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Shadow Page 15

by Laurann Dohner

  Shadow tried to catch his breath while he worried about Beauty. She clung to him as if she were terrified. He bit back a snarl of self-loathing. He’d totally lost control once his dick was sheathed inside her hot little pussy. It had been a long time since he’d known the powerful pleasure of sharing sex but he couldn’t remember a time when it had ever been so passionate.

  The sounds she’d made had urged him on and so had her taste, which lingered on this tongue. She’d been so wet, the aroma of her desire a drug that made him higher than anything Mercile had ever given him. The way her body had received him, fisting him with her pussy, had driven him insane. Every stroke of his cock had nearly undone him by making him come fast and hard. After about a dozen or so times of thrusting inside her, he’d snapped.

  He’d shed his humanity while taking her. The animal side of him had manifested and wanted to mark her. He had with his semen and almost with his teeth. He breathed in and out through his nose, assured there was no scent of her blood. He hadn’t bitten into her the way he’d longed to do.

  His dick was locked inside her or he’d move, release her. Her vaginal muscles twitched and he bit back a groan of pleasure as it milked out more of his seed. She was probably attempting to push him out of her but couldn’t. The base of his shaft had developed a lump from the swelling, keeping him there for fear of tearing her if he tried to withdraw.

  It wasn’t easy to adjust his weight, not wanting to move, but he braced on one arm while managing to reach between them to grip his nuts. He found the area on the underside and massaged it to reduce the swelling at a faster pace. It was a trick he’d learned during the worst of the testing at Mercile. It hurt but he clenched his teeth, continued to rub and the pressure eased until he slowly pulled out of the heaven he’d found inside Beauty’s body.

  He released his balls and reached behind him, tapping her ankle. “Release me.”

  She shook her head against him, refusing. He flattened both hands and lifted. It stunned him a bit when she came with him. It left him no choice but to sit back on his legs with her on his lap. Her limbs were locked tight around his hips and shoulders and she gave no indication of letting go any time soon. Her strength astonished him for someone so small.

  He hugged her back, slowly rocking her in his arms to soothe her. It just proved his point that he never should have been the male to live with her. No one had heeded his warnings and now he needed to find a way to let Beauty know she was safe. He’d never attempt to share sex with her again.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, brushing his lips against her throat. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Her arms loosened their hold and she pulled back to look at him. Deep gratitude surfaced that there were no tears. He wasn’t sure he could have withstood seeing them, knowing he’d been the cause of her pain.

  “You didn’t.”

  “You’re being so brave.” He wished he could kick his own ass.

  “That was wonderful.” She smiled.

  It was his turn to hug her tightly as the meaning of her words sank in. “You didn’t yell my name from pain?” He wanted to make certain.

  “No.” Pink rose in her cheeks before she dropped her gaze to his lips. “I, um, you know.” She glanced up and smiled. “Twice.”

  Shadow tucked his head again, pulling her close. He was out of practice enough to mistake her body’s reactions but he was just grateful he hadn’t totally fucked up everything. Her muscles hadn’t been constricting trying to get him out of pussy but because she’d climaxed.

  Thankfully. He began to rock her in his arms once more, ignoring his still-hard dick trapped between his thighs. He wanted her again but he wasn’t going to press his luck for a second time in one night.


  “Yeah, Beauty?”

  “May I sleep with you?” She yawned. “I’d like to.”

  He smiled. “I’d like that. You have to let me go though. I’ll turn off the light and then we’ll cuddle if you want.”

  Her arms and legs slackened around him until he gently laid her down again. She peered up at him with trust. He flipped off the light but in seconds he was back, crawling into the bed. She rolled to face him as he pulled her against him. He curled around her to cocoon her inside the safety of his arms.

  Her breathing changed so fast it stunned him that she could fall asleep so easily after what they’d shared. She’d been through a lot. He wasn’t so quick to join her in slumber.

  All the things she’d said circled in his thoughts. She didn’t want other males but was interested in a relationship. The mere idea of someone else touching her enraged him. He’d break their fingers if they tried to put their hands on her. He’d tear them apart and rip out their hearts if they dared to lure her from him. He’d kill anyone who tried to mount his Beauty.

  Shit. Breathing in her scent cooled the intense rage. I already think of her as mine.

  Chapter Eleven

  Beauty didn’t want to move but knew she’d have to soon. Shadow’s warm body made her feel safe and protected. She’d turned in the night or he’d repositioned her until he spooned her back. The feel of his hard cock pressed against her butt where it was trapped between her and his stomach wasn’t something she could ignore. The urge to use the bathroom finally forced her to wiggle away.

  The arm around her waist hauled her back and a deep, masculine growl filled the room. It startled her enough that she turned. His eyes were only partially open as he peeked at her and his lips parted, fangs flashing.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’ll be right back.” She cleared her throat. “Bathroom.”

  His hold eased. “Okay.”

  She slid out of bed and tried not to be embarrassed that he saw so much of her in the early morning light spilling through the still-open window of his bedroom. It wasn’t logical to be shy about her nakedness after the things he’d done to her. That didn’t completely alleviate the bashfulness though.

  He sat with the sheet covering his lap when she returned. One leg was bent upward on the side of the bed. She was glad she’d taken the time to wrap a towel around her middle before returning to the room, not comfortable being naked. Shadow looked less fierce just waking from sleep with his expression more open and readable. He smiled tentatively.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good.” She wasn’t sure if she should get back into bed with him or not.

  The smile faded. “What is wrong? Do you regret coming into my room?”

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she shook her head. “I don’t know what to do.” Honesty was best. “None of the men spend the night with the women so I have never overheard the morning-after etiquette. Is there such a thing?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  She dodged his question. “What do you want to do?”

  His leg slid flat on the bed and she gaped a little at the sight of the sheet over his lap. His erection jutted upward instead of lying flat. “Don’t ask a male that. This is the answer.” He reached up to grip the headboard above him, looking relaxed except for his hard-on. “Will you come back to my bed?”

  “I want to,” she admitted, happy he wasn’t shutting her out.

  His hands tightened their hold on the wood enough that his knuckles turned white.

  “What is wrong?”

  He glanced at his hands before looking at her again. “I’m trying to appear docile, not to frighten you.”

  She laughed before she could prevent it and tugged at the towel to loosen it.

  “What’s funny?”

  “You’re so big and strong. You couldn’t pull that off. You just look extremely sexy.” Her cheeks warmed. “Should I not tell you that?”

  He grinned. “What makes me appealing?”

  “The way your arms are up and you’re stretched out a little across the pillows. It reminds me of something I read in a romance novel but the leading man wore handcuffs.”

  “I wouldn’t we

ar those but I’ll keep my hands here if it makes me less threatening to you.”

  The towel hit the floor as she stepped closer to the bed. Shadow’s gaze fixed on her breasts. All humor faded from his features, the tense look returning. She could identify that expression now. He wanted her and it filled her with a sense of courage as she climbed on the high mattress near his feet.

  “Why wouldn’t you wear handcuffs?”

  He looked away, not speaking. She froze.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  He glanced back. “It would remind me of bad times.”

  “I’m sorry. I was just curious.”

  “Come to me,” he rasped. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know. I’m not afraid of you.” She crawled up the bed and surprised them both by straddling his lap. Her ass eased down over his sheet-covered thighs. Both her hands flattened on his chest. “I want to hug you. May I?”

  “You can do anything you’d like to me,” he stated gruffly, swallowing hard.

  “Anything?” The idea did funny things to her stomach, making it flutter.


  One deep breath and she inched closer to him. “I want to kiss you.”

  Surprise registered but he nodded. “Okay.”

  She studied his mouth. It was full and lush—tempting. “Maybe you should kiss me.”

  “I haven’t done this before. Not mouth to mouth.”

  “Me neither.” She smiled. “We’ll learn together.”

  “Together,” he repeated, wetting his lips, focusing on hers. “Open to me.”

  She closed her eyes, parted her lips and tilted her head slightly. The first brush of contact was almost ticklish. He pressed his lips firmly to hers. They were mouth to mouth. The texture of his lips was unbelievably soft. His tongue licked hers and she melted into him. It took a few seconds but she repeated what he did, tasting him and wanting more. It was amazing, that intimacy, and he growled, deepening the kiss.

  Her senses focused entirely on Shadow and everything else faded away. Pleasure and excitement seeped into her slowly, radiating from the point of contact, spreading lower. She moaned and Shadow slowly broke the kiss.

  They were both a little out of breath. Beauty liked kissing. Judging by Shadow’s heated stare, he did as well. She couldn’t wait to do it again.

  She leaned forward until her body rested against his and slid her hands up to his shoulders. She pressed her ear over his heart, relaxing. “Will you hold me?”

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her more firmly against him. He shifted his hips, sliding her body closer until his cock was trapped between their bellies with only a sheet as a barrier. She inhaled his masculine scent and a funny noise escaped her—it almost resembled a whine.

  His arms loosened immediately and his heart rate jumped. “Don’t be afraid.”

  She turned her head, peering up at him. “I’m not. I don’t know why that happened.”

  “You’re primate. What were you feeling when you made that sound?”

  She evaluated the moment. “Happy. Safe. Sexually aware of you.”

  The arms around her tightened slightly to draw her closer. “I growl or snarl when my emotions are strong. Sometimes my instincts are so close to the surface that they refuse to be ignored. That wasn’t a human noise.” He watched her intently. “It’s okay. You were probably having one of those moments.”

  She relaxed. “I hissed at Kit but she did it first. I hadn’t ever done that before.”


  “Not that I can remember.” Beauty allowed her mind to roam as she relaxed, pressing her ear against Shadow’s chest. His heart rate had slowed to normal. “I know when I was young that I made funny noises and got into trouble for it.”

  His body stiffened. “They abused you for being what you are?”

  She knew he was angry without looking up at his face. Her fingertips traced his skin, attempting to calm him. “I learned to be quiet.” She refused to share the memories of her childhood. Not many were good. “To always think before I did something.”

  “You can just be now.” Shadow rested his chin on the top of her head. “You can do or say anything.”

  She smiled. “Anything?”

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation, his voice firm.

  Her palms slid from his shoulders down his chest until they rested over his ribs. “Are you sure?”


  Her fingers suddenly dug into his skin firmly and wiggled. She didn’t know if Shadow was ticklish but she was about to find out. He gasped before his back arched. He twisted his torso and they were suddenly moving. The rapid motion startled her when he rolled over. It happened so fast she wasn’t sure how she ended up flat on her back with her wrists jerked above her head and held firmly by his hands. He came down on her, pinning her with his weight.

  Amusement sparkled in his eyes. “You want to play?”

  “You are ticklish!” She laughed.

  “Very.” He glanced down. “Are you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t move.” He let go of her wrists and shifted his body until he braced his weight on one elbow. His hand slowly opened while she watched him place it on her stomach.

  Her heart pounded as she wondered what he’d do. The raspy texture of his calloused fingertips was pleasant when he slid that hand higher over her rib cage to pause under her breast. He glanced up.

  “Does that tickle?”


  He slid it higher and cupped her breast, one thumb lightly rubbing back and forth over the nipple. It instantly responded by puckering. A tingle began there that spread lower to her sex.

  “How about that?”

  She didn’t trust her voice as she licked her lips and shook her head. “It makes it feel heavy.”

  “My hand?”

  “No. My chest.”

  The sheet was tangled between their lower bodies after Shadow had changed their positions. She kicked free of it with one leg and hooked her heel around the back of his thigh, then higher. She couldn’t see his back but she could feel bare skin. The sheet didn’t cover his beefy ass. It was right there for her foot to explore.

  A deep grumble rumbled from Shadow as she stared into his eyes. “That feels good.”

  Beauty no longer wanted to tickle him. “Keep touching me.”

  Passion was an emotion she was quickly learning to identify on his face as his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed slightly. Shadow’s mouth closed and the hand on her boob began to massage, his thumb drawing circles around her taut nipple. He was so sexy with his hair messy despite its short length. If he allowed it to grow out he’d be devastatingly wild in appearance. It made her want him more. An ache began between her legs, making her very sexually aware of him.

  “I like that. Do more.”

  He removed his hand, disappointing her. It only lasted a heartbeat because his head dipped to replace his thumb with the tip of his tongue. Beauty closed her eyes and arched her back to give him better access.

  His mouth was really warm when it closed over her nipple but nothing prepared her for when he sucked, using his tongue to tease the tip. She forgot his order to stay still by grabbing his head, her fingers sliding into his hair, clutching him to keep him in place.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He growled in response.

  Shadow tore away the remaining sheet between them. His big, muscular body settled down on her more firmly and there was no missing his stiff cock pressing against the inside of her thigh. She wished he were higher on her body so she could have him inside her while he played with her, suspecting it would feel incredible. She didn’t need experience to guess that would be true.

  He released one breast to give the other his attention. She had to refrain from clawing his scalp to force him to keep doing that to her. Sensations overtook everything as pleasure and need filled her. She freed her other leg and hiked it around his ass, huggin
g him tightly.

  He sucked on her breast in strong tugs and growled again, his chest against her belly. The ache radiating between her thighs became painful and her clit throbbed, wanting attention.

  “Shadow,” she pleaded.

  His mouth released her as he lifted his head and peered down at her. “What do you need? Tell me. It’s yours.”

  The way he spoke did funny things to her belly again. His voice was so deep, so raw and animalistic, that it called to something inside her. She let go of his head to grip his face. “You.”

  He sniffed at her once and groaned, lifting his upper body away.

  “No!” She clung to him, refusing to release him. “Don’t stop.”

  He froze, his arms straight but his hips still snug against her. “Do you trust me?”


  “I want you to get on your hands and knees in front of me.”

  He wanted to take her from behind. She quickly pushed back a flash of fear, but he must have noticed.

  “I’m not him.” His intuition was right on. “I want to make you feel really good. I can touch you everywhere if you’re bent over in front of me.”

  “I trust you.” She did. “I can do this.” Her legs loosened their hold and she dropped her hands away from his face.

  He backed away on his hands and knees but then stopped. “Right here. Just roll over and back up to me.”

  Beauty didn’t hesitate. Her body wanted him, she wanted him. This was Shadow, not ever to be mistaken for Master. There was no comparison and it seemed an insult to allow them to even share space inside her mind. She turned over and pushed onto her hands and knees, her ass up.

  One look back and she paused to admire Shadow’s body. He was so powerful. He could force her to do anything he wanted physically but he held still, the only movement the rise and fall of his chest and his rigid sex growing more firm and thick, proof that he wanted her too. It twitched and she looked away to stare at the headboard as she slowly crawled backward to get closer to him.


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