I Wished For You

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I Wished For You Page 21

by Colette Davison

  Matt grunted. He wasn't quite ready for jokes like that.

  He'd been awake for a few days. The disorientation and grogginess had passed, but that had also meant the memories of the crash had come flooding back. He no longer felt as weak as a baby and had been getting out of bed each day to take a small walk around the hospital, helped either by Seb or his mum. Connor had been there, but his crutches meant he couldn't help support Matt in case he felt groggy or faint. They'd removed the dressings on his face earlier that morning, but it had taken him until late afternoon—and pretty much the end of visiting hours—to brave looking at the damage. He'd been told there was still swelling and bruising and that the overall look would improve. But he'd never regain movement in his left eye.

  He sighed and picked up the mirror again. He had a laceration running from his hairline down his face in a grotesque S. It skirted against his eye, which was mostly red. The stitches were neat, but he would be left with a scar. He'd needed skin grafts on his cheek, which they'd taken from his thigh. He had a scar on his abdomen from the emergency surgery they'd performed the day of the crash. It had been stapled shut, but those had now come out. He was still tender. Standing upright hurt, but he knew it could have been so much worse.

  He heaved out a sigh. "I'll be glad to get home."

  "I'm not sure they're going to let you go just yet." Seb grinned. "I think the nurses like you too much."

  Matt managed to laugh, although doing so made all his recovering injuries flare up with pain. "They're out of luck." He grasped Seb's hand. "I've got these two wonderful guys in my life, and I don't have room for anyone else."

  "Good to hear," Seb said before swallowing so hard there was an audible click.

  "Oh, don't get soppy," Matt chastised. "I'm awake now. I'm going to be fine. Quit the snivelling. I'm pretty sure you and Mum cried enough tears to float a fucking boat on while I was asleep."

  "Asleep?" Seb asked. "If you were just getting your beauty rest, we wouldn't have needed to worry, would we?" He winced. "Shit, sorry."

  Matt waved his free hand. "Don't be." He looked at his face in the mirror again. "It's kind of dashing, isn't it? Maybe I should claim to have been attacked by a shark. Or maybe I saved your ass from a shark."

  "What? By headbutting it?"

  Matt nodded. "I can go with that story." He tapped their joined hands against the mattress. "Thanks for sticking around."

  Seb's eyes opened wide. "Why wouldn't I?"

  Matt put the mirror down and gestured to his face. "I'm more like the Beast than Beauty."

  "I seem to remember the Beast was pretty sexy."

  "Only after he transformed," Matt pointed out. He raised his eyebrows. "Unless there's something you're not telling me? Into a spot of bestiality, are you?"

  Seb cracked up laughing. "No. I'm only into you and Connor."

  "Oh, God, you're going to get slushy on me now, aren't you?"

  Seb laughed even harder. "I'll stop there."


  Matt turned his attention to the door as he heard the rhythmic squeaky thud of crutches coming towards the room. He smiled as best he could, hoping his injuries hadn't turned it into a grimace, as Connor knocked and walked in. He gave Seb, who was still laughing, a puzzled look.

  "What have I missed?"

  "We were agreeing our story," Matt said.

  "Story?" Connor shuffled into the room, taking a seat and leaning his crutches against the wall. He clasped and unclasped his hands a few times as Matt carried on speaking.

  "About what happened to my face. Apparently, I headbutted a shark to save Seb." His smile spread into a grin. "Think I can pull it off?"

  "I think so," Connor replied.

  "Maybe," Matt mused. "But if anyone is to be portrayed as a hero in all this, it's you."

  Connor blinked at him. "Me?"

  "Yes," Matt said firmly. "I remember everything that happened. Your quick thinking and driving skills are the only reason we're both here right now."

  Connor shook his head. "I didn't do anything."

  "You stayed calm. You didn't panic. You kept trying to control the car, even when everything went to shit. You saved our lives, Con." He held his hand out. "Come here."

  "Is there room?" Connor asked incredulously.

  "I'll make room," Matt said before shuffling across.

  Using the bed for support, Connor stood and pulled himself up onto the mattress beside Matt. He wrapped his arm around Connor's stomach, gently pulling him closer.

  "You're my hero." He spoke each word slowly and deliberately. "And I'm never going to let you forget it."

  "I'm just glad you're going to be okay."

  "I am. I know these past few days have been far scarier for the two of you and Mum than for me."

  "Some of us didn't get to sleep for a week," Seb teased.

  "I bet you don't have bed sores, either," Matt said, mock-scowling. "So I guess that makes us even."

  "You don't either," Seb said. "The nurses took good care of you."


  "I know you only have eyes for us."

  "Damn right."

  Matt motioned for Seb to join him on the bed too. It wasn't really wide enough, but somehow, they managed, Matt firmly squeezed between the two of them. He held them both.

  "There was no way I was going to give up," he told them. "Not when I had the two of you to wake up for. But I'm sorry I scared the shit out of you both for a while."

  "You're loving the attention, really," Seb said.

  "Maybe, a little. Even if I am having to share the limelight with this one." He hugged Connor tightly.

  "Ow," Connor complained. "You might want to let up on the bear hugs until my bruises have healed."

  Matt laughed, which sent a ripple of pain through his stitches. "When I get out of here, I'm going to be doling out a lot more than bear hugs. We have a lot of catching up to do."

  "I'm not going back to Bristol," Seb told them. "I talked it through with Daniel. He understands that I want to be here, with both of you."

  "What about making partner?" Connor asked.

  Seb shrugged. "It'll happen when it happens. I'm not in a rush." He made circles with his finger on Matt's knee. "Almost losing you two made me realise that nothing is more important than being with you. I'll make partner one day, but I'm not going to miss out on time with you to get there faster."

  "You don't have to do that," Matt said. He didn't want Seb to make sacrifices for them.

  "I want to. I love you. I belong here with you, not three hundred miles away sucking up to one of the partners. I'm really sorry it took something so awful to make me realise that."

  "No," Matt said.

  Seb's eyebrows lifted. "No?"

  "One of the last things Con and I talked about…" He squeezed his eyes shut. God, it had literally been seconds before the crash. Connor's light touch on his arm pulled him back from his nightmarish thoughts. "Was that if you made partner, we'd move to Bristol to be with you. You don't have to choose between your career and us, Seb."

  "Isn't that what you'd be doing?" Seb asked. "Choosing me over your current jobs? It's no different, except we'd all be uprooting our lives for mine." Seb stroked Matt's chest. "As much as I appreciate that you'd both do that, it's not what I want. I don't want to move to Bristol long term or short term. I want to stay with you."

  "Conversation closed?" Connor asked.

  "Yes," Seb said. "I'm not going back. End of discussion."

  Matt chuckled. He wouldn't deny he was relieved. "I guess that means we need to start house-hunting when I get out of here."

  "House-hunting?" Seb asked.

  "Yeah. Con said he'd move in with us once you came home." He nudged Connor. "Didn't you?"

  "I did. And I will. Although we might have to hold off on the house-hunting until I can get upstairs more easily."

  "We can squeeze into my flat until then," Matt said. "I don't want to spend another moment apart."



  "I like this house," Seb said before handing Connor his tablet to look at. He had an amused grin on his face as he watched Connor desperately try to ease an itch on the section of leg that was encased in the pot.

  "What?" Connor snapped. "I can't wait to get this stupid thing off."

  "Your face is a picture," Seb told him.

  "It won't stop itching."

  "You need a distraction," Matt said, lying down so his head was in Connor's lap. He stared up into Connor's face, a lustful smile on his lips. "Want us to help with that?"

  Connor leaned down to lightly kiss Matt's lips. It was so good having him home. "Are you sure you're up for that?"


  Connor raised his eyebrows, incredulous.

  "Okay, maybe not recently. But I think I'm feeling better." He ran his hand over his surgery scar. "It's not as tender today." He moved his hand to stroke Connor's jaw. "I've been missing you both."

  "We've been right here," Connor murmured.

  The first night Matt had come home, they'd sat up talking until the early hours of the morning. No topic had been off limits. They'd simply needed to catch up in their own space. They’d talked about work and house-hunting family and dreams of the future, films and food. And they'd talked about their relationship and what they meant to each other. They’d talked about the crash, about how scared they'd all been, how almost losing one another had put everything into perspective for them. It had been wonderful, getting everything out in the open, knowing there would be no scathing comments or judgement.

  "You know what I mean," Matt said. "I want to reconnect in a different way. If you're feeling up to it. I know you're still hurting, too."

  Seb leaned over the back of the sofa, his arms on either side of Connor's neck. "I can be gentle with you both."

  Connor lifted his potted foot. "This isn't the sexiest thing in the world."

  Matt lifted up his T-shirt, showing off his scar. It was a thin pink line, with dotted marks on either side where the staples had been. "Neither is this." He pointed to his face. "Or this."

  Connor's lower lip trembled. "I don't care about any of that. You're perfect."

  "So are you," Matt said. "Pot and all."

  Connor bit out a laugh.

  "The patch is pretty sexy too," Seb said. "It was definitely a good call to wear one."

  "It was better than getting double vision all the time," Matt said. "But you're right. I do look fucking hot with it on, don't I?"

  "I just love how modest you are," Seb teased.

  Matt blew them both a smooching kiss. "Are we going to fuck each other? Or would you rather go back to house-hunting?" Matt said, wresting the tablet from Connor's grip. "Nice house," he agreed. "You'll love the kitchen, Con."

  "What makes you think I'm interested in the kitchen?"

  "You love taking care of us, and you know it."

  "Not right now I don't." Trying to do day-to-day tasks like cooking and cleaning on crutches wasn't exactly easy. He took the tablet back from Matt. "Anyway, I think I'm more interested in the bedrooms."

  "Bedrooms?" Seb queried. "Surely we only need one really big one."

  "With underfloor heating," Matt chipped in.

  "And a huge en suite with a massive bath." Seb's eyes lit up. "Oh! We definitely need to hold out for a double-sized whirlpool bath."

  "Or fit one ourselves," Matt said.

  Connor laughed. "I think Matt and I need to get back to work before your plans get any grander."

  Matt stuck out his tongue. "Spoilsport." Leaving his stomach exposed, he reached up and took hold of Seb's hand. "I was thinking about going back to work on Monday."

  "Are you sure you're ready?" Seb asked.

  "Yeah, I think so." He pursed his lips. "Unless you want company around here?" he asked Connor. "We wouldn't want you going stir crazy on us."

  "I think I'll cope." There was no way Connor was going to be able to go back to work for several more weeks. He hoped he would still have a job to return to. "As long as you both entertain me when you are here."

  "That sounds like a challenge," Seb decided.

  Connor grinned wickedly at them both. "Oh, it is. I can imagine I'll get very bored here on my own."

  Seb pressed the flat of his palm against Connor's chest, circling over his nipple through his T-shirt. "Are you bored now?" he asked before kissing Connor's upturned mouth. "Matt did say he wanted to reconnect. And you do need distracting from that itch."

  Connor scowled. He'd pretty much forgotten about the itch whilst they'd been talking. But Seb kissed him hard, and his annoyance and the itch were quickly forgotten.

  "Uh-huh," he said as their lips parted. "I'm going out of my mind with boredom."

  Matt sat up, wincing slightly as he did so. "I'm fine," he said. "Just a twinge. I can put up with it in order to keep you two entertained."

  "My hero," Connor said sarcastically. "Seriously… if you're not up to this…"

  "I am." Matt stood. "Need a hand, hop-a-long?"

  Connor glared at him. "You could pass me my crutches, shark bait."

  Matt shook his head, a devious glint in his eyes. "Oh, no. We're looking after you today." He held out his hands.

  "You're not planning on trying to carry me, are you? Because that would be fucking stupid."

  Matt waggled his eyebrows. "Tempting, but no."

  Connor took Matt's hands and let him haul him up. Using Matt as a leaning post, he hopped through to the bedroom, Seb close behind them. They lay on the bed together, Connor in the centre. They both kissed him, caressing every inch of his exposed skin with their lips whilst he ran his hands over their bodies.

  "I missed this," he whispered.

  They peeled off each other's clothes, taking care over scars and bruises. Both he and Matt were still pretty bashed up. But they were alive. It was something Connor kept reminding himself of every day. He was alive now. He would make the most of now. Whatever his future held—whether he'd suffer the same fate as his mum or not—was out of his control. There was no telling what might happen, so all he could do was live his life to the fullest, with the two men he loved.

  "Stop thinking," Matt whispered. "I can practically hear the cogs whirring."

  Connor smiled. "Just thinking about how lucky I am."

  "You're about to get even luckier." Matt smirked.

  "You are so full of yourself."

  "I'm hoping someone else will be full of me soon."

  Connor almost choked, but Seb's mouth crushed against his, stalling his fit. He held on to his wistful thoughts as he enjoyed all the physical sensations Seb and Matt were plying him with. The tickling, teasing touches and kisses that were soft one minute and hard and fierce the next. Their erections rubbed against him. Their skin was smooth beneath his rough fingers. Their musky scent filled his nostrils. The sound of their kisses, moans, and whimpers urged each of them on.

  They didn't need to talk about what was coming next. They just knew what each other wanted. Lube got shared around. They lounged in a circle so tight it was impossible to tell where it began and ended or who was in the middle. Connor squirmed around Seb's fingers as they warmed up his arsehole. Matt used his fingers to fuck Seb. Connor rubbed his hand up and down Matt's cock. They were caught in an orgy of ecstasy.

  "Is this a good enough distraction for you?" Seb asked breathlessly.

  "God, yes."

  "Not bored anymore?" Matt chimed in.

  Connor shook his head. "Not at all." He groaned as Seb's fingers pushed deeper, hitting that wonderfully pleasurable spot. "I want to feel you inside me," he moaned. "Please, Seb."

  Matt chuckled. "Seb sandwich?"

  "Oh, fuck," Seb hissed. "You'd better not be joking."

  "Trust me, I'm not." Matt's voice was deep, gravelly, and deliriously sexy. "What do you say, Con? Can I fuck Seb into you?"

  Connor swallowed and then licked his lips. "Please." It was the only word that po
pped into his mind. He wanted it. Needed it. "Please."

  Matt laughed. "I'm not sure he wants it, are you?" he asked Seb.

  Seb shook his head. "Not nearly enough."

  "Please," Connor whined out, whimpering as Seb's fingers pulled out of him. "Stop teasing me. I want it. Please. Fuck him into me. Please."

  "Okay," Matt said. "Seeing as you asked so nicely."

  Condoms got rolled on, and lube was applied. Connor settled back, knees pulled up, legs wide, inviting Seb into him. He gasped as he got what he wanted, moaning out his pleasure. Matt joined the pile, taking Seb from behind. He drove the pace, gentle at first, slowly building up to harder, faster thrusts that sent delightful shivers through Connor, the pain left over from the crash temporarily forgotten. He let himself go, physically and emotionally, as Matt ground Seb into him over and over. It felt like he was being lost and found with each thrust, his body and senses being brought home to his lovers every time Seb pushed into him. Deeper. Deeper. So fucking deep he thought he might come apart. He stared into Seb's eyes, then Matt's. As much as his eyelids longed to flicker shut, he fought them. He needed to see them both as they all made love to each other. He wanted to hold on to this moment forever. Wanted their lovemaking to last and stretch on, minute after endless minute. But he couldn't hold back any longer. Desire and need cascaded through him, vocalised in a triumphant gasp that was echoed twice over by Matt and Seb.

  They lay in a quivering, breathless, sticky heap until the pressure on Connor's bruised and aching chest became too much.

  "You're going to have to move," he told them, adding laughter to his voice. "Or you'll crush me."

  They obliged, removing the condoms before curling up on either side of him, legs carefully placed so as not to knock his broken foot.

  "Still feeling lucky?" Matt asked sleepily as he brushed his fingers over Connor's thigh.

  Connor smiled. He ran one hand through Matt's hair and tangled the fingers of his other hand through Seb's thick, dark curls, sighing contentedly. "Yes," he whispered. "Like the luckiest man alive."

  The End

  Books By Colette


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