not fucking cute."

  "You totally are."

  Matt looked to Connor for help, but his lover was too busy sniggering to rise to his defence. "Bastards," he huffed.

  "Try to relax about it," Seb said. "What will be, will be. Either you'll want to take things further when we're together, or you won't. There's no sense building it up in your head or trying to plan out when it might happen."

  "You didn't plan to give me a hand job that first time, did you?" Connor asked.

  "I sort of did… about thirty seconds before I did it."

  "Thirty seconds doesn't count," Seb said. "Like I keep saying to Connor, go with the flow." He pushed away from Matt to plant a kiss on Connor's cheek. "If and when we do decide to go further, I'm prepared," he assured them.

  "What? And you think I don't keep a stash of condoms on hand?" Matt snorted.

  "And enough lube to supply an army barracks," Seb said.

  "I do not!"

  "It's cool," Seb said. "Trust me, when it comes to anal sex, you can never have too much lube."

  Matt's face twisted before he could stop himself, prompting Seb to crack up laughing. Chest heaving with the effort of breathing through his laughter, Seb pointed a trembling finger at Matt.

  "Your face is a fucking picture. Lube is your friend. You want to be able to glide in and out of there like a slippery eel."

  "Oh, Jesus fucking Christ," Matt inhaled sharply. "That's a fucking horrible image."

  Seb clutched at his stomach and practically doubled over. His eyes were squeezed shut, and tears were leaking from the corners.

  "Shut the fuck up," Matt grumbled, though there was no anger or substance to his voice.

  After taking several deep breaths, Seb managed to get control of himself. "Any other questions?"

  Matt shook his head.

  "Are you going to put another episode on, or are we heading to bed?" He glanced to Connor. "You're staying over, aren't you?" His voice was hopeful.

  "Yeah," Connor said. "Someone's got to stop you from winding up Matt."

  "Like you've been trying to stop him," Matt grumbled.

  Connor held his hands up in a defensive gesture. "What can I say? It was too funny to intervene."

  Matt glared at them both and folded his arms petulantly. "You can both sleep on the fucking sofa tonight."

  "Really?" Seb asked. His hand moved to massage Matt's cock. "Are you sure that's what you want?"

  Matt grumbled obscenities under his breath. "You're an arse."

  "Maybe…" Seb kissed Matt's throat. "But you love what I can do with my hands." He slipped his hand inside Matt's trousers and underpants to caress his cock. "And what I can do with my mouth," he whispered. He sucked Matt's earlobe into his mouth.

  Matt's arms relaxed slightly. "Yeah, I do."

  "So why don't you take us both to bed," Seb said. "Go with the flow and stop worrying."



  Seb's parents had moved out of the city a few years earlier to a house in the country. They weren't massively far away, but with no car and poor transport links, Seb didn't see them as often as he would like. It was Christmas Eve, and they'd met in the city centre for a meal. He'd gone after pre-Christmas drinks with his workmates, who he wouldn't see until after the New Year.

  They were already at the table when he arrived at the steakhouse. They stood, and he kissed their cheeks and handed them a gift bag each before taking his seat.

  "How are you?" his mum asked, not looking at her present.

  His parents knew about Craig. After Matt and Connor, they'd been the first people he told.

  "I'm fine."

  Her eyebrows pinched together.

  "Honestly, I am. I figured out pretty quickly that if Craig was willing to throw our relationship away so easily, I was better off without him." Being with Matt and Connor had definitely helped with that realisation.

  His mum smiled. "He doesn't deserve you." She opened the gift bag.

  "It's nothing much," Seb said.

  Shopping for two people who had everything they needed was next to impossible. His dad enjoyed whisky, so he'd bought the nicest double malt he could afford. His mum wore perfume, but he had no clue what scents would suit her, so he'd listened to a couple of sales assistants tell him how great the scents on their stands were, and then he'd let his nose make the final decision.

  "Very nice," his dad said, nodding approvingly at the bottle's label. "I'll enjoy drinking this."

  His mum took the perfume out of its gift box and sprayed a small amount on her wrist so she could inhale the scent. "Lovely." She took an envelope out of her bag and handed it to him.

  There was a card inside and a cheque.

  "To help you with a deposit for a new flat," his dad explained.

  "I can't accept this," Seb stamm

  "Of course you can," his mum said.

  Seb shook his head and tried to hand the cheque back, but neither of them would take it. "Matt asked me to move in with him permanently."

  "That was kind of Matt," his dad said. "He's always been a good friend to you."

  "It seemed like a good solution," Seb said. "His flat's in a great location, and obviously we get on."

  "But it's quite small," his mum recalled, tapping her finger against her cheek. "His spare room is tiny. Are you sure you'll have enough space?"

  His parents had visited once, when Matt had first moved in. Apparently, his mum had an amazing memory for pointless things like the size of rooms she'd only glanced into on a quick tour of the flat.

  "I'll cope."

  She pinched her lips together. "You shouldn't have to cope. Take the cheque and find yourself a place of your own. You and Matt are good friends, but there's no need to test that by living in each other's laps for any longer than you need to."

  Seb hesitated. It would be easy to smooth over her fears without revealing anything, but that didn't feel right. Not that he'd planned on telling his parents about his relationship with Matt and Connor, but he wasn't sure he had much of a choice. He didn't want to lie to them.

  He took a deep breath. "We've turned the spare room into an office."

  His mum opened her mouth and then shut it. She blinked and then said, "Oh."

  "You and Matt?" his dad asked slowly.

  Seb nodded.

  "I thought he was straight," his mum mused.

  "He is. Was." Seb shrugged. "Isn't that just a label? Just society's need to stick everyone in neat little boxes? Most people aren't defined so easily."

  His dad grinned. "Well, congratulations. I'm sure he'll treat you a lot better than Craig ever did."

  "And Connor," Seb said.

  His parents exchanged a glance.

  "I'm sorry?" his mum asked. "I don't understand."

  "We're together. All three of us. It's fairly new, but we're happy." He inhaled. "It's called polyamory."

  "We know what it's called," his dad said.

  Seb braced himself for reproachful stares and scathing comments.

  "You're happy?" his mum echoed.

  Seb nodded. "Very."

  She pressed her lips together, picked up her napkin, shook it out, and laid it over her lap. "That's good. I'm happy for you. For all of you."

  Seb blinked fiercely. "Really?"

  She reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "I love you, Seb. All I've ever wanted is for you to be happy. If being with Matt and Connor makes you happy, then that's good enough for me."

  His dad nodded in agreement. "Like you said, most people don't fit into neat little boxes. And those two have stood by your side for years. I suppose we should have seen it coming, really."

  His mum nodded in agreement. Her eyes became distant, as though she were thinking back through the years, trying to retroactively spot signs that any of them had fancied each other. If she recalled anything, he hoped she'd tell him.

  He exhaled slowly. It wasn't how he'd expected the conversation to go, but he was relieved they were being so cool about his unconventional relationship. He wondered if things would go as smoothly when Matt told his own mum. Probably not. She was so fixated on having grandkids that she'd probably be horrified.

  He held the cheque out again. "This was really generous of you, but I don't need it."

  His dad sighed and took it from him. "We owe you a Christmas present, then."

  "Don't be daft." The only gift he needed from them was their acceptance, and now he knew he had that.

  "Next time we meet, you should invite Matt and Connor along," his mum said, picking up the menu.

  "I'd like that."

  She smiled and shifted her attention solely to the menu. "They're good men," she said after a couple of minutes. "I'm happy for you."

  A grin spread across Seb's face. He already knew how fortunate he was, but having his parents' support him made him feel like the luckiest man alive.



  Matt was standing at the sink wearing a pair of yellow rubber gloves when Seb arrived home. It was only fair that he washed the dishes, as Connor had cooked.

  "This would be far sexier if you were naked apart from the gloves," Seb whispered huskily, wrapping his arms around his chest.

  "Well, hello to you, too," he said, twisting round. His hands were covered in suds, but that didn't stop him from embracing Seb. They kissed, long and slow. "Let me finish up here, and then you can tell me all about dinner with your parents."

  "Sounds good."

  Seb chuckled. "So I saw. Don't take too long."

  Matt finished up as quickly as he could. By the time he sauntered through to the lounge, Seb and Connor were in a state of half undress, hands caressing each other's chests and backs, kissing lips and jaw, ear and throat. Connor sure had learned to relax and go with the flow over the last couple of weeks. They seemed oblivious to his presence, so he leaned against the door and watched. They were hot together. Seb's olive skin was deep against Connor's pale tone. He revelled in the way their bodies responded to each other's touch. Connor especially seemed like he was under a spell, rising and falling at the whim of Seb's mouth and hands.

  It was wonderful seeing Connor so relaxed and content. A few weeks ago, there would have been no chance of Matt walking in on such a scene. If nothing else, their relationship had allowed Connor to step out of his cocoon of uncertainty and fear.

  It wasn't just Connor, who had changed. Matt knew he had as well. His mind had been opened to so many possibilities that he'd never even considered before, let alone explored. The love he'd found with Seb and Connor was more fulfilling than any of his past relationships, perhaps because they had already been so close.

  He cleared his throat. "You started without me."

  Their eyes flickered open. They were still like statues for a few heartbeats, two beautiful bodies, twisted in pre-orgasmic delight, on display for his eyes only. Then Seb beckoned for Matt to join them.

  They parted, making room for Matt to sit between them. His arse had barely touched the sofa cushion when Seb's mouth was on his and Connor's hands began unfastening his shirt. When the buttons were undone, his two lovers swapped. Connor's hands slipped through his hair as their lips locked and their tongues caressed. Seb finished the job of removing Matt's shirt and then closed his mouth over Matt's left nipple, nipping and then sucking the sting out. Matt could have easily spent the rest of the evening between them, letting them lavish attention on him, but he wanted more.

  "I've been thinking."

  His words stilled them.

  "Sounds dangerous." Seb chuckled, looking up with the most alluring smirk plastered across his face.

  Matt clutched Seb's chin in his hand and stared him directly in the eyes. "I want to make love to you."

  He hadn't been able to stop thinking about it, even after the conversation where Seb had teased him mercilessly. Not that he'd had the courage to do anything about it, but in that moment, it felt right to make the offer. He'd moved beyond thinking about it to wanting it.

  "You—" Seb's eyes popped wide open.

  "I want to make love to you," Matt repeated.

  Beside him, Connor made a soft, indescribable noise, almost a grunt, not quite a needy whimper. Seb started nodding and didn't stop. His mouth had opened into a surprised O, mirroring the shape and size of his eyes.

  Matt started to laugh. "Are you just going to sit there nodding, or are you going to get your arse into the bedroom?" Whilst he had no issues with fooling around on the sofa, the bed was far more comfortable.

  "No," Seb said, licking his lips. "I mean yes. I'm going to…" He pointed to the door that led through to the bedrooms. "Yeah. That's where I'm going."

  "If I'd known it was this easy to turn you into a babbling wreck, I might have suggested it sooner," Matt jibed. The powerful
effect his words were having on Seb was a definite turn-on.

  Seb stood, almost tripping over himself and Matt in his haste to get off the sofa. "Are you coming?" he asked, aiming his question at both men. Then he disappeared through the door.

  Matt turned to Connor. "You are coming, aren't you?"

  "Yes," Connor breathed.

  They took their time to wander through to the bedroom, following the trail of Seb's remaining clothes. As they walked in, they were presented with Seb's naked arse. He was kneeling and leaning forward on his left hand, rummaging in Matt's bedside table. He pulled out lube and a condom and chucked them onto the bed before waggling his arse at them. And it was a glorious arse.

  Matt didn't let himself think too hard. He knelt behind Seb and placed a hand on each olive globe of flesh, parting them slightly to reveal the wrinkled skin around Seb's arsehole. The concern that his cock wouldn't possibly fit in there flitted through his mind, but he dismissed it. He'd watched enough gay porn in the name of research to know it would and that it would drive Seb wild.

  "How should I warm you up?" he asked before flicking his tongue over his lips.

  "I'll do it," Seb said in a breathy tone. "I want to watch you two kissing while I do." He twisted away from Matt's grip to sit on the bed.

  Matt couldn't help but notice that Seb's cock was already hard and leaking.

  "Naked," Seb added with a wicked grin. "You definitely need to be naked."

  Seb lounged against the headboard, a pillow arranged beneath him so his hips were tilted upwards. He pressed the soles of his feet together and then allowed his knees to drop to the side. He slicked his fingers with lube and pressed the tip of one to his arsehole. He paused, grinning at them both.

  "Naked," he ordered. "Kissing. Get on with it."

  Matt couldn't tear his gaze away from Seb's glistening finger and the way it was poised. He wanted to see it slip inside, but Seb didn't even move it a millimetre as he waited for his lovers to comply with his order. It was only when Connor's hands caressed the side of his face that Matt was able to shake himself and pull his attention to Connor's needy mouth.


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